Deku heard the rumors about Uraraka liking him, but he never knew how far that went. Like a friend? Like a brother? Like a puppy? But, that night went beyond all those possibilities.

"It's not a big deal, right? People do this kind of thing all the time," he happily explained like he had to make some kind of excuse to sleep with her.

He came to her room that evening dressed in his school uniform. She straightened up, made the bed, took out the trash, and was ready to study. But then she admitted to him that she wanted to sit on his bed. Deku didn't know what that meant. He didn't realize how soft her sheets would be or how much he'd sink into her mattress. But he knew the scent of her room smelled like vanilla candles and pastries. She smelled like girly perfume - nice enough for him to recognize it as her.

They were supposed to be studying, but then she admitted to wanting to give him a massage since they worked so hard that week, then after stripping his buttoned shirt, she finally admitted to wanting to do something more. She asked if he wanted to touch her - anywhere and everywhere. She had said it loud it clear with red painting her entire face - "Deku can touch me anywhere. I think it'd be a lot of fun."

"Yeah, definitely!" chirped Uraraka with a large smile until the whites of her eyes weren't visible. Her hands had been so sweaty when she kneaded his wide back.

"And it's a good stress reliever, too."

"I wasn't even thinking about that Deku. You're totally right."

"And if it's too much for you then I can stop whenever."

Uraraka had to fan herself. She never thought she'd actually get to do something like this with Deku. "We can keep going for as long as you want."

"This is probably better than doing it alone because it's a lot more physical and -" Deku stopped mid-sentence.

They had to turn off the lights before Deku overheated. After all, he had just started talking to girls not too long ago. She was too beautiful to look at up close, so they had to dull his senses somehow.

"I'm really nervous, too," she admitted. "I didn't think you'd end up saying 'yes.'"

"Would it be better if I kissed you? I think people usually do that sort of thing first."

"M-Maybe - ah!"

He pulled her into his lap and kissed her. His penis was already coming up between her legs. He could hear her soft breaths and feel them against his collarbone. This had to be real.

"Is it weird that kissing you is making me feel pervy?" she asked. "I'm all squishy down there."

Deku shook his head. Sweat jumped from his mop of forest green hair. "It's okay. Does it feel weird?"

After school. The sun hadn't even set. She was still in her uniform. He had never touched a girl before, but he was eager to touch every part of Uraraka.

Uraraka asked and pointed at his dick. "This your thing right?"

"Ah! I didn't know it was out." He had stripped down to his boxers so it must have crept out when he was looking. "I should have warned you."

"Amazing! It's so big! Right?"

Deku hadn't seen many other penises but he knew he was at least bigger than Bakugou over the years. Of course, he wasn't going to say that. "I don't know, actually," he answered. "I hope it doesn't hurt you. I'll try to be care- Hng!"


"Y-Yeah? I'm okay. I just didn't expect it to feel that good when you moved. I must be pretty sensitive right now."

"So I should keep moving then?" she asked before touching the head of his manhood with her soft fingertips. He cringed again. "Deku?"

"Y-Yeah. You're doing great. It's supposed to feel good like this. I just didn't expect it."

Her thighs felt phenomenal. The tights added a smooth, silky texture to top it all off. He used all his restraint to not move his hips and didn't even notice when his arm wrapped around her body to grip her breast. But he didn't mean to!

She gasped and arched her back. A button flung across the room.

"S-Sorry! I wasn't thinking."

"You don't have to apologize. I can fix a button."

With the dim light that penetrated the curtains, he could see her bare cleavage. Drool dripped down his lips. "You're amazing, Uraraka."

His erection bulged bigger and harder than ever before. Maybe because there was actually a girl in his presence. Hopefully, he could please her properly.

"Deku? Can you touch me more? Please? I want to know what it feels like."

He cupped her breasts and moved them up and down slowly. "Like this?" Of course, when he grazed her hard nipple, she gasped. He did it again to repeat the reaction.

This was killing him. The slow pace. His heart rate raced faster than his hands.

"It feels so good to have you touch me like this, Deku. I can't believe you're actually doing it."

Deku grinned. His hot cheeks pressed against the side of her breast. Black bra. Simple and solid yet the sexiest thing he ever saw.

She rubbed her thighs against his pulsating length and panted. "It feels like a heartbeat down there," she giggled.

Deku beared his teeth before fondling her breast from its nest in her bra and taking it into his mouth. He lifted her leg to turn her to face him.

"Ahh," she moaned loudly as Deku sucked her bare nipples and grinded his dick against her.

Were the walls thick enough? Would they get in trouble?

The rapid friction and sopping moisture tore through her tights.

Eyes rolling to the back of his head, Deku couldn't see straight when he stood up. He lifted her dark green skirt and grinded his length against her warm groin. "Uraraka! I'm sorry if I'm going too fast. Just tell me when to stop."

He just needed to put it in. He moved her underwear to the side and slid in with a bit of resistance, but he fit absolutely perfectly width-wise. Wasn't it supposed to hurt for the first time? "Are you okay?"

"Guh! Itsalot," she slurred. "Stuffin me up."

Concerned, Deku furrowed his brow but could only see her smile. "Are you okay?" he asked again before he noticed that he couldn't quite shove his length completely inside of her.

But that was good. She had a goofy smile with her tongue hanging out and joyous tears willing up in the corner of her eyes.

Pumping, he penetrated her without fully going inside of her. Just in case it was too much, he used the last restraint of his soul not to break her.

The room spun.

Her fingers dug into his back and his feet left the floor.

He wrapped his arms around her and allowed her to jump wildly in his lap.

"Uraraka! We're floating."

Her legs stuck out behind him and shook before falling limp.

Deku reached for the headboard of her bed and pulled them closer while cradling the small of her back.

"Guh! I'm sorry. I can't stop shaking," she said between broken breath and hurried gasps.

With one hand on the headboard and one on her back, he used his hips to push them down to the mattress.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed again and again. "I love it Deku! I love it so much."

"Yeah?" he asked with a half smile before she pulled him into her bosom. He nuzzled his face into her breasts.

Every time her bottom hit the mattress, they bounced back up without the resistance of gravity. He tried to prevent her from bouncing too much by shoving her harder with his hips. Deeper into the cushion but they only bounced higher from the force.

He pushed his dick inside of her until it hit a wall then pulled out to the release his cum all over her bed.

"Deku?" she whined while suspended in air. "Why'd you stop?"

Before he could answer with words, his eyes leered over at her bottom before he groped her soft tights. He pulled her by the leg and slipped his dick into her womanhood from behind. "Sorry, Uraraka," he panted, resting her leg on his shoulder and caressing her belly. "Did you say something?"

"Itso deep. Ah!" she gripped the headboard. "Ah!" The second moan was a lot higher in pitch and it escalated to soft yelps.

Deku rubbed her plump ass before letting out a deep sigh. She looked so pretty. How was he supposed to be just friends with her now? He'd never forget this moment. He groped her breast and her wet womanhood constricted his length. He slowed his pace in order to enjoy the moment but finished each thrust with a rough smash before pulling out of her to cum on her sheets.

They fell onto the bed, and he pulled her close to kiss. "That was fun, right?"

"Yeah," she panted before cuddling up to his chest. "It was a lot of fun."

Maybe it was a little too much fun.