Note: Here's a rare one shot from me. I hope you enjoy this short but hopefully sweet one shot, please let me know what you think by leaving a review. Thanks in advance.

As the TV screen flashed 'Player Eliminated', an exasperated Sheriff of Storybrooke threw the remote down in defeat.

"This level is impossible." She groaned in frustration.

"We almost had it that time." Henry was already restarting the game from the last checkpoint, eager to try again.

"I can't do it – why do they make them this hard?" Regina who had been stood watching from behind the sofa started to rub Emma's worked up shoulders.

"It's a game dear, no need to get so worked up." The blonde leaned her head against the back of the sofa, looking up at her wife stood behind her.

"If it's so easy why don't you try it your majesty?"

"It can't be that difficult." Regina walked round the sofa and made Emma budge up to make room for her.

"I'd love to see you try." The blonde laughed at the thought of Regina beating her ass.

"Henry, shall we?" Regina took the controller, leaned back into the sofa and concentrated on the TV screen as Emma sat stubbornly with her arms crossed.

"You need to watch out for his blasts." Emma offered advice.

"I know dear, I've watched the two of you play it long enough." Regina's character began with the attack, followed by duck and roll moves whilst Henry's character was busy gathering HP. Emma sat forward in her seat, already impressed by the strategy her wife was using.

"That's err, that's pretty good. Keep at it like that." She couldn't believe this was her first attempt and already she was doing better than her.

"Mom attack the blasters and then we'll go for him." Henry was growing enthusiastic too at the thought of beating it this time.

"Just need to -" Regina's character was kicking the enemies butt. Emma gave an audible 'wow' at how quickly she was depleting the main boss of its health.

"I think you've got it -" Emma trailed off absorbed in the game.

"This is the last bit mom."Henry was beaming in his seat, excited to finish the level.

"I'll cover you Henry." Regina made it all look so easy, she sat composed as ever in her seat as she pressed the buttons at the right time.

"I think it's best if you do Mom." With that Regina's character attacked and attacked with the aid of Henry re-healing her and assisting.

"One more swing!" Then with the last swing of the sword, the boss gave out a cry of anguish and the game went to the cut-scene to finish the level. Emma sat with her mouth hanging open and even Henry was gobsmacked at Regina beating it after their endless attempts.

"You did it." Henry said in shock.

Regina handed Emma back the controller.

"Piece of cake." She said smugly. Emma blinked at her.

"Get out of my house." She said with envy. Regina chuckled.

"Our house dear." With that she gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

"I'll leave the two of you to carry on." She patted Emma's knee and went into the kitchen.

"Henry?" Emma watched her walk away.

"Yes mom?" He smiled to himself.

"Your mom's amazing." She continued.

"Why don't you tell her that?" He rolled his eyes, but secretly enjoying the comment. Without convincing her further she sprung up on her feet and went after her. Henry carried on focusing on the TV as he heard an uncharacteristic yelp of delight from his older mother.