DISCLAIMER: Fifty shades of Grey or its' characters do NOT belong to me. I own the plot and more than a few characters though. I would like to remind you that this is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people or places is accidental.




Ana and her friends = 24 years old

Christian = 28 years old

Mia = 22 years old

Elliot = 30 years old

Stephen = 28 years old [I'm casting Stephen Amell as Stephen of my story ;)]



Chapter - 20:


The seemingly abandoned warehouse was flooding with first responders. Ana was sitting on the back of one the ambulances getting checked out. Jacob was standing leaning against said ambulance as he observed his niece getting treated with a narrowed eyes. Christian and the boys were giving police their statements. Jacob was already done with his. Even though Jack wasn't dead, the police kept on giving Jacob suspicious looks.

"Detective?! Is there a reason you keep glancing at my girlfriend's uncle while the criminal of this case is being loaded in your vehicle?" Christian asked sternly.

"It's just strange, don't you think? A serial killer's family member got taken by another serial killer. Even though it looks like he loves the girl and is really protective about her, Jacob Williams didn't kill Jack Hyde. Why?" The detective mused.

"Why don't you focus on giving this asshole his dues instead of worrying about things you don't need to do?" Christian said angrily.

"Right! I apologies," with one last glance at Jacob, the detective left.

To keep herself distracted, Ana turned her head to look at her uncle. "You saved me. Thank you,"

"It was a team effort. I wouldn't have been able to save you if it wasn't for your friends and that boy's IT people," Jacob stated blankly.

"That boy? Do you mean 'Christian'?" Ana asked wincing as the paramedic wrapped a bandage around one of her nail-less fingers.


"Why are you calling his 'boy'?"

"Your friends told me everything about how he broke your heart. You lied to mew, kiddo," Jacob stated softly.

"I'm sorry, Uncle Jake. I didn't... I didn't want to trouble you with my messed up relationship," Ana answered with sad puppy eyes.

"I don't like how he hurt you and now he thinks he can just waltz his way in your life again just because he helped to find you. On top of that he is as interesting as scrambled eggs. And, for the record, I don't find scrambled eggs particularly interesting," Jacob scowled, rolling his eyes.

"How awful!" Ana mocked him with a sad smile.

"Yes, Ana. It is awful, but do you know what I realized today?"

"What, Uncle Jake?!"

It's terrifying what I'd do to keep you safe. I don't even know how I stopped myself from tearing that asshole apart. It was really hard," Jacob said with a wry smile.

"Nothing worth it is ever easy," Ana smiled up at him, "and having you with us here is definitely worth it,"

"If you're sure, kiddo," Jacob sighed deeply before his eyes fell on Christian who was heading towards them hesitantly. "Here comes the boy," he warned Ana.

"H-hey, Ana," Christian greeted, "How are you feeling?"

"Like I just woke from a nightmare... I just wish it was really a nightmare," Ana started trembling as tears fell down her cheeks.

Christian sighed deeply. He couldn't even imagine what she must been through. He just experienced it from the sideline and he felt like he needed years of psycho-therapy to get over it. Ana had the first row seat of this shit show. He couldn't even comprehend how she would be able to get past this experience. "You'll be alright... after some time," he said softly glancing at her wounded hands.

"Hey... Ana, the police wants to talk to you," Kellan informed approaching the group.

"Can we do that from here? I don't want to see that warehouse ever again," Ana pleaded.

"I'll tell them," Kellan assured with a kind smile before he went back to the detectives.

"Are you sure you want to do this NOW? I mean, you don't have to do anything until you're ready," Christian protested.

Before Ana could reply, Jacob interrupted, "Once she gives them her statement, she'll be free to not remember these events for quite some time,"

"And I want give them as much detail as I can. I feel like... I might forget something vital if I don't do this now," Ana shuddered. She was almost in hysterics.

Jacob wrapped his arms around his niece and started making shushing noises to calm her down. Christian stepped closer and held her wrist softly. Her wrists were slightly bruised from the bindings. He bend his head and placed a soft kiss on her wrist causing Ana startle in surprise. She stares at his with wide teary eyes as Christian offer her a caring smile. Ana managed to returned the smile with her her trembling ones. Jacob watched the whole thing with narrowed eyes. Even though the young millionaire had helped him find his child, he was not going to forgive him so easily for breaking her heart.



It took them another hour and half before they were allowed to go to the hospital. Ana's parents, rest of her friends, and Christian's parents were waiting for them when they reached the hospital. Since she was a victim of a serious crime, she needed to be looked at by the doctors immediately. Ana hadn't said anything since her talk with the detectives, let alone protest about the hospital. She was staring upwards with a blankly as tears ran down from the sides of her eyes. Jacob, and her friends were told to wait in the waiting room while Ana was taken to the ER. They found Ana's parents, rest of her friends and Christian's parents in the waiting room, already waiting for them.

"Jacob! How is she? How is my baby?" Carla asked desperately.

"Carl, Carl, calm yourself," Jacob said wrapping his arms around her. "Annie is physically fine... almost. Her nails were pulled off by that fucking asshole, but otherwise, she's fine," he exhaled harshly, "but Carla... our baby is in deep trauma," he added.

"That bastard!" Ray growled as angry tears filled his eyes.

"What did you see there?" Carrick asked his sons who had joined their parents.

"He was keeping Ana in an abandoned warehouse... where he was preparing to turn Ana into one of his dolls... there were six other dead girls in a glass case... displayed like dolls. According to Ana, he had turned them into texidermized sex dolls by pouring liquid polymer into them," Christian shared shaking his head in disgust.

Carla breaks down in sobs and falls down. Jacob kneels down with her, his arms still wrapped around her. Ray stepped close and wrapped his arms around both Carla and Jacob as he tried to control his tears. They were still reeling from the horror and relief of this whole situation.

One hour later, the ER's duty doctor came to the waiting room. "Family of Ms. Anastasia Steele?" he asked.

"We are her parents," Ray answered as they all got up from their seats.

"Other than the lacerations of her nails and some mild bruises on her wrists, patient is physically fine. There was no sign of sexual assault; though I would recommend you to consult a psychiatrist. I have feeling that Ms. Steele will be suffering from PTSD," the doctor informed.

"Can we see her now?" Carla asked.

"Yes, of course, but two at a time though," The doctor gave them a sympathetic smile and left.

"You two should go meet her," Jacob said to Carla and Ray. Giving him a grateful smile, Ana's parents headed towards Ana's room.

They found Ana in her room, staring out the window. All of her fingers were wrapped in bandages. Hearing them enter, Ana turned her head and burst into tears. She was really happy and relieved to see her parents. She had thought that she would never see her family again. "Mom! Dad!" she sobbed.

"Oh baby!" Carla hugged her daughter tightly and continued crying. Ray didn't bother to wait for his turn and took his girlfriend and daughter in his arms.


Six months later. The wounds on Ana's fingers were healed now, but Ana could still feel the phantom pains of those wounds. She had started going to a psychiatrist, Dr. John Flynn. Due to the incident, Ana's friends and family were quite traumatized as well. So, they had all decided to go see a psychiatrist as well. Ana was grateful for their support and felt more comfortable sharing with Dr. Flynn.

While the Steeles were mending, the Greys were handling another problem. While everyone had been busy looking for Ana, Mia and Stephen eloped. Grace was really upset that their daughter had gotten married like that without telling any of them. Carrick was equally displeased with Stephen. He had thought at least Stephen would think about how they would feel. On the other hand, he couldn't believe Mia could do something like this. Elliot and Christian were PISSED! They always treated Stephen like their brother. They never even considered him a treat to their little sister. But none of their react to Mia-Stephen's wedding were as extreme as Mia and Stephen's were. When the newly married couple came to know that the rest of the family had accepted Jacob, they threw a fit of epic proportion. They acted as if they had done nothing wrong and started accusing Christian, Elliot and their parents of disloyalty and betrayal. By the time, they had finished accusing the family, Carrick and Grace were beyond upset. They told Mia and Stephen to get of the house and not come back until they've mended their ways of thinking. They told the couple that even though they loved them both, doesn't mean they would endure their misbehavior. So, Stephen and Mia left the Grey house in a huff.

Christian and Ana weren't back together, but they were found hanging out often. Even though Ana had forgiven Christian, she didn't forget how he'd left her. She wasn't ready to trust him again so soon. So, they were getting to know each other and were trying to be friends first.






A/N: Yeah, I know the ending is not as satisfactory as I wanted this to be, but I lost my mojo with this story. I have two plot bunnies that's currently running around my head and I really want to write them both. Soooo... I decided to finish this story this way. I might come back to re-do the last chapter, but I might not. Thank you so, so much for staying with this story from the beginning. Love you guys. Please Stay indoors and stay safe.