Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight. All publicly recognizable characters are owned by S. Meyer. The plot is all me.

This is the last chapter for Operation Daddy Doll. I hope you have enjoyed this story. Thank you for reading.

Operation Daddy Doll

Edward's POV

"Cullen, mail," an airman yells as he drops a package on my bed.

I know who the package is from without even having to look at the address. Its from my girls, Bella never forgets, every two weeks I get a package filled with my favorite cookies, photos of her expanding 6-month belly (which is cute) and drawing made by my two girls Carlie and Marie.

I open the package and see all the love that my girls have put into it. Right on top is a letter is Bella's sweet handwriting. I put that off to side. I like to read her letters at night when it's peaceful, I feel closer to her that way. After the letter are new pictures that she has take of herself and the girls. As I stare at the pictures, I can't believe how blessed my life has been. I never would have guessed that when I finished basic training and was on leave for a couple of weeks, that I would be returning with a wife. I remember when we met.


It had just finished raining and I was walking around Seattle while I waited for my mom to finish her shopping. I decided to get some coffee and just as I got near the door, it opened and out walks the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She turns to face me and its like the air was knocked out of me. Our eyes locked on each other and that was it. I knew I had met the girl I would be spending the rest of my life with.

"Hi, I am Bella," the brown-haired beauty tells me.

"Edward," I replied. "Would you like to get some coffee," I asked her?

She giggles. "Mmm well I just got some as I was waiting for the rain to stop. However, I wouldn't mind getting another cup."

Bella and I had finished our coffee date and then walked around downtown Seattle for a bit. I had to drive my mom home, but I made sure to get her number. The next day I drove back up to Seattle spent the next couple of days, talking and getting to know each other. A week before I was scheduled to leave, we told each other we loved one another. I told her I was being stationed at Shaw AFB, and we both knew we couldn't be without each other. So, I proposed four days before I left. We got married at city hall the next day. Our families were not pleased but they could tell we loved one another. Our moms were more upset they didn't get to plan a wedding. So, we told them that they could throw us a party when we returned home for a visit. So, we left Washington and headed to our new home in South Carolina.

~Flashback ends~

I finished looking through all the photographs my Bella has sent. She is always gorgeous but being pregnant enhances all of her beauty. I left for my deployment when she was 3 months pregnant. I will be getting home, if all goes well, about 2 to 4 weeks after our son is born. I will miss his arrival, but thankfully I will be getting out soon afterwards and I will never have to leave my family again.

~A Week Later~

I had just finished doing my patrols that night and I cleaned myself up when I made my way over to the communications room. I wanted to call Bella and talk to the girls. Hoping to catch my girls up and talk to them about their day, I haven't spoken to them in a couple of days.

Ring, ring, ring…

"Hello," Bella answered

"Hey babe,"

"Edward, how are you sweetie," she asks.

"Good love, you, baby and the girls?"

"We are all good now, love," she tells me.

"What do you mean, now? Is the baby ok, the girls?"

"Oh, nothing like that, we just had a case of lost daddy doll the other day," she tells me.

"Why what happened?"

Bella then proceeds to tell me about their adventure. How they went to the zoo then the pizza place. The girls as usual took their dolls. Well apparently, Marie left her daddy doll behind at the pizza place The girls were so tired that Emmett and Bella had to carry them out of the place, and neither noticed "I" had fallen to the floor. She continues to tell me how Emmett backtracked their steps hoping to find me. She told me how my sweetheart Carlie gave Marie her doll to comfort her. What broke my heart was when she told me that after she tucked Marie into bed, she went to Carlie's room and overheard her as she spoke to our picture, she said "Daddy I was a good sissy today, I shared you with sissy. I miss you daddy."

Hearing Bella tell me what she said cause tears to flow down my face. I didn't care who saw me crying. My baby girl was trying so hard to be a strong big sister, she was just like her mom, caring and selfless.

I was already making note to order another doll, when Bella tells me about their special visitor the next morning.

Apparently, the manager of the pizza place found me, and kept me safe hoping the owner of the doll would come looking. Thanks to Emmett's backtracking, an employee had written down Bella's address. So, the next morning, she shows up at the house with daddy doll. She tells me that her name is Rosalie, and our girls have proclaimed her their new best friend. Also, she has captured Emmett's heart.

So glad that Marie has her doll. We talk about the pregnancy and say our goodbyes.

~3 months later~

I am walking back to my room when my CO stops me. I have an urgent message from my mom Esme Cullen to call home. I know Bella is close to her due date, so I am hoping all is well. I rush to the communications building and I call my mom.

"Hello," my mom answers

"Mom, it's me, what's wrong? Is Bella ok," I frantically ask her.

"Edward, yes Bella is ok. So is Masen Anthony. Congratulations Daddy, it's a boy.

I can't believe my son is here. I ask all to speak to Bella and I manage to talk to her for a bit, before I can tell in her voice that she is getting tired. My girls are with Emmett and his girlfriend, Rosalie. Before we hang out up, Bella tells me to check my email.

I open up my email account and see the email from my mom. I click on it and open the attachment. Two pictures. One of Bella holding Masen. She had just given birth and still looks radiant. The next one is a close up of Masen. Poor guy seems to have my unruly bronze hair. He is perfect. I can't wait to hold him in my arms. He weighted 7 lbs. even. Tiny little guy like his mom. I quickly print out the pictures and log off.

As I make my way to my room, my CO is waiting for me outside the tent. "Everything ok, Cullen," he asks?

"Yes sir, my wife has just given birth to our son, Masen Anthony," I tell him as I show him the pictures.

"Congratulations. Come to my office," he says.

Once in his office, he pulls out two beers from a mini fridge he has there. "To our families back home. To your Bella and Masen." We finish our beers and I head to my room. These next two weeks can't go by fast enough.

~Two weeks later~

I am so nervous and excited. Can this bus go any slower? Does the driver not realize that we haven't seen our families in 6 months, or that some of us haven't met some of our families? Our squadron comes into view and I see the mass of people that have gathered to welcome us home. Finally, the time is here. The bus comes to a stop and everyone starts to get off the bus. I am towards the back so it takes awhile to get down. As I get closer to the door of the bus I can hear my girls sweet voices

"Daddy Daddy, we here!"

I make it off the bus and spot my loves.

"Carlie, Marie!"


The run into my arms and give me the biggest hugs they can give me. "We love you we love you we love," they say over and over.

I give them kisses and I see their beautiful mom standing a bit behind them. I start to make my way to her.

"Bella," I whisper to her and grab her into a hug. We are hugging when Masen starts to squirm.

"Let me see Masen," I tell her.

She hands Masen to me, and I get a glimpse of his little shirt. "Hi Daddy I have waited my whole life to meet you."

I chuckle. I stare at his beautiful face then hug him. I then give the girls a signal for a big family hug. This is the life.

I am home, safe and sound.

Another deployment has come and gone.

We pulled together and made it through.

We survived. We are together as we always shall be.

"Let's go home family," I tell Bella and the girls.