Midori the Queen

Author's Note: Thank you to all my readers for your feedback and help in forming the outcome of this fic and the soon to be released continuation of the Villain Timeline. This will be an epilogue chapter so it may drag some. Enjoy!

Epilogue: The Phoenix Arises

"I don't like this." Aizawa fidgeted looking around at the settings. "I don't like this at all."

"She deserves to have her voice be heard, Aizawa-kun." All Might tried to reassure his friend and gave a pat on the back. "She'll be locked away after this, and you want to hear what she has to say just as much as anyone."

"That may be true, but Karma's been known to escape more than a few times when our guard has been down. I'm not letting it happen again." He crossed his arms, keeping his tired eyes on the girl who sat chained to the interrogation table.

The door opened, and an officer escorts Mirio, Bakugo and Shoto in. Their minor wounds bandaged and clothes freshly changed.

"Has she said anything yet?" Shoto asked joining them at the window.

"No, Detective Tsukauchi went to grab some files. He has a feeling that this will be a long talk, so make yourselves comfortable." Aizawa motioned them to sit, but both remained standing and looking through the window. When Tsukauchi walked in, everyone braced for what was to come.

"Hello again detective." Karma greeted looking calm despite being chained down, and her quirks suppressed. Spending a full three days in lock up hadn't diminished her confidence and she was clearly feeling superior despite the drawbacks in her escape plan.

"Hello again, Karma. Comfortable?" He offered a small, professional, smile.

"As much as I can be, given the situation." She smiled while crossing her legs, the movement making him flinch a little in response. The obvious knee jerk reaction made her want to laugh, but she stayed professional. "I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to hear me out."

"Well now," he laughed softly. "I could hardly pass up the opportunity to get your statement. You're the key piece to taking down your former crew, and everyone wants to know how and why such a bright and clever young hero decided she wanted to become a villain."

Karma's smile immediately dropped and Tsukauchi felt his blood go cold.

"Let me make something quite clear, Detective. I didn't WANT to become a villain. The only reason I did was because my morals and thoughts were being manipulated by a man who only saw the darkness of this world, and he narrowed my vision."

"I see, you're talking about the villain you fought against in Kamino. All for One, am I correct?"

"Yes… that's the one. He saw my potential, and made me what I am today. I was too young and stupid at the time to see the truth, and once I realized I'd past the point of no return I walked the line between heroism and villainy, unable to commit to either side."

"Why couldn't you do it?" Tsukauchi asked genuinely curious. "You've shown you're clearly capable of committing crime, but you fluctuate back and forth between being good and bad. Why is that?"

"We're taught at a young age that lying, cheating, stealing is all wrong, and that's what villains do. Telling the truth, playing fair, helping and saving people, that's what heroes do, and it's what I've always wanted to do. I didn't want to hurt people, I didn't want to do a lot of the things that I did. When I couldn't stop it, when I realized there was no going back, I decided to take hold of my power and embrace it. I can't just say "I'm sorry" and hope the world will forgive me. That's not the way the "Game of Life" is supposed to be played."

"The Game of life?"

"Yes, and that's where my story might get a little meta…" Karma laughed and tapped her temple, chains rattling as she did so. "Not everyone is going to understand it."

"Enlighten me…" Tsukauchi pushed and Karma agreed with a shrug.

"Alright. We're taught that life is like a chess board. There's white pieces… the good people: heroes, police, the innocent civilians. Then there's the Black pieces, Villains, killers, thieves, etc. Everyone seems to think the world is made up of these Blacks and White pieces, but what they fail to realize is that there's grey pieces. Grey pieces are people like me who had no intention of doing wrong, but weren't really given a choice in the matter. Those pieces don't fit in the game that everyone is taught, because they don't follow the same strict rules everyone else does. We can't be white, because we have been stained by something or a situation out of our control, but we can't bring ourselves to go that extra mile and fully commit to being black. So instead of trying to force myself into either side, I decided to change the game entirely."

"You wanted to make new rules instead of being forced into a position you weren't comfortable in." Tsukauchi interpreted.

"Exactly." She leans forward looking eager as she explained. "That's been my goal all this time, detective. To build a game where all the individual pieces can be used. I want people to see that white pieces aren't just white, and black pieces aren't just black. We're all grey, some shades darker than others, but all capable of change. To prove it, I became a villain that did crime like she's supposed to, but I did it in order to save people and made sure it was in a way that would gain attention and change everyone's perspective on how the world works."

"A villain who saves people? That's a lofty goal." He smiled amusedly.

"Laugh all you want, detective, but everything I did, I did with good and positive intentions. The money and goods I stole, the people I killed, all of it was to provide support, comfort, and stability to my allies. These people were also left in the gray, shunned, mocked, and/or rejected by the black and whites of society. I gave them a positive place where they could be themselves and not be judged. I gave them a place to belong."

"The League of Villains." Tsukauchi concluded with a raised brow and Karma nodded.

"Yes. They were my friends, and my family. Every single one of those individuals I cared for and wanted to help. In order to do so I was determined to change people's perspectives of us, but at that moment we were all just the evil villains. No one saw the hurt, no one saw the desperation or poverty, no one saw the need for acceptance and understanding."

"Are you telling me that we are supposed to sympathize with thieves and murderers?" He frowned and Izumi sighed heavily, her chains rattling as she readjusted her sitting position.

"I suppose it's too much to expect you or anyone else to sympathize with me or people like me. You're all too blinded by the shining beacon that All Might represented. The image of the perfect hero society that everyone except those that were rejected by it fell in love with."

There was an eerie silence and Karma's gaze turned colder and full of animosity.

"The real problem with that world is it's blind to the gray pieces like us. We're all lost, not sure what side we belong to so we get ignored, used, abused. Blacks and Whites don't know how to play with pieces like us. I built this game no one knows how to play and I'm having to take it upon myself to teach it to others... but it's difficult to get people to listen. Killing people, destroying things, and lying to others shouldn't be the answer, but it's the only thing that gets people's attention."

"You killed, in order to gain attention?" The fierceness of Karma's stare made him sweat. She was only sixteen, but she was talking about death and politics as if she'd seen a hundred lifetimes.

"No, but that's just how it worked out. I'd fully intended to be a hero despite all the lying I'd done… but once I killed Endeavor, it was the final nail in the coffin. I'd killed someone before, but it had been done with good intentions."

"Murder is murder, even with good intentions, Karma." Tsukauchi pointed out and earned a sharp look.

"Well he's not really dead now is he? Still… I never considered it a crime, I considered it man had been manipulating me into doing his dirty work. He forced Tomura and I into a situation we had no business being in, prioritizing his own wants and desires over the safety and well being of the tortured souls he'd taken under his wing." She broke the tension by smiling wickedly and had to laugh at the image she created in her head. She leaned her face into her knuckles, a gesture she'd learned from mimicking her mentor.

"Now that I think about it, it's hard to imagine All for One showing any kind of true sympathy. I'd been such a foolish child believing his lies and clinging onto his support. Before him, no one had ever supported my dream of becoming a hero, not even my own mother. He only did it because he wanted to turn me into a weapon… and that's exactly what he got."

"So I see…" Tsukauchi pulled out a folder. Deciding a fresh topic would be good, he pulled out a still from Endeavor's trial video. "Tell me about Endeavor." Karma's eyes lit with irritation. She flicked that sharp gaze in his direction, making the veteran detective shudder and nervously twirl his pen. "Please?"

"Killing that man should have been the one death that I'd have no regrets about… but it turned out to be the death I regret the most." She sighed heavily and lounged back in her chair. "The videos the league posted were meant for propaganda. I hired a team from the underground network, and all of our recordings were broadcast from there. It was meant to give us exposure, and popularity so that I could voice my thoughts and opinions and collectively sway the masses. None of them were done without purpose."

"...and what purpose did Endeavor's death signify?"

"There were a number of things. At the time I was still in school and hiding my true intentions so the video of his death was meant to serve as an alibi. I couldn't be absent every time Karma and the league appeared or it would rouse suspicion. It was also a test of my plans to see how people reacted and how the video would be responded to. Frankly, Endeavor was not meant to be the first victim… but he became a victim because of my hatred for his existence."

"So his death was also of personal significance?"

"Yes… because here was a man who was the epitome of everything I despised about society. He was arrogant, rude, abrasive, and yet he was worshipped and praised for his hero work. He was a man who had wealth, fame, good looks, and family… but he took it all for granted choosing to focus on his image and work. His sickness... as my husband would call it… was the perfect example of what hero society could do to someone who should have held the world in the palm of his hand."

"So you decided to execute him because he went against everything you believed in?" Tsukauchi questioned.

"That was the excuse I gave… but in actuality it was all smoke and mirrors to hide the mistakes I'd made." She glanced over Tsukauchi's shoulder to where she knew she was being watched. Unbeknownst to her, she locked eyes with Shoto. "I am… or at least I was friends with his son Shoto. He's someone I admire because he has such amazing talent and drive, and there's this kindness hiding within his heart. He has the potential to become a true hero, a selfless and genuine hero. It was all being tarnished and withdrawn, because of the animosity he felt towards his father. I could see his motives were becoming selfish and black, and I hated it."

She shifted positions again, taking a deep breath and averting her eyes. She would NOT get emotional.

"During the Sports Festival, Endeavor became frustrated with his son because the boy held back his true power… but what Endeavor didn't realize was that HE was the very thing holding Shoto back. Even after I pointed it out to him, warned him to stop holding Shoto's leash or he would never reach his true potential. He refused to listen. He was still blinded by his ambitions and tried to use me to keep Shoto on his leash after I worked so hard to tug him free from it. When that didn't work he tried to blackmail me by digging too deep into my personal life and thus paid the price for it. I lashed out, lost control of my quirk for only a minute… and the deed was done."

There was a long silence as Tsukauchi stared into Karma's face which held mixed emotions. There was anger there, oh yes, but also a deep grief.

"I hated him…" Izumi admitted and covered her eyes to hide the tears welling up. "I hated him so much for what he'd done to Shoto, and to someone else I knew. I hated him because of the things he did that were left unseen by the world. Most of all I hated him because he was like a mirror image of myself. We both had so much to be grateful for, so much potential to help others and make a difference… but lost it all because we were so desperate to follow a man far beyond our reach."

The tears slipped down as that epiphany weighed heavily on her heart. She hadn't meant to get so emotional during this interview… but she'd once again lost herself in the moment.

"Now I get it." Mirio held his chin, recalling the way Izumi had reacted back in the labyrinth. "That explains her sudden outlash at Chisaki. Her heart and her mind are constantly at war, as if she's struggling with two different personas."

"Yeah, I've seen it." Bakugo grit his teeth, remembering his own brush with death. "One is the Izumi we all know, and the other is Karma; the villain persona created by Tomura and All for One."

"I doubt she'll ever just be one whole person again." Aizawa said with some remorse. "Once you've been split down the middle like that, it's nearly impossible to put the pieces to rights again."

"All Might…" The group heard Izumi speak again and ensnared their attention once again. "He was everything to me growing up. He and my best friend Kacchan were my aspiration in everything I did. They taught me how important it is to care about other people, how important it is to believe in yourself, and how to remain strong and never give up. I was so excited when I finally met All Might in person. It was like being struck by lightning, so fast and dizzying. I was so happy and ecstatic, so overwhelmed with the emotions welling up inside me that I babled."

For a moment the true Izumi came out, smiling happily even through the tears as she recalled the happier times in her life. From behind the glass All Might watched. He could see where the girl's passion stemmed from, could see that he and young Bakugo meant a great deal to her… and it was beautiful to witness.

The moment didn't last, because Izumi's face quickly faltered and the smile faded. Her face lined with shadows, and she lowered her head to increase them.

"It wasn't until the moment he turned his back to me that I felt the difference in our standings. His form shadowed me, and my dream felt so far away. Even as I reached forward to grasp onto it…" she lifted her arms up for effect, and she could feel every hero and police guard tense up. She flicked her fingers out, but her quirk was suppressed and nothing came free. "It slipped right through my fingers and left me with nothing but lost hope."

"Little Midori…" All Might whispered feeling emotional. He'd let this girl down in so many ways. He'd become the pillar and symbol he'd worked so hard to be… but he failed to execute what he taught. True Heroism.

"When Tomura and All for One offered me a chance to fulfill that dream, I desperately clung onto it." Izumi continued relaxing back in her chair. "...and just couldn't let go."

"What about your friend? Didn't he support you at all?"

"No…" She looked up, a tear streaking down her cheek. "In fact, he discouraged me the most. He didn't think I was strong enough, no one did. He thought my dreams and ambitions would get me killed. In the end," she laughed bitterly. "I guess he was right. I was never meant to be a hero."

"Usagi…" Bakugo hung his head tears dripping down his cheeks. He felt All Might's hand on his shoulder.

"Keep listening, young Bakugo. Save your tears and regrets after we've heard everything."

Bakugo sniffed back and violently wiped at his tears. His eyes never left Izumi's as she talked for over an hour, giving Tsukauchi every detail she deemed important. The detective's notebook was filled with little anecdotes about locations she'd been, and people she met. True to her word she provided the names and quirks of those she aligned herself with, and more than once she teared up unable to help herself.

"I'm sorry…" Regret and guilt thick in her voice, Izumi tried to laugh it off. "I didn't mean get so emotional… after all, it's not like you guys can sympathize with people like us."

"Karma…" Tsukauchi's eyes saddened and his tone softened.

"It's fine, detective… no need to give me that look. I moved past it, and I was able to help some people like I wanted. The Hassaikai can start over. Kai can move on and hopefully find the strength to interact with others. I helped the man I love pull away from revenge and gave others purpose in life. I saved Kota from being killed, and influenced him to save someone else. In my eyes that is more than any villain has ever accomplished. So long as those people can keep living, and keep playing their own individual games… then I can be content with the way my own played out."

~Post interrogation~

Well she'd said everything she wanted to say. There was nothing left to do but to accept her fate. As the police took her outside to the waiting car, All Might, Mirio, Eraser, Bakugo and Todoroki all stood together watching. As their eyes met, and she smiled, all of them expected her to unleash a grand scheme, and escape...

...but she would have to disappoint them.

She allowed herself to be escorted into the armored car, photographers capturing the moment, and the world taking a collective sigh of relief as she was put into custody and driven off to Tartarus.

"It's over now." Aizawa sighed with relief.

"Is it really?" Shoto clenched his fist and looked at it. "Something still feels off."

"Same here… wasn't this a bit too easy?" Mirio agreed.

"I agree, but the entire highway has been cleared away to give them straight passage." All Might explained. "There's no chance for any member of the league to intervene. Karma's fate is now in the hands of the people in that car, and behind the gates of Tartarus."

"Let's go back to school. You all have had a long couple of days, and should get some rest." Aizawa pat both of them on the shoulder, then motioned them to the transport.

In the armored vehicle, Karma listened to the sounds around her. The rush of wind outside, the rattling of metal as the car shifted and accelerated towards their destination. Her eyes slowly opened, and she eyed the guard in front of her.

"So…" She let the smug smile spread across her lips. "Did I buy enough time?"

"Mmmhmm" The guard smiled at her, his face and body melting away to reveal Toga who grinned at her. "Plenty."

"Good girl…" She laughed and shifted uncomfortably. "Now get me out of here."

"Okey Dokey!" Toga filed through the keys on her belt then pulled out the right one to release Karma from her box and chains.

"Thanks," Karma rubbed her raw wrists and knocked briskly on the back window of the van. Twice slipped it open, his eyes looking a little crazed from having to stand without his mask for so long. "How soon before we reach Tartarus?"

"GPS says twenty minutes, My Queen." Compress spoke from the driver's seat. "All of us have already gone over the blueprints, and protocol of Tartarus prison that Ace downloaded onto that USB. We should past customs with no problem."

"Good…" She plucked up the silver case Twice passed through the window and looked inside to see her old costume as well as the gun and quirk removal bullets the heroes had taken off her after the battle. Ace and his contacts had come through with getting it all liberated from police custody. "I take it Gentle, and La Brava conceded to our plans?"

"Yes, Turns out Gentle and La Brava are both supporters of yours. La Brava in particular was excited to participate. They await your signal."

"Excellent…" She finished dressing, her gloves slipping on and fire sprouting free from her hair and fingertips. Taking a deep breath Karma once again felt like herself and her eyes turned sly. "Let's get this show on the road."

~Tartarus Prison~

The van pulled into customs, and as Compress predicted it passed with no issue. Once at the loading dock, the area became surrounded by police and heroes, all of them knowing exactly who was expected to come though.

Karma could hear footsteps approaching, and the rattle of keys. Taking front and center she lifted up her facemask into place hiding the wicked smile underneath.

"The final boss level starts in 3…2...1..." the doors unlock and she reveled in the shocked faces of the guards on duty. "NOW!" She unleashed a blaze, engulfing the entire loading dock in blue fire. Toga, Twice, and Compress then sprinted to action, taking out the remaining foes at the dock.

"Good work everyone…" Karma pressed a finger to the comlink in her ear. "La Brava, this is Karma, are you online?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" La Brava giggled through the comlink. "All the exterior weapon systems have been deactivated and the others are in my control. We are making our descent now."

"Excellent work, master hacker." Karma grinned and looked up as the sound of a plane rushed over them. She spotted a single figure skydiving down and Gentle landed with flourish atop the car.

"Gentle Criminal, at your service, your majesty!" He bowed and leapt down to her on one knee.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Gentle." She motioned him to rise. "We haven't much time before this place goes on high alert. The weapon systems and sensors may be temporary offline but there are still strong heroes here for extra security so everyone stay on your guard."

"Yes, Ma'am!"

Karma smiled, more genuinely this time, and placed a finger to her ear again.

"La Brava… you're with me. Track my movements and guide me to my destination" She looked around at the crew. "As for the rest of you, play distraction, but don't get yourselves captured or killed. Understood?"


"Good…" She turned her back to them and confidently strolled into The Gates of Hell.

~Five minutes later~

Karma opened the doors to the holding chamber of her quarry. She stepped up, calmly and silently, and greeted them with an eager smile.

"Hello, Sensei."

"I must admit you never cease to amaze me my girl." All for One smiled as Karma came around to stand in front of him. "To think you've gone through all the trouble of breaking into Tartarus just to kill me."

"Now who said anything about killing you?" She reached into her duster, loading up and pressing her gun to his forehead.

"No one…" He laughed and pushed against the barrel, the edge molding against the wrinkled skin of his forehead. "...but what do you plan to do with this, if not to kill me?"

"It's a gift from my husband. He knew how much I wanted revenge on you, but killing you would hardly justify the things you've done." She pointed out pressing the gun firmly against his head. "The punishment has to fit the crime."

"Hmmm if your plan is not to kill me, do you mean to take my quirk away from me?" He laughed again. "I'd heard rumors about such a serum before I was imprisoned here… but it was far from complete."

"Oh it's complete… and I have the only bullets that were ever made." She boasted.

"Is that a fact?" The smugness in his voice didn't deter. "Such an honest girl you are, telling me the truth."

"Me? Honest? Don't make me laugh." Her hair flared with bright blue flames as her finger pressed the trigger. The bullet landed point blank against his forehead, jerking him back in his chair. "I'm your daughter, after all… so I'm anything but honest."

"That hurt!" He grit his teeth even in his attempt to laugh. "Taking away my quirk isn't going to change your fate. Even without it I'm more powerful than you can possibly…" he stopped talking, His body going numb and his quirks shutting off one by one. Still something else was happening… there was a massive pounding in his head, and he struggled to keep his thoughts together. "W-What did you…"

"It's true that Kai created bullets to specifically target a person's quirks," she opened the case holding out the bullets in question. All the red were still in the pretty velvet, but the blue one was gone. "...However, the kind of bullet I used was the only one of its kind he ever made. As a special request from me Kai rearranged the formula so that it would instead attack the brain itself. It will destroy not only your quirks, but all of your senses and cognitive thought.."

"Why you…" He spat and tried to speak, his mouth flapping around trying to form words. "You bitch!"

"The punishment must fit the crime. sensei." Her smile slowly spread as she enjoyed watching the man struggle and writhe against the affects of her serum. She tapped her temple laughing. "The last time we met you tried to break my mind and make me a lifeless doll. As punishment for this I've decided to do the same to you. Soon you'll be nothing but a vegetable."

"Kill you… I will kill you!" He struggled against his restraints, his mouth gurgling and foaming as he fought against its side effects. He'd always been the calm and confident sort of man, and seeing him like this was exactly what she'd been hoping for.

"You can try… but my mind will never break. So I don't care if you're just another copy. I don't care if you somehow come back from the damage I've inflicted. I'll play this little game of ours anytime you like, because the thrill of beating you, seeing this pathetic look on your face as I defeat you time and time again, is nothing short of sweet."

She watched him struggle to speak, watched his body go limp in his chair and his head toss back. For a moment she stood in silence, waiting for him to retort or lash out. When all he did was drool, she clucked her tongue.

"Guess this means visiting hours are over." She holstered the gun and tucked her hands in her jacket. "Goodbye, Sensei. Let's play another time. Perhaps in our next life." She walked calmly past him, the smug smile refusing to leave her lips.

She casually exited the chamber, the door locking behind her, and strolled down the hallway. She could hear the commotion of Gentle's assault further down and sighed. "Seems like getting out is gonna be harder than getting in. We're gonna need some more help."

She glanced around at the nearby cells peeking in each one. Her eyes glimmered as she spotted a familiar face and her smile widened even more.

"Well hello my old friend. Would you like to come and play with us?" She pressed the release button, the shackles coming undone and the figure taking two steps forward. She looked up at the massive figure, it's bird shape head and dead eyes were as friendly and welcoming to her as a warm hug. "Nomu…" She reached up so she could touch activate the places on its body to bring it under her control. It let out a low squawking sound as its brain activated and synched with hers. "There you are… long time no see, old friend. Shall we go have some fun?"

Its massive body crouched down so she could climb upon his shoulder. Sitting like a queen on her throne she casually crossed her legs and pointed forward towards the sounds of battle.

"Go, Nomu!"

Nomu wailed it's battle cry, his body sprinting through the hall and towards the heroes who had Gentile cornered and ready to capture. With a huge swing of its arm Nomu knocked aside everyone in his way and turned to take the hits from the oncoming assault.

"You alright there, Gentle?" Karma climbed off Nomu's shoulder and reached a hand out for him.

"Yes, My Queen." He took her hand kissing it gently before raising. "They caught me off guard is all."

"Good, our work here is done." She placed a finger to her comlink. "La Brava, it's time. Get us out of here."

"RODGER!" La Brava's voice came over the speaker and the security monitor above them flickered on. The security system activates and all guns and security functions take aim, but at the heroes instead.

With their attention diverted to defending themselves against Tartarus' security programs, Karma, Gentle and Nomu break through the crowd of heroes and guards and make it to the outside where Compress, Toga, and Twice waited with the airborne "Black Steed."

"Hurry up Queeny!" Toga waved her hands giggling. "Or we're leaving withoutcha!"

"Oi what's with bird boy?" Twice pointed at Nomu. "He wasn't part of the plan."

"He's a bonus!" Izumi pat Nomu's arm as they all get on board. She turned around as more heroes rushed out to stop them. "Sorry boys, but maybe you'll have better luck catching me next time!"

"Say cheese!" La Brava laughed as she video taped the final scene. Izumi lit her hand ablaze and sent a massive wall of flame to block their pursuits. The aircraft took off, blowing her trench behind her. La Brava watched from behind the lense, loving how the silhouette made it appear as if a bird of prey was taking flight. "So cool!"

~England: One Month Later~

"H-How… a...ar...aray?"

"It's, how are you, Kota." Touya sat beside Kota at the breakfast nook, helping him practice his English. "Remember the "E" here is silent."

"If it's silent, then why have it?" He pouted and shoved the worksheet away. "This is so stupid. We've been here for two months and I'm not getting any better. I wanna go back to Japan."

"You know we can't, Kota." Touya sighed heavily and ruffled his hair. "Izumi told me to keep the two of you safe and hidden. We're better off here, where no one knows our faces." He stood up and gathered the dishes from their snacks.

"Yeah well Izumi's not here is she?" Kota pouted leaning his face in his hands. "Are you sure she didn't get captured?"

"You saw the video didn't you?" He spoke of La Brava's video which had gone viral. The entire world had seen Karma and her new allies break down Tartarus defenses and make total fools of the occupants inside. "Besides Ace verified that she's been in hiding. The police and heroes are out looking for her everywhere, and Japan's in total chaos right now. it's no place for us at the moment."

"Touya…" Eri's soft voice caught his attention and he peeked around the counter to see her rubbing her eyes.

"Finally awake I see… Has the pain in your horn stopped?" When she nodded he walked around the counter and knelt down, placing a hand on her forehead. "Looks like your fever is gone too. That's good."

"I'm thirsty…" she held her throat. "May I have some juice?"

"Sure, do you want me to take off the cuffs?" He gently grabbed her wrists which were suppressing her quirk.

"No… This is better. I don't want to lose control again." She held her wrist, shaking like a leaf. "Never again."

Touya sighed and rubbed the top of her head again. A few days ago, Eri's quirk had activated suddenly. The nanny he had hired to watch the kids while he did his research had been reduced to infancy, before Kota had the idea of putting one of the emergency restriction cuffs on her.

The event had been frightening for all parties, and had gained them attention they didn't need. Still it was a hurdle they bypassed. The Nanny's family members hadn't pressed charges, no one asked any imposing questions or made accusations. It had been written off as a "quirk accident" and he'd been given a mandatory notice to enroll both Kota and Eri into beginners quirk classes.

A small price to pay for a huge blunder like that.

"Okay… let me get you that juice." He stood up and walked to the fridge. It had been two months since he'd left Japan and started a new life in England. Without a quirk he wouldn't have been much use during the grand scheme Izumi planned out. All the information he was being given had come from Ace, probably as a precaution in case the heroes were tracking Izumi's movements. Still, he missed her. He hadn't seen her face in so long, and really wished she would contact him… somehow.

As he poured Eri's juice he heard the doorbell ring and gave a heavy sigh. Probably more neighbors coming to poke around. Didn't anyone in this country believe in privacy? He gave Eri her juice and walked to the door. Peeking through the peephole he spotted a pretty blonde with sunglasses. From the way she was dressed he guessed she was a saleswoman of some sort… all neat and polished in a business suit and high heels.

"Ugh, vultures." he complained as he opened the door and scowled down at the woman. "Whatever it is we don't want any."

"I am sorry, I must be confused…" the thick russian accent made his brow raise. "I am looking for a man named Touya. Are you him?"

"That's me, what the hell do you want?" He crossed his arms scowling.

"Ah forgive me, my english is not so good. Do you perhaps speak… Japanese?" Her accent faded and she tilted the glasses down then off to reveal a familiar pair of bright green eyes.

"Izumi?" Touya looked at her wide eyed and he let out an oof as she leapt up and hugged him knocking them both onto the floor. Her mouth attached to his, and the blonde wig slipped off and all that soft green hair came spilling out. Touya ran fingers through it, taking a firm grip as he kissed her back with just as much fervor and passion.

At the sound of her name both Kota and Eri rush to the front door. Ecstatic, and then grossed out seeing the two make out, Kota rushed at them and pried the two apart.

"Izumi! You're here!" He squeezed himself through and hugged her tightly. "You're finally here!"

"Hello Kota." She laughed and hugged him. "Yes I'm here. I'm sorry it took me so long."

"Izumi!" Eri joined and hugged her other side. "I've missed you!"

"I've missed you too, Eri-chan." She nuzzled her and breathed both of them in. The weight of the world, and the fatigue she'd been feeling all fell away as she embraced the two happy kids.

"I appreciate this touching moment, but the door is wide open and you three are heavy. Mind getting off?" Touya complained and had her laughing.

"Sorry about that." She stood up and grabbed her suitcase before closing the door behind her. She walked inside and admired the small house. It looked so beautiful and cozy on the outside with its small garden and stone decor. Despite it being a bit dated, all the appliances and essentials had been upgraded, and made the best of both worlds.

"Nice place you found. Rental?"

"Bought outright," he corrected. "No one's been touching the false charity funds so I've been using the account. Turns out you've got some investors who've been adding to it, unbeknownst to them it's a fake charity."

"Really?" Izumi held her chin as an idea started to form, but she put it on the back burner for now. "A thought for later… for now why don't you show me around and help me get unpacked. I'll give you the deets of what's been going on."

"Sounds good," He looked to the kids. "Why don't you two go outside for awhile so Izumi and I can talk?"

"EH!?" Both pouted making Izumi laugh.

"Don't worry," She crouched and touched both their cheeks. "I'm not going anywhere for awhile. Play outside for a time, and I promise when we're done we can spend as much time together as you want."

"Okay…" Kota pouted but took Eri's hand and led her outside.

"You've certainly got a way with kids, Izumi." Touya complimented and helped her unpack in the master suite.

"Mmmm…" She gave back a muted response catching his attention. He could see those wheels in her head turning even as she did the mundane project of unpacking clothes and putting them on hangers. It was a sight he'd missed the most.

He took every opportunity to touch her: a brush of fingers, bumping hips, a quick affectionate kiss. His whole world was being put back to rights again. Without her he felt a bit lost, trying to fit into society which was something he'd avoided most of his life. Now that she was here, and they were together, he could find his footing again. She would have a plan of some sort on her agenda, and he'd stay by her side helping anyway he could.

That was just how he liked it.

"Sure took your time getting here." He complained when they put the last of her equipment away. "What kept you?"

"I'm sorry. I was avoiding police for the better part of two weeks while I made my travel plans. I would have been here yesterday, but Compress insisted upon seeing the sights."

"Compress came with you?" His brow raised curiously.

"Just as a tour guide. The league's all back in Japan now and under Tomura's supervision. With All for One out of commission he's officially breaking out on his own and taking command of the situation there."

"You're just gonna let him have the reigns?" He raised a brow and smirked. "Doesn't sound like you."

"He can have the attention… for now anyway." She smirked back but then her eyes averted his. "As a plea bargain for the Hassaikai I gave up a great deal of league information. Nothing too detrimental… names, quirks, things they would have found out eventually through repeated contact."

"Was Tomura pissed?"

"No… surprisingly enough he was very supportive. He says he's got a plan of his own now, and to leave the destruction of society to him." She sighed heavily and sat on the edge of the bed rubbing her hands together. "He can have it. I've decided to take an extended vacation, anyway."

"For how long?" He sat next to her showing concern. He wondered if she'd gotten injured. She did look drained, and peakish. The aftermath of Tartarus and the damage she'd inflicted on the Hassaikai must have been taking its toll.

"I'm not sure…" She swallowed hard, and decided to rip off the bandaid. "...but at least nine months."

"Nine… what?" All the color suddenly drained out of his face as he watched Izumi place a shaky hand over her stomach.

"Touya…" She lifts her head smiling tearily at him. "I'm pregnant."

To Be Continued…

~Ask Briry~

Briry: DONE! Midori the Queen is officially capped, but the saga isn't over. I'll be working on Kingdom Hearts for a time so I'm not sure when I'll post the next story, but I promise it won't be too long of a wait. So be sure to be on the lookout for the final story of this epic triology:

Midori the Phoenix