Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Star vs the Forces of Evil

"Bye mom, bye dad I'm going to the academy now." Meteora says to her parents as Naruto and Globgor smiles at their daughter. "Okay sweetie have a good day, and don't forget your father and I are going out tonight so Star and Marco are gonna babysit." Naruto tells his 8 year old daughter whom pouts at the mentioned of Marco but perked up when she heard Star was coming too.

"Okay mom." Meteora says to her parents and leaves the house as she looked forward to going to the academy today since Mina has just come back from her mission meaning she was going to be teaching the kunochi class which made Meteora excited since Mina was awesome. Naruto smiles as he watched his daughter head off to the academy as he heads to his office at the kage tower. It has been eight years since he came back from Mewni and became the new Amekage it has also been eight years since Konoha's reputation went down the drain since no one wanted to do business with a village whom has a kage whom neglects their children and their siblings torment them too.

And because of that they had lost so much money too and were now in a state of poverty Minato and Kushina had tried to kidnap Naruto to get him to come back but were stopped at ever turn plus Kushina wasn't seen as an Uzumaki anymore since her family and clan had shown to actually be alive and not dead and were actually in hiding for years and had rebuilt their village in Whirlpool, but had shown themselves to Kushina and stripped her of her Uzumaki title as her hair was now grey and white showing she had aged like crap from the stress and after her Uzumaki chakra was stripped from her completely do to her breaking one of the Uzumaki clan laws about always putting their family first and to never abuse or abandoned their family.

Not only that but Minato was now rotting in prison for corruption and attempting kidnapping and along with other things and Tsunade was now the new kage and was trying very hard to fix whatever damage Minato and his wife had caused. Not only that but he heard his sister was now facing the electric chair do to her killing more people whom didn't pay her the extra fee after having sex with her not that Naruto cared since he had never seen her or any of them as his family and had actually hoped that Konoha can do better now that they had a new leader.

Things were also more peaceful in Konoha too as mermans and monsters were also living in the rain village and were now living in harmony with each other. It was the dream that Naruto wanted so badly as he smiles and enters his office and sits down at his desk he looks at the pictures on his desk of his husband and daughter and his parents and of Glossaryck and of Star and Marco. Naruto smiles to himself feeling happy with the life he now has and wouldn't ask for nothing else.

The End