Hey there Pokéfans!

Hope you're all having a great Monday. I know a new chapter of this story is expected today, but instead I have a brief announcement to make. As of the last chapter, the "first act" of my Pokémon World Tournament adventure is at its end. I know that's silly to say when there are 18 chapters already, but I've always planned on splitting things up by each day of the tournament weekend.

Now that we've hit Friday night, I'm planning on putting the series on hiatus for the foreseeable future.

I've been working on this story since I first got onto this fan fiction site some months ago, and it's been a lot of fun so far! Especially when the characters I wanted to write happened to dovetail with the release of Pokémon Masters. I honestly have all of you viewers out there to thank for getting it over 2,300 views, and I greatly appreciate all of you that have been willing to favorite, follow and write reviews on the story.

I already have the general plot for the next two days of the tournament planned out, so this isn't a matter of my needing time to work things out. Besides, people like Harrison have left ideas in my review section and over private message that help shape things — don't think I've forgotten or overlooked all that.

This is simply a matter of me being a bit burned out on the story after a couple months of frequent releases. I can't say I know when I'll jump into it again, but I don't plan on leaving it alone forever. If anything I'll probably feel the need to write again after Sword and Shield drops and I'm way back into the Pokémon mood.

But in the meantime there's other content in my library for you to peruse!

My Grimsley/Shauntal one-off story, "A Tale of Two Masters," didn't get too much attention upon release, but it's a solid Pokémon-related story for those of you craving that.

I've also been releasing a three-part Legend of Zelda story called "Birds of a Feather," somewhat based on an AU mixing Ocarina of Time with Link's Awakening (coming off of the Switch remake), that will be concluding this Wednesday. So please give that a read, it's about to get very fluffy and adorable!

If neither of those speak to you, and you're not interested in my other long-term serialized Fire Emblem: Three Houses story that will be continuing, I also have more one-shots and stories planned that I'd like to focus on during this story's hiatus.

In fact, there may or may not be a project I'm discussing with my fanfic buddy Blazblade [ID: 8144344] which could happen in the near future that may be of interest to all of you. So keep an eye out for that.

With all that said, I've also been trying to work out more ways of taking possible story suggestions from you, the audience! I put some more details in my recently retrofitted account bio, but in essence I'm interested in working on stories for commission. If you want to see me bring one of your favorite games/movies/stories and their characters to life, we can discuss some options either through a private message here or through the Fiverr account I've set up.

Once again, thank you all so much for sticking with me on this weird little experiment. Hopefully you'll all still be around when it comes back!

- Jason