Quick q and a:

So I wanted to ansew somthing quickly a guest made a good point but here's my point of view Honestly I was told once that every gem might have a diffrent wepon based on there persontly and sense noras a little more agresive I thoght shed be more offensive then defensive. And dont worry Connie will have a part in battle think of it as a three tag team thing. As for the crystal gems honestly of course there not suspicious. They have someone looking like rose and they see her more as rose becouse of it even with no shield she still has this rose feel. So I highly dobt thell ever be suspicious of her. Now I will do a q and a once in awhile to answer some of the burning questions you have but it would ruin the story ahead if I said it all so be patient a good story tales time and lots of love.

And yes Nora will get to fuse and yes before Steven maybe even with him but let me hear who you think she should fuse with first and what you think connies role should be should only Steven be friends with her or should both. And who should nora fall for. Hopefully we finsh thr next chapter soon but no promises love you all and have fun in your own life see you next time bye.