Full Summary: On the twelfth hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began. Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of these children as possible.

He ended up with eight of them.

Juno Hargreeves' siblings are extraordinary. She was extraordinary too. Emphasis on the 'was'.

Left permanently disabled in the incident that killed Ben, Juno Hargreeves has spent the last decade feeling less than ordinary thanks to her father. Overwhelmed by guilt over Ben's death, no longer able to live up to her father's expectations and her brothers and sisters having left her behind, Juno is trapped. But her father's dead and it turns out the apocalypse is in eight days.

Doesn't that sound fun!

She'd been staring at the condensation on the window when Diego came back to the car.

"Here ya go squirt." He said as he handed her a jelly doughnut

"Tha-tha—." A frown etched itself on his baby sister's face as the half words passed her lips.

Diego, the excellent big brother that he was, didn't react to the mistake. He took a bite of his doughnut and waited.

The frown got deeper on her face as she thought, and then voiced her next words careful. "...I mean thank you."

"No problem squirt," Diego managed to ruffle her hair a few times before she swatted him away. "You'll get the next one right?"

Diego never let Juno pay, but that didn't mean he wouldn't joke about it.

She laughed. "I'm sure mom makes better doughnuts anyway, they're free so that's what you're getting."

"Cheap ass." He shot back, though there was no heat behind

Juno licked the powdered sugar off of her fingers. "So how much for winning the fight?"

"Not much this time," He shrugged before continuing. "I owe Al some money so he takes it out of my winnings. Maybe you should getting in the ring though, that way you got a little something to pay me back with."

Juno nodded. "Good idea. I'll definitely make more than you really quick, be able to buy all the doughnuts. Maybe buy you a fancy new sex suit while I'm at it.

"We've been over this!" Diego objected. "It is not a sex suit, it's tactical leather armor."

Juno couldn't keep the shiteating grin off face as she eyed her brother. "Whatever you say Diego! You wear that thing everywhere, it's a miracle you're not wearing it right now"

"I do not wear it everywhere" He grumbled, finishing off his doughnut.

Juno couldn't resist. "Real talk though, do you like uh...bathe in it too or is that where you...draw the line? I just want to make sure you know that I'll accept you no matter how freaky you are on the inside is all. You can tell me. "

Diego made a show of looking utterly offended. "Isn't it past your bedtime?"

Now it was Juno's turn to look offended "We're the same age. I don't need bedtime"

"Not from where I'm standing squirt"

The raven haired girl licked the jelly out of her doughnut before asking. "Why do you call me that exactly? I'm not even the shortest in the house." That was Vanya.

In all honesty it really was getting close to her curfew and mom worried when Juno was out late. Diego fiddled with his keys before turning the ignition.

"You don't choose the nickname, the nickname chooses you, besides I'll always be bigger than you so it fits. Check and see if there's anyone behind us would ya squirt."

Juno's face scrunched up in suspicion next to him. "Why…?"

"Uh, because I asked you to?" Diego said it in such a perfectly confused tone that Juno almost believed it was innocent request, almost.

"Why can't you do it? You've got ea—eyes"

"Because your eyes are better than mine and there are barely any street lights on. Come on JJ."

A perfectly reasonable statement. But could she really fall for it? She wasn't sure.

"I buy you doughnuts and you can't do this one thing for me? Do you really want me to just run somebody over while backing out?

Juno shot him an 'are you serious?' look before sighing dramatically and turning around. It was in this moment of weakness that The Kraken struck, leaning his head over and chomping his sister's last piece of doughnut out of her unsuspecting hands.


Diego, the excellent brother that he was, chuckled with the smuggest of looks on his face as he chewed.

"I hope you know I licked that, you asshole!"

"So did you have fun?" They were parked outside the house and despite adamant denial on her part Juno was tired. She hadn't even done anything today. It was ridiculous.

"It's always fun to be invited to watch you beat the snot out of a guy. I'll be sure to thank mom for making you drag me out of the house." Juno proclaimed, yawning as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

"She wouldn't have to call me if you stopped being such a hermit you know."

Juno sensed a lecture coming on. She hated this part.

"I'm perfectly okay being a hermit thank you. I hate people."

That was a lie. You're lonely.'

"No one likes to sit at home for months on end Juno, especially not you" Diego didn't mean for that phrase to come out as hard as it did, but it had.

Just like that the air in the car got awkward. Diego had uttered a loaded statement and they both knew it. He called her Juno too. He never did that unless he was upset. All of her brothers worked that way, it was always 'Jay', 'JJ' or some other variation with them. Squirt was Diego's nickname though. Her sisters were the only ones that really called her Juno.

She settled on tugging on her jacket sleeve while Diego looked away and stood a little straighter in his seat and adjusted his grip on the steering wheel.

It looked like he was about to say something important.

She waited.

"Do you uh, need help getting inside?"

'Guess not'

"I'm not that tired. I can handle it." Juno stepped out of the car. "Make sure you shower. I didn't wanna say anything but you smell grody man."

"The smell of champions baby!"

And just like that they were back to normal.

Diego waited until she was inside to drive off. Once in the academy Juno was met with mother's impeccable smiling face.

"Hello sweetheart. Did you have a good time with your brother?" She asked pleasantly, as cheerful as always. Her mother always had a way of making Juno smile.

"Hi mom." Juno kissed her on the cheek in greeting. "I had fun. Diego won, we got doughnuts after."

"Oh how wonderful!" Her mother exclaimed. "Make sure you brush your teeth dear, we don't want you getting cavities from all that sugar now do we."

Juno didn't get cavities, her teeth had always been perfect. Technically she didn't even need to brush.

"No worries mom, I won't forget." The 'youngest' Hargreeves took in the oppressive silence of the much too big academy.

She wished her father would consider downsizing. The house had been so empty for so long and it's size made it impossible to forget that she was alone in here. The house used to be full of noise. It wasn't always happy noise. But these days she'd settle for the sound of arguing, or even tears when faced with the oppressive nothing.

She really wished Diego hadn't left so quickly.

There were moments like these, where her house seemed much too big and her reasons for getting up in the morning seemed much too small, that she missed many siblings. She missed Luther's big head, missed Diego and his need to run after Luther, Allison and her need to be the center of attention, Klaus his...Klaus, Five and his enormous ego, Ben...

Her mother's concerned voice shook her out of her thoughts. "Is something wrong dear? Are feeling alright?"

"I'm okay mom, I'm just tired." She yawned, as if on cue.

The yawn brought tears to her eyes. Definitely the yawn.

Juno rubbed her eyes. "I'm gonna head to sleep." She gave her mother a firm hug. "Thanks for calling Diego by way."

Her mother returned her hug wholeheartedly, the way she always did. "Of course dear. Though I'm sure your brother would love to hear from you yourself. Maybe you could try giving him a call sometime?

Grace Hargreeves loved all her children, this was an indisputable fact. Even when not all of those children felt that they deserved it. Grace Hargreeves wanted what was best for her children, even when those children didn't seem to want what was best for themselves.

Her mother was always gentle with her prodding. She appreciated that about her.

Juno nods "Yeah, definitely." Liar

Juno hadn't held a proper conversation with someone over the phone in years. She'd tried calling Allison a few weeks back, around the time her divorce had been finalized and the media had let the world know that Allison had lost custody. Juno had felt terrible. She wanted to call and offer her support, to be there in her sister's hour of need, like how things used to be. She'd gathered up her courage, made sure to practice what she wanted to say and picked up the phone. The line rang several times and Juno was just about to hang up when an exasperated voice answered:

"Allison Hargreeves' phone, this is her assistant speaking." The unfamiliar voice had thrown a wrench in Juno's plan and she quickly found that she'd forgotten her words. It made perfect sense Allison would have someone screen her calls, especially after this media storm. She should've expected this. Juno answered.

"Uh...I...I.." 'What was she trying to say?!'

"If you're calling for a comment on the results of the custody battle, Ms. Hargreeves has nothing to say to the media at this time."

No that wasn't why she'd called. "No I...phone. Allison, sorry. I—paper. Talk!"

"If you're asking to interview Ms. Hargreeves, as I said before we aren't speaking to the media at this time."

No, that hadn't been what she was asking. "No I'm not…' By this time Juno was beginning to go red in the face, and her embarrassment was shoving her thought process even further off track. "Not right. I need Three, house you're—I mean!—" Juno gave an aggravated huff, and though it honestly wasn't directed at her, Allison's assistant didn't like being growled at.

"I don't know who you think you are but I'll have you know we could have you charged with harassment for not respecting Ms. Hargreeves' privacy!"

Juno was starting to feel desperate so she tried one more time. "I. Need. Allison." She spoke slowly and forcefully for her own benefit, to make her mouth get the right words out. But unfortunately for Juno, her voice had succeed in taking on a gruff tone. "Give—Allison. The. Phone plea—Please!"

She exhaled in defeat. That wasn't what she'd wanted to say it.

"I'm hanging up now. If you try and harass Ms. Hargreeves again we'll be handing over your information to the police."

Juno slammed the phone back into the receiver, before deciding to slam her head into the wall in a couple of times for good measure.

It was at this time that Pogo came dashing into hallway. Clearly he'd come running at the sound of her slamming into the wall because he was slightly out of breath.

"Miss Juno what on earth are you doing!" He exclaimed in concern.

Juno wanted to tell Pogo she was fine, but she wanted to leave the whole situation a lot more. So that was exactly what she did. She stormed past Pogo and stayed in her room for the remainder of the day to wallow in her feelings. Mom came by with food and asked Juno what'd happened.

She wouldn't say.

The next day after the phone call disaster her father called her into his study. Pogo had told him what'd happened and he was very disappointed in her.

He was always disappointed in her.

"Honestly Number Zero, these tantrums you choose to throw are simply inexcusable!

Juno didn't plan on touching a phone anytime soon after that. She certainly didn't wanna risk anybody but Diego answering the phone, but more to the point, she didn't wanna bother Diego. She didn't wanna bother anyone really.

Her mother kissed her on the cheek. "Sweet dreams dear."

The next morning Juno Hargreeves would learn of her father's passing and she would cry.

Not for the father she'd lost.

Instead she mourned the fact that she'd never be able to prove to that father that she was still Extraordinary.

Autho's Note:

Any mistakes in Juno's dialogue are intentional.

Anything else is my fault.