Silver POV.

the sun light came shining thought my bedroom window and bright me as i opened my eyes from the sound of bird sing. 'Damm Dragon ears.' I thought to myself as i turned to get up but i am pinned to the bed and i looked to my left arm only to find a sleeping Veronica using my arm as a pillow and it take me a good minute to remember last night and i blushed as i looked down at her bear chest pushing up against me. 'Oh that right, Veronica and I slept together.' I thought before i noted that my right arm is also pinned. "What?" I looked to right side to find Rias completely naked too and i blinked for a second. 'Where did she get here?' I thought to myself before i felt movement on my chest and i looked down to find Koneko sleeping on me too. "Ok that normal." I smiled before felt Vali moving and i looked over at her as she yawn and begin to wake up.

"Morning already?" She asked as she looked at me with a cute sleepy face and I smiled.

"Yeap and also?" She looked at me Confused before i kissed her forehead and she blushed. "Morning love." I said cheerfully and she smiled back.

"morning." She sit up and noted the others. "Where did they get here?" She asked as i chucked a little.

"Don't know but it feel nice." Vali looked at me oddly as i smile to her. "Just being close to everyone." I said and Vali nodded before getting out of bed.

"I am going to make breakfast." Vali said and almost instinctively Both Koneko and Rias wake up at the sound of food. "You two hungry?" She asked as I confused and Vali just laughed. "They been a wake for the past few minutes." Vali take one of my shirts out of the dresser and pulled out her long hair too. "You rest up Silver." Vali looked at me with a beautiful smile. "Me and the girls can cook for you today?" Rias got up and walked over to Vali before pointing to her chest.

"If your try to pull something like that again, i will discipline you." Rias threatened my white dragon and before she could say something else i flared up my aura and Rias froze.

"Threaten my Queen again Rias." I sat up was holding Koneko close to me as a type of barrier between me and Rias as i know what Rampage is like and i tend to turn pretty easily. "I will show you the true power of the heir of Buné has." Rias grinned as her own power flared up and compare to my aura and what i seen from Sirzech. She got nothing on us. "You needed to Train and improve your magic." I said and this Shocked Rias a bit.

"And why that?" She asked with her hand on her hips as i got up and noted that i am still completely naked.

"Because compare to me." I grinned back at my Fiancé. "Your weak." My dragon pride got the better of me then and Rias is shocked. "I am not ever using my Sacred gears and i am on the same level of Vali mostly." Rias raised an eyebrow.

"How are you on the same level as Vali?" She turned to Vali who giggling and Koneko spoke up.

"Hungry." Koneko bluntly and I laughed before patting her head.

"I think we should just drop this and go to make food?" Vali said and Rias belly growling and we all laughed before heading down stairs to find Raynare all ready making food for us. "Morning Ray." Vali said as we sit down at the table and Raynare begin coming over with plate of full English breakfast. She smiled as our month water.

"Eat up." Raynare said before we all start to eat up and we begin our day just like any other day, but only that Raynare half way though eating told me something odd. "Father called last night to inform me about 3 member of the Church are in Kouh looking for a rogue fallen angel." we all looked at Raynare.

"Uncle did?" I asked as Raynare nodded as she continued to eat. "Right." I looked at Rias who next Vali on the over side of the table. "Look like more problems." Rias sighed.

"I guess so." We all finished up before getting ready for school and we all headed out and on the way to school we walked into Akeno, Sona and Tsubaki on the way. "Good morning." Rias said to our friends. we all begin to walk to school together.

'OH MY GOD IS THE 6 GODDESSES!' We hear someone screaming out to us and it turned out to be large group of first year girls.

"Oh satan." I said as i face palmed, the girls looked at me oddly. "Just wait one second." I said before.

'Is that Silver Gremory?' One girl called out.

'He the one who ran into the girl changing room right?' Sona looked at me with a raised eyebrow as i looked at her with a small nervous smile.

The girls rushed over to me and i got covered in girls. "Hi, Silver?" A young girl with brown hair said and this made Koneko pout. "Are you free after school today?" she said and before i could decline her offer one of her friend joined.

"Could you join us?" She asked before i sighed and looked at Koneko.

"Koneko come here please?" I called to my mate and the other girls looked at my little kitten who come over to me and i pulled her into a hug. "Sorry but Koneko, Vali and I are going on a date tonight." I said before Vali and Koneko smiled and the other girls are in shock.

"Oh my god?" the first year girls are looking at us. "He taken?"

"Come on." I looked over to my family. "We got class." Rias and the other joined me as we walked on to school.

Vali grinned at me as we walked. "Did you really mean that?" I looked at her and nodded.

"We can go on a date if you want?" I smiled as both girls smiled back.

"Good." Vali said before Rias pouted.

"let get going." Rias glad my arm and grab me along. "We going to be late." I looked behind me to see the girls laughing at me.

"Rias?" I looked at my sister who grabbing me behind her. 'What going on with Rias?' I thought to myself as we both got into the school building and Rias released me from her grip.

"Rias?" I called out to her as she didn't look at me.

"Silver are you happy with me?" She asked and I nodded.

"I am." I said and Rias nodded but i heard a sighing coming from her. "But i think we should stop." I said and Rias turned to face me upset and this shocked me.

"Then why do you dislike tell people about-" I cut her off before she could finish.

"Rias i love you deeply and I alway will." Rias looked at me shocked as i said this loudly making people who are passing by look at us. "I just don't want people to look at you in a different light." I said as i looked at the ground. "Your life and reputation that you built up means more to me then you think." Rias taken back by this. "That why i want to keep quiet about our relationship." I said before looking Rias in the eyes as she is red in the face. "But i am happy with you being my fiancé." Everyone around us gasped.

"No way." A man student said before random girl commitend.

"Prince Silver and Lady Rias are Engage?" she said as me and Rias looked around us to find most of the school looking at us and we blushed.

"Silver is taken?" I heard Yui in the crowd and I sighed.

"Look like the cat out of the bag." I said as i looked at Rias in the corner of my eye and she did the same thing with a small smile on her face.

"I guess it is." she said before looking at everyone. "Everyone." Rias called out to the full school before holding my hand and pulled me in close. "I have an announcement to make." Rias smiled before shouting out. "Silver Ignis Flamma and myself are engage." I looked at Ria in shock as she told everyone and I couldn't help but smile happily.

"But lady Rias-" A second girl tried to talk Rias out of this but then Rias take ever me by surprise as she kissed me in-front of everyone and i enjoy it, as it happened we begin to hear people clapping and we both looked at each other and smiled.

"Congratulations!" We looked at the second floor to see the Student Council clapping of us and then the kendo team joined too and last the other students joins into.

Rias smiled to me. "Well Silver?" I looked at her with a smile on my face too. "Look like we got nothing to hide now." we both laughed before we both walked to Rias class hand in hand and once we got there i kissed her on the cheek.

"Have a good class Rias." I said before Rias nodded and i wave her off as i walked to my own class with a big smile on my face. "thing are going well." I said to myself before i felt something off and familiar at the same time so i looked out of the hallway window to look at the school grounds to see a beautiful young woman with violet eyes. She has long chestnut hair that is tied into twintails, each held with a blue scrunchy, her outfit looks pretty simple with pick top, blue jeans and brown boots. She looks alittle lost and i smiled before using my magic to teleport close by to the girl around the corner of the school gate and called out to her. "Hello?" I called and she jumped a little.

"Epe?!" She quickly turned around to face as i smiled and she sighed in relief. "Thank the holy father." My head hurt after that. "Can you help me?" She asked almost looking like she was going to cry and i nodded with a big smile.

"Sure can Miss." I said looking her up and down. "I take it your not from this school?" I asked and she shook her head this only made me chuck. "My name is Grey." I said and she nodded.

"Irina." her Japanese is a bit off but i could hear english in her tone and i decide to chance my tone to a more England tone.

"Well miss Irina how can i help you?" She face lit up. "I know English." I said and she sighed in relief.

"Sorry but I haven't spoke Japanese in years." She said and i smiled with a nod. "I am trying to find my friend." She pulled out a photo of small group of kids look to be around 10 to 12 all grouped up in a class photo and she pointed to a kid with short brown hair and grey with his arm around a girl with Violet eyes and chestnut hair that is tied into a ponytail the two looked like the best of friend. "He used to live but..." She begin to cry a-little.

"Are you looking for the graveyard?" I asked and she nodded before I sighed. "I can take us there but one question first?" she nodded. "This that a holy weapon on your arm?" I asked as i pointed to a string tied around her left arm and she looked at me in shock.

"How could you tell?" She asked as a little on edge before i throw up a barrier and develop my fallen scale in tier 1 mode. "A sacred gear?" She asked as I nodded.

"Yeap and i could just feel the magic coming off you that all." I said before de-summoning my sacred gear and dropped the barrier. I placed my hands in my pocket as is Irina looks super shocked. "We sure get going." I said as we both walked on, but before i felt someone watching me from the shadows and i looked over my shoulder to see someone hiding before disappearing. 'novice.' I know aura control and it pretty easy to learn to but this person is not even trying to hide.

After 30 minute of walking up a large hill to the town graveyard and Irina stopped by a flower shop on our way here too. We walked along the gravestones. "What this guy name?" I asked as Irina looked at the ground with a frown.

"Sorry but I can't tell you." She said as i looked at her oddly. "We promised to hide ourselves from the world." I understood and placed my hand on the back of my neck wells sighing.

"I understand." I said before looking to find a priest who looked to be in her early 30's with short brown hair, eyes and wearing plan priest clothe walked over to us.

"Irina?" He said as Irina turned around and is shocked.

"Dad?" I looked between the two confused. "Grey is this my father." Irina said as i bow the man. "Dad is this Grey, he helped me find my way here." The old man smiled to me.

"Thank you my son." My head hurt again. 'Fucking holy word.' I hide the pain and smiled. "My name is Touji shidou." Touji said with a small bow and i bowed again.

"Grey Ignis Flamma and i happen to be a sacred gear user sir." I said as Fallen scale came out and Touji is shocked by this. "I don't mean no threat to you or your child." I said with a smile. "I only mean it as a sign of treat." Touji nodded with smile.

"Thank you for sharing this informant with me." I smile before Irina coughed to get our attention and we both looked at her.

"We should go and find him?" Touji nodded before looking back to me.

"Would you be so kind and join us?" He asked and i nodded knowing it the right thing to do. "Thank you my son." the three for us begin walked down the line before coming up to a grave and both Irina and Touji looked disgusting as the grave look unkept, coved in weeds and the word of 'useless' writing on the name. "This is disgusting." Touji sound pissed and I nodded.

'I am a devil but this is just disgusting and I wouldn't want this for my enemies.' "Is this is dishonourable." I said and Touji at me and nodded.

"We should clear him up." Irina said as she placed the flowers that just so happened to be red and white roses as offering. Touji and myself nodded to Irina and begin to clear up the grave. With me coming out with my sacred gear, i could use my magic to summon water and this got Touji to ask how i know devil magic and i told him that my family are ex magicians and i happened to be friend with a devil at school. this is don't sit well with Touji and Irina but i explain that this devil is half human too and she was adopted by my family without knowing my friend was a devil until only a few years ago after someone attacked us and i triggered my scared gear at the same that friend de-covered she has a high fire magic so the pair of us made a pact with each other.

Touji asked if my parents believe in god, but i told him that they are dead and he give me an apologise and i told him. "I don't care if your an angel, devil or Dragon your still a person." He smiled as we are about finished up. "And there we go." Irina and Touji smiled as the grave have only a symbol on the front. 'Infinite?' Ohpis marks is on the front of this Grave and it confused me but i decide to leave as the holy power coming from Irina is hurting my body and my right arm is burning a bit. I teleported away and ended up in the park. I sighed as i needed to deal with the burn on my right arm. "Fuck." I said as i sit down on a beach and summoned some bandages with anti-holy enchantment on them thanks to Lord Ajuka Beelzebub.

Luckily for me the meds and my own healing powers should heal this up in no time. "I can't believe i skip school for this bull shit." I checked my phone. "11:32am?" I sighed. "Kunou I know your there." I said as I looked over my shoulder to see young Kunou hugging the back of my legs smiling. "Does Mama know your here?" I asked as Kunou face turned red and I sighed. I sent Yasaka a message about Kunou.

Only 3 seconds later Yasaka opened a magic gate and come over. "Kunou Buné." Yasaka said and i got confused as Kunou never take my last name from what I known. "How many time are you going try and run off?" Yasaka shouted and Kunou held onto me tightly.

"Yasaka?" I said as she looked me oddly and I smiled. "I don't mind watching Kunou for the weekend." I said and Kunou smiled happily as her mother sighed.

"Silver are you sure?" She asked as i picked in Kunou and she hugged me.

"I am." I tickled Kunou check and she giggle. "Plus i need to see my child ever now and again." I said as Yasaka smiled.

"I see." She walked over to me and i looked at her beautiful face. "You know that if you wanted too, you could come to Kyoto and Live with Kunou and I?" I shook my head with a smile.

"Sorry, but this city is my home." Yasaka nodded as she understood. "But i can do one thing for you." Yasaka blinked as i come in close and kissed her check, this made her blush. "Anytime your lonely or feeling sad, just call i will come running." I smiled as Yasaka smiled and nodded before leaving.

Kunou gigged as i looked at her. "You and mama should get married." I rolled my eyes and patted my little one.

"And you're a cheeky little fox." I said before we got ice creams and decide to do some shopping around the city.

Kunou enjoy the look for Kouh and i just enjoy being something that my pig of a father never been and that a good father to this little girl. I remembered Yasaka telling me around the time i was training with her about Kunou real father and how he just abandon Yasaka on the day Kunou was born and she never trusted man after that. I promised Yasaka that i would never be like him or a horribly father to Kunou and just knowing that Yasaka is letting me care for Kunou is big sign for trust Yasaka have put into someone and i aim to keep Yasaka trust as i care for her as both my bishop and my future godmother to my children. "PAPA!" I looked over to Kunou who looking into a clothe shop. "Can we go in?" She asked as i smiled gently and nodded. "YEAH!" she jumped up and down before storming in. I chuckled before i followed her in with my hands in my pocket only to find girls clothes everywhere.

"Hello sir." I looked to see a pretty young female shopkeeper walking over to me. "How may i help you today?" She asked as i looked over at Kunou who looking at a lovey yellow summer dress.

"Could you help out my Daughter?" I asked as the shop assistant is shocked by this, but then smiled before looking over to her co worker who nods and goes over to help Kunou out. "Thanks." I said before the assistant shakes her head.

"It fine sir." She smiled and i noted she looks like someone I know. her hair is a light brown and her eyes light brown too. "Sir?" I then clicked on who she it.

"Your Aria Murayama mother?" I asked as Miss Murayama is shocked.

"You know my daughter?" I nodded. "So you go to Kuoh academy?" She asked as i nodded with a smile.

"The name Silver Gremory and i happened to be in your daughter's class." Miss Murayama smiled sweetly. "Can't wait to see the look on Aria face with i tell her i know her mother." I joked as miss Murayama did too.

"Well, i heard a lot of good things about you Mr Silver." I looked at her oddly. "Aria and Yui have told me about your mouth away and how much you changed." I begin to feel odd as she smile so kindly. "Aria thinks about you a lot." I am shocked by this.

"Well Aria is a sweet girl and a good friend." I rubbed the back of my neck. "Even if i have been an ass to her the odd time." I said quietly and Miss Murayama got confused. "I was going thought some hard times." I said and she nodded.

"The house fire right?" I nodded as it looks to be big news. "Aria was cry about that." I was shocked by this new. "I know I shouldn't been telling you this but my daughter has had a small crash on you since your middle school days." I chuckled as i looked over to Kunou enjoying herself. "Your her father?" She asked as i shook my head.

"No, i am kind of her Godfather, but i do like her mother." I said with a small grin. "Speaking about Mother." I opened my phone to text Venelana to ask a favour and within a few seconds, she agreed to it and I smiled. "Sorry about that but i needed to text my mother in law." I said as miss Murayama is shocked. "My mother in law has been pushing me to visit home for the last few days." I smiled as Miss Murayama looked at me oddly.

"So you married's?" she asked as i shook my head.

"Engaged." I smiled. "My last name was Nightshade but after the fire, the Gremory's take me in and my mother in law Venelana asked if i wanted to get engaged with Rias who Venelana daughter and the girl who pulled me out of the fire." I said as Miss Murayama clover her month in shock.

"But... You was asked to be engaged to miss Rias?" She asked as I nodded. "But you..." I cut her off.

"I didn't do it just for formality." I looked Miss Murayama in the eyes with a kind smile. "I love Ria to bits and i with die for her and the Gremory's." I said with pride and Miss Murayama smiled.

"Well your honest." She smiled before sharping her eyes at me. "But Yui and Aria have said that you have 2 girlfriends?" She asked as I shook my head.

"That not 100% truth." I said as Mr Murayama looked at me funny. "The Gremorys and i have a deal between us and i am allow to have a second lover as my family is a brach family of the Gremory know as Buné and well i need to keep up my end of the deal with suppling The Gremory with one heir." Mr Murayama is shocked by this. "It the simple version for my background but that alot more to it." She nodded before Kunou come over wearing a pink top with a yellow fox on the front and blue jeans.

"Papa look." she give me a spring and I smile.

"You look pretty." I said as Kunou smiled and i patted her head. "How much?" I asked as the second worker came over with Kunou old clothes in hand.

"16,230 yen." I paid for Kunou clothes and was going to leave the shop before miss Murayama come over to me. "Yes?" I asked as She headed me an address. "What this for?" Miss Murayama smiled.

"I finish in a few hours and i know Aria and Yui would love to see you again." I sighed as she trying to set up a date with her child and I couldn't decline and Vali just texted that she and all the girls for the ORC are having a girl night in and i just got kicked out for the night.

"Yeah i have to go." I grab Kunou and run out of the shop. "God Damm it." I begin thinking of Opinions. 'Yuu and May place is out for the question, Can't send her home and my house is taken so-?' I thought before my phone begin ringing again and it Aria Murayama pop up in my phone. "Aria?" I answered. "Hello?"

*"Silver?"* I heard sniffing. *"I want a contract."* She asked as i looked at Kunou who looked at me confused and I sighed.

"what time?" I asked with a bit of annoyed tone and Aira cheered up a bit.

*"Could you come to my house?"* She asked as I nodded.

"I Could just teleport over right now." I grinned as Kunou smiled, but then i hear Aira scream.

*"NO!"* my eyes widened. *"LEAVE ME ALONE!-" Aira voice got cut off.

"Aria?" i called out to her and i looked at my phone before i heard a male voice. *'So calling for help-'* The phone cut off and I growled. "Kunou don't tell mama what you're about to see." i said before opening a magic circle both me and my child to teleport over to Aria living room and we find the place trashed before.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I heard Aria screaming from up stairs. I couldn't remember what happened in the short time after hearing that scream, but once i came too again, i find myself in Aira's room with her in my arms clothes ripped and her crying, i looked around the room to blood everywhere and a corpse on the floor with large claw cut on his chest and blood leaking out. i looked down to my hands to see the Fallen scale out with blood on the ends of my fingers. "Silver." Aria is crying into my jacket and my heart is cold again as i looked to the door and find Kunou eyes widened and shaking in fear.

Kunou looked at me as I couldn't show emotions. "Kunou?" I called out to her and she froze. "Could you please go down stair and make some tea?" I asked and she slowly nodded before retreating down the stairs and i looked at Aira. "Allow me to fix the damage." I said before burning the corpse with my dark flame.

Aria still holding onto me tightly looked me with red eyes as she been crying. "he tried-" I placed my left on her head and tried to smile.

"No one going to harm you." I said as Aria nodded before i pulled her in closer and I don't let her go. After an hour I begin tiding up her house and Kunou take over comfit Aria for me and once i was done, the three of us just sit in the living room all together. Kunou on my left and Aria on my right still holding onto me. "We should let your mother know?" I asked as Aria is still scared and I sighed. "Tell her number." I asked and Aria told me her mother number. "Hello Miss Murayama?" I asked over the phone and answered.

*"Who this is and how do you get my number?"* She asked as i looked at Aria who nodded.

"Is Silver, The boy who come into your shop?" I said and she sound shocked. "I am sorry to call you at work but something happened with Aria and i believe with someone who try to force themselves on her." Miss Murayama panic and asked.

*"Is Aira ok?"* she asked as I nodded.

"She just a bit shaken up but i..." I stopped for a second before sighing. "I ended the attacker live." Miss Murayama is shock with this news. "I would like to talk about this in person."

*"That would easier and i will be home in an hour."* She said as I nodded. *"Your at my house now?" She asked.

"Yes, i am sitting with Aria right now." And with that both me and Miss Murayama ended the called and i returned my attention to Aria who looked to has fallen asleep and i looked at Kunou who did the same and I smiled before moving her hair out for her face. "Sleep tight." I said before slowly getting up and picked up both girls and moved them to Aria room to sleep and once i knew that they are safe i leave the room and walked back down stairs to make myself something to eat.

["Are you ok?"] Ddraig asked as I nodded. ["You feeling for that girl is troubling to me."] I sighed.

"I used to be friends with Aria back in middle school." i said before taking my food over to the sofa and begin eating it. "I had a big crush on her because of her friendly nature." I smiled before digging in and i hear Ddraig humming to himself happily.

["Well i hope you're happy."] The link disconnected between me and the dragons. i felt alone again. 'Do i like having Ddraig and Tiara link open?' I reopened the link and this shocked Ddraig. ["Silver?"] I sighed in relief. ["What wrong?"] Ddraig asked as I answered.

"I felt alone once the link was gone." Ddraig smiled as i said this, i finished my food before Ddraig pulled me into the scared gear.

I looked up to see the big red dragon himself. "It been some time since i pulled you in here?" He said as i nodded before turning into my red dragon form.

"I know." I cheery grinned.

"We should do some training." Ddraig said as i nodded as i liked Training with him so i returned to normal and then.

"WELSH DRAGON EATER!" i turned into my Welsh dragon Eater balance breaker as Ddraig mouth turned on fire. "Bring it!" I changed him head on.

One training season later and i am on the ground catching my breath. "You needed to work on controlling your anger." I sighed as he right. "That how your balance breaker is being triggered and it a dangerous if you keep using it."

I sit up. "I know but..." I begin thinking to myself as Ddraig came closer and laid down next to me.

"Tell me." I looked at him into his green eyes. "What the most important thing in your life?" I begin thinking and i laid back using Ddraig as a pillow and images of Rias, Koneko, Vail and everyone in the ORC came to mind and I smiled.

"My family." I said as my voice just come out and then it hit me as Ddraig smiled. "Damm it." I face palmed with a big smile on my face. "I am that big for an idiot?" I asked as Ddraig nodded.

"Yes. Yes you are." He said as i laughed and he Laughed along side me. "Some words from wisdom from me." I Looked at Ddraig as we calm down. "Find the ones closest to you and hold onto them." I could see it in his eyes. "Because once they are gone, you will fall into deep despair." I take his words to heart.

"I take it you had a past lover?" I asked as Ddraig nodded.

"A young Flame dragon, who used to be my heir." I looked at my Grandfather who sighed. "God take her from me and Albion don't help with wanting to fight." Ddraig looked a bit sad. "I miss Scarlet." I patted the old man.

"I'll Find her." I said as Ddraig looked at me and i smiled to him. "She in a scared gear right?" I asked and he nodded. "Then i will find her and bring her home." Ddraig smiled but at that time i felt someone coming close to the house. "I got to go." I said as Ddraig nodded and i left the boosted gear and once back in the real world. i could hear the door opening.

"ARIA!" I heard a man voice and someone stormed into the living. A tail man with brown hair and green eye, who also wearing a business. He looked at me in shock as i raised an eyebrow before he come rushing over to me with bloodlust. "HOW DARE YOU!" He shouted and i got confused as he was going to grab me and i sighed before grab the arm that was going to reach of me and held on with little force as he just a human. He eye widened as he couldn't move.

"Bad idea." I said before Miss Murayama come running in and looked at the two of us.

"Ruiji that Aria friend." She said in a panic and the man name Ruiji looked at me in shock as I grinned.

"Your..." I nodded before throwing him to the ground. "Awnn." He fell to his ass.

"Name Silver Gremory." I said in a cold tone. "And I don't like being touch." He looked at pale as in his eyes my aura is leaking out and human are pretty fearful people.

"I am sorry for my husband." Miss Murayama said as I smiled.

"Not worry." I said as i calmed down. "Aria up stair." I said and she nodded before helping up Ruiji and left to cheek in with Aria and Kunou, Well leaving me and Ruiji alone.

"Coffee?" He asked as i shock my head.

"I will be leaving once my business is done here." I said before Aira, Her mother and Kunou all come down stair. I kneeled down for Kunou to walked over to me and i picked her up as she still half asleep. "I apologise for any miss understanding." I said and was going to leave but Aria held onto me sleeve and I smiled.

"Please not don't leave." She asked as i looked at to her parents who nodded.

I sighed before looking at Kunou who looks to be a bit awake. "Kunou?" I called to my little friend who looked at he half asleep. "Do you want to stay with Aria?" I asked as Kunou looked over to Aria and her arms opened and lending in for a hug from Aria and she take little away from me and sit on the sofa. "I guess we should talk?" It looked at Mr and Miss Murayama who nodded.

We all sit down. Mr and Miss Murayama sit across from me, Kunou who on my lap and Aria who sit close me and this got her her family to look at me oddly. "So Mr Gremory?" Ruiji called my name and nodded. "So can you explain what happened?" He asked as i nodded again and explained everything to the best of my abilities as i blinked out after killing the attacker. "So you killed the man?" He asked I nodded.

"Yes sir." I said and he sighed and held his head.

"I am sorry but I don't believe you." He said and i understood that someone my age killing someone is a bit of a long story but Miss Murayama then spoke up.

"We do have a camera sit up in Aria room." Aira and i looked at her in shock. "We normally have it then just in case something go missing or this." She said before picking up a remote, typing in a password and there was Aria with her attacker in her room.

The attacker throw Aira phone out of her hand and then pinned her to the wall, not even 20 seconds later i could see myself with Fallen scale trigger and i grab man's shoulder forcing him to look at me and i ripped opened his neck and just dropped him to the floor.

Both Aria mum and dad looked at me in shock. "Well you seen my secret." i said before Ruiji coughed into his hand.

"Well i thank you son." He said not even asking me about my claw, but i decide to come clean.

"I should explain that?" I asked as both parents looked at each other before looking at me and Miss Murayama asked.

"If you wouldn't mind." I nodded before explaining.

"Well to put it simply. i am not human." I said and both of their eyes widened in shocked. "I am a Devil." my devil wings came out and back in quickly.

Miss Murayama looked at if she was going to faint and Aira told me. "Mother is a God Believer." I was shocked by this myself.

"Oh Fuck." I said before Miss Murayama begin praying.

"OH dear lord, please save-." She continued on and my head begin hurting.

"PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I shouted shocking everything in the room as my head felt as if it was ripping itself apart and Miss Murayama stopped. "Thank you." I sighed. "Please don't pray in front of me, my head begin to hurt and i tend to get mad very quickly when that starts." I looked at both Mr Murayama who looked at me in anger for talking to his wife like that.

"I want you out of my house." He said and i sighed before standing up. "I will not have a Demon in my house." I flashed my eyes at him and he flicked.

"One hand on Aria and i kill you both." Aria looked at me in shock as i was aggressive to her family without a second thought. "Just know that you have been warned, wast of Human flesh." I turned to Kunou. "Kunou we are leaving." I held out my summoner page to Aria who take it and it bond to her. i mouthed to her. 'Say my name and you will be summoned straight to me.' She nodded before Kunou and i teleported outside of the house.

"Papa?" Kunou looked at me and i laid my back against a streetlight. I crossed my arms and waiting.

"Raven?" I called to my maid who appeared from the shadow. "Once Aria is out of there, kill the low live and recover Yui." I order and Raven nodded before disappearing. Kunou looked confused as I smiled. "Aria the girl who we are waiting for it right now fighting with her parents." Kunou could what i was saying it true. "3, 2, 1." I said before the house door shot opened and out came Aria in a pink top, black jean.

"I HATE YOU AND I HOPE YOU BOTH DIE!" she shouted before storming right pass me and Kunou, i looked over at the house.

"DON'T COME BACK SINNER!" her own mother said that before slamming the door closed and I sighed.

"I know that was going to happen." I said as Aria changed to look me and is shocked. "Sorry." Aria looked at the ground.

"I didn't like it there anyway." She said trying to act though and i smiled before pulling out one of my pawns. "Silver?" i walked over to her and placed the pawn inside of her. she looked at her hands.

"I know I didn't ask but never tonight I don't think you parent are going to be taking you in." I said as Screaming could be hear from the house and Aria eyes widened. "I warned them." Raven appeared beside me kneeling on the ground.

"Am task is complete Lord Bune." Raven said as Aira looked at me in fear.

"Why?" She asked as I signed and stood up straight as i looked at my new pawn.

"I am heir of the Buné family and my word is my bond." Aira realised that when i warned her Parents i meant it. "I only delivered my warning." It was then that Yui make out of her house that right next door and looked at us in shock.

"Aira are you ok?" Yui rushed over to Aria who nodded.

"I am fine, but i need a new place to live." Aria smiled and Yui is confused before looking at me.

"Silver?" Yui looked at Kunou. "This that a kid?" She asked as we all laughed before explaining what happened and let just say Yui reaction was pretty explosive. "They bustards." She said as we all agreed. "Silver?" I looked at Yui as she called to me. "Let me join too." I smiled as Aria objected.

"Yui you don't have to do this." She said as her friend shook her head.

"No Aria i want to join." She said and i placed my evil piece inside of the girl chest. "Thank you." I nodded before making them by biting into their neck. "Silver?"

Both girls looked at me as I smiled. "From this day on you both belong to me." I said as both girls nodded. Kunou jumped on back and Raven smiled before disappearing. "Come on and let go home." The four of us they walked back to my house in the middle of a full moon.


Silver's Peerage:

King: Silver Ignis Flamma Gremory/Buné

Mutation Queen: Veronica Buné (Vali Lucifer)

Bishop: Le Fay Pendragon

Mutation Bishop: Yasaka

Mutation Knight:

Knight: Arthur Pendragon

Rook: Bikou

Mutation Rook:

Mutation pawn:

Mutation pawn: Ophis.

Mutation pawn: Ren Nightshade.

Pawn: Raynare with Twilight healing.

Pawn: Kuroka

Pawn: Kunou

Pawn: Aira Murayama

Pawn: Yui Katase