Created for the first roleplay I was in, they wanted a healing character and Andy is what we came out with. Though I did have the general first idea, Andy, as well as this story, was co-created by Amy L (Who goes by AnkhsAngel on Ao3).

Healing Star - Iruka Turquoise.

Andaka, nicknamed Andy, is the younger sister of Hammy. She's just a year or two younger than the green ranger. Their older brother, Avery, is about six years older than Andy.

Andy has long, dark brown, almost black, hair, which is normally up in a bun or ponytail. Though she does wear some normal clothes, such as jeans and t-shirts, she normally is wearing some sort of dark colored keikogi. Trained as a ninja on her home planet, she has multiple skills, however she has trained heavily into healing jutsus and works as a medic.

She bears a resemblance to Hammy, but one major difference is she has blue eyes.

Originally wanting to stay on her planet to protect them from future attacks, she eventually changes her mind and decides she wants to follow in her sister's footsteps and see the stars, hoping she can save more people if she can travel.