"Mornin' Jenny…"

Jennifer was awoken by the soft brush of Billy's lips against the corner of her mouth. She opened her eyes and turned her head to see Billy's bruised face smiling down at her, as he propped himself up on one elbow.

At once Jennifer felt heat rising in her cheeks and she tried to duck her head. But Billy took her face in his hand and turned it back towards himself.

"Don't go all shy on me now darlin'." He grinned and Jennifer blushed even more. Suddenly her eyes widened, and she sat bolt upright.

"What time is it?"

"Relax, we won't be late. Not the way I drive." Billy smirked and Jennifer laughed lightly.

"That is true."

Jennifer got up from the bed and slipped her feet into a fluffy pair of slipper boots, then she headed for the door.

"Where're you goin'?" Billy called.

"Shower." Was the one-word response.

"Can I join?" Billy purred and Jennifer laughed.

"Not this time Billy."

"Damn" chuckled Billy, flopping back on Jennifer's bed.

Half and hour later, Jennifer was in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal, dressed and almost ready to go.


Jennifer look up to see Billy leaning in the doorway, then looked down at her outfit which was what he had been looking at.

Black tights under denim shorts and knee-high white converse boots. A pale blue sweater with a white peter pan collar.

Billy was wearing the clothes he had shown up in and a smirk that, before last night, would have freaked Jennifer out. Now it just made her squirm slightly with the intensity of his gaze.

"I guess I don't exactly dress like the girls you normally spend the night with." She said almost apologetically.

"Nothing normal about you Jenny. 'sides, if you were like those girls, I wouldn't have stayed."

Jennifer was sure her cheeks must be fire engine red as she hopped down off the kitchen counter, put her bowl by the sink and headed for the door, picking up her school bag which was by the door.

It turned out that Billy was wrong.

Even with his crazy driving, they were still ten minutes late.

Everyone was sat down in their seats and copying down some fact about World War Two when Billy and Jennifer walked into Miss Adaville's first period History class.

Every pair of eyes in the room snapped up to stare at the pair of them and Jennifer cringed as she heard several whispers start.

"Miss Manning. Mr Hargrove. So good of you to finally show up."

Miss Adaville's voice was full of sarcastic sweetness to which Jennifer squeaked a

"Sorry Miss Adaville" before hurrying to a seat in the back, whilst Billy shrugged and sauntered after her.

"I expect better of you Miss Manning."

A few seconds later a balled up scrap of paper landed on the desk in front of her.

She picked it up and smoothed it out to read what was written on it in a messy scrawl;


Jennifer bit her lip to stop herself smiling before glancing over her should to the right, where Billy was sat watching her.

When she caught his eye, he grinned and winked, and Jennifer quickly turned back to her work.

But the heat was back in her cheeks again.

"Hey Jenny!"

Billy was the only one who really called her Jenny, but it definitely wasn't Billy walking towards her.

No, it was Jake, Rick and Mikey, three of Tommy's friends.

"Rick" was her response, trying to be polite but wanting anything but to be engaged in a conversation with him or his friends.

The looks on the boy's faces were making her nervous as they approached. She was in the middle of swapping her books in her locker, located in the Geography corridor which, much to her dismay at this moment, was deserted.

The Geography corridor was always quiet but there was no one there.


"So" Rick was on her right "If I'd known all it took to get you to put out was to get stuck in a closet with you, I would have done it a long time ago."

Doing her best to hide her disgust, Jennifer turned away from Rick only to find her path impeded by Jake and Mikey.

"I have to get to class" Jennifer said not meeting any of the eyes boring down on her.

But Rick had other ideas, moving from her left to stand right in front of her, crowding her in against her locker.

"C'mon Jenny" he grinned, flicking his blonde hair out of his steel grey eyes "Level with me. How hard did Hargrove have to work to get you to spread your legs for him – "

There was a crack as Rick's head snapped to the side when Jenny slapped him.

Taking advantage of the stunned silence of all three boys, Jenny took her chance and tried to dive between them.

Tried being the operative road.

Because Rick grabbed her elbows and slammed her back, painfully hard into the lockers, making her cry out slightly.

"Little bitch" he spat, pressing himself right up against her "Always did think you were too good for me, didn't you? Saint Manning, can't dirty herself with the likes of us. Just waiting to give it up to Hargrove huh? Such a shame…"

The last words were purred out as, while he held her with his left, his right hand started to wander.

"Dude, c'mon. Let's go before someone sees."

Mikey sounded uncomfortable, while Jake was watching with something like glee on his face.

"Too late shithead."

Now that voice she knew.

In an instant, Rick was ripped away from her and Mikey and Tommy scattered as Billy dived on top of the cowering Rick, throwing punch after punch.

"Piece. Of. Shit. Fuckin'. Rapey. Mother. Fucker. I'll KILL you."

"Billy… Billy… BILLY!"

It took three attempts and her hands pulling at his shoulders for Jennifer to get Billy to stop wailing on Rick.

So caught up in his rage, when she pulled on his shoulder, Billy span around fast and angry.

Angry and close enough that Jennifer flinched backwards.

At once Billy softened.


"I'm okay. It's okay. But he's not worth it Billy. Let's just go."

Billy looked back down at Rick who was lying dazed and bloody in a crumpled heap on the floor. Every fibre of his being was telling him to ignore Jennifer, to carry on beating the holy hell out of the guy who had gone after his girl –


His girl.

His girl didn't want this.

So Billy let Jennifer grab his hand and begin to pull him down the corridor, pausing only to spit at Rick's prone form.

"I see you even look at her again, I'll kill ya."

And with that, they left the crumpled form of Rick on the floor.

"I'm sorry Billy."

They were sat in the Camaro in a layby off the highway.

After walking away from Rick, Billy had pulled Jennifer to the nurse's office and barked at Mrs Crowley

"Jenny just puked, I'm gonna take her home."

To be fair, Jennifer was still trembling and looked three shades paler than she had before Rick had grabbed her, so it wasn't difficult to convince Mrs Crowley to sign them both out of school.

They had then gotten in the car and Billy had sped away.

They had driven in silence until all at once, Billy pulled to a screeching halt in a dead end turn off that led into the trees.

And so there they sat for ten minutes in a silence so tense it felt like the air was compressing around them.

"I'm sorry Billy."

Billy didn't speak, just turned to look at her.

And look.

And look.

And then…

"Get out."

It was quiet. It was forceful. It was terrifying.

So she did what he said.

Jennifer climbed out of the Camaro and stood, unsure of what to do as Billy got out of the driver's seat and slammed the door behind him.

"Come here."

Like she was a robot, Jennifer walked around the car until she was stood trembling in front of Billy.

"What the fuck did you say to me?"

"I – I – I" Jennifer gulped and then all but whispered "I said I'm – I'm sorry Billy."

Billy grabbed her shoulders. He was hurting her, but Jennifer had to bite back a whimper of fear.

He had promised he wouldn't hurt her.

Maybe he lied.

Most people did wh-

And then Billy's lips were on hers. Her hands found the way to his hair and Billy's pressed in the small of her back pulling her so close against him that she could feel his heart beat.

Finally, Jennifer had to push against Billy's chest.

As he drew less than an inch away, Jennifer gasped for breath.

Automatically she tried to avoid his gaze but Billy pulled her face up to look at him.

"You don't apologise. Not for what that piece of shit did."


Billy rested his forehead against Jennifer's.

"I should be sorry anyways. I'm sorry I didn't get there sooner."

"Billy don't do that. Don't." It was Jennifer's turn to make Billy look at her. She hesitantly and delicately cupped his jaw with her left hand.

"You protect enough people as it is. Mrs Mayfield, Max, her friends at Starcourt. You shouldn't have to protect me too."

"It's all I'm good for" it seemed like it hurt Billy to say it "And I still fuck it up half the time."

Jennifer didn't know what to say.

So, she did the only thing she could think of and kissed him.

At once Billy reciprocated.

They stood in each other's arms and just let their lips brush against each other, almost lazily.

It was simple.


At first.

After a while, Billy's tongue swiped along the seam of her lips, practically begging for entrance. Hesitantly Jennifer parted her lips and at once Billy was dominating the now passionate kiss.

Billy's hands found their way to the back of Jennifer's thighs and he lifted her effortlessly from the ground, where she was forced to wrap her legs around his waist in order to help hold herself up.

He set her on the hood of the Camaro and his lips traced a trail along her jawline, up under her ear and down her throat.

It was when his hand found its way under her sweater and began tracing the edge of her bra that Billy felt Jennifer pull away from him.

They stayed where they were for a moment. Jennifer sat on the hood of the car, Billy stood in between her legs, their foreheads resting against each, both trying to catch their breath.

"I'm sorry" Billy murmured.

"It's okay. Just…" Jennifer exhaled.

"I told you I wouldn't hurt you and I meant it. If you aren't ready, it's okay Jen."

"Thank you" Jennifer whispered, ducking her gaze slightly and biting her lip.

Billy groaned and used the pad of his thumb to smooth her lip out from between her teeth.

"Jenny… I'm a patient guy… but it just ain't fair if you keep doin' that."


Billy chuckled and stepped back letting Jennifer slide of the hood of the car.

They got back into the Camaro.

Just before Billy started the car, he heard Jennifer bite back a giggle.




Jennifer bit her lip and said with an unusually cheeky smile

"It's just… since when is Billy Hargrove a patient guy?"

Billy laughed.

"Smart ass."

Then a more earnest expression came onto his face.

"Since you Jenny Lane. Since you."


Sorry it's been so long I've been mad busy!

Let me know what you think, likes, suggestions etc. I love to hear from people.

More soon.

Geronimo xx