






Each colour light produced by a different stone circling around each other. They all shot off into different directions of the universe, only to be brought back together in a Gauntlet made by the dwarves of Niðavellir using their precious Uru metal.

Looking up he saw, what had to be, a buff purple alien grab it and fit it onto his left hand...

And snapped his fingers. He watched helplessly as half of all life in the universe was destroyed by the Titan.

Later on the so called 'Titan' was defeated by heroes from all around the universe and the stones in the Gauntlet were destroyed and the pieces were hidden. The Gauntlet itself was lost to the ages.

That is until it was picked up by pair of omnipotent hands. The hands of his God. He watched as his God collected the pieces of the Stones and put them back into the Gauntlet. God stored it with all the other powerful weapons he held.

But unbeknownst to him, despite his omnipresence, a dimensional rift opened up and sucked the Gauntlet inside, then closed.

It floated in a void and passed an absolutely enormous red dragon, it swatted it through the nearest rift, fearing its enormous power, and it fit its way into the Sacred Gear system. Waiting for a worthy wielder.

That is until today. When it chose him,

Issei Hyoudou.

He would awaken from his dream-vision with one thought in mind.

'That was one hell of a dream.'

He didn't have a clue how wrong he was.


A young man, seventeen years of age, with clean cut and wavy brown hair yawned as he stretched in his bed. He wiped the sleep out of his eyes and got out of bed, making it as soon as he got out. The brunette walked out the door of his bedroom and into the bathroom opposite his room.

He stripped into his nude and turned on a hot shower. Smiling under the relaxing heat of the water, he sighed. The teen grabbed some shampoo and shower gel and washed himself over.

Stepping out of the shower he grabbed a towel and started drying himself down. He wrapped it around his waist and looked at himself in the mirror. He smirked and flexed the few muscles he had, his new swimming training was starting to pay off. He also really liked his new hairdo, he was getting sick of that spikey style anyway. Plus, the ladies loved it...

Well at least he thought they did.

It wasn't easy trying to up your social status after being a pervert for the last year. But after having a serious talk with his parents, which he instigated, he decided to stop his perverted ways. Issei Hyoudou was turning a new leaf, if said leaf weighed the same as a boulder that is.

He cut out his most blatant perverted acts after the first few weeks and had steadily decreased his nature from there. Now, he had given all his pornos and other pornographic related material to his two 'friends' Motohama and Matsuda, those two selfish pricks easily brushed him aside after they had his 'stash' as they called it, and he hadn't even thought of peeping on girls in the past few months. It's not like he didn't still appreciate there *ahem* assets, from time to time though.

But over all, people were more open to talk to him now. Even if they still were a bit cautious, and boy was nice to talk to normal people.

His grades had improved as well thanks to his new development, not spending every minute at home masturbating would open up some time for study for anyone really. So now his teachers were actually unbiased towards him. Not that they were friendly or anything, they were still just teachers after all.

Life was looking good for Issei and he was liking it, it was just too bad that the kendo club still didn't like him though.

It was also too bad that his life would become a lot more interesting starting today as well, but he didn't need to know that.

Issei got dressed into his school uniform and went downstairs for breakfast, just a simple bowl of porridge and honey, after which he brushed his teeth and put his pre-made lunch into his bag and left for school.

He didn't live that far away from his school, Kuoh Academy, so he walked quietly on the quaint spring morning.


He waved to the president of the student council, Sona Shitori, when he reached the school's front gate. She nodded her head at him, used to seeing him this early ik the morning since he got his act together.

Issei walked past a few other of the earlier students to the main entrance of his school and grabbed his books from his locker and headed to class.


Issei sat under the shade of a tree near the side of his school, it was lunch break and he liked this spot.

Today had been the same as always, normal. But, he had noticed the glances he got throughout the day from the entire ORC, the Occult Research Club, and the student council. While he wanted to grin to himself and inflate his ego, he was actually worried that he was in trouble.

Had he done something to upset them? He sure hoped not. Issei went through all his school days in the last week and couldn't see much fault in his behaviour. He sighed and bit into his jam sandwich, raspberry, and sat there in silence, listening to the chorus of birds with the few minutes he had left.

Golden eyes watched his form from above as he closed his eyes.


School had finished and he, surprisingly, wasn't assigned any homework. So with the free time he decided to walk through the park on his way home.

A gentle breeze lifted his hair and he smiled under the feeling. He wandered upon a nice water fountain and decided to sit by it to watch the birds fly in the red sky of the afternoon. Issei let out a deep sigh and let his shoulders slag.

"Now, this is nice." he told himself as he started to hum to himself as he closed his eyes...

"Ahem," he heard a feminine voice interrupt him. He cracked open an eye and met the eyes of a girl his age with black hair, wearing a purple skirt and pink cardigan. "Is your name Issei Hyoudou?" she asked in such an innocent voice he had to fight down a goofy grin.

"Uh, yeah. Is there something I can help you with?" he asked in a polite manner, he sat up from his resting position. The girl nodded and started to blush a little as looked at her shoes and she twiddled her fingers.

"W-Would you please be my b-boyfriend?" she asked squeamishly. She raised her head to meet his eyes, she saw an understanding look on his face.

"Ah, no." He told her bluntly, seeing no reason to lead her on. A look of fury adorned her features and a bead of sweat formed on his forehead. "W-Well, hear me out. I don't even know you, so why would I even go out with some random girl who just asked me to go out with her. Like, why do you even want to go out with me anyway?" Issei now sat forward with his arms resting on his knees.

The girl mumbled under her breath and stuttered out a response which he couldn't hear. He asked her to repeat what she said, she lifted her head to stare into his eyes.

'Getting some freaky yandere vibes off this chick, gotta be careful.' Issei thought to himself.

"Well before I answer that, I'd like to know just one thing,' she tilted her head and a nasty grin split her face apart. "Would you die for me~?" she cooed and Issei sat there, dumbstruck. He shook his head and gave his response.

"Sure," she froze in confusion. "I mean, I'd lay down my life for probably anyone, provided they were good. I'm sure it'd be better if they survived anyway, you know, like if I had to choose who'd die. Me or some random girl, I'd probably say the girl because she has no say in the matter and I'd have to be some selfish asshole to choose myself," He went to continue when the girl transformed before his very eyes.

She aged at least five years and was jow wearing some leather BDSM outfit, if you could even call it that; it was just a few straps of leather!, and to top it off...

She had fucking wings coming out of her back! Honest to God black fucking wings! Issei was so shocked he could barely hear the woman's shout.

"Just shut the fuck up already!" and a spear of what had to be pink light materialised in her left hand. She thrusted it into his abdomen and flew off into the night sky. Still red, to match the blood oozing out of Issei's stomach.

He looked down to see his abdomen now looking to something akin to a human donut. He chuckled at the sight and coughed up a pool of blood onto his lap in doing so.

'Damn, guess I'm gonna die a virgin. Hopefully I have some awesome powers or something in my next life.' He closed his eyes and listened to the song of the birds for one the last time.

That is until he was dropped into an endless expanse of water. He laid there, the ground some how solid yet still rippling from his every movement, and realised he no longer had a hole in his stomach and was no longer in pain. He spun around when he felt something behind him. He saw a small amber light floating in mid air, it spoke to him telepathicly.

'Greetings host, I am the Soul Stone. We seem to have found ourselves in an odd situation.' the ball, which was supposedly a stone pulsed with each word it spoke.

'The Stones were destroyed by our original dimension's heroes after they defeated the mad titan Thanos. Our fragments were scattered and lost to history, we became all but myths, legends. But some external presence took us and the gauntlet from our resting places and took us back to it's home, which happened to be in an alternative dimension, where we never had existed before.' It paused, almost as if to draw a breath.

'We usually lose our powers when we enter a different dimension, but seeing as we had never existed here in the first place, we took our new place in this universe. We ended up being placed in the Sacred Gear system by a means that we don't understand, and so here we are.' Issei could almost feel it smile with anticipation.

'So, what would you like to do with us?'

"Well not dieing would be nice," It bobbed in the air, that is if there was air where they happened to be.

'Understood, though are you sure? We can only grant you one wish before our power is restrained. You will need to get stronger to unlock the rest of our pieces if you want to use our full power again.' Issei smiled.

"Well, what would be the point of wishing for anything else if I just die in the end anyways?" It pulsed.

'Affirmative please wait while we grant you immortality.' Issei nodded, till he reeled in shock.

"Hold up! I don't want to be freaking immortal, I just don't want to die right now!" the light paused as it bobbed again.

'Would an increased healing factor be adequate?' Issei took his turn to pause.

"Hell ya! That's awesome!"

He was then suddenly enveloped in light as the Soul Stone told him.

'Do try and help those in need, Issei, there's no need for another madman running on the loose.'


Ay, Sparetime here with another story!

This kinda just popped into my head awhile ago and I thought I might aswell put it out there.

Not sure if I'll continue it or not, just depends on what you guys and gals want from me.

And have a good summer! Hopefully with better weather than mine, non-stop rain and all that.

If you guys are looking for a good Pokemon fic to read, my recommendation is Pinnacle by I Ate Your Muffin. It's honestly so fucking good and I can't wait for it to be updated, just thought I'd tell you guys about it because its one of my favourite fics.

8/8/19: Just fixed a few things here and there, mainly just spelling and bad grammar (in my opinion anway). Lenghtened the Raynare scene as well a bit.