Childhood Dreams

Note: sorry me didn't update recently...alright...for a long time. Been caught up writing Naruto and worrying about shitty skewl *smiles* neways on ta de story!


Vegeta slouched against the wall, his arms crossed defensively. He stared down at Bulma who was sleeping peacefully in the soft silk covered bed. A small smile tugged at his lips, while he reached out a hand to stroke her hair. They've been apart for so long...when he'd first lain eyes on Bulma, he thought he was seeing an angel. angel...

Bulma was actually far from being an angel. She's done her amount of killing in her life. Although her Sayian heritage had been dominate most of her life, she'd resisted killing. That was unless there was a reason to. She loved everything and everyone in the world, and as long as no one betrayed her...they would have her life-long protection.

When they were children, Bulma had been a light that lit the darkest corners of his heart, and bought out his true soul. She'd shown him there was more to like then destroying and training. She'd shown him the concept of love...and friendship...

His fingers enjoyed the silky feel of her hair, while he ran his hand through it. Bulma's only response was a sigh of content. Vegeta stared at her with confused eyes. There's something different about her...

He froze. Or was there something wrong with him? Why did he feel so defensive when he saw her? Why did he want her? Vegeta shook his head in disgust. He wasn't falling for's impossible...

She was his best friend...and that's all she'd ever be. Or would she?

Vegeta suppressed an urge to growl in frustration. Why were things so complicated? Why couldn't things stay the way they were? Why did they have to grow up? More so...why did they have to be torn apart...

What had they done to upset Kami? What had they done to deserve such a fate?

He sighed. Nothing...they were innocent. Destiny has a habit to rear it's ugly head when it's least wanted. He'd done nothing to deserve having his planet blown up, his parents murdered, and his best friend taken away. Vegeta's lips curled into a snarl. He hadn't deserved having to serve that bastard Frieza for most of his life. still wasn't free...not yet...

Vegeta looked at Bulma and the cozy atmosphere. The fire was burning merrily in the fireplace, while the shadows loomed across the walls. It all seemed so unreal. He felt his resolve stiffen.

He knew deep inside that Bulma wasn't strong enough to survive serving Frieza. Vegeta knew from experience that it would destroy her...slowly and steadily. Frieza likes to play with his victims...until their souls were devoured...until they were nothing more then an empty shell.

If something happened to her...if Frieza hurt her. Vegeta knew that he couldn't bear losing her again...not again. He'd give Frieza ever ounce of pain he deserved...he'd gladly sacrifice his life for hers. As long as Bulma was happy...

But would she be happy? Would she be strong enough to survive losing him again? Would she be able to rebuild the life she had before he arrived on earth and destroyed everything?

Vegeta frowned. He hopped so, it was his fault Bulma's own friends had turned against her. He stared deep into the blazing flames that flared like blood, and promised...

"I'll protect you as long as I live...through death do we part...friends forever..."

He spun around when he heard a soft beeping indicating that Gohan had recovered. Vegeta saw Bulma stir slightly in her sleep. He stood up and walked towards the rejuvenation tanks to let the brat out...


Note: well...that chapter was kinda oh well...who gives a damn XD Don't forget ta REVIEW! REVIEW!