Aim: MeatsyIsHere,Supergal4Christ

Msn: My Email….Tkb!

Hey! Thanx for reading my fanfic up to this far! I'm glad someone likes my story! (Or is just making fun of me, like poo man, (my new favorite person) because I suck at writing. Tkb!) But, whatever. I'm still glad it's being read. Being my first fanfic; I've loved writing and reading this story! Evvertime I write it it's a new thing. Just like if I picked up a book for the first time. This being the last chapter. sigh I hate to end this story in this way, but I just couldn't think of what to write. So, I'll keep writing different stories. My brain just went dead with a lot of things so, I haven't been able to write well. But, I hope to start up again. Maybe you'll read another one of my stories someday! I look forward to getting your reviews. Sorry this opening was so long it was because it's also my closing.

And he said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts."

Revelation 21:6

The Epilogue

White. A girl walks down a long aisle. People on both sides. A lot of familiar faces on one side. Not so many on the other, but she has plenty of time to get to know them. Ahead a man dressed in a black tuxedo next to one in a navy. Both with bewildered eyes. She smiled at how well blond hair and navy go together. Then, she smiled at how she had been waiting for this day her whole life. Now, she finally had it. It was finally time for her to be truly happy and loved.

Taking the beautiful gloved hand in his. Today was the day he's been waiting for since this girl was 14. He smiled lovingly at her, and, although there was a cloth over her face, he could see the shy smile and light blush she gave in return. Standing her next to him, he placed his other hand over hers and she placed her hand over his. They just looked into eachother's eyes until the loud beautiful sound of music stopped as the minister motioned for everyone to sit.

"We are here today to bring together Serena and Darien in holy matrimony."

The Afterparty

Serena smiled as she watched her new-bound husband talk to his best friend and her older brother (in her mind). Being off in her own little world she didn't even notice the four girls giggling at her until she was nudged in the side by a blonde.

"You're never gonna be normal again are you?" Mina laughed as a black and a white cat came to sit by her feet.

"What are you talking about? Serena is always daydreaming. She just might do it a little more now." Luna smiled and rubbed against Serena's leg. "Of course, there's nothing wrong with that as long as she's happy."

"Aww, Luna! That's sooo sweet!" Serena picked up her black cat and kissed the little moon on her forehead. "I love you so much. If it weren't for you..I probably would never have met any of these wonderful friends of mine.....or Darien. You taught me so much. You helped me grow up."

"It's nice to hear you say that, Serena. You aren't such a screw up after all." Luna snickered.

"Ugh! I take everything back!"

"I was just kidding!"

"I know." Serena giggled and her down. "I just like teasing with you." She jumped at the feel of hands on her stomach pulling her back into an embrace.

Placing a kiss on her cheek Darien looked at his bewildered bride. "I love you." Serena blushed.

"I love you, too."

"Awwwwwwwwww......." The four girls and two cats said in unison looking at the couple.

"Forgot we had a croud." Darien smirked.

"Sure you did. Is that the excuse you're going give Serena when you have children? 'I forgot we already one. Oh,well.' Hmm?" Artemis smirked at Darien.

"ARTEMIS!" Serena blushed.

"I won't need an excuse when it comes to children, because we both want atleast 2 or more. Which now that I think about it. When are you and Luna gonna have kittens?"

"Uh......well...." Artemis blushed.

"Yeah, I thought that would make you tongue tied." Darien laughed. "The truth is...We can't wait to have our first child. Right, my little bunny?"

"Right." They kissed and the croud disappeared again. Everyone knew that this love would last forever.

14 years later

"Andy!!!! Give me back my journal, you buttmunch!" A girl with pink meatball styled hair ran downstairs into the kitchen. "Mom! Andrew stole my journal."

"What do you want me to do about it?" Serena smiled lovingly at her first born.


"Alright...Alright. Andrew Samuel Chiba!" She yelled up the stairs. Not to long after did you hear footsteps running down into the kitchen.

"What'd I do?" Andy looked at his mom inoccently.

"Give your sister her journal back." She watched him pull out the journal from under his shirt and give it to his sister. "Now.....What do you say?" He looked at his sister

"I'm sorry and I love you because I know that there are a lot worse sisters in the world than you."

"I love you,too. You're forgiven." She patted her little brother's head.

"Very good. Now you can go."

"Love ya, mom." He jolted back up the stairs.

"So, What are you planning on doing this week so I don't have to worry about you?"

"Umm...Well, you see....."

"Aha...boy business. What's his name and how long have you been together?"

"Umm...Well...everyone calls him Pegisis and technically we aren't together together. I like him and all...and I heard someone say that he likes's just....I'm not sure and I don't know what to do, but then! We got a project for school on where we have to act like a married couple for the whole week, so I'm planning on acting like his REAL girlfriend and see how he responds to it. Besides that I don't have any plans. Oh! But I'm gonna be late to the mall! Later mom!" She bolted toward the door.

"Wait! Rini!" Serena just stood inthe middle of the kitchen looking at the spot where her daughter once stood. "This is just dandy. I don't know how anyone can say she's NOT my daughter and that we're nothing alike."

"Let's just hope she doesn't get this guy hit by a car." Darien came up behind her and kissed her cheek while wrapping her in his embrace.

"I always hope for the best. You're best was getting hit by that car."

"I don't know how to take that."

"Take it as a.......We've found perfect love because of it.: She stood on her tiptoes to give him a quick kiss.

"I see. Then I'm glad you got me hit by a car." He smirked and laughed as she slapped him on the shoulder. "What?It was actually my stupid fault for turning around and standing still in the middle of the road."


"Hey! I was joking!"

"I was, too!" She laughed. "I just pray that not all of my traits went to Rini, because if they did she might get on that guys nerves a little."

"Don't worry about it. If she got all your traits than that guys an idiot for not falling hard and fast."

"I love you."

"I love you ,too.The kids are out...wanna make a baby?"

"Ha! Where'd Andy go?"

"I payed him 20 dollars to leave and go to his friend Melvin's house."

"Oh really? Well, I said I didn't want to wait having my first child and got tricked into saying it for the second I never said for the third or fourth."

" know you can't resist me" He kissed her on the lips then the cheek then the ear.

"Okay, I give in." They both laughed as Darien took his wonderful wife in his arms and walked them to their bedroom and closed the door. Hearing a click you should know........They lived happily ever after.

The End

....You are always in my prayers.......Until next time we meet.....Sayonara