(A/N-Thank you Lynn for beta reading this.)

"Hello?" Kylo asked as he answered the phone he had.

"You have my phone," a female voice said to him, a very familiar voice.

"And you are?" Kylo asked.

"I'm Rey, Rey Niima," Rey answered, "and who are you?"

"I'm Kylo," Kylo answered.

"Well Kylo, where are you?" Rey asked.

"A woman taking control, I like it," Kylo said with a laugh, "I'm on my way to a friend of mine's wedding in Canada."

"Where in Canada?" Rey asked, as her heart started to beat that she might be able to get her phone back soon, if this man was in Canada.

"In Vancouver," Kylo answered. He knew it was the woman from the airport, and what a stroke of luck this was that their phones had been switched.

"The gods are looking out for me!" Rey said loudly.

"What?" Kylo asked with laughter in his voice.

"It's just a saying I have," Rey explained. "You're going to Vancouver, so am I! When are you going to be there?"

"Our plane lands in an hour," Kylo answered.

"This is too good to be true, my life is on that phone," Rey said.

"Okay," he said, "So I guess we meet. Swap phones and go about our merry way?"

"Excellent, so when can we make this happen?" Rey asked.

"That anxious to meet me are you?" Kylo asked.

"Just my phone," Rey said.

"I'm not sure you know this yet, but we do know one another," Kylo said.

"What?" Rey asked, confused.

"At the airport, we bumped into one another," Kylo explained. "You left me a thank you on my cheek."

"I remember," Rey said. She couldn't believe that it was him, the handsome stranger.

"How about we meet for dinner tonight?" Kylo asked.

"I just want to get my phone back," Rey said.

"Come on, have one coffee with me," Kylo persisted.

"Alright, where?" Rey said finally, a part of her was anxious to see him, while another knew this was not a leisure weekend. It was her friend's wedding, and she couldn't stay long as she needed to be back at the hotel by eight.

"Thierry's? Say around six?" Kylo asked.

"I'll find it," Rey said.

"Rey," Kylo said,"consider it a date."

And before she had the chance to remind him that it was not a date, he had hung up. She slid the phone shut. Slowly. She smiled as she arrived at her hotel a few seconds later. She thought of how his voice was like Irish cream liquor, creamy smooth and, oh so bad for your balance unless in very small doses.

As she made her way to her hotel room, she ran into Rose, "Rey! I was so worried you wouldn't make it."

"Sorry, I'm late," Rey said.

"It's no problem, as long as you are here. I couldn't imagine marrying Finn without you by my side," Rose said.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Rey said.

"How was your flight?" Rose asked as they walked into Rey's room. Rose sat on the bed as Rey went to the bathroom to freshen up.

"Great, I literally had to run onto my plane," Rey called out.

"Why is that?" Rose asked.

"Because I ran into this man from the airport," Rey said as she walked out, and was twisting her ring on her right hand.

"No! Tell me all about it!" Rose insisted.

"I bumped into him and would have fallen to the ground, except he caught me and I looked into those dark eyes of his and it was just..." Rey trailed off as a smile grew on her face.

"Just...?" Rose asked.

"Just enchanting," Rey said. "I mean, I can't even remember what he said to me now, but I do remember those eyes of his. I heard the last call for my plane and I had to leave, but before I left I kissed him on the cheek and ran onto my flight."

"Rey! Why didn't you get his number?" Rose asked.

"I got more than that," Rey said as she went to her purse, and held an object in her hand, "I got his phone."

"What? How did you end up with his phone?" Rose asked.

"When we collided, our phones fell and I picked up the wrong one," Rey said.

"Please tell me you called him," Rose pleaded with her.

"I did, and we're meeting in an hour for a coffee," Rey said.

"Here! Here's in Vancouver?" Rose asked.

"Yes, I can't remember exactly why, but he's here," Rey said, "Am I crazy?"

"No, at the very least it's just a simple meet up to get your phone back," Rose said. "What's his name?"

"Kylo," Rey answered.

Rose smiled, "You didn't get his last name?"

"Oh my god. No, I was so distracted by his butt, I mean his voice, I mean-" Rey said.

"He must be really dreamy, Rey," Rose said.

"Yes, he is," Rey admitted. "He filled out that suit so perfectly."

"I see," Rose said.

"Probably even better without it," Rey said under her breath.

"What was that?" Rose asked with a smile as she turned her head to look at her.

"I said, that he does," Rey covered quickly.

"So what are you going to wear?" Rose asked.

"What I have now," Rey answered.

"Oh no, we can do better," Rose said as she went to her suitcase.

"We?" Rey asked.

"You're meeting up with a hunk and you need to show off that figure of yours," Rose said as she found a dress for Rey, a deep red one that has this amazing zipper that started around her waist and zipped down to one of her thighs. Rose made her put it on and paired it with a black jacket and pair of black high heels.

"Now go meet him and if I don't get a complete rundown on every second I'll never forgive you," Rose said as she kissed her on the cheek.

"I'll be back in time for the reception, I promise," Rey swore to her.

"I know you will, now go," Rose said as Rey they headed out of her hotel room and to the elevator, as the doors were closing Rose she said, "Oh, and I don't see your lipstick smudged, I'll be let down."

Rey laughed as she rode the elevator down and over to the cafe, when she arrived at the cafe, she saw Kylo at a table. He was even more handsome than she remembered. More blessed by the gods of all things extraordinary. Across the cafe their eyes caught and held, and time stood still.

He stood up and moved from his table slightly, smiling at her. She took a breath and walked towards him, letting her hips sway just a tiny bit, and biting the side of her mouth in the process, "Hello Kylo," she said

"Rey," he said as he stepped in front of her.

She must have swayed towards him, or maybe it was an optical illusion, but he suddenly felt closer. And then he was leaning in towards her. She instinctively lifted her cheek for a friendly peck, but instead his lips landed on hers. She blinked in shock for a good second or two before his mouth began to move over hers.

As her eyes fluttered closed her hand slowly made its way up to land gently upon his chest. His arm slunk around her back to pull her closer. And right there, in front of a street full of bustling pedestrians, everything floated away, leaving only the taste of him, the scent of him, the feel of his heavenly lips. Her hand curled into his shirt, an she hoped against hope that would be enough to keep her from collapsing in a puddle at his feet.

When the kiss broke, her eyes opened. A small smile lit his face.

"Well, what do you know?" he said, his voice low, rumbling, pure sensuality.

Needing to catch her breath and regather her scattered senses, she slid her hand away and put a few inches of space between them. Then she pulled his phone out of her clutch purse and held it out for him on an upturned palm.

"Right," he said, closing his eyes and shaking his head as though he'd completely forgotten why they were really there. He opened his jacket, once again revealing a broad mass of starched white shirt and enveloping her in a wave of his light but wholly masculine scent. She breathed deeply.

He found her phone and held it out to her. Her left palm tickled as he slid his gently from her grasp, while her right hand immediately soaked in the warmth still remaining in the phone she now had back in her possession.

"So," Kylo said, "Now that the formalities are out of the way, shall we?"

Formalities? Kissing her to the point of melting her knees from the inside out was to him a formality? Boy, oh boy. What was she letting herself in for?

He held out an elbow. She tugged her hand into a tight ball to get the feeling back before placing it in the crook of his arm. He tucked her tight against him, drawing her close enough so that she could feel his body heat as he led her to a table, pulling her chair out and then sitting down across from her.

"Can I get you two something?" a waitress asked. They both ordered an espresso, which was brought to them very quickly. As Rey was enjoying hers, she looked up to see his eyes slid up to hers, connected. Actually, it was more as if they clashed, sending little sparks of heat all over her body.

She'd had crushes before, but for the first time in her whole life she was absolutely in lust. He created in her urgency that beat down every other wholly sensible qualm. She hung on to her drink with both hands to stop herself from taking him by the hand and dragging him to the nearest dark alley. Hard bodies, slick, sweaty limbs, and nothing left the next morning but the lingering scent of day old aftershave.

"I have to admit, I'm thrilled that we bumped into one another," Kylo said.

"Like it was meant to happen," Rey said softly.

"Yes, it was like the forces of the galaxy had ordered it," Kylo said, "So tell me about yourself, Rey."

"I live in Atlanta, I own my own bridal boutique which I love going to work everyday knowing I'm making people's dreams come true for their wedding," Rey said.

"That is always a huge plus in enjoying what you work for," Kylo said.

"And what sort of work do you do?" Rey asked.

"I'm in the financial sector," Kylo said.

"And I'm sure you enjoy going to work every day, making lots of money," Rey said.

"I do enjoy my job, I also enjoy what my success is able to do for others," Kylo said.

"You pay it forward then?" Rey asked.

"Quite often, I'm able to donate often and volunteer every chance I get to help someone else," Kylo said, "as someone once helped me a long time ago."

Rey smiled at him, the way he was with words. "So you're here for a wedding?"

"Yes, someone very special to me," Kylo said with a smile.

"I am too, my friend Rose is marrying the love of her life and I designed her wedding dress and the bridesmaid dresses," Rey said.

"And that explains why you were in a rush to leave my arms," Kylo said.

"Well, there was that," Rey said.

They continued to talk, and when Rey happened to look down at her watch, she realized she needed to get back to the hotel, "I'm sorry, but I must go."

"Can I get you a cab?" Kylo asked.

"Oh, you don't need to do that," Rey said as Kylo paid their bill.

"It's the least I can do," Kylo said as he got her a cab. He opened the door for her and as she turned to look at him, his hands went to her shoulders and he brushed a light kiss over her mouth.

Once it was over, she opened her eyes and looked up at him, "Will, I see you again?"

Kylo smiled and replied, "I have a good feeling you will."

Rey smiled and said, "Well, you have my number."

"Indeed, I do," Kylo said as she got into the cab and he closed the door and watched her drive off.

Rey arrived at the hotel, and started towards the dining hall Rose had booked, as she walked in she saw a lot of familiar faces around the room. She grabbed her a glass of champagne and was heading towards Rose and Finn.

"Rey, it's so good to see you," Finn said as he gave her a huge hug.

"You too," Rey said as she moved from the hug.

Rose smiled as she said, "Rey, I do think your lipstick might need a touch up." Rey blushed at Rose's reminder.

"Ah, Rey, there is someone I want you to meet," Finn said as Rey turned to look at Finn, "Here is one of my friends from college, Rey Niima, meet Kylo Ren-Solo."

Rey opened her mouth in shock at seeing him here. She had hoped to hear from him again, perhaps tomorrow, even with all the wedding festivities going on, but had never dreamed it would be like this.

"It's an pleasure, Rey," Kylo said as he bent down and took her hand in his and kissed her knuckles with those lips of his. A knowing smirk on his face as he did so.

"And you too, Kylo,"Rey said with a smile on her face.

Rose said with a wink at Rey, "Oh, Kylo, I think you have something on your lips...it looks like red lipstick."