AN: Hey everyone, here we go again. This is the first chapter of the sequel to Fates Collide. If you do not know about the first story, it was a crossover with RWBY and Fate series. Fate character are integrated into the RWBY continuity from a kingdom called Apocrypha and new school, Chaldea Academy. The story can be found under my profile. Fates Collide also has a Tv Tropes page, with a recap section to make it easier to catch up.

Regarding Lost to Dust, this takes place around a year after the events of Fates Collide, which took place between Volume one and two of RWBY. However, I still addressed the underground invasion at the end of Volume two and the Vytal Festival chaos in Volume three. Because of what happened in the prior story, those invasions of Vale did not happen. However, Cinder became the Fall Maiden without being mortally damaged by Ruby, (Whose silver eye powers work different in this story. Again, I recommend looking at the Tv Tropes for a simpler summary of events before reading this story). With the age of characters, Ruby would be now 16, almost 17, as she and her friends finish up their second year at Beacon. That is where this story starts, but first, a little hint to an event to come. Hope you enjoy this chapter, leave a review with your comments and questions, and have a nice day.

Lost to Dust

Chapter 1 – A Fresh Start

In the black void of negative emotions, the Queen of Grimm had her head bowed, her hands touching each other at the fingertips, and eyes closed. However, she slowly raised her head, her eyes opening with the red glow. A small smile formed on her face as she turned around, knowing she was not secluded anymore. While half of reality was covered in a void of black, the other half was shrouded in a vail of while. The plains of existence grinded against each other, forming a misty line on what could only be assumed ground level. The Queen of Grimm examined the white void, the paleness matching her skin tone. However, she noticed someone in the distance. A girl in a red hood, who lifted her head to allow one of her silver eyes to glare. Queen of Grimm's smile grew slightly wider as she slightly chuckle.

Before the two met.


"Ruby…Ruby…" In the Beacon library, the red hooded girl rested her head on her arms, slightly snoring in her slumber, "Ruby, come on. Wake up!" She heard a set of voice call out to her, but the girl was too tired to respond, "Oh for crying out-" of the voices said in an annoyed tone. Suddenly, Ruby felt someone pinch her nose, cutting off her supply of oxygen. After a few seconds, her eyes shot open with their silver color.

"Gah, I'm up, I'm up!" Ruby frantically said as she examined the area. Sitting at the table were four second year students to Beacon Academy, Ruby included and the leader of this her team. Sitting across from her was the white heiress, wearing a long winter coat mixed with the combat skirt and long heeled boots. Her white hair tied in a ponytail to the right side of her head. She glared at her partner while cleaning her right hand with a handkerchief.

Next to the white heiress was Ruby's sister, a blond brawler. The sleeves and shoulder of her outfit were brown, matching her belt. While the rest of her jacket as tannish white, her chest reveling the black top underneath. Her crossed legs showed her black stocking with a yellow burning heart emblem on the outer sides and heavy-duty black boots. At her left hip was a lilac cloth, matching her eyes. Fingerless black gloves decorated her hands, the right of which was propping up her head as she giggled at Ruby.

Across from the blond brawler and next to her sister was their fourth member, the black cat faunus. She wore a white top with an exposed midriff, the sleeves ending at the elbows. Her wrists wrapped with black ribbons. Her black pants match her belt and heeled boots. A set of cat ears were seen on her head of black hair. While a black ribbon decorated her neck, a bow tied to the right side. In her hands was small black book, "Looks like you're up now." She said before she started to close the book.

"Yeah," Ruby said in a tired voice, "Why do test have to get harder each year?"

"What did you expect, considering you skipped two grades to come to Beacon last year." The white heiress responded as she pocketed her handkerchief, "At least you had my tutelage to make sure we could pass. Do I hear a thank you?"

"Thank you, Weiss," Ruby said with a yawn, "But did we really need that many all-nighters?"

"Yeah," The blond brawler added on as she stretched her arms behind her head, "All we needed to pass was D."

"I'm not letting myself associate with anyone who gets such a low grade," Weiss said before glaring back at the blond brawler, "And besides Yang, you needed more than D to pass, considering all the classes you skip."

"The point is, we all passed." The black cat faunus responded, "We're now done with our second year of huntress training."

"Blake's, and you know what that means?" Ruby said before she shot out of her chair, "We're on break!" She announced but was met with a shushing sound by nearby students, causing her teammates to look up at her with eyes half closed, "Sorry." Ruby said before sitting back down.

"I'm glad your existed but-" Blake was saying, but her team leader interrupted.

"I was thinking, let's go to Chaldea again!" the red hooded girl responded, "Come on, it can be fun."

"Ruby-" Blake tried to speak up, but to no avail.

"All the friends we made last year; it'll be a blast." Ruby added.

"Ruby-" Yang tried to stop, but her sister continued.

"Oh, we can invite Jaune's team to come with." Ruby said in wonder at the possibilities, "We can all see Nora again."

"Ruby!" Weiss spoke up, causing her leader to stop and listen, "Jaune's team isn't going to Chaldea." She said before breaking eye contact, "And neither are we."

"What?" Ruby asked in confusion.

"Jaune is having a family get-together. He and Jeanne are going back to their home kingdom, not Apocrypha." Yang answered, "Ren and Kiyohime are going to stay in cabin in the woods for the break, alone." She said with a smirk, but her sister was still confused, "…Point is, they have plans."

"What about Pyrrha?" Ruby asked, "Doesn't she want to see Karna."

"They already are seeing each other," Weiss responded, "The two of them are traveling the other Kingdoms, doing speeches and demonstration for younger kids who want to hunters and huntresses."

"Yeah, those two basically became a celebrity couple now. She even got him on that whole cereal deal." Yang added, "Still, I prefer Pyrrha-O's over Karna Krunch."

"And we don't need to worry about Nora," Blake said with a smile, "Achilles told me she is making a name for herself, going to smaller towns and singlehandedly protecting them from Grimm invasions. Even if we were going there, we probably wouldn't see her around the school."

"But why don't you three want to go back?" Ruby asked, "Wasn't it fun?"

"It was," Yang responded, "Until I got infected by Grimm slime that tried to force me to kill Mordred."

"And I had an alter made of myself," Blake added on, "One that almost killed me."

"Yeah…" the red hooded girl before looking to the white heiress, "Weiss, help me out."

"I'm not going back to Chaldea this year." Weiss responded.

"But I thought you wanted to win Grand Order?" Ruby responded, "You know, to impress your sister."

Weiss then had a smile started to form on her face, "I've already impressed her. Winter has asked me to assist her in a special operation right after the school year ends." The white heiress leaned in as she looked at her leader, "Ruby, you know how much this means to me. I'm not missing this opportunity to show her how far I've come."

"…Okay." Ruby said before turning to her sister, "Yang, you'll-"

"Nope." Yang responded with a smirk, "I have plans already."

Ruby then turned to the black cat faunus, "Come on Blake, what about Achilles? You just mentioned him."

Yang turned her smirk to Blake, "Yeah, you two are getting even closer than before." She said with her teammate glaring back, "Didn't you two go to see your parents not too long ago?"

"Yes." Blake responded with a sigh, closing her eyes.

"And?" Yang inquired.

"…They liked him. A lot. Especially my father." Blake said as her face turned slightly red, "Even though Achilles thought my mother was my sister the first time they met, which made her blush." She said before opening her eyes, seeing the blond brawler snickering, causing Blake to pout.

"Relax, I'm just playing with you." Yang responded as she slowly stopped giggling, "Just so you know, Gil already met my dad."

"And how did that go?" Weiss asked.

"I never noticed how much they looked alike until they stood next to each other," Yang said before speaking under her breath, "Which has me a bit worried about my taste in guys." She then cleared her throat as she talked to the white heiress, "But they got along, so Dad said I could still see Gil."

"What if he didn't approve?" Ruby asked.

"Oh, I'd still see Gil," Yang responded with a smirk, "I just wouldn't tell Dad." She then leaned back in her chair. "Gil and I are going on an adventure this break. He should be in Vale by now. So, no Chaldea for me."

"Achilles should be arriving here in a few days." Blake responded, "That's why I'm not going either."

"So, I'm going to Chaldea all by myself?" Ruby asked her team.

"Ruby," Weiss lead before her, Blake, and Yang spoke together, "You're not going to Chaldea either."

"… I'm confused." Ruby's responded as she tilted her head, "Where am I going?"

"Ozpin, before he left a month ago, told us to tell you about a new school being made halfway between Chaldea and Beacon." Yang said with a smile forming, "He said you will be going to that school this summer to be a part of this testing program to train with people like us." She said before flexing her left arm, "Those stronger than the average students at both schools."

Ruby was about to ask another question, but Weiss spoke first, "No, this does not mean you will be skipping more grades." Weiss said with a scowl before Ruby closed her mouth, "Think of it like the transfer program."

"Achilles mentioned their headmaster made the offer to other students at Chaldea, an even a couple professors." Blake added on, "So, you'll meet some familiar faces when you arrive. He even said a few new students got transferred into this school."

"Okay, but why did you not tell me about this until now?" Ruby asked her team.

"Because you would not have been able to concentrate on finals with this in the back of your mind. The whole proposal was made on the idea of you still passing classes here, which is why Ozpin only told up to tell you after the fact." Weiss responded before sighing, "Knowing you, this would cause you to be jumping off the walls with excitement."

"Come on, this is cool, but not that cool." Ruby shrugged off.

"She wasn't referring to idea of you going," Blake responded.

"It's who you're going with." Yang finished.

As Ruby opened her mouth to, someone spoke up from behind her, "Hey Kiddo," She head a familiar male voice, her eyes lighting up at the instant recognition. Turning around, she saw a man with white and grey dress shirt and black pants. Around his neck was an off aligned cross, a red cloak from behind him concealing what looked like a sword. His hair was black with stubble on his chin, a smirk on his face, "Been a while."

"Qrow!" Ruby said as she hugged her uncle but was met with the shushing of other nearby students. But this time, she did not care, "You're really coming with?"

"…Nope." Qrow lied with a smirk, but Ruby saw through it with a smile, "You better pack your things."

"On it!" Ruby said before vanishing in a flurry of rose petals.

Wiess sighed as Yang smirked, "Yep, we made the right call." The blond brawler said to her teammates, "She always fails tests when she is hyper excited."

"No way was I going to be with that for a month." Weiss said before checking her the time on her scroll, "Well, my airship is about to pick me also."

"Same with ours," Qrow said, "Luckily, Ruby is a fast packer. I just hope she doesn't forget her toothbrush."

"She should be fine," Weiss said as she stood up, "I already had my suitcase sent to my sister."

"How is she?" the unlucky huntsman inquired, "She mention me?"

"She did, but with words I am not comfortable repeating in fear of tarnishing her image." Weiss responded, "But to paraphrase, she said…No."

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Qrow responded with a smirk, "Tell her I said hey." He mentioned before walking away, "I'm going to the airship. You know, giving you four a chance to say goodbye."

"There's a minibar on your airship, isn't there." Yang spoke up with a smirk.

"Nope." Qrow lied as he walked away.

"Your uncle is…" Blake said as she tried to find the right word, "Lax."

"Yeah, he's always like that," Yang responded before the two stood up, "It's what makes Ruby think he's so cool." As they went the other way to join Weiss, Qrow smirked. However, once they were out of sight, his gaze became more focused as he walked, his mind drifting back to a few days ago.


Just past a small city, the unlucky huntsman walked with his sword in his right hand. The blade of Harbinger still fuming with the residue of freshly slain Grimm, "Man, should have stayed for one afterward." He said to himself, "But, I shouldn't have a hangover when I meet Kiddo again." He said as the image of Ruby came to her mind, "She fought in the invasion of Apocrypha, and won." Qrow then had the image of Summer rose come to his mind, a smile on his face as he closed his eyes, "If only you could see her now."

Suddenly, that smile faded as he felt a warm breeze. Small heat wave, despite being the middle of the night. He opened his eyes with a glare, seeing a woman with black hair in a red dress. Her eyes glowed with an orange fire as Qrow glared back, tightening the grip on his Harbinger, "You don't want to fight me." She said with a smile forming, "Ozpin should have told what The Fall Maiden's powers are capable of."

"The Fall Maiden was Amber," Qrow responded before pointing his Harbinger his foe, "You're the one who stole her powers, right in front of my eyes." He said before the gears of his sword started turning, "It's what killed her."

"If you attempt to avenger her, it will only end if your death as well." The Fall Maiden said before crossing her arms, the glow her eyes faded away, "Let's start over, my name is Cinder." She said before leaning in with a smile, "And I work for Salem."

"You-" Qrow said with his left foot moving back an inch, causing Cinder to smirk, "What do you want?"

"To give you a warning, but not the type you are dreading." Cinder responded, "This is of a different foe, a third party, that has already made their first move against us."

"What are you talking about?" Qrow responded, "Who is it?"

"I do not know the identity," Cinder responded, "But they have killed a good number of my associates. Salem knows it was not Ozpin." She said before smirking again, "Because Ozpin is missing." The Fall Maiden said with Qrow gritting his teeth, "Three weeks now, a bit longer than a vacation. Don't you think?"

"Why tell me?" Qrow asked, "If you're proposing an alliance, think again!"

"Believe me, neither of us want that." Cinder responded, "It's as I said, this was just a warning. This is all Salem wanted me to tell you." She then turned around, running her right hand through her hair, and pulling out a single stand. The Fall Maiden threw the black stand into the wind in front of her, causing it to ignite. The fire flash temporary blinded Qrow. Once he reopened his eyes, they widened in shock at the a large Nevermore, made of what seemed like a solid fire, stood in front of Cinder, "For now, plan for another player to join our conflict." She said before jumping on the firebird's back, smirking back at the unlucky huntsman, "Oh, if you do see Ruby Rose, tell her I said hello." She said before the firebird screech, ascending to the sky.

Qrow's Harbinger gears turned, ready to transform. However, he saw a glint from a nearby tree, pausing his motion. Qrow then watched as a Cinder and the firebird passed by the tree, a small girl jumping on the creature. Her skin was tan with near bleached hair. Her revealing red mantle outfit also showed a red symbol on her stomach. In her hands were a black bow and arrow. She then turned towards Qrow, winking as her and Cinder flew away. The unlucky huntsman gritted his teeth as the two ladies got away.


As they flew through the sky, Cinder turned back to the red mantle girl, "Good work, Chloe." Cinder said as Chloe despawned her weapons.

"I think we could have taken him," Chloe responded, "I mean, you said I was out of his semblance's range."

"That was only if he was unreasonable, Salem wants him unharmed." The Fall Maiden said before smirking, "For now."

"Yeah I know, trust in the Queen of Grimm, Blah blah blah." Chloe said as she sat down on the firebird, unaffected by the heat, "Still, is it just us left in her inner circle?"

"Of the members in the four major kingdoms, yes." Cinder responded, "But Salem found associates in Apocrypha after my mission in that land, thinking it was time to breach out to there for help."

"Oh cool," Chloe responded before smirking, "While we're visiting, we can go to Chaldea and see-"

"It's not wise to do that," Cinder interrupted.

"Come on, we visited your parents," Chloe retorted, "Let me see how my family is doing," She then had a small smirk on her face, "I bet Shirou would like to see you as well."

"The more times you leave yourself that vulnerable," Cinder responded, "The more others will take notice and use it to their advantage." She said before sighing, "Even in the inner circle, I never let anyone know of my parent's location. Especially Tyrian." She said before crossing her arms, "Which is why I am not sadden by the death of those men." She then grip are arms tighter, not speaking the words to Chloe, "Still, whoever killed them, why did they take the heads?" She then put on a smile before turning to Chloe, "Besides, you are already more skilled than any of those fools."

"Ah, thanks," Chloe said before yawning. "Okay, I go with your call."

"Try to get some rest. To organize a meeting location will take some time." Cinder said before looking forward, "Then, we start the next part of Salem's plan." Cinder said before her gaze became focused, "Finding the rest of the Maidens." She said with Chloe remaining unresponsive. In turning around, she found that the red mantle girl was asleep. Cinder smiled at the sight, letting out a small giggle. She then remembered Chloe's words of return. In that moment, she looked at her right hand, seeing the gold band ring around her finger, "When this is all over, then we can return." Cinder said to herself, a look of sadness starting to fill her eyes, "But, will he want to see me again after learning more about what I've done?" The Fall Maiden then looked away from the ring and focused on controlling the firebird, heading towards Apocrypha.


Siting at the takeoff field were two airships, with the unluck huntsman sitting in one as he drank from a min bottle of whiskey. Walking up to the airships were Team RWBY, with their leader carrying an absurdly overpack backpack, "Well, this is it." Yang said as the four reached stopping point for those not wanting to board the airship. She then looked over to her sister, who despite having a smile on her face, had look of sadness in her silver eyes, "Hey, it's okay. This is only for a few months."

"She's right Ruby," Blake added on, "We can still call each other whenever we want."

"No matter what, we're still a team." Weiss said with a smile, "And we're still friends."

"Thank you," Ruby said with a smile, "Then, when we all get back, let's go on an adventure. Just the four of us. Deal?"

"Deal." Yang accepted.

"Deal." Weiss accepted.

"Deal." Blake accepted.

The four members of Team RWBY split off it two pair. Their backs to their respective airships, Ruby and Weiss faced Blake and Yang. Without saying a word, the four girls made a group hug, their eyes closing for a few seconds in the silence. Knowing the moment had to end, they let go of each other. Ruby slowly started to back up as tears stared to roll down her eyes, waving with both hands goodbye to her sister and faunus friend. The two waved with smiles on their faces, the hints of tears forming in their eyes as well. The red hooded girls then turned towards Weiss, who was also on the ramp of her own airship now. Ruby's tears flowed a little more as she waved goodbye, but Weiss showed her face dry as she waved with her right hand. After the white heiress boarded the ship and the hatch closing, she wiped away a single hidden tear from her right eye. Ruby sat down next her uncle, watching the hatch on her airship close as well. She then looked to see Qrow offering her a handkerchief, which already brought memories of her teammates back to her. Ruby accepted it as she tried to dry her eyes.

Blake and Yang watched as the two airships started to ascend, taking off at the same time, but slowly veering off into different directions, "There they go." Yang said before putting her hands in her pockets, "Still, they'll be fine."

"So will we," Blake said as she turned to Yang, "Have fun on your adventure." She said with a soft smile, "I hope you find who you are looking for." She said with Yang having a look of slight shock, "Please, I could read you like a book." The black cat faunus said before walking away.

Yang had a slight giggle as she followed, "Heh, well, you are good at reading." The blond brawler added on, "Probably will get a lot of that done while waiting for Achilles to come over." She then raised an eyebrow, "So, what are you two going to be doing?"

"That's…personal." Blake said, her face slightly red, "We just wanted to see each other."

"Okay." Yang said with a smirk as the two continued to walk, "Just remember, not many other students or professor are going to be around." She said with Blake's face turning redder.

Eventually, the two made it to the front gate of Beacon. In the distance, they saw a blond man leaning against one yellow motorcycle, with another yellow motorcycle close by with a helmet on it. The one he leaned against was embroidered with the name, Gilgilmachine MkII. While the other said, Bumblebee, on the right side. He wore a dark navy-blue dress shirt, his chest somewhat exposed to show his gold neckless, and white pants with black shoes. On his face was a set of metal frame glasses, which he titled down when he looked at Yang, reveling his red eyes with a smirk.

"There's Gil, looks like it's time," Yang said before turning to Blake, "If you're ever in trouble. One call and I'm there." She said before her and Blake hugged, "I'll always have your back."

"Thank you, Yang," Blake said, "Good luck…and come back safe." She said as they hugged for a few more seconds before letting go. Yang walked over to Gilgamesh, who she smirked at before he got on his bike. Yang took her helmet off bumblebee, putting it on her head. She looked to Blake one last time, winking, then pushed down the black visor. Gilgamesh got on his motorcycle as the two revered their engines, riding off into the distance. Blake waved one last time to her friend until she heard the engines no more. As she lowered her hand she sighed in sorrow before turning around, walking back towards Beacon Academy.


Inside a cave to an indeterminate location, a man stood shrouded in darkness. He wore a black attire with boots and belts. His body was covered entirely with his leather and fabric, all but one section where nothing was there. In his hands, he looked down at the head of man with a long braded ponytail. The dark clocked man placed it over where his head should be, but it quickly fell to the floor. Unable to scream, the man clenched his fist, raised his right foot, and crushed the head under his boot with one stomp. He then started to walk out of the cave, the squishing sound of brain matter on his way to the exit. His body leaned up towards the setting sun, which he made the path he was heading now.

AN: There you go, the prologue is complete. Team RWBY splits up this time to go on their own adventures across the kingdoms. As you may noticed, they are where the alternate outfits of V2, which is what I would believe they'd wear if the series did not go the way it did after V3 or V7. The only one who has a small change to her outfit is Blake's, who now doesn't hide her cat ears anymore at Beacon. Sadly, as this chapter shows, Team JNPR is not going to be featured in this story. I wrote all I wanted to write with those characters in Fates Collide, and I want to give the spotlight to some new characters. Speaking of which, I also get to introduce Qrow, who I can tell will be fun to write in the future, (It will not apply for all the new character, but I am make a revamped Servant Sheet chapter for the RWBY ones who get/have class cards). Cinder returns, showing she has mastered the Fall Maiden powers and has some new tricks as well. Chloe is back as Cinder's right-hand girl. Salem has given her a new mission, to take down the remaining Maidens, (Speaking of which, the Maidens will be different than in the Rwby cannon. For this series, they will be Fate characters to keep the mystery alive). And some causalities have already happened, the men of Salem's inner circle are dead, (note that Emerald, Mercury, and Neo were not part of this offscreen killing). They were killed by one of my favorite legends and Fate characters, Hessian. He's not the big bad, but his existence here is really something I am excited to explore. I have a good number of the chapters already done, so I will do a daily upload of the first four before going weekly or biweekly depending on work. That is all for now, thanks for reading, and hope to see you in the next chapter.