Disclaimer: First Chapter
Story Start!

'She's really beautiful when she smiles.'

Yang couldn't stop herself from thinking those types of thoughts when she saw Blake smiling and drawing in her notebook. Blake smiled a bit, and she had moments when she could be a bit goofy with them, but most of the time she suffered from a slight "Resting Bitch Face".

Aka, when Blake was relaxed sometimes her face just looked like she was annoyed with something, even when she wasn't actually annoyed. If she was in a good mood, her face would show her being in a good mood, but simply being relaxed or neutral would lead to her showing some kind of annoyance with something even when she wasn't annoyed.

"So... we're going to Forever Falls pretty soon. Has anyone else noticed that Team JNPR's leader has been spending some more time with Cardin and his croonies?" Ruby asked around. She was friends with Jaune, and she was worried that he was becoming friends with a group of bullies.

Blake blinked.

"Oh... oh..." Blake felt like sweating a little bit when she realized that Beacon students would take field trips to a limited portion of the Forever Falls. She didn't know if the death threat against her returning to the forest would still apply to her as a Beacon student going on a field trip or not.

"Don't worry Blake, I..." Ren stopped, and the entire lunchroom went completely silent as the doors opened and a large creature came through the front door. A massive fox easily larger than a human walked through the door, and because it was bright orange it was clearly not a Grimm.

On, there was a person on top of the fox.

He wore a mask over his face, so nobody could tell who he was, or even if he was human or faunus. Blake looked around and ducked a little under the table, to avoid being spotted as Naruto came into the room. Blake looked, and she saw that he had a couple of her books with him that she had forgotten the last time that they had hung out.

"Who is that?" Yang asked as she activated her gauntlets, ready for a fight since he was carrying a dagger and a spear.

This might not be a pleasant person for any of them.

"Where is Fa-"

"Blake Belladonna... and Naruto, what are you doing here?" Blake decided to make herself known before he revealed her secret to everyone she knew in the school. Her faunus heritage was a secret, and he never called her anything but Faunus to her face. The others in the school seemed a little shocked that the school's cool beauty was showing something other than her using resting face.

Blake was pretty well known outside of Team RWBY as somebody who never showed any emotion, since most students didn't spend as much time with her as they did. Even Team JNPR didn't see her express most of her emotions.

"You know this... person?" Weiss asked her, since she herself was highly unsure of what to make of the man riding a giant fox.

Ruby just sighed in relief.

"Oh, so you're a friend of Blake... that makes you our friend too then!" Ruby got up and started to approach Naruto. She reached out towards him, only to yelp and jump back behind Yang in startled surprise when Aka tried to bite her extended hand. Naruto palmed the female fox, and he got off of her.

"Hey, control that animal bub!" Yang shouted at Naruto in visible anger that it tried to attack her sister.

He ignored her, and didn't even look at her.

His eyes were only on Blake.

"Father is sick, and nothing I've done has helped save him." Naruto started to remove his mask as he faced Blake.


The wild man that approached them had an unearthly, handsome beauty to him, that was revealed to everyone. At least half of his face was revealed, and he wasn't showing any of his emotion. He placed an emotional mask over his face, so that even Blake couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"WOAH, he's like super cute!" Nora shouted out as she got up and prepared to approach Naruto.

Ren grabbed her wrist and stopped her.

'He's dangerous... I can tell, he won't hesitate to kill any of us.' Ren couldn't let Nora get closer to this dangerous person. Everything about him was setting off his danger response, and that meant that if he didn't want to lose Nora, he needed to keep her away from this boy.

The strongest of their team approached though.

Blake blocked Pyrrha's path.

"... Listen... I understand why you're worried, but I don't know everything. I'm not a vet, I don't think I can save him." Blake whispered as she grabbed Naruto's wrist and she put his mask back over his face using his hand. He must have tracked her scent back from the Forever Falls to Beacon, and figured out where she was.

Naruto removed his mask again though.

"You're the only outsider I know... Father is dying, and I need you. Even if you can't save him, you're the only one I can trust to try." Naruto tried again to get her to help him. Naruto glanced at her friends for the first time, and he could smell Blake's scent mingled with their own. "Father was injured by a human wielding a weapon from outside the forest, and since he healed he's gotten sick." Naruto stated to Blake.

Blake could help with that.

"Lets take this outside, please... you're causing a scene." Blake grabbed Naruto, and she got onto Aka's back and pulled him up behind her. She looked towards her friends, and she waved to them awkwardly.

"Blake, where are you going!?" Yang shouted in visible worry, since she had no clue what was going on.

Ruby pulled her back.

"Wait Yang, Blake knows this guy... I think this is her Forever Falls friend. If she trusts him, I don't think he's going to do anything bad to her. Lets just ask her about this later, okay?" Ruby reasoned with Yang, one of the few people who could do something like that. Yang, as a result, became visible less hostile towards the situation. She just stared at Blake, and their eyes locked on each other.

"I can't explain everything, but I'll explain what is happening now, later when I get back."

"You better." Yang replied simply.

-In Forever Falls-

Karama was laying on his side, breathing quite shallow.

On his fur was a mostly healed, slash mark that went across his ribs in such a way that the wound clearly went between them and injured at least one of his organs. Blake had been taken deep into the Forever Falls, far deeper than anyone had ever gone and lived for sure. The air was crisp and filled with energy, not to mention the fact that sunlight didn't break through the trees. The trees were so thick, the only light in the area came from the glowing moss growing from the side of some trees, and the water that glowed a little from the glowing algae in it.

"Naruto... you brought one of her kind here." Karama's voice was weak at best, and lacked any sort of dominant command to it.

Naruto put his hand on Karama's snout gently.

'This wound... a scythe did it. Karama was wounded by a person wielding a scythe for sure, this type of cut is similar to what Ruby's weapon does.' Blake didn't get close to Karama, because when she did he would growl at her. She leaned down and she took pictures of the wound with her scroll, and she zoomed in on the pictures.

This was a scythe user wound for sure, she didn't need to second guess herself to figure out how deeply the scythe wounded Karama either. Considering the length of the wound, she would saw that it only went a few inches deep, but even that was enough to damage internal organs on a beast of Karama's size.

"She is good Father, I can't lose you." Naruto grabbed onto his Father and tried to get him to see reason.

He couldn't lose his father, he was afraid of that.

"What happened?" Blake requested any knowledge that would help. As it stood, she could tell that the wound was too severe for mere surface healing to take care of. If he was losing strength and getting sick, then one of his lungs might have gotten injured and then infected with some sort of disease or bacteria that was slowly killing him.

Thankfully, even this little light did not weaken her faunus vision, and she could see everything clearly enough.

"A bird turned into a human in the forest, and Father attacked him. They fought, and wounded each other. The man turned into a bird and escaped... I didn't see the fight though, or who the man was." Naruto just heard the story from his father. Even his father would admit that he had attacked the man first, and the man defended himself. Naruto didn't know what the man was in the forest for, but that didn't matter.

This current situation mattered to him.

"I need to touch him to see what is wrong."

"Then I will die, I refuse help from your kind." Karama stated as he growled more menacingly at Blake. He forced himself to stand up, before he started to limp away from Blake to put even more distance between them. He was standing purely to spite her, and he looked at the saddened Naruto. "Naruto, my son... get this thing out of the forest. I love that you care for my life, but I would rather die than owe my life to one of her kind." Karama spoke, and he was done speaking as he leaned up against a tree and got comfortable.

"Faunus... I'm sorry for gettig you involved... but you can leave now." Naruto told Blake lowly, and she placed a hand on his shoulder.

She didn't say anything, she just let him know that she would be there for him.

His father was just too stubborn for his own good.

Hours later, Karama died.

Chapter End!
Please Leave Me Lots of Nice Long Reviews, But No Flames Please!

Okay, I will state this once.
KURAMA is not dead.
KARAMA is dead.

Kurama and Karama are different characters.