Summary: Miura Yumiko and Hikigaya Hachiman have had each other's numbers since they've entered high school as a result of an icebreaker, but neither of them talk. At least, not in person. Drabbles and snippets that aren't necessarily in order - they are all in the same universe.

Chapter summary: Cliques are like pens; some times, they can snap (let's hope they don't).

Characters: Miura Yumiko, Hikigaya Hachiman

*Rating: K+

*Tags: friendship, slice of life, some drama, snapshots, adolescence, school life

[19:02] Hikio, what do you think of this outfit? Whatismylife_jpg

[19:15] Hikio, I swear, if you're ignoring me because you're lounging about, I will slap the back of your head tomorrow, you hear me?

(19:20) Geez, Miura, I'm not sure you understand that people have lives, you know?

[19:22] Wow, you have a life? Gasp! This is something the world needs to know; why are you hiding? No - what are you hiding?

(19:24) Piss off!

(19:25) Also, what the heck, woman! Don't show so much skin around me!

[19:27] You know it's just a tank-top, right? And I'm wearing jeans?

(19:28) Yeah, but pretty girls should be more self-conscious. You're trying to attract Hayama, right? It's been a year since we've entered high school - you should know he's not interested by now, and trust me, if he was, he would've made a move by now.

(19:28) I'll put money on him leaning towards Ebina's fantasies.

[19:33] You're gross, you know that? I can't believe you would say something like that to a girl.

(19:36) You mean 'How could this Creepy-gaya say that to me, Miura Yumiko?' I can because it's free, I have a brain and two eyes, and I know that you're inviting unwelcome glances. That guy, Tobe, can't help but stare sometimes, even though you told me he says that Ebina is the one for him.

[19:37] What.

[19:37] Tobe likes me? Hold on, I need a moment to process this. Oh my GOD, this could ruin my group's dynamics akshdaksfkabsfa qjakjdak HELP!

(19:40) Chill out, Miura. I said he's attracted to you, physically. I don't doubt that he's interested in pursuing a relationship with Ebina, but he can't help but be attracted to you.

[19:44] Oh. Good. Was having a bit of a moment there.

(19:44) I noticed.

[19:46] But, that begs the question - how do you know?

(19:48) I've been keeping an eye out. Remember six months ago?

[19:51] That is awfully creepy of you, but also, really sweet. But you don't have to worry. That guy just wouldn't take 'No' for an answer though, and I don't think Tobe's like that.

(19:52) Yeah, Tobe isn't, but those other guys he hangs with probably are into you and they figure if Tobe is looking, it's not weird if every guy in the circle things you're, "hot."

[19:53] AKDGHSJS! Shut up right now, ew, I do not need to know this right now. ARGH!

(19:54) Would you rather find this out later?

[19:57] I hate you so much right now.

(19:59) I guess those cookies I just made will have to be given to Yukinoshita, then. Or maybe Yuigahama? Hmm, maybe Hiratsuka-sensei or Kawasaki.

[20:00] Don't you dare. I will gut you. Cookie privileges are mine.

[20:00] No one must know.

(20:01) You're crazy. I'm crazy for talking to you. Why is this my life? I must've done something horrible to deserve this sort of mistreatment; as if these eyes weren't bad enough.

(20:02) Oh, and on that note, I'm out - goodnight.

[20:03] If you do not give this queen her offering tomorrow, you will be sacrificed in a bit of smoke and flame. Painfully. Do you hear me?

(20:03) Sleepycat_jpg Middlefinger_jpg


~29 June 2019~

*Tags and Rating should be consistent throughout the story so I won't be putting them in every chapter. If they are changed, I'll update the fic and probably edit the first chapter with another note/edit with date in reference.

A character list will be included in each chapter, along with a summary as each snippet/drabble will be different; if I create an arc, I will leave the summary/characters in part one for that arc.

Update: Just found out that if you type ".jpg" or ".gif" sometimes they don't copy-paste well into the doc manager. Will check for errors again at some point; I'll be fixing them by using an underscore for now or until I have a better workaround.