The Gunfighter-From a Working Girl's Perspective M7 OW

"Oh, here comes the Gunfighter!" came out with a pleased grin when we saw the tall, dark-garbed blond approaching. The silver on his gunbelt and spurs glittered in the light and there was a hint of a smile on the handsome face as he rode up.

A couple of us working girls were just discussing how slow it was and how we wished a good customer would come along.

And the gunfighter qualifies as a good one. Most people are scared of him, and he is a hard, dangerous man, there's no doubt about that. But he's not as cold and callous as most folks think. All us girls get excited when he comes around, because we know we'll be treated well.

Lydia usually claims the right to entertain him because she's been here the longest, but if she's occupied, he'll pick one of us other girls. None of us mind . . . he's mighty fine lookin' and no one messes with us when he's around. Heck, most of us wouldn't even charge him, he's that gorgeous.

But it's not just his looks, though the ebony pants, boots, gunbelt, and hat with the different colored shirts do add to both his dangerous aura and his attraction. Lydia says he started wearin' the black in mourning, but then it got to be a habit, too, I think. It definitely tends to keep most people away from him, and he says that suits him fine. That way he doesn't get called out quite so much. Which means he doesn't have to shoot so many people. He doesn't brag, but others who have seen him in gunfights say he's almighty fast and I believe them.

He's not too scary to us girls, though. I've been with some men that like to hurt women, but he's not one of them. He's dangerous, but he's real considerate with us. And he's not one of those men who start strippin' as soon as they get in the tent, tryin' to get as much for their money as they can.

Chris takes a little time . . . asks how you're doin', tells you that you look or smell nice or gives other little compliments. He'll have a drink with you, not rush you. Makes a girl feel like she's a lady. He's not as flowery and easy-going as his friend Buck, but he doesn't treat a woman like she's cheap property, either.

We always make sure we have at least an hour for him. He can be a little urgent, but he's never mean or rough. And sometimes, he's real slow and gentle. Plus, he always makes sure we enjoy our time with him as much as he does. Then he'll have another drink, or just stay for a bit before he leaves. Doesn't just rush off. Makes a girl feel more like she's been with her husband or steady beau, not just another customer. And those piercing green eyes, chiseled lips, and great body don't hurt either, if you know what I mean!

When he's ready to go, he thanks you politely and brushes your face with one hand or feathers his thumb over your lips as though implanting you in his memory. He always leaves a little extra money too, since he knows we have to turn in most of what we make to the man who runs the 'town'.

A lot of people probably think he's as dangerous and cold in this as he is in a gunfight, but they'd be wrong. The only ones here who need to be afraid of him are the guys who like to beat up on women or who think they can treat us like we're dirt because of what we do. Those people the gunfighter has no tolerance for, and he'll see that they mend their ways or leave. There's quite a bit more to him than most folks take the time to see, and that's a shame. He's a really decent, considerate man once you get past the intimidation factor.

Well, he's getting off of his black. Lydia's busy, so I better go get in line if I want a chance to spend some time with him . . . .

Oh! He's looking at me and giving that smile that makes your insides melt and your skin tingle. Looks like I get to see the gunfighter from my own perspective this time!