Ch. 1

The Cold Key

Summary: What if Nastu wasn't just a Dragon Slayer, but a Celestial Wizard too? What happens when he finds a key, a Dragon key to be exact? Lucy is a Celestial Dragon spirit, Also known as The Lost Galaxy Spirit. She wants a family, friends. Can the Fire Breather capture her heart, or will she cast him away


Hey! It's Nanatsu No Taizai! I am here to say, that I am happy to write this. I am writing on my tablet because I can't on my computer at home. I will after the 21st of this month. I will update at least once each week. Ok! Now on with the Story!


Natsu Dragneel, the Strongest, well, the only Dragon Slayer in Fairy Tail. He was currently on a mission to stop robbers from getting into a tomb. His father was a dragon from 400 years ago, so somehow, he went through time. He was with his team. Luckily, he wasn't too distracted.

"NATSU!" Erza yelled, slashing a robber back

"Happy! Help!" Happy flew over to Natsu.

"Aye sir!" He grabbed Natsu's clothing and picked him up. A robber dropped a key on the ground, a few feet from Erza. Natsu pointed to the key and let Happy drop him near it.

"Thanks Happy!" Natsu said, rolling on the ground. He burnt some people, and ran over to the key. He slowed to a walk. He heard Erza say something to Gray, and they walked over to Nastu.

Natsu picked up the white key. It was very cold. He almost dropped it. "Damn! Why is it so cold?"

Gray walked over. "Let me see how cold."

Natsu handed the key over to Gray. Gray nearly dropped it as well. His eyes widened, so he grabbed some warm cloth, and wrapped it around the key. It cooled quickly, but wasn't as cold as before.

Erza stepped forward. "Let me feel how cold. I have normal body heat, unlike you two."

Gray shook his head. "It's too cold, even for me. It might freeze your hand."

Erza stared at Gray in shock. If it was too cold for Gray, then it was way too cold for Erza. "Give it to Natsu. We need to find out what type it is."

Happy flew over to them at that time. "Come on. We finished, let's get the jewels and go home."

Natsu nodded. "I'll ask Gramps, and if he doesn't know, I'll ask Levy. If she doesn't know, I'll ask one of my keys, because they should know."

Happy studied the key. "It's pure white. Not silver." He looked at the dragon on top, and the gem that the tail was holding. Happy knew this key… Where had he seen it before? Happy Gasped. "Guys! I've seen this key before. All I remember is that this is a Galaxy Dragon Spirit. Natsu. I'll remind you to ask them."

Natsu nodded. "Alright! Let's go home!"


Natsu groaned, clutching his stomach. "I hate trains. Erza… please?" Erza nodded and punched Natsu in the gut, knocking him out. She eyed the key in Natsu's hand. She touched it and gasped.

I guess they were right. It's way too cold for normal humans. Erza thought as she looked at the design. It looked like the dragon had two sets of wings. She glanced at the tail, and nearly gasped in surprise. The tail was covered in flames. She sat down on the ground and looked at the small detail. The body was mostly covered in fur, and the underbelly was covered in scales. Erza glanced at the gem that the tail was holding. It looked like it was holding the milky way.

Erza sighed. She watched as the key changed color. She gasped and watched. It changed from white, to the color of the night sky. She smiled and looked at Natsu's face. He looked so calm. She slowly stood up and went to her seat.

She placed her hand on the arm rest, and rested her chin on her palm. She leaned her head on the window and watched the scenery pass, as she slowly closed her eyes.

Gray sighed, glancing at Erza. She had been told it would be to cold, yet she did it anyway. He looked at the key. He wondered if it was a Galaxy Key. He sighed and closed his eyes. They all needed sleep.


Natsu woke up, glancing at the key in his hand. He would find out about this key later. He groaned at the train pulled to a stop. He stood up, nearly falling over in the process. He shook Gray's shoulder. "Hey Popsicle, wake up. We're here."

Gray nodded slowly. "I'll wake Erza… You wake Happy."

Natsu waved his hand in the air. "Yeah, yeah. I know. I'll get him up."

Erza groaned as Gray shook her softly. She sat up and stretched her sore muscles. She stood and looked at Natsu. He looked very tired. She looked at happy who was smiling and flying g around Natsu in circles.

Natsu sighed and picked up his bag. His scarf getting caught on a piece of his bag. He took off the bag and unhooked his scarf. His placed his bag back on and stepped off the train.

Erza and Gray followed, slowly waking up. Natsu jumped up right as he stepped on the train station platform. "Yeah! Now let's find out about the Key!"

"Aye sir!" Happy chirped.

Erza smiled evilly. "Natsu, we need to use a magical vehicle to get to Magnolia..."

Natsu groaned. "I forget about that… can we walk and run instead?"

Erza punched his gut again. "Nope! But you will be asleep for it, so it's ok."

Gray chuckled. "Well, at least that's at least one less problem… Erza, what do you know about the Galaxy Dragon?"

Erza's smile faltered. "I contacted Master yesterday. He said he didn't know who it was, or if there were others. Although he knows that it is stronger than the current Dragon King. That is all I will say because that is all I know."

Gray's eyes widened. "Ok… Then he should only open that gate when needed."


Erza stared out the window. Thinking about her childhood with Natsu. She chuckled when she remembered how happy Natsu was to have second magic. She smiled. He had so many keys. Five gold keys, and two silver. And now, a color changing key.

She had kept one thing from Gray. The type of key was called Legends. And Legends were way stronger."

She gasped. This was NOT what she wanted to see. Her guild was covered in metal columns. Very dark metal. She slowed the vehicle. Natsu groaned.

Gray sat up quickly. "Erza! Why are we- Damn! What happened here!?"

Natsu growled. "I smell another Dragon Slayer. Why do I smell him. Why do I smell another!?"

Gray looked at Natsu. "How do you know it's male?"

Natsu looked at Gray. He had a look of full fury on his face. "Well makes they have a different- "

Gray stared at Natsu in horror. "You know what? Forget I asked."

Natsu's face formed into one of humour. "Well, ok then!" He turned back to the guild. Whoever did this will pay. No one messes with Fairy Tail, and doesn't pay for it."

Erza nodded. "Come on, let's find out if anyone got hurt."

They nodded and they ran inside. It was completely empty. Erza headed for a wall. Natsu stared at her. Are they in the basement? He started sniffing. "They in the basement!"

Everyone nodded and ran downstairs.

They walked in the basement t see everyone seem the same, nobody was hurt, thankfully. But everyone seemed off. Natsu walked in and walked over to the master.

"Hey Gramps, before I ask what happened to guild, can you tell me about this key?" He asked, looking around. "Oh, and Levy! Can you get a book about this please?"

Levy nodded and ran to the library. The Guild Master looked at Natsu. "This key is stronger than the last known Dragon King. This key is known as a Legends key. I'm not sure if there are others, but that is all I know."

Levy came running down with a book. "So far, that's all that it says in this book. But it says this key was the strongest. It says this key was a troublemaker."

Natsu nodded. "Ok, I'll ask Grandpa Crux later. Now I'll ask this." His gaze turned threatening. "What happened here?"

Mira lowered her gaze. "Someone from Phantom attacked. They thought they could be stealthy, so they attacked at night. Luckily, no one was here."

Natsu grinned. "Phantom, huh? We can take 'em right?"

Makarov shook his head. "Natsu, you shouldn't take things easily. My son- "

Natsu's grin widened. "Oh… so Jose is the leader? So, is he after the guild, or does he want someone?"

Erza bonked him on the head. "Natsu, stop. You can't stop all of them. Go home."


Natsu groaned as he slumped on his bed. He took out a silver key. He mumbled into the bed and waited for the familiar Ding-Dong. He sighed and looked up. He pulled out the key and placed in front of Grandpa Crux.

"Hey, Grandpa Crux, can ya search about this key?" He lifted his head and sat on the bed.

He looked at Grandpa Crux and saw snot forming a bubble. Natsu snorted and shook his head. He looked up again to see Grandpa Crux right in his face. "ACK!"

Grandpa Crux sighed and moved back. "I had wished you never found this key. I guess fate was never on my side." He glanced at the key. "This key belongs to the Celestial Spirit, Lucy Heartfilia. She is a Galaxy Dragon Spirit. She is stronger than her own Father, Acnologia."

The moment Crux said the dragons name Natsu paled. He nodded for Crux to continue.

"She was locked in the Celestial realm because she caused so much trouble. And I won't tell you what happened. But, I will ask that you bury it super, super, super deep."

Natsu growled. "Why should I? It's a key, and I need to know why she is so dangerous."

"She is dangerous because she is the daughter of Acnologia, and the legendary Celestial wizard Anna Heartfilia." The moment Grandpa Crux said the last name, he clutched his head. A splitting headache caused him to not be able to think correctly.

"I will open her gate, and I will make more friends, more family! Because the family I have now, only grows! And you can do nothing to stop it!"

Grandpa Crux disappeared in a shower of sparkles. Natsu stared at the key. Lucy Heartfilia, huh? He pulled out a letter from his pocket. Heartfilia… So Lucy is Layla's ancestor, huh? Makes since. He grabbed the key. "I promise… I will open you and make you family."


Lucy punched the Celestial gate. "You want to open the gate and make me your friend and family, huh? Yeah! Why don't you fuckin' so that!?" Lucy yelled, punching the gate more.

She stopped when she heard rustling. "No use hiding Atiena, or should I say, Lupa?"

Atien stepped out from the brush. She moved with a limp, as if she got hurt teleporting to Lucy. Lucy skipped over. "Atiena! Are you ok? What is she doing to you!?"

Atiena whimpered. "Nothing you can do will stop her. You can't do anything until that Dragoneel boy summons you."

Lucy growled an inhumanly growl. "He will summon me later. He won't be able to beat Phantom by himself. Especially that light guy. He will summon me at that moment, then I will take care of Gajeel myself."

Atiena sighed. "I trust you to that. Make sure that you can let Natsu join the fun at some point. I just know my mistress will take a member and threaten you. I just hope you can protect them."

"I will protect my mage, no matter the cost." Lucy yelled. She whipped her tail around, her tail hitting the ground. She growled, shifting into her full dragon form. She roared waving her feathered wings in the air. Her leather wings stayed close to her body. She smirked turning her soft body to the gate.

She flicked her ears toward the Gate. "It's almost time." She shifted back into her part form. She walked over to the gate and laid down. "I can't wait until I see your face, Nastu Dragoneel."


Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Once again, this will take at least a week to work on. This will be updated each week, well, unless I'm busy, don't have internet, or I don't have any devices that allow me to write. Alright! Now let me write more.