Author: Hello everyone! I understand that there are people here who won't want to read torture scenes so this chapter would be shorter because I've removed it.

Black Hat: What was that, Author? Did you just say you are removing the torture? When I have specifically told you to add it so people would know what happen if they betray me?

Author: O-h Lord Black Hat! sir, no removal of torture scene here, Sir. Just...warning them... Yeah. Just warning them that the torture would have '~Torture starts here~' at the beginning and '~End of Torture here~' at the end.

Black Hat: Good. You better not remove it, you know what happens if you do. *grin widely*

Author: Yes Lord Black Hat sir. T_T

/You can skip the torture if you don't wanna read it. You'll still find out what happened to the family at the end.

If you do read the torture please let me know what you think of it! It is my first time writing a torture scene~

And lastly, big thanks to Art-chan for betaing this chapter and making this chapter much more awesome!

"Sir, are you done?" Flug asked only to receive a hiss as an answer, making him sigh softly. "You act like a cat, Sir", he muttered softly.

"What did you say?" Black Hat growled as he looks up at the scientist only to glare at him, "I am nothing like those furballs!"

"Oh really?" Flug raised his eyebrow, "You are rubbing your head against me to leave your scent and you hissed at me. Sounds a lot like a cat to me."

Black Hat snorted softly as he rested his head against the crook of Flug's neck. "I had to get rid of the scent", the former muttered softly.

"A shower would have gotten rid of the scent. You're acting like...when I was first bonded to you...", Flug said softly, realising what's going on. "Black Hat, you do know that I would never leave you right? Not even for my 'Family'."

"I know that!" Black Hat growled, "But my instincts never got the memo, we never finished the last step of the ritual, remember? You could still be taken away from me!" He bares his fangs at that idea as he wraps his arms around Flug possessively and several tendril appeared from his back, ready to kill anyone who tried to take Flug away from him.

The human sighed softly as he buried his face into Black Hat's chest. "No one is strong enough to take me away from you, Black Hat. And even if they somehow defeated you I would never leave your side." He looks up at the black being with a small smile on his face, "I belong to you and you alone. Nothing in the world could change that."

Black Hat relaxed at Flug's words and slowly loosened his hold on the latter until he is able to let Flug go. "You always know what to say to me." He grumbled softly as he nuzzled the scientist one last time before letting Flug go.

"Of course I do." Flug smirked as he climbed out of Black Hat's bed and straightened his clothes, "Now if you'll excuse me, there is a family waiting for their doctors' appointment." He smirked as he put on his paper bag and goggles Black Hat had placed on the nightstand.

"Have fun, Doctor~ Be sure to take a family picture once you are done. Oh and Slys? Your punishment for revealing your identity," Black Hat waited until Flug turned around to face him, "I've sold your plane collection." He smirked when he felt the negative emotions coming off Flug.

"Bu-but Sir! It took me years to complete it! Even if I start collecting from the beginning again it would be impossible for me to get some of the planes!" Flug grabbed the side of his paper bag in distress as he stared at his boss with wide eyes hidden behind his goggles.

Black Hat laughed, "I know, that's what makes it a suitable punishment." He grinned as he lay on his side and rested his head on the palm of his hand.

Flug buried his face into his hands and keened in grief, looking up when he felt Black Hat's tendril lift up his head.

"Didn't you say there is a family waiting for their doctors' appointment, Slys?", Black Hat asked as he raised his eyebrow.

Flug grinned darkly as he straightened himself and let his arms drop to his side. "You are right, Jefecito~ It would be rude of me to keep them waiting any longer." He bowed to his boss before leaving the room. Dark thoughts swimming around in his mind as he headed down to his lab, ready to make the traitor suffer for his betrayal.

~Torture starts here~

Meltdown woke up with a groan and snapped his eyes open in shock when he moved his hand to rub them only to find them chained over his head. "What...?"

"Finally, I was worried that Demencia had hit you so hard that she put you into a coma." Flug stepped out of the shadows wearing an apron. "Now shall we get started? I think it would be best if we started with your children." He commented as he snapped his fingers to signal the Hatbot-Ler to turn on the light behind him to reveal Meltdown's family all chained to the wall, awake and each of them are wearing a gag and a collar that suppresses their powers.

Meltdown immediately pulled on his own chains and tried to use his powers only to find that they weren't working. "Please! Don't hurt them! It is me that you want, I betrayed the organization! Not them!", he begged.

"I know you're the one who betrayed us but my job is to make you suffer and having you watch the torture of your family would be the worst option I can think of. After all, you betrayed Black Hat in hopes of giving them a better life." It was only a guess but the look on Meltdown's face tells him that he hit home.

Flug waved for the Hatbot-Sentinel next to Meltdown to gag him before picking up a syringe from the tray the Hatbot-Ler next to him was holding. He flicked the barrel of the syringe and pushed out the bubble of air before walking over to the children, stopping when movement at his side caught his attention. He turned over to find the very pregnant Lady Icicle shaking her head desperately. He waved the extra Hatbot-Ler he has in the room over to remove her gag. "Yes, Lady Icicle?", the scientist asked as he tilted his head curiously.

"Please! Please don't hurt them! They are innocent! They'll be loyal to Lord Black Hat! Please just don't hurt them!", she begged with tears starting to stream down her face, "I swear I didn't know what Meltdown was planning! I would have stopped him if I had known! Haven't I been loyal to Lord Black Hat even after I retired?"

Flug put the syringe back onto the tray and walked over to Lady Icicle. "You have been very loyal to Lord Black Hat." He gently stroked her cheek to comfort her. "But I am sorry; nothing you say would change my orders. Though I can promise that I will not touch your children as long as you are alive." He removed his hand to snap his fingers and watched an operating table being wheeled in. "Get her on the table", he ordered the Hatbot-Sentinel that was in charge of wheeling in the operation table before leaving the room.

"No! Stop! Please don't do this!" Lady Icicle begged the Hatbot-Sentinel as she struggled to free herself from her shackles but it proved useless. The Hatbots would only listen to Flug, he made them specifically to protect his lab and help him in any way while he was working there. They would rather blow themselves up before disobeying their Creator.

Flug returned with a large tube that was being wheeled in by another Hatbot-Sentinel. "Place it at the side, we won't want it getting in the way", he told the Hatbot-Sentinel and gave the extra Hatbot-Ler the instructions to set it up.

"Wha-what are you doing?" Lady Icicle asked, fear in her voice as she was struggling harder to free herself, frost starting to form on the stripes holding her down and freezing the leftover tears on her face.

Flug quickly picked up a syringe and injected the liquid into her, forcing her body to relax involuntary and her powers to fade. "Well, that could have ended badly. Looks like the collar isn't as strong as it should be", the mad scientist put on a pair of new gloves, even though he was already wearing a pair, as a Hatbot-Ler gagged Lady Icicle again and picked up a scalpel for its Creator. Turning to his audience Flug asked with a hint of sadistic glee in his voice, "Do you know what a vivisection is? No? Well, you are about to find out. Consider this a lesson in biology kids." Grinning under his paper bag he cut into her before anyone could even make a sound.

Flug worked quickly to remove the baby, there was no need to keep Lady Icicle alive after this so he didn't bother being careful with her insides. "Congratulations! It's a boy!" Flug held up the baby to show Meltdown and Lady Icicle before placing it in the tube he had brought in. It was filled with the same liquid he used to develop 5.0.5 till he was strong enough to live without it...with some changes made to its functionality. It would speed up the ageing process as he was planning to keep the baby, not sure what he'll do with it yet but he's sure he'll think of something.

He turned back to Lady Icicle and picked up the scalpel again. "Now then, let's see if there's anything inside of you that's different from normal humans!", the crazed scientist said happily as he continued the vivisection, the drugs that were pumped into the retired villain is preventing her from feeling any pain, which he was glad for, but it is also preventing her from falling unconscious.

She was actually one of the few villains that he liked! But it doesn't matter now; he has a job to do. He cut open her chest and used an autopsy saw to get through her rips so he could get to the prize hidden behind them. "You have a very healthy heart, Lady Icicle." He reached into her chest to caress it. "I wonder what will happen if I inject it with liquid nitrogen? Would it freeze up or would it stay the same because of your powers? I guess there is only one way to find out." He picked up a syringe specially made for such an occasion, created by him to be able to hold chemicals that would usually destroy a normal syringe.

"Please stay alive as long as possible, Lady Icicle. Your children are depending on you", he told her right before injecting liquid nitrogen right into her heart. He watched in glee as she screamed around the gag, the liquid nitrogen's reaction to her powers is to turn her heart into ice and slowly spreading to the rest of her body until she was nothing but a twisted sculpture of ice on his operating table.

"Well...that was unexpected." He shrugged his shoulders, letting the Hatbot-Sentinel roll her away as he turned around to stare Meltdown down.

"This is all your fault, you know", he told the crying villain, "Now that Lady Icicle is dead I'll have to move on to your children." He sighed softly as he shook his head. "I don't like it at all, I take no pleasure in torturing children...but the pain you'll go through as you watch them rip each other apart would be beautiful~" Flug chuckled darkly as he turned around to walk towards the kids.

"The both of you are very unlucky to have Meltdown as your father." He told the children, the girl glaring at him while the boy sobbed quietly. "I was looking forward to working with you..." He picked up the syringe and injected half into the boy first before emptying the rest into the girl. "Well, have fun!", he mocked as he walked back to Meltdowns side and watched as thick glass rose from the ground once he crossed a set distance from the children.

"Do watch closely, Meltdown." The Hatbot-Sentinel beside him forced Meltdown to face his children. "This is entirely your fault and your children are paying the price of your betrayal", the goggled villain taunt the father as the Hatbot-Ler at the other side of the glass removed the children's gags and released both from their shackles and power dampening collars before backing into the corner to give them space.

The boy curled up and whimpered softly as he tried to fight off the drug he was given but unfortunately for him, the girl didn't have that problem. Already angry with the situation her family was placed in the drug attached itself onto that anger and used it to twist her mind, making her growl like an animal and making her see red. Letting her anger and the drug cloud her mind she was unable to tell that the figure next to her is, in fact, her brother and so she pounced onto him, digging her teeth into his shoulder and ripping off a piece of his flesh.

The boy screamed in pain and lost his focus which let the drug take over his mind and cloud his thoughts. He snarled at his sister as he punched her jaw before she could take another bite and kicked her off of him. Blood coated the ground as the adrenaline created through the anger let more of the precious red liquid flow within the boys' systems and finally running down his open shoulder.

"They are pretty good", Flug remarked after watching the massacre in silence for a while. "You two must have trained them well; too bad they will never reach their full potential." Meltdown struggled harder to free himself, he was unable to save his wife but he had to at least save his children! But no matter what he did it was no use. Flug had made sure that he would never be able to free himself so all he could do was watch his children, his sweet little boy and bright little girl growl and snarl like animals as they ripped each other apart. They were as close as siblings can be and to see them hurt each other like see them trying to kill each was worse than any horror Meltdown could ever dream up.

The girl was the first to fall, not being able to survive without her lungs, the boy followed not a minute later, the loss of more than half of his blood taking its toll on him. The both of them put up a good fight and had both caused horrific injuries on each other but there was only so much even a superpowered child with adrenaline coursing within their veins could lose before their bodies shut down.

~End of Torture here~

Flug clapped his hands as the glass was lowered. "Bravo!", Flug cheered as he grinned widely. "What a way to go out, huh? They would have definitely been interesting to work with if they are little older...and alive." He chuckled darkly as he turned to Meltdown and personally removed the gag from the crying villain. "Too bad they have you as their father."

"Y-you're sick." Meltdown whimpered as he turned his head away from the bloody mess that used to be his children. "I hope you burn in hell for this!", he hissed brokenly.

Flug laughed as he shook his head. "Burn in hell? Oh Meltdown, I won't even be able to enter it. Once Lord Black Hat has decided that I am no longer of use to him my soul would either be eaten or kept in his collection." He tilted his head so the light shone off his goggles and hid his eyes from view, he was told by a past test subject that it made him scarier than he should be. "Now then, I doubt anything I do to you would hurt you anymore then what I've already done so let's just get this done and over with, shall we?" He picked up a syringe and emptied it inside Meltdown. "Now let's get you all ready for one last family photo."

Flug is currently in the living room with 5.0.5, writing on the back of a photo and placing it in an envelope before sliding it over to 5.0.5 to seal and write down the address of their clients. They were working in peace before Demencia crashed into the room and snatched the envelope out of 5.0.5's paw before he could seal it.

"Demencia!", Flug yelled as he jumped onto his feet and tried to grab her. "Give it back!"

Demencia laughed crazily as she crawled to the ceiling to get out of Flug's reach. "Sure...once I've seen what you've done!" She sat on top of the bookshelf and swung her legs as she pulled out the photo and saw the words 'Betrayal is a bloody mess' on the back before turning it over and widening her eyes in shock.

It's a picture of something akin to a family sitting on a couch but it was a far cry from normal, the woman nothing more than an ice sculpture with broken limbs, her legs were inside her open chest, one arm behind the mangled bodies of two children while her other arm was laid across her lap and next to the children rested a barely recognizable melted body of a male who could be assumed to be the father. "Wow, Flug! I never thought you had it in you!" She said with a minor tremble which luckily went unnoticed as she waved the photo around.

Flug was quick to cover 5.0.5's eyes before he could catch a glimpse of the photo. "Demencia! Stop waving that around and get down here!"

"Ehhh whatever", the girl shrugged her shoulders as she let the photo and envelope fall from her hands. "I have a mission to complete anyway." She stuck her tongue out at the scientist before sprinting out of the room as if the floor was lava. She wouldn't admit it but she is a little shaken and she needed time to process what she just saw.

Flug sighed softly as he uncovered 5.0.5's eyes and picked up the envelope and photo. "Let's continue", he told his son tiredly as he flipped the photo over so the words would be the first thing their client saw when they removed the photo and placed it back inside the envelope before handing it back to 5.0.5. They still had quite a few to go but once they were done he was going back to his lab to deal with the baby. Perhaps he should turn him into a weapon for Black Hat? So many choices to choose from, he couldn't wait to get started.