Astrid had never felt fear clench her heart before.

Time seemed to slow as her mind went blank. Horror, shock, anger, terror— it was like she short-circuited.

Oh, the irony. She felt betrayed because the man she betrayed betrayed her.

Her body went into auto-pilot, and she released the arrow. It was weak and flimsy, the Chief catching it in his hand as he stared at her.

"My, my, what a surprise," he said mockingly as she shook her head, trying to get a hold of herself. Adrenaline was surging through her veins, heart beating incredibley fast as she tried to think of any way to make sure Hiccup got out of this alive.

I am a fool. I should never have brought him here.

Men came from the sides, coming on Hiccup as the young man tried to defend himself. There was no way he could fight them all.

He grabbed a chair and launched it at the first attacker, the wood breaking against the large man. He didn't look back, vaulting over the railing and grabbing the drapes, slowing his fall as he rolled to his feet.

The crowd was crazy, the Berk Guard guiding them to the exit. The flaming braziers were knocked to the ground, fire catching wildly. Hiccup had a moment of confusion.

What happened to the rest of the Guard? He thought. He grabbed a sword that hung from the wall as decoration, hoping the metal would last. Where is Astrid?

His question was answered when she landed right in front of him, notching an arrow and launching it into the man who was coming up behind him. She turned to him, blue eyes wild and terrified.

"The rest of the gang is already out. You need to go. Now!"

She swung her bow, catching another Reaper soldier's head between the limb and string, bringing him down and planting an arrow in his neck. Hiccup swung his sword at another attacker, clashing with his gun and casting him aside. "What about you?"

"This is my job!" She shouted. She slapped a gadget on her wrist, which extended into a shield. She took it off and gave it to Hiccup. "Go!"

She pushed Hiccup towards the exit as a stray arrow sliced her cheek. She grunted, blood oozing from the cut.



Someone grabbed his arm and slung him over the shoulder, carrying him out like a sack of flour. "NO!"

Astrid sighed in relief, clutching her wound. Thank you, Fishlegs.

"Quite a show, Valkyrie."

She turned, notching an arrow and aiming it towards the Chief of the Reapers. She scowled.

"Viggo, you bastard!" She spat. He raised an eyebrow.

"You wound me," he said. "I was not the first to double cross!"

"You knew. You planned this," she snarled, fire blazing around them. She resisted the urge to cough. "How?"

He smirked. "My dear, there was no change of plans."

She growled, releasing the arrow. He sidestepped, the head barely missing his eye. She grabbed the sword Hiccup had dropped as Viggo drew his own, charging at her.

She blocked as he jabbed at her chest. She swung her sword as he backstepped, backswinging and slashing his knee. He grunted, swinging against as she blocked. He spun his sword and hit her in the cheekbone with the hilt. She fell back, losing her sword and immediately grabbing her bow as his blade aimed for her chest, blocking the blade with the limb.

She grunted with exertion, his bodyweight pressing the sword closer and closer to her torso, his leg crushing her knee. She grabbed the pin in her hair and flicked her wrist, the blade stretching out as she stabbed his side.

He fell to the side as she shoved him away, breathing hard as she unsheathed a knife, raising it as she prepared to stab him.

He's the enemy. He's the enemy. He's the enemy.

He laughed. Despite his stabwound, he had the energy to laugh.

"So young," he said mockingly, face scrunching as he jerked in pain. She tensed, unsure of where he was going. "So ignorant."

"Where is he?" She snarled. "You promised, didn't you?"

"You had sworn as well." He smirked. "Double-crossing fool."

"You are no better," she sneered. "Goodbye."

She raised her knife again, until he began laughing again. "You really don't understand? I know where your brother is."

Her eyebrows raised. "Oh, yeah? How do I know you're not lying?"

"I am no liar. Between the two of us, I had never said false."

She scowled.



He laughed again, kicking her feet from under her. She landed on her side, rolling to her feet and raising her knife. He was gone.

Four different soldiers surrounded her, ready to jump her.

Breathing hard, she reached into her belt, grabbing a smoke bomb and throwing it down. She unravelled her grapple and launched it to the rafter above her, which pulled her up fast.

She notched two arrows at once, launching them at the guards. She shot two again.

She drew back another arrow, eyes scanning the ground below her. Dead bodies littered the area, the smoke fading into the air.

Where was Viggo?

She smashed a nearby window open and carefully climbed onto the roof, seeing multiple vehicles load into the parking lot and releasing soldiers. She slouched over, her heart slowing slightly.

They're safe. And that was all that mattered.

She clutched her necklace, thoughts warring between her brother and Hiccup. She didn't win. She failed. Her pathetic plan didn't work, Hiccup almost got hurt.

Hiccup almost got hurt. Because of her.

Her ear piece beeped again. She pressed against the button. "Valkyrie."

"It's Heather. Where are you?"

She nearly sighed aloud. "I'm still here, trying to come up with a plan. Is everybody safe?"

"Yes. Though your man is a bit bitter."

"He is not… my man. Get to the Safe Place. I need to find out how Viggo found out about our plan."

"He found out?"

"Somehow. I'll meet you there."

"Stay safe."

She responded with a grunt, fishing her gadget from her belt, seeing the tracker placed on the truck on her GPS.

Stay safe.

Hiccup remained silent as Heather drove on the abandoned road, different emotions warring in his heart. Anger for Astrid and Fishlegs carrying him away from the fight, then guilt for being angry. Confusion, utter confusion. And betrayal. Astrid didn't tell him the truth. Something was wrong.

But he worried for her safety. She was left to fight them alone, and goddammit, he could've helped.

Did she get hurt? Captured? Killed?

His heart raced as he thought about the future without Astrid. Not seeing her everyday, talking to her, spending time with her, training. A world without Astrid…

Heather's eyes focused on the road, speeding dangerously as the SUV went over the uneven surface. She pulled out her communication device, flicking to her contacts and thumbing the screen and bringing it to her ear.

"It's Heather," she said. "Where are you?" Hiccup glanced at her, slightly curious and relieved. She's okay.

She paused for a minute, the nodded. "Yes. Though your man is a bit bitter."

Hiccup opened his mouth to say something indignant, but closed it quickly.

"He found out?" Another pause. "Stay safe."

Hiccup asked, "Who found out?"

Heather pursed her lips. "I… It's not for me to say. Astrid has to tell you herself."

"Why can't you just tell us?" Tuffnut asked. "Are you a spy?"

"A mole in our group?" Ruffnut asked.

"A traitor in our troupe!" Tuffnut exclaimed. Snotlout groaned.

"No, just let it be." He said, uncharacteristically sardonic. "Let me get my beauty rest!"

Hiccup scowled, staring straight ahead. He needed to find out.

An hour later, they were deep into the woods, the moon providing little light as they pulled into the front of a cabin. The wood was new and the door was made of iron, various odd, mishaped structures surrounding the area.

"Be careful," Heather said as the gang got out of the car. "It's rigged with traps."

She took out her device and called someone, speaking into the mic. "Dagur, it's me. I have some guests."

The door opened, revealing a tall, buff man, donning a sleaveless shirt and pants, multiple tattoos covering his arms and on his face, cropped red hair. "Sis?"

"Hey," she said, grabbing a camoflauge sheet from the trunk and throwing it over the jeep, covering it and heading towards the door, walking in an eccentric pattern. The man—Dagur—stepped to the side, allowing her entry. He eyed the others, but Heather placed a hand on his shoulder.

"They need our help," she told him. "I'll explain."

He nodded, grabbing a remote and flicking a lever. "Traps are disabled. Come inside."

Hiccup and the others walked up the stairs, heading inside.

The open floor plan was clean and organized, the walls lined with weapons around the furnitures, a large TV and a monitor set that showed security footage around the house and the woods.

"Make yourself at home," he said. "Heather?"

She nodded, and began explaining the whole scene at the Ball as they prepared a dinner. The others explored the first floor, marveling at the different assortment of weapons.

Hiccup stopped at a bookshelf, which had a picture of what seemed to be Heather, Dagur, and Astrid, but younger. Astrid had her classic smirk while Dagur had Heather on his shoudlers, both laughing in a captured moment of happiness.

"That was when Astrid reunited us," Heather said from behind him. He jumped.


She nodded. "When I was younger, I was separated from Dagur and fought against him when Berserkers and Peacables were at war. Astrid was a double agent, and found out Dagur was my brother. There was a moment of peace, and even though I initially hated him, he protected me. He's my brother."

Hiccup smiled thoughtfully. "You guys are really close."

"We're family."

A buzzer went off, scaring everybody. Dagur grabbed a gun and went to the door, looking through the peephole and heading outside.

Heather followed, Hiccup close behind. They saw a motorcycle coming in outside, coming to a stop next to the jeep. The figure donned a helmet, covering her face.

"Reveal your face or I'll shoot you where you stand!" Dagur threatened, raising his gun.

"Relax, Dag, it's me." The rider pulled of her helmet, revealing a bruised, bloody, beautiful face. Astrid.

"Asty!" He turned off the traps again and ran down the steps, Heather in his wake as the two Berserkers embraced the girl. She winced slightly, returning the embrace.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Heather said. Hiccup came down the stairs.

Astrid's eyes shone with anxiety as she met Hiccup's green ones, but he wrapped her in a tight embrace. Stunned, she hugged him back, feeling tears prick at the back of her eyes.

She knew he knew she lied to him. But he still hugged her.

"You scared me," he said, voice thick. "Never do that again."

She nodded, giving a watery smile. "I promise. I'm sorry. I'll explain everything…"

Her eyes rolled back as she collapsed.

"Astrid!" Hiccup caught her before she hit the ground, picking her up bridal style. He looked at Dagur, worry in his eyes.

"If it was as bad as Heather said, no wonder why she passed out," he said. "She'll be fine. Let's go inside."

Hiccup nodded, carrying Astrid up the stairs and into the house.

She's okay, he thought.