Hajime slowly breathed in and out. His fatigue had gotten the better of him and he was snoozing with warm contentment. His head was resting on something warm. As his eyes slowly slid open he looked up to see a pair of hazel eyes staring down at him. He blinked a few times and could discern Natsumi's familiar visage. Hajime's head was resting on her warm, supple thighs.
"It's about time you decided to wake up," she said with a weak smile, running her fingers through his hair. Peko and Fuyuhiko were already awake as well. Fuyuhiko was pacing back and forth and Peko was leaning against the wall.
Hajime was still fighting off the drowsy effects of the drug. He inhaled deeply through his nostrils and rubbed his eyes. "Wh-what happened while we were out?" he grumbled. Natsumi and the others exchanged glances. "See for yourself." she responded.

Hajime sat up sharply and came to a shocking realization. All four of the pods were gone. In their place there were merely indentions in the floor and a scattered array of cables.

"Looks like that sonofabitch cleared everything out while we were asleep," Fuyuhiko seethed, through gritted teeth. Hajime could understand why. This equipment was not only unimaginably expensive, but also could prove dangerous if it fell into the wrong hands.

"How long were we out? Do you think he moved all this stuff by himself?" Hajime asked, as he knew those pods must have been incredibly heavy.

"Perhaps he has underlings who do his dirty work. This could be the work of an organization. It would not surprise me." Peko remarked, crossing her arms. "If that is the case, this individual might be even more resourceful and dangerous than we imagined."

Fuyuhiko approached Hajime, crossing his arms. "Now, Hajime. Do you wanna tell us what the hell that was, at the end? Who's Izuru Kamukura? Where did that come from? Do you know something you're not telling us?" Fuyuhiko asked, looking Hajime in the eyes.

"Um… it's kind of a long story. I'll tell you everything later. First, let's just get out of here," Hajime said as he pulled himself to his feet and also reached a hand down to Natsumi to aid her as well. Peko walked over to the far side of the room and examined the wall.

"The lights outlining this area are green now. I think this is our means of exit," she said, observing it and looking for some kind of switch or button. Hajime examined it as well and felt around with his hands. It wasn't long before he found a loose panel. He pressed it down and the door began to shift. The blocky white tiles began to sink backwards and shift sideways into a recess in the wall, revealing a 6 foot wide passage into a hallway.

"Finally! There better not be any more bullshit surprises waiting for us," Fuyuhiko declared angrily as they all nodded and promptly darted out of the room. After so many false ends, they were hesitant to draw a sigh of relief. They wouldn't do that until they were completely free of this prison.

The hallway soon led them to a two way turn. They could continue straight, or turn left. Hajime curiously glanced down the hallway to their left and he could see the backside of a large metal door.

"Wait a minute. If my sense of direction is correct, that's the door we didn't pick," he remarked.

"Wait… so it would have just led right here?" Natsumi asked, scratching her head.

"If we chose that door, we would have completely bypassed the pod room," Peko noted.

Hajime was able to put the pieces together faster than the others. "It's like he said, both doors lead to the outside world, but he also said that whatever we picked would decide what the outside world would become."

Peko nodded understandingly. "I think I understand what he meant. If we were to have picked the other door, perhaps the very world itself would have been altered before our eyes. Or maybe everything would simply disappear. I can't be sure."

"Oh geez. You guys are gonna give me a headache. Lets not start talking about that crazy shit again, alright?" Fuyuhiko whined as he planted his palm to his face. Natsumi nodded in agreement and clutched Hajime's hand tightly.

"He's right. All that matters is that we're getting out of here," she said, assertively.

The four of them strode forward, through the grimy, forgotten halls. This grim chapter in Kuzuryu history was finally reaching its end. They could finally see a glimmer of light in the distance. A warm cascade of yellow light poured from the doorway as they approached it. It was nearly blinding. The exit was already open for them. It was a bizarre and unexpected sight. It was left ajar, almost apathetically. As if whoever trapped them here had simply lost interest in keeping them there. Nonetheless it was a glorious sight to behold.

They shielded their eyes as they passed the threshold and were bathed in the light of the morning sun. As their eyes adjusted, they could see the sun rising over a grassy field. All around them they could see nothing but a sprawling countryside scenery with farms dotting the landscape.

The sound of cicadas could be heard, chirping their monotone hymns. The morning sun cast a warm, glowing light upon them. There was a gentle breeze that swayed their clothes and hair as they stood in awe.

Natsumi dropped to her knees. " It's all over..." she whispered, her voice wavering.

Hajime stared into the great distance that lay ahead of them. They all shared a silent moment of unified, cathartic euphoria as they felt the wind on their cold, perspiring skin.

It was a strange sensation, as if their lives had just been given a fresh start. In a sense they were correct. They were no longer pawns of fate. Whatever forces led them, out of everyone else, to be the survivors, were no longer present. Now, their future was in their hands alone. With that knowledge, the four young Yakuza departed in a somber silence.

A tomb-like serenity had fallen over the concrete dungeon. It was quiet, as it should be. All of the struggles over life and death had reached their grim conclusions. The participants rested, in various states throughout the facility. There was not a sound to be heard.

Satsuo was positioned against a wall, with only the sound of his own weak breathing to keep him company, but that too would soon join the bleak calm of the dungeon. He was at peace with that fact. He closed his eyes and breathed in and out slowly. The pain had grown dull and his head was light. He knew he wasn't far from the end. He mused at how he would face the next life. Would anyone be waiting for him? Who would he have to answer to? These were the kinds of questions that he placated himself with, as he awaited his fate.

He was shaken from his slumber as he heard a sound. It was the faint clacking of shoes on concrete. At first, he wondered if the kids had come back for some reason. He couldn't imagine why. He looked up and peered into the darkness and saw a figure approaching him. It was cloaked in shadow and the form was vague.

He tried to shake off the overwhelming drowsiness that was beginning to take over. The figure seemed to grow closer and closer, in every brief moment he closed his eyes, until they were standing over him. The figure wore black robes and a familiar looking mask.

Satsuo looked up at them with a wry, exhausted smile.

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" Satsuo asked.

"One could ask you the same thing," the figure retorted through the mask's voice filter. "Perhaps you still have a role to play."

"Doubt it… I'm kinda preoccupied right now..." Satsuo chuckled, dismissively.

The cloaked figure knelt down beside the old man. They withdrew a familiar, cylindrical object and placed it on Satsuo's thigh. With a click, it ejected the large needle and began pumping the antidote into Satsuo's circulatory system. Instantly, he felt a flood of energy returning to his body. His mental and visual blurriness began to clear up.

"Uggnn… Thanks, I guess… But… I don't think it's gonna do much good," Satsuo grimly noted.

"You are correct. Your wounds are quite severe. Internal bleeding, several ruptured organs. I'm afraid you are beyond even my help. However, this should help with the pain," the figure said, as they injected Satsuo with a potent anesthetic.

"Awfully kind of you… but what's your angle? You're the one who caused all of this, right?"

"In a sense. The game itself was my conception. However, it was enacted by others. All of your conclusions regarding Enoshima, Minamoto, and Pekoyama were correct. My role was minimal."

"I feel like I should be more pissed right now… but… fuck it… I'm too tired," Satsuo sighed.

"I will not ask for your forgiveness, but I would like to request your assistance."

"Tch… are you kidding me?" Satsuo asked in amusement . "And why would I do that?"

"What if I told you that millions of lives, including your Niece may hang in the balance."

"Is that some kind of threat?" Satsuo asked, furrowing his brow.

"It's a statement of fact, Mr. Kuzuryu. I do not intend to coerce you."

"Is that so? Sounds an awful lot like extortion to me. Trust me. I know a lot about that."

The figure looked away for a moment, as if in thought. "I will be frank. I cannot do this without your consent. The only way this world can be saved, is if you agree to help me."

"Well aren't you polite… but I don't think I can help with much… you're gonna need to find someone else."

The cloaked figure took Satsuo's arm, draped it over their shoulder and lifted him to his feet. The man winced in pain as he was lifted off the floor. Even with the numbing drug, it was still painful. Satsuo limped along with the aid of the masked mastermind. He had no idea what this person wanted of him, but for some reason they seemed genuine. He didn't detect any malice or ill intent. For some reason he just felt compelled to cooperate with them

"Where are we going?" Satsuo asked.

"It's not far," they replied, shortly. "Tell me, Satsuo Kuzuryu. Are you the kind of man who fixates on the past?"

"… I suppose. Doesn't everyone?"

"No, actually. Most people don't think of the past or the future, in any great measure. They only exist in the moment. Dwelling on the past is actually a sign of intelligence."

"Hah… That can't be right, then. Whoever said that definitely never met me."

"The unexamined life is not worth living Mr. Kuzuryu. As painful as it can be, the past defines us. It defines everything."

"Tell me something..." Satsuo grunted, as they continued along together. "What was the point of all this? What did you want? When are you gonna explain yourself?"

"Just a little bit further, Mr Kuzuryu," the mastermind evaded, as they progressed down a newly revealed hallway. The walls were cleaner and resembled some kind of scientific facility, rather than the grungy urban catacombs. When they finally reached the end, there was room awaiting them with a strange looking pod.

"This is it, Mr Kuzuryu," the masked figure said, as they eased him into the seat.

"Well… this is a more comfortable place to die, at least," Satsuo chuckled to himself. He was beginning to feel light headed again, this time purely from blood loss. It wouldn't be long before he succumbed to it, at this rate.

"This will only take a moment. You don't have to strain yourself in any way. Just relax."

The masked figure stood over him and slowly lowered a visor over his eyes. Satsuo felt a surge of static electricity through his body. His body went totally numb, which was a welcome relief. He began to feel a strange, unnerving dizziness, as if he was spinning in circles. When he closed his eyes, the feeling intensified, and he could almost envision himself lying in a bed, being tossed in the air by a tornado. That was what the sensation felt like, at least.

A rush of memories came flooding back to him, one after another, as he traversed an endless mental plain. He didn't know where to begin and where to stop. It was as if he was being guided through it all by an unconscious force. Then. a certain chain of images came to his mind: one dreadful night, one moment, one choice.

When Satsuo awoke from this dream, everything seemed eerily quiet and still. The only noise was the low hum of cooling fans within the many computers throughout the room.

Satsuo looked up to see the masked figure standing over him, with crossed arms. Both of them were silent for a few long moments.

"How was it?" They asked.

"You expect me to explain it? Not gonna happen. You first," Satsuo replied.

"You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"I've seen a lot of crazy shit, in my day. You're not gonna impress me."

"Very well… This device is… think of it as a gateway. Not a gateway to something external, but a gateway within yourself."

"Ok, you lost me already. Just tell me something. Why did I dream about that night?... You know the one."

The masked figure paused and was silent for a moment. A slight smile graced their face, although it was hidden under the mask.

"I can easily imagine why. It was a crossroads in many people's lives… a dead end for many more. You made a decision that night, the most important decision of your life."

Satsuo stared up at him, silently. His brow was furrowed in suspicion as he listened to the enigmatic figure.

"Sometimes, the greatest impact we have on this world is not what we do, but what we choose not to do."

Satsuo thought back to that one moment, the moment that haunted him for the rest of his life. He turned his back and walked away with Natsumi in his arms, knowing full well what would happen to Kaguya. He had replayed it over and over in his head, more times than he could count, always telling himself he made the right decision. However, even the "right decision" has consequences.

" You were the final piece of this puzzle, Satsuo. Your decision that night set everything into motion. Natsumi would not be here, if not for you. Neither would anyone else. The entire world would be unrecognizable. Had events played out normally, you would have stopped your brother, against your better judgement. But… thanks to your actions tonight, your better judgement prevailed."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Satsuo asked, as a realization dawned on him. "Are you saying... that wasn't supposed to happen? Kaguya wasn't supposed to die?"

"There is no authority to say what should or shouldn't have happened. You altered the past, and thus a self fulfilling prophecy was born. A cyclical relationship."

Satsuo found himself in a rare instance where he had no sarcastic comeback prepared. "Come on… How would you even know all that, huh?"

"I have the ability to see all and influence nothing. That is all."

Satsuo paused for a moment. "Can you now?... Well, good luck with that, but tell me this. Just who the hell are you?"

The masked figure let out a brief, light chortle. "I suppose that's a fair request. There's no harm in revealing myself to a dying man. It's the least I can do. However..."

The cloaked figure reached up and placed their gloved hand on the mask and slowly pulled it away.

"There is little point in doing so. This face is merely a vestige of someone else's past."

The figure spoke, this time in their real voice. Satsuo looked up into their eyes for a moment, with a look of perplexion at first. After a moment of realization, he couldn't help but laugh. It began as a light titter and burst into loud, uproarious laughter. When he came face to face with the bizarre truth, he could only laugh like a madman.

"Well… I'll be damned! This world is just too fuckin' strange for me," he chuckled as he looked up at the ceiling. "I guess, I'm checking out..."

Three Weeks Later

Hajime walked through the dimly lit halls of the Kuzuryu safehouse, his footsteps leaving minor creaking noises on the wooden floor with each step. The safe house was rustic, traditional and had an eerily serene atmosphere to it. It was well secluded in the mountainous countryside, far away from prying eyes.

The repercussions of the killing game were inevitable. The Oyabun of both the Kuzuryu and Minamoto were dead, along with many of their respective senior leaders. After the incident at the Kuzuryu estate and their ensuing disappearance, the Yakuza world was thrown into an uproar. Law enforcement did their best to keep news of their deaths secret from the public, but it was only a matter of time before the world knew the truth. This delay, however brief, offered the Kuzuryus a head start. They had modest allotment time to prepare for the chaos that was to come.

The clan was reeling from the sudden shift in leadership. Fuyuhiko had yet to fill Hajime in on all the details, but it was obvious that the future of the clan was in real jeopardy. What would become of the Kuzuryu-Gumi in the end? Hajime had no clue. All he knew was that he had one person in particular he would protect at all costs.
Hajime had just finished his evening bath after a long training session. It did a lot to clear his mind. Just before heading back to his room, he received a text from Natsumi, urging him to come to her room to discuss things. So, he threw on his yukata and made his way over to her quarters. It was late, around 10PM. No one else was in the halls as he traversed them. He finally made it to Natsumi's room and gave a light knock on the door. Before he knew what hit him, it slid open and a hand yanked him by the collar, causing him to stumble inside. He was swung around and his back slammed against the wall. Natsumi stood there, her body pressing up against his, as she pinned him to the wall.

"W-woah Natsumi! What's gotten into you?" he asked as she glared at him. Natsumi was wearing a pink yukata, which was slightly disheveled, revealing her right shoulder.

"What do you think?" She asked, as she still clutched Hajime's collar. Her face was inches from his, close enough to feel her gentle breathing. Hajime was undeniably stunned by this. He gently put his hand on Natsumi's wrist and looked her in the eyes.

"I get it… but after all that's happened, I thought that… you know… you might need some time. Things are a little dicey right now," he said, as Natsumi seemed to grow more agitated.

"Yeah, no shit! But do you really think dodging me like that is gonna help?… God. You can be dense as a rock sometimes," she sighed and let go of Hajime's collar. "I… I've missed you, ok? I really need you right now. Do I have to spell it ou-" She tried to say before she was interrupted. Hajime wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her towards him. He pressed his lips to hers, giving her quite the shock. Her eyes were wide with surprise for only a moment before she closed them. She wrapped her arms around his neck. They shared a deep and long overdue kiss that seemed to go on forever.

After the kiss finally broke away, Natsumi tugged Hajime down to her level and brought her mouth to his ear. Hajime felt her playfully nibble on his ear as she sensually whispered.

"So, you're not going anywhere… Got it?" Hajime felt shivers down his spine. Natsumi had so many subtle ways of overwhelming his senses. Her soft voice, her sweet smell, the familiar taste of her lips. It didn't take much to get him intoxicated, when she turned on the charm.

Natsumi took a seat on the end of her bed and loosened her Yukata. She smiled up at him slyly as she crossed her legs, revealing her soft, shapely thighs.

"Hmm? What's the matter, Mr Bodyguard? Are you gonna just stand there gawking like an idiot?" She said with a smug, teasing grin as blush crossed her cheeks. "Or are you out to get all kinds of... unprofessional."
Hajime had temporarily lost himself in the enticing display. He shook himself back to reality and began to undo his own Yukata. The blonde haired Yakuza girl eyed his slender, muscular frame up and down.

"Looks like you came here armed, tough guy" she teased suggestively as she gracefully stood up. She slinked over to him, her loose Yukata swaying with each step. She caressed his chest and looked into his eyes.

"I want to make this special for you. So you better appreciate it," she said with a smug whisper, slowly kneeling down, sliding down his body.

The two of them shared a long, heated, tantric evening together. It was an eventful trip that took them to all corners of Natsumi's room. Suffice it to say that both of them were grateful for the sound protection that came standard with their rooms.

By the end, they found themselves sprawled on Natsumi's bed, recovering for another round. Natsumi's hair was a mess and she gingerly brushed it out of her face as she shot Hajime a warm, but sly smile. She once again climbed on top of him, placing her hand on his chest.

"Hmm...Are you sure you don't have a special talent?" She asked him with a flirtatious smile. "Coulda' fooled me."
"I was gonna ask you the same thing. I didn't know you'd be so good at-" Hajime retorted before Natsumi placed her finger on his lips.

"Do you know how many ways my brother would kill you if he found out we did that?"

"Well, he'd have to pick just one, in the end."

"True..." Natsumi chuckled.

Hajime then leaned in closer to her. "And you know what?" Hajime whispered.

"...What?" she whispered back.

"Totally worth it," he said, as he smirked and leaned to press his lips to hers once again.

Then the door opened.

Peko casually stepped into the room, wearing her black Yukata robe. "Lady Natsumi, the bath is free now. I-..." She paused as she took in the scene before her. Natsumi was frozen in terror, her face totally flushed from both pleasure and embarrassment. Hajime also looked up in shock. There was a brief moment where they looked at each other and then made a shoddy attempt to cover their nudity.

"W-wait Peko. This isn't what it looks like! Don't jump to any conclusions!" Hajime stammered.
"Yeah! Hajime was just ... uh… showing me... uh… Showing me some takedown moves! It's no big deal! Just forget what you saw! " Natsumi blathered awkwardly.

Peko just stood there in the doorway. She didn't appear angry or shocked. She stared at them blankly, as if there was nothing there. It was like she had stopped functioning. She then backed up slowly and closed the door without saying a word.

"Ok… Looks like your brother is actually going to kill me, after all," Hajime sighed as the two were alone together once again. He sat on the edge of the bed and pondered his grim fate.

Natsumi scoffed and slid in close to Hajime, wrapping her arms around his neck and letting her warm body press against his bare back.

"Psh, lets see him try. You're all mine and there is nothing he can do about," she whispered as she once again nibbled his ear.

The two of them enjoyed a little more time together that night. By the end, Natsumi snoozed silently, with her head resting on Hajime's chest as he panted with exhaustion and satisfaction. He gently shifted his way out of bed and began to slide his Yukata back on. Natsumi sat up, yawned, and brushed her hair out of her face.

"Where are you going?" she asked with a frown, clearly not wanting him to leave.

Hajime sighed as he tied his Yukata.

"I gotta go face the music. Don't worry. I'll be back soon," he assured her. He stepped out into the hall and made his way towards the living room area. He let out a ragged sigh as he walked. Why did Peko have to walk in at that very moment? He should have locked the door. It was his own fault, really. He knew he was in for it, but Hajime wasn't the same timid teenager he was 2 years ago. He was a man now and he could deal with whatever angry tirade or flurry of fists that Fuyuhiko unleashed upon him.

Hajime looked around the main living room but didn't see Fuyuhiko anywhere. He paused to look around before venturing out onto the deck. There, he found Fuyuhiko. He was staring out over the mountain landscape. He stood poised and rigid. His posture was different than usual. He was still wearing his typical black suit that he wore while conducting business.

He turned to Hajime with a stern expression. Hajime was ready for a string of epithets and threats. There was a moment of silence between them as they made eye contact.

"We need to have a talk, Hajime," he said, seriously. Hajime sighed dismissively, while closing his eyes and putting his hands on his hips. "Yeah, I know. Just lay into me. I know what's coming," he said calmly. Fuyuhiko made a "tch" noise and crossed his arms.

"Do you think i'm an idiot, Hajime?" he asked, with a raised eyebrow of annoyance.

"Uh… what?" Hajime responded

"Just answer the question, dammit," Fuyuhiko grunted, impatiently.

"No. Of course not… but I'm not a fan of rhetorical questions. What are you getting at?" Hajime responded, respectfully.

"Do you really think I didn't figure out a long time ago that you and my sister were an item? I'm not retarded. It's been obvious since the first time I met you that something was going on between you two," he ranted, angrily.

Hajime certainly hadn't expected this approach. He was taken off guard a bit. " So, Peko told you what happened right?"

"Yeah, she did, but it's not like it surprised me. It's the most obvious thing in the fuckin world. You two think you're slick, but let clue you in on something. You're not, at all," he stated, bluntly. Hajime wasn't quite sure what to say now. He stood there awkwardly.
"So… what happens now?" He asked, cautiously. Fuyuhiko looked at him blankly.

"What are you talking about?" Fuyuhiko responded, slightly confused.

"Aren't you gonna throw the book at me? Demote me? Or... something?"

Fuyuhiko scoffed. "I'm not gonna do any of that, dipshit. You aren't in trouble. Do I really have to spell this out?... I'm ok with you and Natsumi being together. I've been fine with it for a while now. That's what I've been getting at… dense bastard."

Hajime didn't know what to say. He was rendered speechless. "Do… you really mean that, Fuyuhiko?" he asked, in shock. Fuyuhiko walked over to him and placed a hand on Hajime's shoulder, looking him in the eyes.

"Of course I do, dumbass! You've proven yourself ten times over. You put your life on the line for her… I've lost count of how many times. For fuck's sake, man. I've got high standards, but I'm not a maniac! There's never gonna be another guy I'm gonna trust as much as you. I think you and Natsumi belong together… and I'm happy for you guys. That being said, I'd rather not hear about what you guys do when you're alone. " He said firmly. Hajime was speechless.

"I… uh… don't know what to say," he said, as a warm smile crept across his face. He almost wanted to hug the little bastard. Fuyuhiko just scoffed and straightened his clothes.

"Well then don't bother. Besides, we've got more important stuff to talk about," he said, turning away and leaning on the railing of the deck. He gazed out at the stars and cityscape and let out a ragged sigh. Hajime was not oblivious to what was going on.

"Yeah… I know… So how are things looking?" he asked cautiously, as the wind gently whistled past them.

Fuyuhiko turned around and leaned back against the deck, crossing his arms. "About as good as you'd expect. The smaller clans and all of our business associates are in a fuckin' frenzy. Ive been running from meeting to meeting with them all day every day. The shit never ends."

Hajime had noticed Fuyuhiko's outfit. Every morning, the young man would go out with his guard escort and not arrive back home until late in the evening. He was literally working all day, every day and into the night. Hajime even noticed bags beginning to form under Fuyuhiko's eyes.

"Make sure you aren't pushing yourself too hard," Hajime suggested, to which Fuyuhiko fumed.

"Don't patronize me, Hajime. I've got everything under control, got it? That's not why I called you here today," he said as he walked over to a small table. There was a bottle of Daruma Masamune Sake on the table with a pair of Sakazuki cups. The cups were formed from smooth onyx. This was not the first time Hajime had seen these cups before, however these were definitely antiques and had an ancient aura about them.

Hajime stared down at it for a moment.

" What is this?" he asked, though he already knew quite a bit about Yakuza traditions at this point. Fuyuhiko picked up the cups and placed one of them in Hajime's hand.

"Things aren't gonna get any easier from here on. Our family is vulnerable, and there are a lot of scumbags out there who have been waiting for a chance like this. There aren't a lot of people we are gonna be able to trust, but I know one thing. I trust you. I want you to have my back. That's why, tonight we make a pact," he said with solemn resolution.

"A pact?… I see... I would be honored, Fuyuhiko," Hajime said, picking up the bottle of Sake. Fuyuhiko held up his Sakuzuki and Hajime gently poured the glistening sake into the cup. Fuyuhiko took the bottle and poured it into Hajime's.

"Are you sure you wanna commit to this? The odds are we won't survive the new year," Fuyuhiko said with a wry smile. Hajime thought for a moment and returned the smile.

"Psh... I'm glad I survived the last 5 minutes," Hajime replied wryly as they both raised their cups. As tradition dictated, they crossed each other's arms before downing their cup of sake. Fuyuhiko and Hajime both exhaled as the brotherhood ritual was complete. A bond of trust had been reaffirmed, beneath the starry sky, in the presence of their ancestors.

"You know..." Fuyuhiko smiled, looking up at the stars. "My dad used to tell me and Natsumi stories about our family's history. Every generation had their own chapter. They all had to deal with some kind of trial. Clan wars, police crackdowns, family feuds. There was always something that defined them. Well now it's our turn. This is where our chapter starts. 50 years from now, they'll be telling stories about us, about how Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu and his right hand man, the hammer-wielding godfather, Hajime Hinata, went through hell and back. How we brought the Kuzuryu-gumi back from the brink of death. That's what they're gonna say about us."

Hajime had nothing to add to that. He looked at Fuyuhiko and as he listened to the young man speak, he couldn't help but envision his father. Fuyuhiko was becoming the man he was always meant to be and so was he. He didn't feel an ounce of fear for the future they had in store for them. He was exactly where he belonged and he had no regrets. Consequences were sure to catch up with them, sooner or later. The life of a Yakuza was a volatile one. Happy endings and long lifespans weren't a common occurrence. There was a high likelihood all of this would end in tragedy, but somehow Hajime didn't care anymore. Whether it was right or wrong, he had found a wellspring of hope in the most unlikely of places. It provided more than enough to get by.

As he turned to walk away, Fuyuhiko called out to him.

"One more thing, Hajime..." Fuyuhiko called out, prompting him to turn back around.

He looked at the young Oyabun with curiosity. There was a long stretch of silence.

"What is it?"

"Nevermind. Forget it."

Hajime chuckled and turned his back once again. "You're welcome."


Hajime's new life as a member of the Kuzuryu-Gumi began with peril and hardship. The events of the past few years, Hideki's insurrection, the rise of the Despair Sisters, and the Ultimate Contest of blood were only the beginning of the struggles he would have to endure. The life of a Yakuza was no walk in the park, after all.

However, he never once regretted his decision. His relationship with Natsumi Kuzuryu only deepened over time and it wasn't long before he proposed to her. Within the first five years, she had already bore three of his children. The first born son was named Satsuo, after Natsumi's late uncle. Their second son was named after Hajime's grandfather, Norihito. The third child, their first daughter, was given the name Chiaki.

The introduction of children into their lives had a greater transformative effect on them than anything that came before. It gave Hajime a new personal drive, which made his resolve unbreakable. Natsumi, having come to terms with her lackluster childhood, sought to give her own children an infinitely better one. She devoted all her energy to their wellbeing. Much to Natsumi's surprise, she found a bottomless wellspring of joy and fulfillment as a mother, something that had eluded her for so long. Her temper still flared from time to time, but with the years of experience, she learned to harness it in a positive, instructive way.

With his marriage to Natsumi, Hajime's status as a member of the Kuzuryu family was firmly established. He worked hard to establish a name for himself as a leader within the clan, who didn't merely hold his position through marriage and nepotism. His compassionate yet assertive nature garnered the respect and admiration of his men. His wisdom garnered him a secondary nickname "The Blue Dragon," Within a few years, Hajime was practically unrecognizable from the timid highschooler he once was, both in his physical appearance and his strong composure.

Along with Hajime, Fuyuhiko sought to reform the Kuzuryu for the better. He gradually shifted the Kuzuryu-Gumi's enterprises to somewhat more respectable businesses. Although unsavory elements would always play a role in the clan, the two of them wanted the Kuzuryu to repair their honorable image and even garner respect from the public. This entailed more community service, charity, and sponsored public events. These efforts were not in vain, as the news quickly spread that the Kuzuryu-Gumi had "turned over a new leaf."

Challenges, of course, arose from various other clans and factions, who sought to assert their own place and vie for control of the nation's criminal enterprises. Those stories will have to wait for another day.

Throughout all his years, Hajime never once encountered the mysterious individual responsible, in part, for the events of the killing game. True to their word, they never interfered with Hajime's life or targetted him or his family. It wasn't something Hajime thought about often, but he couldn't help but wonder who that was and what their plans were. He would simply have to live with that unanswered question.

Nevertheless, Hajime was content where he was in life. It wasn't perfect, by any means, but when he looked at his beautiful wife and three children, any possible regrets faded into mist. He wouldn't trade them for the world itself and there was nowhere he would rather be.
