afternoon sky

Uzumaki Naruto has returned. Konoha Gakuen must prepare and so must Hyuga Hinata. With a silly love letter, hidden parentage and competitive rivalry, two awkward teenagers found their ways to mend each other's lives and complete each other's hearts. / High School AU

Disclaimer: Characters and several scenarios in this work belong to Masashi Kishimoto et al.

chapter five

the pact


Naruto-kun was not around for the first subject as usual.

Was she harsh on him the last time they talked?

Maybe, she went a little too far.

But they needed to end this.

However, at the back of her head, she was wishing that he'd enter and burst into the class as unexpected as he was just to prove how willing he was to continue their tutoring. But just his absence right now just proved that she made the right decision.

She felt sad at their too short and sudden separation. She was certain that she wasn't even comfortable yet around with Naruto-kun to say that they were close already or to even conclude that they already spent a lot of time with each other.

She really wished to be near him, especially that now's their last year.

But she didn't just let her chance slip, she even might've broken whatever good camaraderie they have.

The class ended and she immediately stood up and headed to the Principal's office. There were several murmurs that surrounded her, but she didn't bother understanding what those people were even saying.

"Shizune-san, good morning!" Hinata greeted with a courteous bow. "Is the Principal free today? I wish to talk to her."

The raven-haired girl fixed the pile of paper atop her desk and frowned at her. "I'm sorry, Hinata, but Head Master Tsunade is in Tokyo for a teacher's conference."


"Oh, is it urgent?"

Hinata gulped and waved her hands dismissively. "N-No! It's not! Thank you, Shizune-san."

Shizune bid her farewell, but she hurriedly went out of the office, troubled and confused to even digest it. Out of her mind, she went down the stairs, still thinking what's best to do.

What would she do now?

Would she still continue the lessons with Naruto-kun?

But she just told him that they must stop yesterday?

And after everything that she said to him, she didn't honestly know how to face him anymore.

Out of the blue, a blue notebook stopped her in the face, which made her leap a little.

"Check it. I tried doing it alone, so you just have to teach me the parts I don't really get. In that way, it'll be a lot easy for you."

She just looked at him quizzically. "Naruto-kun? But I…"

"I object!" He said with fiery firmness. This time, he wasn't clueless or innocent. This time, he was sure and confident. "It's true, iincho. That I don't like it whenever people belittle us, especially you, and I want to prove them wrong. What's so wrong with that?"

All she could do was look at him. Clearly, she found nothing wrong with it as well. It's just that…It's a different thing…

"But that's not the only reason why I'm doing this. I have other reasons too, iincho." He gently handed her his notebook, which she absent-mindedly accepted-her mind still processing his words. "If you want to give me a chance, after class, meet me at the grounds."


"The old lady is in a conference for two weeks, so it means that you weren't able to quit yet." Naruto-kun pressed his palms together and pleaded. "At the grounds later. Please, iincho."

"Naruto-kun…" She dipped her head low and looked at his notebook. Her eyes wondering and still confused. "I was just….I was just wishing that even though I'm not around…you'll still be able to…"

He tilted his head wearing a pondering expression on his face, but he soon grinned as if he finally got it. "It's okay, iincho. Actually…I like it! No one really expects something good for me, y'know. At least, there's someone who does."

Flustered, Hinata muttered. "Huh? R-Really?"

"Yeah, you! Iincho!" Naruto-kun chuckled as he slid his hands into his pockets. "You can actually expect me to pass that quiz fo-"

"I-I can't do such thing!"

"Yes, you can!"


"It's like setting a goal, iincho!" His bright blue eyes glimmered, and he clasped her shoulders like his spirit had finally awakened. "Yeah, we'll set a goal together. For ourselves! I don't really know how adultin' stuff works, and I don't really know what I want to be aside from becoming gang leader but…Anyway, how 'bout you? What's your goal, iincho?"

"M-My goal?" Her eyes wide as he asked her.

"Yes, your goal."

"Well…" Hinata didn't know why but her nape was heating up and she couldn't help but chew on her lips and fidget with her fingers. She was wondering why that question alone made her nervous and weak. "I…I…It's…My family wanted me to be a lawyer or a politician just like them."

She immediately swallowed as soon as she spewed the words out of her gut.

"Oh, I see. Your family…So is that your goal too, iincho?"

"Huh?" She raised her head instantly and asked as if not hearing him.

"Is that your goal too?"

Her grip on her fingers tightened and she was feeling something strange on her chest this time.

However, the bell rang like it was on time to save her.

With frail voice, she tried to talk to him. "I-I…Next class, Naruto-kun…I better go."


She hastily turned around, avoiding the blonde boy and leaving him puzzled. He musn't see her like this. No one must see her like this.

While going up the staircase, she noticed that her hands were shaking.

Why was she feeling this way?

She found comfort at her seat as soon as she reached their classroom. The soft breeze coming from the window gave her fresh air to breathe as she took in deep inhales and exhales to calm herself down.

What did just happen?

Their class started per usual and Hinata couldn't wrap her head to what occurred. She turned her head slightly to the right to see if Naruto-kun attended their class.

He caught her gaze and gave her a small reassuring smile. She immediately hid her face behind her book. Admittedly, though, she was feeling the urge to sneak a glance at Naruto-kun, but she knew that he'd get her everytime.

Hinata immediately ran as soon as their teacher dismissed them taking solace in solitude at the rooftop.

Maybe the reason why Naruto-kun didn't see the point of studying was because he didn't know how's he going to use it in the future? Like, how's he going to apply it in his dreams.

How about her? Her life looked like it's well figured out but…

"Is that your goal too?"

She pondered on Naruto-kun's question as she stared at her bento.

Come to think of it, all her life, she dedicated to adhering to their customs, to abide to their traditions. All her life, she was living up to the expectations of her family for her that she didn't know what's her own.

Even her dream wasn't hers to begin with. It was her family's.

Now, what did she have for herself?

Looking back, she was feeling quite guilty.

She told Naruto-kun that if he wanted to study it must not because of others. But look at her…

How hypocritical. She thought to herself with a melancholic sigh.

She was studying because that was what was expected of her as a Hyuga.

At least, Naruto-kun knew how to fight for his own resolve unlike her.

But things should better change now.

Hinata had long accepted that she can never be just like any member of her family. She understood that she was different. And although she was resented because of that, she knew that it must not bring her down, at least.

This was their last year of Senior High and probably her last chance to make things right. Now, she had to make a decision that would change the rest of her year and she already made up her mind.

Walking along the corridor, she peered over the window and saw Naruto-kun waiting at the grounds. He was alone, sitting on the bleachers.

She closed her eyes and took in a deep inhale.

Hinata knew that this decision would drastically change her life, especially her status in school. She was sure that she would no longer enjoy the life of being invisible.

Most importantly, she also acknowledged that she and Naruto-kun had different views in life, especially in studies. Most probably, because of their entirely polar upbringing. While Naruto-kun had no one's eyes on him, Hinata got everybody's eyes on her.

However, this was the very first decision she'd make that's not her family's. This time, it's finally and entirely her own and this could also be an opportunity for her to prove something to herself.

"Naruto-kun!" She called out to him as soon as she neared his proximity at the grounds. His face immediately lit as bright as the setting sun behind him.

"Iincho, you're here! Thank goodness! So it means…"

She just nodded her head and gave a smile. It was a sure one this time.

"Well, we have to make this clear, iincho." The blonde interjected firmly, while stretching his fist. "We're in this fight. Together. No more quitting."

In the end, it's all about figuring out what you really want for yourself. Your dream. Your passion. Your future.

Her own fist met his, sealing a pact. "No more quitting."

And having the courage to fight for it.

Hello again!

So, just in case you missed the previous chapter Chapter Four in Naruto's POV. THERE IS A PREVIOUS CHAPTER in Naruto's POV, so just click that button and check it out. I'm aware that things get kinda's serious lately. Well, it was one hell of a rollercoaster: one time she caught him and his porn mag and now we're pondering their lives decision. We're in freakin' High School everyone!

NEXT CHAPTERS ARE GONNA BE FUN THOUGH! Because we're finally beginning. I'm just setting up their personalities and framework, which they will embody all throughout the story.

For any feedback and reactions, I really love to read them all!

Til next' update!