All characters belong to J.K. Rowling

The Greater Good

Filius Flitwick felt uneasy, he had heard strange whispers coming from his goblin cousins. The goblins were marshalling, an unusual occurrence had happened at the bank. It was kept quiet, yet he felt all was not as it seemed. In the last month as the lead up to the school year began his qualms grew.

Filius had been looking forward to this day for years. The part goblin, part wizard loved teaching. He shared in the pride the children felt as they each strove to master their magic. Encouraging them in their accomplishments and though he was generally know for his unbiased attitude throughout the four houses, he still had his favourites. Lily Potter née Evans was his favourite, and never having children of his own, she had become a daughter to him. She was family and today he once again was able to see his honorary grandchild.

He had been proud when at two days old, James had placed the child in his arms. "This is our little Harry" James said. Beaming. Filius remembered the moment fondly. He had soaked up the snippets of information Albus had dropped over the years about the child. Loved. Happy. It had galled him that Albus refused contact with the child. Family was everything to the Goblins and Albus continued to deny him.

No, not just him, the thought crept through his mind. Minerva, Poppy. They had all become family to the Potters and all they had received was platitudes and assurances from Albus that everything was for the best this way. It was for the Greater Good.

"We can't have the child turned by fame" Albus said. "It is for the best that the child grow up away from all that". Filius though, had felt, deep down, that something was wrong. The Greater Good, he hated that phrase. It covered the wrongs and horrors of their society with a veneer that everything was good, everything was ok. Filius had his doubts about Albus' Greater Good. However, his doubts were as of yet, unfounded and Goblins had a patience that could last eternity if needed. So Filius watched and waited.

He could almost hear Severus' thoughts as they sat at the head table watching the Sorting. "The spitting image of James of course," he heard Albus say to Pomona. "Oh and he has his mother's eyes," he heard Albus continue on, almost as an afterthought. Lily, he practically heard Severus, her name is Lily. While Severus' mask might fool the wizards around him, Filius was part goblin, and they only paid attention to the eyes. Severus' thoughts could never be hidden from one such as him. Besides, Filius thought, Severus had loved Lily too and her sacrifice did not deserve to be brushed aside. The Greater Good, Filius ground his teeth at the thought.

He watched as Severus and Poppy held their silent conversation, noticing the boy that had just been sorted into his Ravenclaws. Filius would speak to Severus later, deferring to his wisdom. In these matters, with his goblin heritage, he found it hard to process. Filius held a deep respect and sense of gratitude to Severus for his ability to shoulder the burden. Dungeon bat indeed, Filius chuckled to himself, he knew Severus had a deep sense of compassion, no matter how well he hid it.

Out of the corner of his eye, Filius saw Severus stiffen in his seat. Barely noticeable, if he didn't know the man so well, he might have missed the break in his façade. His eyes swept the room, falling on the child that held Severus' gaze. His goblin instincts rose to the fore, urging him to draw his blades. He saw the glamour dance over her features. Filius could barely containing a hiss of fury, as he saw through to what lay beneath. To Goblins, children were a gift, to be nurtured and treasured, not, not ….. He no longer had words for his thoughts.

Potter. Harisa Jamesia Potter. This was Lily's child. He rose, half in shock as he moved quickly to guide Minerva to her seat. He comforted her quietly, ignoring Albus, as the feast continued on around them. Harisa. They had all failed her. He spoke quietly to his prefects before they left the hall, moving on quickly to the Slytherins. Letting them know he would be there for them if needed, he doubted Severus would be available tonight. They knew and understood, he felt their relief at not being forgotten or ignored.

Filius quickly sent a message off before proceeding to the staff room. Tonight's happenings would not be swept under the rug and forgotten. He watched as Minerva swept into the room, heading straight towards Albus. Her magic pulsed, Filius kept his gaze on the Headmaster, as Albus was backed into a corner. He knew Minerva, she no longer had a care for herself. She would go down fighting, bringing to light many untold wrongs. Filius moved without thought, instinctively, his goblin heritage could not be ignored and as the headmaster raised his wand, Filius' blades danced, slicing it in two.

"It's for the Greater Good, Albus," Filius spat out. Filius had failed his grandchild, and he would destroy the world before it happened again.

Albus Dumbledore was frozen in shock, refusing to acknowledge that he had lost the game. For that was how he saw the world, a giant game and he was the grand master. There were no other pieces, only pawns to be moved as he saw fit. Intimidated, cajoled, compelled, to be placed where he wanted, acting how he wanted.

His pieces that he had so painstakingly placed across the board were removed. The game was over, his world was burning, he just couldn't see the flames. Albus had not yet realised that the rules had changed. He saw it as a challenge, a way to raise the ante. To up the stakes, in his favour of course, always in his favour. It was his game alone, and he played them all.

A/N I know you have been requesting longer chapters... I've tried. The story is being written as a series of vignettes from various points of view and when I try to make them longer they just seem to ramble. :(