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Hi hi hi!!! This is my first Inuyasha story. This story has nothing to do with the traveling through time-life, just all present. Please go to my Bio!

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Don't Abandon Me

Chapter 1

January 9 A man kissed his wife a couple of times, then embraced their twins. They were wrapped around by their baby towels and the woman was exhausted, looking like she was just wasted. He set the babies, on each side of his wife. She cried, smiling at her new born daughters.

"You did great Sakihiro." He said to his wife. (I just made up the parents' names)

"I love you Hinusaki" she said softly. Her eyes slowly closed, then her head tilted to the side. His eyes widened.

"Sakihiro." He whispered, checking for a pulse. Nothing. She was gone.

"Sakihiro! SAKIHIRO!!!" He screamed, falling to his knees. He began to sob, pounding his fists onto the floor.

The nurses ran in, then called for the doctor. The doctor ran in, getting ready to CPR Sakihiro. The nurses took the babies out of the way, and escorted Hinusaki out of the room.

"We are sorry Mr. Higurashi. Please follow us."

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"I am sorry Kagome, Sango. Grow up to be great, beautiful women." Hinusaki kissed the twins on the forehead, then left the 6 weeks old twins at the orphanage where the nurses took care. He went out, to his car and then drove away, far away. The nurses nodded their heads in shame, wondering how a father can abandon his 6 weeks old babies. Then from that day forward, they took care of the orphanage, with two more twins added, with good care.

~*16 years later*~ December 19

"Kagome! Hurry up!" Sango cried from downstairs.

"Ok ok! I'm coming!" Kagome cried back, running down the stairs.

Kagome and Sango are twins, but unidentical. Kagome was 3 minutes older than Sango. They got along quite well most of the times and loved eachother dearly, always there for eachother.

They were going out Christmas shopping for the whole orphanage with allowance money they saved up, since who knows how long. They took their white Volkswagen that they got for their 16th birthday. (This orphanage is extremely rich and high class) They drove off for the mall.

When they arrived, it was time for shoppin! They got the orphans that were older than them, some movies, and the ones that were younger than them, some toys and stuffed animals that all kids from age 2-10 would like.

After they shopped for the other orphans, they bought books and house decorations for their nurses, Aika, May, Kon, and Lucita. Of course, they separated to buy eachother presents. Kagome bought Sango a set of bath and beauty supplies, while Sango bought Kagome some jewelry.

After 3 hours of shopping, they went to the food court to eat burgers and fries.

"My god, that was the most shopping we have ever done." Sango commented.

"Yeah I know. My feet are killing me."

"Let's drop all these off to the customer service and let them wrap all of them."

They did so, then went back to the food court to sit, to rest their feet. Minutes later, the court started getting more crowded with Christmas shoppers. Then moments later,

"Excuse me. Do you mind if I sit at your table? There are no more tables left for us to sit at." A boy said with his hair pulled back into a tiny ponytail with two earrings on one ear, and one on the other. (Guess who)

"Yeah sure, go ahead" Sango said kindly.

"If you don't mind, I have a friend that's suppose to come. He'll be here shortly"

"No problem" Kagome responded.

"Thanks. My name is Miroku."

"My name is Sango. And this is my twin Kagome."

"Wow, you guys don't look anything alike"

"Here you are!"

They looked to see a gorgeous guy with white long hair and dog-ears.

"Hey Inuyasha."

"Geez! Everywhere you go, you happen to get mixed up with girls" he said, sitting down.

"This is Sango and Kagome. They're twins." Miroku introduced.

"Hi" he said quickly, with no care.

"Hi." they both said in unison.

After a while of getting to know eachother, it was time to pick up the presents from the customer's service.

"Well we have to go and pick up the presents." Kagome said.

"Well we'll go with you if that's okay. We don't have anything else to do." Miroku said.

"Sure!" Sango exclaimed, getting up from the chairs. Kagome lost balance from slipping on the soda that was spilled on the floor. Inuyasha caught her before she could fall on her back. They were in that pose for a minute with Inuyasha's hand supporting Kagome's head, with his other on her back. (Inuyasha on top!!)

"You ok?" he asked.

"Y-yeah.. thanks." They looked into eachother's eyes.

He slowly rose up with her in his arms, then parted away.

'His eyes..'

'Her eyes..'

They both thought at once.

After they picked up the presents, they went into the garage to put the presents into the trunk.

"Well we better get going. Maybe we'll see you guys around sometime?" Sango said.

"Yeah. Can we have your number?" Miroku asked.

Sango got out a pen from her purse and wrote down her cell phone number on his hand.

"Can I have yours too Kagome?" Miroku asked.

"Yeah sure." She took the pen from Sango and wrote down hers.

"Well we'll see you guys later. Make sure you call us" Kagome said, then got into the drivers seat.

Before Sango could get in, Miroku grabbed her arm and kissed her passionately. Sango first had her eyes wide opened, but then it got so passionate that she just had to give in.

Inuyasha and Kagome just looked away blushing. Then looked back to eachother, staring at eachother. When finally Sango got in the car, their staring got interrupted.

"See you guys later." Sango said, rolling down the window.

"Bye!" Kagome shouted through her window. Then drove off.

"Miroku. You seriously gonna call them?"

"Hell yeah I am!"

Inuyasha secretly smiled, at the fact that he'll be able to meet Kagome again.

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That's it for Chapter 1!! Please REVIEW!!!! Until next time,
