When Izuku was four, fire began to bend toward him. More than that, it seemed like it wanted to burn him. As he moved closer, the fire grew and increased in heat. A simple candle burned white trying to engulf him. Over time he found that he could control the flames, but they were fickle. They would follow his orders, but if his control lapsed for even a second, they would strike. Burning his flesh.

The doctor named it flame viper. It was a dangerous quirk, but he was happy to have it.

Izuku paid little attention to the fact that his dreams where no longer his own.

No one seemed to notice that sometimes, a small green haired boy would appear in their dreams.

Little did they know that the flames were merely a side effect of his inherited sins, or that far back in his family tree was a man named Freddy.

Katsuki Bakugo was on the top of the world, he had a quirk that seemed destined to make him a great hero. And it wasn't just his quirk, he was smarter and stronger than all of the other kids. The others in his class recognized his greatest, and flocked to him. He didn't care about the extras, but a few lackies never hurt anyone.

On a friday at the end of the month, Katsuki was walking home with two of said lackies; a winged kid too fat to fly, and one who had stretchy fingers. Katsuki never bothered to learn their names.

The winged kid decided to start rough horsing on top of a bridge. Normally Katsuki would have kicked both of their asses, but today he lost his balance. Into the river he fell.

The two extras ran home, afraid they would get in trouble.

The next day Katsuki arrived home soaking wet. His mother yelled at him, but he remained desponded. It took him nearly a week to return to his usual self.

When his parents would ask about where he had been, Katsuki would respond that he had no idea what they were talking about.

Little did they know that Katsuki had drowned that day.

So what if Katsuki started acting weird on the last day of each month, or if his quirk only gave out little puffs of smoke, or if he seemed to be stronger than usual. He was their perfect little Katsuki and that's all that mattered.

If only they knew that his father bared the Voorhees blood.

Sorry this was a rough draft that I had written up, and I wanted to post it. I will most not likely continue this, but the plan was to have Izuku play the cinnamon roll, while being the semi-evil hero in training.

Have a good one.