Warning this chapter contains violence and character death.

Tsukauchi slammed the phone back down, causing everyone in the immediate area around him to flinch. The detective had been furiously typing on his computer since getting off the phone with Eraserhead that no one dared to disturb him.

Apparently, the underground hero's daughter had been kidnapped. Rumor was that before being put in Aizawa's care, she had been held prisoner by a ruthless gang of criminals.

A loud bang distracted them momentarily as the door was slammed open, and Ryukyu the Dragoon Hero walked in eyes immediately zeroing in on Tsukauchi's hunched over figure. Walking over to the man with determination, Ryukyu's slammed her hands down on the desk, leaning forward, baring her sharp teeth.

"Who took her?"

Tsukauchi said nothing for a moment before sighing and turning his computer monitor around and showing the hero the mug shots of the Eight Prespects of Death.

"They're still all locked up," the detective said, causing some of the tension surrounding Ryukyu's heart to loosen. All the hero could think about on the flight over here was someone related to Overhaul's organization having gotten their hands on Eri again.

Ryukyu sighed. "That's good then … right?"

Tsukauchi shook his head and brought up the mugshots for the top three members of the Shie Hassaikai. "I just got off the phone with the warden of Tartarus. Chisaki has been in their psychiatric ward since his near escape from the maximum-security prison we had him in before the transfer."

"Escape?!" the dragon hero exclaimed, looking shocked, having never heard anything about an escape.

"Joi Irinaka died protecting his boss in the ensuing chaos," Tsukauchi continued clicking on the last picture and showing Ryukyu the last unmasked face. "Hari Kurono, however, escaped and has been in the wind ever since."

"Why were we not warned about this." The deep rumbling of an angry dragon escaping the hero.

"Pressure from the Commission," the dark-haired man explained with a deep frown. "Thankfully, the Tartarus warden was more willing to throw the order out the window when he heard that a child had been abducted."

"He's not the only one," Ryukyu snarled some of her scales starting to appear. "After everything she's gone through, Eri doesn't deserve to be in that monsters' hands again."

"She won't be," a voice came from behind the pair who turned and saw Aizawa standing there with three of his students. "Now show me what you have on this house, Tsukauchi. My daughters waiting for me."

Eri gasped and watched as Dabi's head snapped sharply to the side from the force of the strike.

"You stupid bitch. I said, get her ready, not injure her," Chronostasis snarled, grabbing Eri's hand harshly and examining the small cut with frustration. "Damnit, can't you do anything right."

Eri looked bravely up into her kidnapper's eyes. "L-leave Dabi alone."

Chronostasis eyes narrowed for a moment as Eri realized her mistake finding herself backhanded harshly as well. Dabi stood there in shock for a moment as an old, a memory of her mother crouching against the wall one hand holding her check-in much the same way flashed through her mind. Reacting on instinct, Dabi grabbed the man before he could take continue the abuse.

"Don't touch her!"

"Shut up!" Chronostasis roared, turning and pushing the cremation user away. Advancing on Eri again, the man grabbed her by the hair, pulling her into his makeshift laboratory. A chair sat in the centre next to an IV pole with many empty transfusion bags hanging from it.

"Get in the chair," the man ordered, shoving Eri forward towards makeshift torture device from her deepest nightmares. "We have work to do."

Eri looked towards the door where Dabi stood taking in the room, especially the chair and empty blood bags with wide eyes. The cremation user wasn't a doctor by any means, but even she knew that number of bags was too much for someone to handle.

"Y-you can't, that's too many."

"Don't worry, I know her limit," Chronostasis said, petting Eri's head as she wordlessly climbed in the chair. "If Kai was here, this would go much faster."

"Overhaul? What does …" Dabi trailed off before anger and disgust appeared on her face. "You didn't."

The yakuza gave the woman a cruel smile. "That's right, but unlike that disgusting friend of yours, Kai always put Eri here back together."

"Magne wasn't disgusting; she was beautiful," Dabi argued looking for something she could use to help them.

"Of course, you'd think that," Chronostasis said, turning around to look at Dabi directly. "You freak's in the League think of yourselves as a family. None of you would know a real family if it came up and stabbed you. I just hope that your child doesn't inherit his father's quirk; otherwise, I might have to remove a finger or two."

Well the two adults argued back and forth Eri took a chance and grabbed the first thing off the metal cart next to her that she thought could help.

"What are you talking about?" Dabi said, looking confused. What did Hawks have to do with her child's fingers?

"Shigaraki's quirk, if you child inherits it before I -"

"Ew," Dabi interrupted, mental images of her and Shigaraki making her feel the need to throw up. "I'm not having that crusty bitch's child. I wouldn't sleep with him if we were the last two people on this shitty planet."

"You whore," Chronostasis growled lowly, grabbing Eri by her hair again and yanking her head back, brandishing his signature scalpel. "Who? That paltry magician? The mutant freak?"

Dabi looked at Eri noticing that the girl was biting her lip to keep from crying out. Trying to stay calm as possible well the blade was rested against the girl's throat Dabi tried not to focus on the thin trail of blood was starting to form underneath.

"You wouldn't hurt Eri. She's your precious material, remember." The cremation user bluffed.

"True," the yakuza said, looking thoughtful for a moment before a cruel smile made its way to his face. "But she doesn't have to be awake. One little shot and poor Eri here is brain dead."

Dabi's blanched and stared at the man in disbelief. "You wouldn't."

"Give me the name."

Dabi looked at Eri, who stared back at her with wide pained eyes before noticing what was in the bottle of isopropyl in the girl's hands, a plan started to form.

"It's Hawks," Dabi said calmly, placing her hands over her inflated abdomen. "That baby's father is Hawks."

Whatever calm, the yakuza had instantly evaporated into rage and recognition, and he moved his weapon away from Eri's neck, waving it at Dabi. "Hawks … that winged monstrosity … that HERO!"

"Hey asshole," Eri yelled, using the magic words Kacchan had taught her, much to Shouta's annoyance and Hizashi's horror.

Succeeding in getting Chronostasis attention Eri threw the open bottle in his face. Immediately, the yakuza dropped the scalpel hands flying to his face as the liquid burned his eyes. Leaping out of the chair, Eri ran out the door as Dabi pushed the cart with the computer on it into the man.

As the cart hit Chronostasis, it sent him tumbling into the chair, causing all three to fall to the floor. However, when the computer hit the ground, it sent up a few sparks that instantly latched onto the flammable liquid, lighting the yakuza's clothes on fire and trapping him under their combined weight.

Taking a moment to smile and appreciate her captors' screams, Dabi quickly left the room making sure to activate the automatic lock behind her just in case.

Thankfully Dabi didn't have to wander far before she found Eri out in the hallway shaking like a leaf in the middle of the hallway. Making a little noise this time so that she didn't catch the girl off guard again, Dabi knelt down carefully and pulled her into a hug kissing the top of her head.

"It's ok … your ok," Dabi chanted repeatedly, letting Eri hold her as the girl started to cry. "I promise I'll get you home."

"I- I hurt him," Eri sobbed, looking down at her hands feeling sick. "I … I …"

Pushing herself away from Dabi, Eri made it a few steps away before she began throwing up.

Dabi looked at the girl, unsure what to say, reaching out and rubbing the girl's back as she vomited. Telling Eri that she did what she had to survive didn't sit right with Dabi. The young girl seemed like a compassionate person who couldn't handle seeing people hurt, even when they deserved it.

"Eri, do you know why I was being held, prisoner?" Dabi asked.

Eri looked back with tears in her eyes and shook her head.

"I'm a villain, same as him," Dabi confessed as Eri tensed up at the word villain. "My friends and I ... we, we worked with Overhaul once before he got arrested,"

Eri made a noise of distress at the name and tried to move away, but Dabi grabbed her hands, holding her in place. "If we had known about you, we would have never let him do that to you. For the first time, I'm actually thankful to every hero that got you out of that hellhole."

"I don't understand," Eri spoke. "Villains hate Heroes."

Dabi gave a small smile and placing her hand on Eri's head. "It's complicated, kid, maybe you'll understand when you're older. The only thing you have to remember if what I told you in our room, do you remember?"

"We gotta survive," Eri answered, causing Dabi to nod.

"That's right, and sometimes survival isn't pretty. Sometimes people get hurt, but that doesn't make you a bad person."

"But I liked it," Eri sobbed tears forming again as she latched onto the front of Dabi's dress. "He hurt me all the time and called me a monster, and he was right."

"No, Eri," Dabi said, wrapping her arms around the child. "You're not the monster, they are. Now stay here well I go get the keys our jailer no doubt had on him, and then I'll take you home."

Making her way back to the room she had just left through the two-way mirror, Dabi saw Chronostasis still pinned underneath the computer desk.

Greeted by the familiar scent of burning flesh as she walked through the door, Dabi noticed that the man was staring at her with unfocused hate-filled eyes. No doubt, the chemicals Eri threw in his face combined with the fire made seeing next to impossible, to Chronostasis Dabi, was probably just a moving blob.

"Wow, someone's looking extra crispy," she smirked her foot quickly, pinning the man's arm to the ground when he blindly attempted to lash out. "Now, now play nice."

The man tried to say something, but his burns no doubt made talking difficult much to Dabi's gleam.

"You know you and your people really did a number on Eri there," the cremation user said, kneeling down. Her hands digging through pockets almost immediately finding the keys to his van as well as a bank card that the yakuza must have stolen from the former owner of the house. "As mad as I might be about you kidnapping me, I get it. Villains are villains, no love lost between us. Especially when you have a history like we do."

Dabi's eyes were immediately drawn to the bright silver scalpel that had fallen next to the chair, picking it up with a sadistic gleam in her eyes. "Now, don't tell anyone, but I got a soft spot for kids, has to do with my dick of a hero father abusing me and my siblings when we were young."

Chronostasis coughed, trying to say something, but Dabi just placed a finger on his lips, giving him a serene smile. "So now when I see a kid being hurt, I do something about it. Especially when they think they're a monster because of Bastards. Like. You!"

Face morphing into one now of rage and insanity, Dabi brought the scalpel down on the injured man's body, stabbing him repeatedly until her arm felt like it was going to fall off. Stopping to listen, Dabi heard Chronostasis' weak raspy breath as his arms blindly reached up and grabbed her shoulder.

Ramming the blade into the dying man's neck, Dabi sliced across the flesh in one smooth motion, listening patiently as he gurgled his last few breathes out.

"But we know what real monsters look like, right?" she said, looking up and into the reflective surface of the fallen tray Endeavors image staring back at her. "Enji Todoroki."


Sorry about this chapter is up so late — a combination of binge-watching a Netflix show, a lack of inspiration and work.

Let me know if you enjoyed the chapter; it's my first attempt at anything like this. Also, keep an eye out on this story in the near future. I plan on spending one weekend doing a complete overhaul of the previous chapters. This means that once final revisions are done, I'm going to be replacing them in one swift upload.

Until next time everyone stays safe.