"Lucy, it really could have gone worse."

"Gone worse?" she snaps, fumbling with her seat restraints. "I'm not entirely sure how that could have gone worse than it did. We are not lawyers, Wyatt, and it's all well and good to use that cover story when trying to gain access to a prisoner so we can get information, but we are not qualified for actually going to court!"

Wyatt is turning a brighter shade of red as each second passes, as he too fumbles with his seatbelt, so flustered he has more trouble fastening it than he should have considering how many missions he's been on. "What did you expect me to do? It would have been suspicious if his lawyer had suddenly said 'no, actually, you're on your own'-"

"I expected you to think, Wyatt. There's any number of ways you could have gotten out of that trial. But now, thanks to you, a murderer has gone free and an innocent man has died."

"Oh yeah? Name one excuse I could have given that wouldn't have been suspicious."

Lucy gives him a look. "A relative is sick. My wife is in labor. I'm not feeling well. There, you can have three."

Wyatt is oddly quiet after that, and he seems to be focused on the floor, the control panels, pretty much anything other than Lucy as they wait for Rufus to join them.

"Dear god, it's like an arctic wind blew through here," Rufus says as he edges his way between their legs to reach his own seat. "What are you two arguing about now?"

"Lucy thinks I shouldn't have gone to trial," Wyatt tells him, with a tone that says can you believe this woman? But rather than chiming in with support, Rufus snorts softly and rotates his chair away from them. Wyatt's face falls. "You're kidding. You too?"

Rufus doesn't turn back around, flicking switches on the control panel in front of him instead. "I wish I could say you made the right call this time, buddy, but I'm not so sure you did."

Wyatt slumps back against his seat, defeated, and sighs as the Lifeboat powers up for the jump. "Guess we're about to find out."

The jump is as rough as always, jostling them so much that they're only minutes away from passing out, and yet somehow Wyatt knows in the back of his mind that Lucy is determinedly glaring at him anyway, and he opts to keep his own eyes shut. The landing is rough, the ship clattering as it lands at an uneven angle, and all three of them take a second to catch their breath as it powers down before Lucy once more fumbles with her seatbelts, practically ripping them off. "I swear to god, the next mission we go on where we're dealing with criminal cases, Flynn is going instead of you."

"What? Don't be ridiculous-"

"Welcome home." Both Lucy and Wyatt turn toward Denise's voice drifting up from the base of the stairs that she's clearly just finished wheeling over. Lucy gives Wyatt one final scowl, then pushes past him to descend the stairs. Denise catches on her mood immediately and puts a hand to her elbow just as she's about to walk away. "Hey, woah, hang on. Something went wrong, didn't it?"

"That's an understatement," Lucy mutters. "You'll have to ask Johnny Cochrane over there just how things went."

Denise sighs, a longsuffering look on her face, and turns to Wyatt as he immediately launches into a detailed report of what had taken place over the past 24 hours (at least from his perspective). Lucy is about to rush away in a huff once more when Denise cuts Wyatt off briefly and turns to her. "Flynn is in bed, by the way. He's doing better. His fever is going down."

Lucy pauses and looks back at her curiously. She had been understandably concerned, as they all were, when Flynn's infection had given him a fever that took him off the roster, as he could barely stand up for a minute at a time (and somehow managed to make fainting look painful, his 6'4 frame crumpling over mid-briefing), but she didn't think she was any more visibly concerned about him than the rest of them before they left. Evidently Denise disagreed.

Rather than rush to Flynn's side as Denise seems to expect her to, Lucy heads for her's and Jiya's shared bunk - only to discover the two beds pushed together in the center, and both Rufus and Jiya's clothes strewn everywhere. She stops short and glances around the room, then rolls her eyes and sighs. Looks like this would be yet another timeline where she was forced to sleep on the couch.

She intercepts Connor as he heads down the hallway, thoroughly focused on the tablet in his hands and not on anything before him until he suddenly hears Lucy clear her throat a few short seconds before he'd have run directly into her. He looks up, smiling as he sees her. "Ah, you're back. How was the mission?"

Lucy gives him a tight lipped smile in return. "I'll say the same thing I said to Denise - ask Wyatt."

"That doesn't bode well. Best go touch base then."

"Wait, Connor, before you go…" She shifts on her feet awkwardly. "I was sharing a room with Jiya when I left, but apparently that's no longer the case in this present. Do you know if I had a room in this timeline, and if so, which one it might be?"

"Of course, Lucy. You're in what used to be my room. We swapped quite a while ago; it just made more sense, what with two beds in there." He smiles again. "I hear Garcia is doing better, by the way. At least there's some good news out of today."

Again she's baffled at Connor drawing special attention to Flynn's condition. "That's good...um, so, your room then?"

"Oh, yes, I moved into the single bunk instead. I have to admit I prefer it, actually." Connor walks with her back toward the kitchen as he speaks, their paths diverging at the hallway entrance. Lucy wracks her brain for which single bunk he could be talking about - perhaps they'd managed to get more of the bunker heated in this version of the timeline and opened another subfloor for use? No, if it were that easy, they'd have done it in the version of reality she just left behind.

She's still lost in thought when she pulls open the door to Connor's former bunk (her bunk, she needs to get used to saying that). She locks the door behind her, then stretches widely and heads to retrieve a change of clothes, already daydreaming about curling up on the bed for a movie on her phone, with some ice cream to help cool her head off; she hadn't had the luxury of privacy in god knows how long, months at least, and she planned to relish it.

But she stops short as she finally looks around the room. Her things are scattered amongst various other bric a brac, her research encyclopedias stacked next to books she's never seen before, and is that a sci fi novel next to her copy of A People's History of the United States? Sure, her life had become something straight out of science fiction as of late, but she couldn't think of a single sci fi book she'd actually read in her life.

The book becomes far less compelling, of course, as her eyes then fall on the bed - and the figure huddled there who is shivering, sweating, and sound asleep beneath the blankets.

Lucy blinks, then quickly (and quietly) rushes back toward the door, thankful she hadn't begun undressing as she was just about to. She closes the door quickly behind her and heads in Connor's direction. "Connor!" she hisses loudly, and he's momentarily distracted from the conversation taking place between Denise, Rufus and Wyatt. He takes a step away from the group to meet Lucy as she reaches him.

"What is it?" he asks, his voice lowered to a whisper as well.

"I thought you said we swapped rooms!"

"What? We did, ages ago."

"Then why is Flynn currently my bed?"

"Your bed?" He gives her an odd look. "Are you two having trouble? There didn't seem to be anything amiss between the two of you before you left, but I know you play your cards close to your chest now and then when it comes to- ...Lucy, is something wrong?"

All discussion abruptly pauses, as Rufus abruptly notices the look on Lucy's face. Oh good, now they're all staring at me, that's making the situation so much better.

She ignores the stares she's getting. "Connor, what are you talking about?"

"You and Flynn."

"Flynn. As in, Garcia Flynn."

"Yes, Garcia Flynn, what other Flynn would I be talking about?"

She finally turns to look at the rest of the group. Rufus and Wyatt appear to be just as confused as Lucy as to what Connor might be talking about. Denise, on the other hand, looks baffled at Lucy's reaction.

"Are you alright, Lucy?" She comes closer, pressing a palm to Lucy's forehead, ever the concerned surrogate mother. "Don't tell me you caught the same bug as your husband; we can spare him for a mission, but we can't spare you."

Lucy takes a step back from Denise. "Did you just say husband?" She looks back at Connor once more. "Who-..."

The sound of the door catches her attention, and she whips back around just as Flynn emerges from the bedroom, a thin blanket wrapped around his shoulders, and despite how pathetic he looks, he manages to somehow still smile warmly. "Lucy. I didn't realize you were home."

Oh dear.