Saturday Part 2

His head is pounding and he feels like Natasha's put him through a whole day's worth of training with no breaks, but he's dealt with the six ninjas that had first found them, making sure all of them are webbed down, even if they're unconscious.

'Matt you alright?' he kneels down next to the man.

'I feel like I did when I first became blind,' the man admits, 'so no not really. But thank you.'

'Stay here I need to check on the others,' he tells him, 'I'll be back in a couple of minutes.' He leaps up onto the railing and looks over at the others. Wade appears to be having fun down on the main floor, and Vision is fighting alongside him; Wanda is still up on the walkway on the opposite side to him, holding her own against a pair of ninja.

'Oh no you don't,' he growls, sending a web up and swinging across the gap, two feet straight into the chest of the one about to stab her in the back. 'Nice try asshole,' he webs up one of the ones she's fighting.

'I had it under control,' she flips hair out of her eyes as she finishes off the last one.

'That's why you were about to be stabbed in the back is it? Come on I need you to help me defend Daredevil.'

'Why? Why isn't he fighting?'

'He can't,' Peter says, slinging an arm around her waist and carrying her over to the other side. 'Oh crap.' A couple more of the ninjas have found Matt and the man is barely defending himself. 'Hey guys! Pick on someone else!'

'What the hell is going on?' Wanda demands as they finish the two off.

'That's what I'd like to know,' Wade growls as Vision levitates them both up to the walkway. 'Why is the Hallowe'en costume acting like a damsel in distress?'

'He can't fight with his hearing taken out,' Peter tries to explain. 'Vis, cover the mind stone so they can't see us. Can one of you take Wade up one level? I'll bring Daredevil; if we can get away from here we might have time to come up with a plan.'

'I've got him,' Wanda's power wraps around the vigilante and she carries them both up to a platform; Vision follows her with Wade and Peter crawls up the wall to join them.

'Why the hell don't you just look for them?' Wade growls, then Peter sees the eyes of his mask widen. 'Fuck! That comment about going in blind. Don't tell me you actually can't fucking see?'

'Yes I'm blind alright?' Matt snaps, still holding his head.

'You can't be fucking serious?' Wade all but shouts.

'Wade shut up! Or they'll find us quicker,' Peter snaps, dropping his voice down to only just being able to be heard over the thrumming sound filling the warehouse.

'Wait, you were at the Gala weren't you?' Wanda asks.

'Now is not the time,' Peter cuts across them all. 'We need to find a way to turn that sound off so Daredevil can get back in the fight. They obviously know about him fighting with his other senses and that's why they set up this trap, but they weren't expecting us so we can use that to our advantage.' He turns to Vision. 'Vis you think you can find what's making that noise?'

'I believe so,' he nods, 'I think it's coming from a side room. If I can make it there I should be able to turn it off.'

'Alright, Wade? I need you to cause a distraction.'

'Well I mean I thought we agreed to wait until-'


'Alright, alright keep your spandex on, I'm going I'm going,' he can see the eye roll even behind the mask as the man heads down.

'I'll take this opportunity to find the source of the noise,' Vision says, 'and thank you for saving Wanda, Peter.'

'I was doing just fine!' she protests.

'Like I'm going to let one of those idiots take out my adopted-super-sister,' he teases her, 'there'd be no one for me to drive insane then.'

'You want me to stay and look after Daredevil?' she offers.

'I can-'

'No, Pete,' she says, 'you're better off down there, you can help both of them and move around faster than me. It's easier for me to stay here and protect him, and safer for both of us. Just be careful alright?'

'You too,' he gives her a hug and then leaps along the wall to help Wade distract the ninjas from Vision.

Peter almost doesn't notice when the noise finally stops, it's echoing on inside his head. He and Wade are fighting side by side, dancing around each other and taking out the ninjas that are trying to land blows on the two of them.

'We're still having a conversation about date nights, Baby Boy,' Wade jokes, 'because as fun as this is I'd still prefer to be kicking your ass on games and eating our own weight in Mexican food.'

'And I've told you before,' Peter responds, kicking a ninja in the face, 'that we need to expand on the Mexican food.'


'You seriously need to get more adventurous with your food choices or we're going to run out of places to go.'

'Watch out!' Wade shouts, just as Peter ducks and the knife goes sailing over his head, his senses having already warned him of the impending danger. Just as he turns to deal with his assailant Vision appears behind the warrior and knocks him unconscious.

'Thanks, Vis!'

'You're welcome,' the android replies, as Wanda and Matt land near them.

'You feeling better now?' Peter asks the vigilante.

'Never better, and I'm pissed off,' the man replies. 'You saved some for me?'

'Of course,' Peter grins, and the five of them form a ring as the last of the ninjas appear from the shadows. 'You guys ready to finish up? I've got two-for-one tickets for the cinema I need to use up.'

'Time to make some chimichangas,' Wade answers, taking out his katanas. 'Oh boy, maximum effort!'

'Pretty sure it's way past your bed time now,' Wanda teases him.

'Sorry, Mom,' he rolls his eyes and leaps after Wade and Matt, spinning mid-air between the two of them to take out one of the attackers. Vision soars through the air around them and Wanda throws the warriors back into their comrades or into the wall.

It doesn't take long for them to finish off the remaining warriors now Matt is able to help them, and Peter has a chance to fully appreciate the man's skill, especially considering his blindness.

'So,' Wade says as he cleans off is katanas, 'I take it we're splitting the booty then?' he gestures towards the stash of synthetic drugs.

'Please tell me he's not asking what I think he is,' Matt sighs, putting away his weapons.

'Unfortunately I'm not sure if he's joking or not,' Peter sighs, 'but he better be.'

'You guys really need to lighten the fuck up,' the man shakes his head and sighs, 'I swear you've got a stick up your ass at times Baby Boy.'

Wanda mutters something to Vision that Peter doesn't quite catch but makes Matt snort. 'What did she say?' he asks Vision.

'I imagine she would not want me to repeat it,' the android replies, receiving an affirmative smile from the woman.

'What did she say?' he asks Matt.

'You don't want to know,' the vigilante replies, then makes his way to the stash of drugs. 'We need to destroy this.'

'I can help with that,' Vision's stone is glowing, 'I suggest you stand back.'

'Do I want to know?' Matt asks as they all move back; there's the sound of a soft explosion and the drugs catch on fire. 'On second thoughts I don't think I do.'

'Let's get out of here before the whole thing catches,' Wanda suggests, turning to leave.

'Such a waste,' Wade shakes his head, looking back at the pile of crates.

'You better be joking Wade Wilson,' Peter sighs, following the others out of the building. 'Come on!'

'Thank you,' Matt says to them all once they're a safe distance away, 'if you hadn't been there tonight I'm not sure I would have made it out.'

'We owed you for your help in rescuing Tony,' Vision replies, 'I'm glad we could be of use to you.'

'Though I have to ask,' Wanda looks between him and Peter, 'were you at the Gala the Avengers hosted?'

Peter is about to jump in and try and rescue the vigilante, but Matt answers before he can say anything. 'Yes I was.'

'You're one of the lawyers,' she states.


'He knows who I am,' Peter jumps in, 'we found out each other's identity by accident at the Gala. I promised I wouldn't tell the team.'

'You want us to do the same?' Wanda demands, clearly not happy.

'Natasha and Tony don't know you know his identity,' Peter argues, 'just don't mention it. That's all I ask.'

Wanda looks at Vision and sighs. 'Fine, but only because you asked me, alright?'

'Thank you,' Matt says.

'I'm not-'

'Wade's not going to tell anyone either,' Peter cuts across his partner, giving him a firm look.

The merc raises his hands in surrender. 'I can't be fucked to argue right now.'

'Take care, Peter,' Matt offers his hand, 'and thank you again for agreeing to help.'

'Let me know if you need anything in the future,' he takes the offered hand, 'just next time make sure it's less likely to be a trap, alright?'

Matt smirks. 'I'll do my best.' With a final farewell to the others he runs off over the rooftops.

'We should be heading back too,' Vision says.

'Your patrols always this much fun?' Wanda laughs as she hugs him goodbye.

'You're obviously bad luck, normally they're a little less eventful,' he responds, laughing as she punches him on the arm then turns to say goodbye to Wade.

'Thank you again for saving her,' Vision says.

'You don't need to thank me, Vis,' he tells the humanoid.

'I know, but I want to.'

Peter and Wade wave goodbye to the pair as they head back towards where Happy is meeting them to drive back to the facility.

'I take it you're back at home tonight?' Wade asks.

'I probably should spend some time with May,' Peter replies, trying to ignore the feeling of disappointment in his chest. 'You up for patrol in the week?'

'Is the Pope Catholic?'

'I take it you're going to want to talk about me knowing Daredevil's identity right?'

'Hell yes. But for now, I'd rather just go home and collapse in bed.'

'You and me both,' Peter sighs, then removes his mask and lifts Wade's up so he can give his boyfriend a kiss. 'Goodnight, Wade.'

'Night, Baby Boy.'

A/N: Hi everyone! I'm so sorry I'm a little late posting this week. I hope you enjoy the final two chapters of this special.

Thank you so much to all of you for your amazing support throughout both the first instalment and this one. I'm so glad the reviews people have been leaving have been saying you've been enjoying this series. Please do let me know what you think of this special, the next two I have planned will be slightly different so I'm going to be interested to see which one everyone prefers.

I'm going to have a couple of week's break from posting before the sequel goes up, it's written apart from a couple of alterations so when it does get put up you'll have regular updates like always. Look for it being posted end of July/beginning of August.

As always do let me know if there is anything you'd like to see from the characters or stories in the future, this entire instalment came from a request from a reader and I've really enjoyed writing it.

Thank you again for all of your support, love you all!

L x