The cold surrounds her.

That is the first sensation as she awakens from what it feels like an eternal sleep. It is around her, but she is also trapped in it and her lungs are being denied the oxygen. She can't open her eyes. Something heavy covers her eyelids. Her arms and legs are stuck, but the discomfort of that is not what her mind is occupied with.

The first fragment of memory reaching Icy when her mind wakes up is reaching for something so desperately that she forgets her own name within the flame of desire. The ultimate power was within her fingertips before she was knocked unconscious. The memory, as significant as it is, is nothing but a shadow compared to the feeling which consumes her, now literally, frozen heart.

She is so full of hatred.

She sees his eyes in her mind, the red eyes glowing demonically and the disgusting, skeleton- like body. Betrayed. He had betrayed them. They had been running errands for him all year, hell, she had even kneeled before him. How could she not foresee this? Shame. Some coven leader she was.

Another memory fragment: the look on Bloom's face when Darkar hit her in her powerless state and made her fall to the ground. She could almost hear her laugh.

There is a limit to hatred one person's heart could take. But for her it seems like a bottomless pit. With a silent scream of rage, she breaks down the ice surrounding her and sets herself free.

All around her was a vast desert of ice.

She realized she was shivering but not from the deadly cold. No, her heart could not be frozen. Her core was colder than this damned prison. The Omega Dimension. The prison dimension for the worst criminals of the magical universe. Beneath all the rage and hatred she felt a sparkle of pride. They knew better this time. They did not humiliate her by sending her to Light Rock. The pride she felt expanded when she realized she was all alone, in fact, isolated. They knew that she could not be imprisoned in ice for too long, no matter how strong the ice spell was, her own element would always obey to her.

As she breathed the dead air in, she realized the gravity of her situation.

There was no visible exit to this prison, nor anything to eat. When she saw a tall, slythering white creature lying not so far from her, it became clear that the safest option would be freezing herself back and sleep forever.

But no. Hell no.

She would not be forgotten here. The ice witch who is prisoned inside eternal ice. That was humiliating. This could not be the end of her. This would not be the end. There had to be an exit, a portal. She was going to find it. Also my sisters, I need to find them too. When she was lost in thought, silence broke.

The white creature, which could be simply called an ice snake for the lack of a better term, had tsssd. It was almost like it felt her plan to escape. Icy could swear she saw it grin. She was not afraid of the creature. Despite all the difference on the surface, both were creatures of darkness abandoned to oblivion. She could almost feel a familiarity with the snake.

She had to fight it to get out of here. She saw no end to the ice desert, but if she could make it through, she could find out where they kept the other prisoners.

The animal tsssd again. It blinked to her. Thrice.

She clenched her fists and straightened her back.

She harmonized with this planet so well that it was actually regenerating her magic. Her fingertips were tingling. The ice around her was expecting her orders.

She was going to show the world what she was capable of, starting with this snake right here. She would not be lost into oblivion. She would fight back as long as she survived.

It was on.