The final Avenger: Webclaws. [MCU]

[This has heavy spoilers for Avengers Endgame.]

Chapter 1: Five years.

"Hey, kid. I know, if you're watching this. Then the worst has happened. I didn't see the end of the plan through. There is so much I wanted to tell you, before the Endgame. Before we try and bring you back. I wasn't the best mentor I know. But thank you for being there for me. Over the last five years, I built things for you, knowing you would never use them. But if you're watching this I guess you can. You're an Avenger now, so you get a room in the tower and one at the compound. You also get my labs there as well. Also, I leave you three spare iron spider suits that you can use as well as the schematics on how to build more. I also leave you the Parker Trust I set up for you, it includes five million dollars. If you ever need anything, ask Pepper or Happy. I know these things won't make up for being a terrible mentor. But I am so proud of you. So extremely proud. The hero you are, one day I hope you can lead the Avengers. One day I hope you meet my kid, Morgan. I want them to grow up to be like you. You're the kind of kid I always wanted. Even before I had Morgan I thought you were like my son. I'm sorry. I hope I got to hug you before the end. So here we are. Keep being Spiderman. Keep being the hero I know you can be. Be the Avenger the world needs. And please guide Morgan, in life. Peter Parker, I leave the rest up to you, find a nice girl. Settle down. Have a quiet life and be the hero the world needs. Make yourself happy. And please remember me with all my failings. See you around kid." The hologram of Tony stark my mentor says before it disappears once again into the wrist bands on my suit.

"I don't know why I keep watching it," I say to myself slumping down onto the roof I am sitting on. It's cold now, five years later. Not much has changed, the world is just more scared than when I left. "I can't believe it has been a month since the funeral," I say pulling my mask off my face. So, my eyes can absorb the light of New York. Whites and yellows dance throughout the sky. It almost looks like fireflies dancing throughout the sky. I don't remember how long I have been out for; I don't remember much recently.

"BANG!" snaps me out of my thoughts and with one quick movement, my mask is back on my face. I heard the sound from maybe a block away. So, I leap off the building and I start to swing, the wind rushing against my body, it feels invigorating. It is refreshing, to say the least.

As I do one final swing, I launch myself into the air above a man dressed in all black as well as a woman cowering next to the wall in the alleyway. As I fall I see the man is holding the gun, as I go down, I grab the mans arm and cracks him with a quick karate chop to the neck causing him to fall down knocked out.

"Don't worry miss. Your safe now." I say turning around to the woman who has shock written on her eyes. But a second later her eyes are filled with tears as if she had seen a ghost.

"Peter?" she asks cautiously her voice shaking with every letter. As I look more closely I notice her hair, then I recognise that look. I recognise the girl standing in front of me, MJ.

"MJ?" I ask taking off my mask,

"OMG. Peter!" she says hugging me, my body shaking and my eyes starting to fill with tears. "I thought you were dead!" she says squeezing me tighter.

"What happened?" I ask slightly pulling away from MJ.

"Five years. I didn't get dusted. I figured out you where Spiderman when Ned was watching you fight the aliens on youtube. He watched as you got beamed up. He was crying and then I knew why. Why you suddenly disappeared. He was watching it when he got dusted." MJ says as I feel small tears hit my shoulder.

"I'm sorry. I tried to contact you when I got back. But my messages kept getting bounced." I say to her,

"It's ok. You just tried to do the right thing. You tried to be a hero." She says letting go of the embrace and stepping away from me. As she does I feel a small part of me die inside.

"So, what are you doing now?" I ask as I gaze around the small alleyway, we are in.

"I am a reporter. I am moving to Japan tomorrow. I am getting married over there as well." She says as the last shred of hope that maybe some of my old life would remain gets squashed like a bug.

"Oh, that's cool," I say trying to hide the disappointment.

"What are you going to do?" she asks,

"I have school again tomorrow. Ned's mum died in that five-year stretch and he has moved down with his father downstate. I know Flash will be there tomorrow but other than that. No one I know is returning." I stumble over my words for a bit my mind racing against my body to try and stop me from saying it, "Aunt May is in a coma. Two years before this she got hit by a car. She hasn't woken up since," I say as MJ looks at me in horror.

"What about the Avengers?" she asks,

"Tony is dead, Captain America is gone. Vision in dead. Thor went into space. Hawkeye is with his family. Black Widow is dead. Wanda is wondering the earth and won't take my calls. So really I am the last Avenger on earth." I say finding a rather interesting piece of brickwork.

"So, wait. For the last two Avengers calls. You have been the only one to respond." To which I nod still finding the brickwork interesting. "Peter you shouldn't have to do it alone." She says as I hear an explosion go off.

"I won't. Anyway, I need to go." I say looking at her eyes one more time, she seems a little hurt, but I don't stop I just start climbing u the wall again and onto the roof. I just need to focus on what Spiderman can do right now.

The next Morning.

As my alarm blares at me it's time to wake up. I somehow manage to make my numb limbs start moving. Rolling out of bed and onto the floor. Instead of being greeted by my apartment floor I am greeted by the hard-cool floor of Avengers tower.

As I get my Barings, I look around my room, in the corner three Spiderman suits are being stored in capsules. As I continue to look around, I see my desk covered in papers and work I have been doing recently which is starting to make its way onto the floor. As I turn the other way, I see my closet open with my bag hanging up and a couple of pairs of normal clothes.

"Sir. I think it's time to start your day." Karen says over the loudspeakers, to which I nod and pull myself up. I feel like a tonne of brick as I move towards the door. "School starts in an hour and a half. Your commute by train takes about half an hour. So you have an hour to get ready for your day." Karen says as I start getting undressed and the steam shower comes on. Sending hot water vapour around me. Warming me up as if I was sitting next to a fire.

"Karen. Any events going on today?" I ask as my body starts to feel a lot lighter under the steam shower.

"Umm. Well, there is a Wakandan group coming in today to the outreach out program they have in New York. But other than that, nothing." She says as I grab my clothes and the steam shuts off. I start getting changed. Putting on my suit underneath my normal clothes. As I finish, I turn to look in the mirror to see me dressed in grey hoodie and black pants. My hair is the same length it always has been but it seems slightly darker and my face is a little more pale than usual.

"Alright. Let's go get this over with." I say as I grab my backpack and head out of my room. As I enter the hallway I walk past the rooms where many have the names of the original Avengers. As I look to the room next to me, I see the name of Tony Stark on the door which makes my heart skip a beat but I pull my gaze away and head towards the main area of Avengers tower.

As I enter a bowl of cereal is slide across the bench and into my hands. "Thanks, Karen," I say as I begin to eat and walk towards the elevator. I finish the bowl quickly and place it on the bench before wandering into the elevator.

The next thirty minutes are a blur. I know I got onto the subway and I know I got off and walked to school but nothing happened. I had no thoughts or saw anything amazing. I just walked along in my own little world.

But as I walked through the gate my spidey senses start sending an electric shock down my back. As I notice a book being thrown at me I sigh and let it hit me not wanting to draw attention to myself. It stings for a second, but then it stops.

I look at the book and I see the name. Flash Thompson. As on queue, he punches me in the face and I go with it. "Where were you? The world was ending and you ran away? Now you show your face? MJ was screaming for you. Ned was crying. All you did is run away." Flash says as he grips me by my hoodie. "You are scum." He says dropping me and taking his book.

Usually, that's how it ends but out of nowhere another book is thrown. Then another, another, another, another. Over and over again books are thrown, and they hit me. It starts to hurt leaving a stinging pain up and down my back mostly. I can feel the bruising start to form on my back.

"ENOUGH!" yells an older voice, "Everyone go to your classes now!" and with that they all scatter. As I look up, I see an older black man standing before me. "Sorry about that. Please head to your class well." He says before turning his back to me and walking away. I sigh knowing that these last few years are going to be long and painful.

As school starts the teasing and bullying gets worse, I have no one to speak to. My old classmates refuse to speak to me, as well as all the new students that are in my classes. At lunch I can't even sit at my normal table I sat with Ned and MJ. But that's nothing, compared to the afternoon. It's science and I enjoy it. It's my favourite subject.

"PETER PARKER!" exhales a teacher crashing in through the door to our classroom. The teacher has sweat rolling down every part of his body and he looks like he has run a few miles. As I stand to walk over to the teacher, I am handed a piece of paper.

As I open it my world shatters.

"Dear Mr Parker.

I am doctor Cho. I am a friend of the Avengers, Pepper asked me to look after your Aunt and try and help her. I have been keeping her alive in her coma state for a few months now. But today her heart gave out. I tried everything I could. I am deeply sorry for your loss Mr Parker. I am so sorry I failed you."

My world just stops. My heart has stopped beating my eyes are filling with water so I can't even see the page anymore. My legs give out and I fall to my knees. "I have lost everyone." I cry out into the piece of paper. "I have lost everyone now."

"Mr Parker you can leave. You need to go pay respects to your Aunt." The teacher says helping me up and moving me back to my desk to pack up. This feels like years if not decades as I slowly hobble towards my desk to pick up my bag.

"Fucken deserved it." I hear from Flash behind me. I want to hit him; I want to slam his head into the table, but I can't it feels like I am in shock.

"That's what he gets for leaving us." Another student says. But before I can hear more I am running. My legs just started moving.

As I get outside, I don't trust myself to swing to the hospital, so I just catch the subway. It feels colder the closer I get to my stop. As it pulls up and the doors open, it feels as if the cold grips of death have wrapped their arms around me and pulled me out the door and onto the platform. It continues to pull me up and into the hospital.

The next thirty minutes are a blur. I have just been staring at a white sheet on a bed. I feel tears roll down my face, nothing seems to be stopping them. Nothing is stopping the pain in my heart, "I really have lost everyone." I say my legs giving out collapsing at the side of my Aunts bed. I feel the world crashing and burning around me. "Haven't I suffered enough?" I ask the white sheet.

After a few hours later I walk out of the hospital and head back to Avengers Tower. As I walk towards the subway, I see a shimmer and my spidey sense starts tingling.

In a matter of seconds, a Wakandian plane is falling fast. In a matter of seconds, I am in the nearest alleyway. A second later I have stripped off my pants and shirt revealing my Spiderman suit. I quickly grab my web shooters and attach them to my wrists and finally sliding on my mask.

"Hello, Peter," Karen says as my Hud lights up.

"Status on the ship," I say as I web my bag to the wall of the building.

"It's fallen no casualties on the streets but some gang members with guns are moving in," Karen says as I climb up onto the roof of the building to get a better look. As I reach the top I see a normal New York except for the massive crashed plane in the centre of the street causing mass panic, with people running around like madmen. Cars are starting to pile up and mass amounts of smoke is rising from the wreckage as if I was looking at a factory.

"Find that Princess. We need her alive." Yells a man from somewhere down there. I kick myself into gear at that, swinging down towards the crashed ship.

Shuri POV:

"I hate it when your right brother," I say as I try to move, I feel the heat burning around me as if I was next to the fireplace in the palace. My eyes are still spinning. My body feels like it has been hit by a truck.

As my eyes adjust, I see fires burning around me and the wreckage of my plane. Pretty much it has split in half from what I can see with myself and a few of Dora Milaje scattered around all still trying to regain our senses.

"Get the Princess!" yells a white man somewhere out on the street. As I turn to the source of the voice, I see at least ten men all wearing black and orange armour holding rifles pointed right at us.

"T'Challa is not going to let me hear the end of this," I say trying to push myself up I look down and notice my Vibranium Gauntlets are destroyed crushed by some metal bar from the plane. "Well, this is not amazing," I say as I return my gaze to see the Dora Milaje all awake and moving towards me spears up.

"I see her, she is in the black outfit at the back." Yells a man as I watch him come into the wreckage.

"Don't let them get to the Princess at all cost!" yells Okoye who has appeared right next to me, then I hear the click of at least ten rifles. I see the ten men all in orange pointing guns right at me. this is the end I think; I didn't even get to help T'Challa become the greatest king of Wakanda. Then I see what looks like a flying spider, tiny and black. It appears to be dropping little red eggs onto the men's guns.

"Alright. I have had it with today. The Princess of Wakanda is under the protection of the Avengers. Please just surrender." He says with what sounds like a young white guy but I can't see the source. Then I hear a clicking, over and over. I see the men trying to pull the trigger on their guns, but nothing is coming out. "Wrong answer." The voice says again. As it finishes a man in red and blue suit drops down landing on the two of the men in orange.

As he lands, he jumps at least two meters into the air, shooting what looks like webbing at two more men and with a quick movement of his arms he smashes the two men's heads together. The two men fall down unconscious. "What is that?" asks one of Dora Milaje,

"That's the Spiderman," I say, as I watch amazed as the red and blue suited man takes down another two men with ease. Flipping and jumping like an acrobat. I have always been amazed by this Spiderman. "He is amazing I only saw him briefly during the battle against Thanos. I have so many questions for him about how he got his powers and him. T'Challa knows his real name but he refuses to tell me." I say as I look on in awe as he sprays webs from his wrists attaching two men to the wall wrapping them up tight. Like a spider keeping its food for later on, it's web.

"I am not after you Spiderman." Says a thick Russian accent. "But we did prepare for you." It continues as a man as big as M'Baku, his skin pale white. "Kraven will have his prey." He says staring at me, digging deep into my souls. He has the eyes of a predator, a hunter, a man ready to kill anyone.

"Well hate to say it. But I am not in the mood for this today. Nor do I give a shit who you are." Spiderman says flipping backwards landing on all fours in front of Okoye.

"Well, you won't be much of a problem for too long. I studied your attacks and your powers. I discovered that you have heightened senses. So I had these built especially for you." He says as another 4 orange and black dressed men push two machines, one look like some sought of a sonic device. It looks like the smaller ones in my Vibranium Gauntlets. The other looks like a spotlight. "These devices are devices specifically made to immobilise you. This light device gives you around 50 000 Lux, while this sound device lets out around 25 000Hz. Your sense should drive you insane even inside that suit." The Russian says flexing his massive bear-like arms, smiling an evil grin like he has won already sending chills down my spine. His face, as I look at it more in detail, is older maybe mid-thirties, but he has scars up and down his face. His beard is just round his mouth, completely black matching the hair on top of his head which is extremely long.

"Seriously? You look like Keanu Reeves and a bear had a baby." Spiderman says as he slightly deepens his bend ready to pounce like a cat towards this Russian.

"Kraven will kill you now." The Russian yells as he pulls out a remote and presses the one big red button on it. Then I cover my eyes. The light too bright for me to look at.

Spiderman POV:

Big mouth as usual. I say as these Russian presses the button. Then it starts the light overloads the input system Tony put into my suit so I wouldn't get overloaded. It hurts I have to keep my eyes tight shut otherwise my eyes and brain would burn. That's not even the worst of it, the sound, it is like a million little people with claws for hands are ripping at my ears.

It hurts so bad I feel my legs give way as I collapse to my knees unable to stand any longer. And I throw my hands to my ears trying to stop the sound from getting in, he wasn't lying that bastard and I got cocky again I think to myself.

Come on Pete. Think.

Then it comes to me, all at once. "Karen call the Iron Spider." I cry out. As I collapse to the ground the pain too much to handle any longer.

I know it's seconds, but it feels like an eternity, blood pouring out of my ears. My body feels like it is shaking as if an earthquake was going off inside my body. Then I hear it somehow the crash of metal into the street in front of me.

"Iron Spider landed. Activating protocol one." Karen says as the first bit of metal hits my chest, then I feel it start to move like a slime monster over my skin. Even though I know it's just the nanites creating the suit around me. I feel it cover my body slowly. "Activating input nullification." The sound stops and I open my eyes to see a very tinted view of the world, with my hud still operating perfectly fine.

"Thank you, Mr Stark," I say as I remember the day he told me about the new suit he was working on for me, an upgrade to reduce all input like sound and input of way too bright light. He said it would reduce my effectiveness but as I feel now, it would allow me to operate in these harsh conditions. "Karen activate web grenade," I say into the suit.

A second later I see two orb shapes appear above my wrists where my normal web shooters are just underneath. I stand up with ease and point them at each of the machines and I clench my fists As I do, I feel the orbs fly off followed by a trail of the web from my web shooters underneath.

In mid-air I see them attach to the orbs and cause it to start spinning like an orb-like spinning top. As the orbs impact with the machines they explode, I can't hear it but I see a slight flicker of light. "Karen Deactivate input nullification." As I do the tinting is removed and I can see the damage I have caused.

Both machines look destroyed as well as the Russian is on his ass. Then I can hear, a ship. A green and yellow ship hovering just above the Russian. "You know Kraven. The man who hired us to do this will not be happy you failed. Or needed back up." Says a man above, as I look up, I see a man that should have died years ago. Crossbones, in is full villain black and white costume.

"Captain America watched you die," I say staring up at Crossbones.

"Well, let's just say I put on a pretty good performance." He responds jumping out of the plane and right in front of me. "You Mr Spiderman have caused me and my boss a lot of trouble." He says before he takes his first swing at me. I catch the punch, but it hurts so bad. It feels like at least ten men are pushing against me. Then he starts pushing me back towards the Wakandan's. So, I do the only thing I can think of, I kick one of his knees, but he doesn't budge.

"What are you?" I ask as I extend my 4 spider legs to try and push back a bit.

"Well, thanks to my new employer I am a super soldier you can say. Captain America but better." He says uppercutting me and sending me flying backwards and onto my back. Then my back starts to sting, I remember I am bruised up my back thanks to those books thrown at me today at school so it hurts worse than it should.

My Spider legs put me back onto my feet as I watch him get closer to me. "Peter you are standing right under something that isn't structurally sound if he hits that metal pole your standing next to," Karen says through my suit as I also notice the pole next to me which seems to be moving.

"Boss we need to go!" yells some guy on board the ship hovering above us.

"Fine," Crossbones says as continues to walk towards me, then before I can react, he fires something from his glove, some sought of a knife into the pole next to me. then bang it explodes, before I can adjust my Spidey sense is going off like crazy. As I look up I see the roof collapsing.

"Karen High Tensile strength webbing, the structural stuff," I yell as I quickly start firing off webs at some key points to try and hold it together. Then it falls, as it does, I manage to grab hold of part of the metal beaming holding it in a similar way I held up the jet bridge in Germany. "Go quickly, I'm not sure how long my webbing will hold!" I yell to the Wakandan's all the while my muscles screaming at the amount of weight I am holding. The Spider legs are helping but not enough, this ship is so heavy at least the apart falling on me is. Finally, after what feels like minutes, I see bald girls run past me.

"Peter, the webbing is failing," Karen says just as the Princess is right next to me about to get to safety. Right now, I just move, I quickly grab the princess and hug her all the while the roof starts to fall on my back causing extreme amounts of pain. As it falls, I make sure the Spider legs are covering any parts I can't protect her from with my own body.

Finally, as the last piece of rubble falls off my back, I let go off the princess and collapse on the ground. My muscles burning, my back in extreme pain from all the rubble hitting my already bruised back. "Spiderman are you ok?" asks someone as I feel someone's hand on my shoulder, I follow the arm and I see a beautiful sight. I never noticed before, but the princess is really beautiful. Her hair is tied up into two Princess Leia buns but all of it is braided. Her skin is not as dark as I would have imagined for an African seeing it up close or how her eyes are written with concern.

"You look like Princess Leia." Escapes my mouth, all at once I feel the regret enter my body if she could see through my mask my eyes would have been as wide as an owl. I somehow stand up through the utter pain and quickly bow repeatedly, "I am sorry highness I didn't mean to offend."

Then I hear a laugh, escape from the Princess. Which causes me to freeze. I manage to look up to see a wide smile on her face, her face brighter than the sun. "Don't apologize, I love Princess Leia. She is a badass. No one in Wakanda ever notices I do my hair like hers." Which as she says that my heart skips a beat.

"Oh yes, I love Star Wars. Did you like the new movies?" I ask my geek escaping my body,

"There are more movies than the six?" she asks her smile still as bright as the sun but her eyes slightly confused,

"Yeah, the new trilogy with Rey and old man Luke," I say a little too excited,

"No way. You must show me these new movies!" she says almost jumping for joy, her smile somehow becoming even more bright than before. This picture almost made me forget the pain in my back until suddenly my it doesn't, and I collapse. With the Spider legs catching me before I can fall on my face. "Spiderman!" she yells rushing to my side wrapping her arms around me back causing me to shudder in pain.

"Karen call the quinjet." I mutter out as the pain gets worse, "Spider Drone collect my bag please." I say as the gold drone disconnects from my chest and flies away towards the alleyway, I left my bag in.

"Okoye please help Spiderman!" the princess yells, as another pair of hands grab me and pulls me up straight.

"Thank you, Spiderman," says the bald lady, I turn to look at her and It's genuine gratitude.

"It's part of the job," I say somehow as the pain gets worse.

"You saved me Spiderman thank you so much!" says the Princess again,

Then I hear jet engines, I look up to see a quinjet landing right in front of me. "You are welcome to come with me to Avengers tower if you wish," I say pointing to the quinjet with one of the Spider legs. While another spider leg has grabbed my bag from my spider drone just before it attaches to the front of my suit.

"Yeah, we can't go home now. Since our ship was destroyed and we can't have the Princess anywhere." Okoye says. As she starts moving me towards the quinjet.

"What about our ship?" the Princess asks,

"The new Shield will deal with it; they won't let a soul touch it. A handful selected from Director Fury himself. Your ship will be kept in storage until you need access to it." I say as they continue to drag me along.

The Bald lady says something in Wakandan and suddenly a few of the other bald ladies are all helping carry me to the quinjet. As I get there, they seat me in one of the seats at the back, as the last of the ladies get on I sit up as my body screams for me not to. "Karen fly us home," I say,

"Rest now Spiderman." Says the princess as she places her hand on my shoulder, as we fly, I feel the blood run down my back.

"Karen run scan on vitals," I say a second later the scan results appear on my Hud showing extreme cuts from where the bruises have bee split causing blood loss. As well as major bruising on my arms and chest. As well as my ear seems to have some minor damage.

"Mr Parker, the auto regeneration Cradle facilities will be prepped for when you get back to the tower," Karen says into my earpiece, as I look up I see the tower, the massive A acting as a beacon of hope to the city of New York. I also notice that it's starting to get dark.

As the quinjet lands, we all start heading out, the princess and one of the bald women helping me. As I hobble along with the landing platform, we finally enter the tower. We first enter a lift in complete silence, then the doors open on the main living area, with the glass window view of the entire city of New York. The lounge area set up the same way I left it, as well as the kitchen.

"Make yourselves at home, Give the Princess and her escort full access Karen. I will be in the regeneration Cradle please relax." I say to them as my Spider legs pull me up and walk me towards the sleeping area and the auto Regeneration cradle.

As I enter the white room the iron spider suit deactivates turning back into diamond shape about the size of my back. I almost fall over without the help of my spider legs, but I manage to catch myself and crawl over and into the Cradle. I lay down and it starts, and It hurts so bad.

Shuri POV:

I watch as the Spiderman is dragged away by those legs in his suit. Slowly but surely, he walks into the hallway and makes a right into what looks like a white room. I want to follow but a hand on my shoulder stops me.

"Don't follow him. You should respect his privacy." Okoye says to me gently, I know what she means but I want to help him, because of me he got hurt.

"Princess don't worry about Spiderman he will be just fine." Says a voice from above,

"Are you Karen?" I ask, looking around the well-lit room.

"Yes, I am Spiderman's personal AI Mr Stark made for him." says a feminine voice,

"Oh, may I ask, where are the other Avengers?" I ask curious on why Spiderman was all alone.

"Iron man, Vision and Black Widow are all dead. Hawkeye has retired to be with his family. Wanda Maximoff is current location is unknown and won't take any calls from any Avengers. Flacon and the Winter Soldier are currently in Europe though they are no longer Avengers instead they are doing things their way and refuse to be on the team with Spiderman. War Machine is currently off with the American military and is on deployment and is MIA as of this moment. Thor is currently off in space. So, the only remaining Avenger is Spiderman." Karen says,

"Wait so who responded with him to the last two Avengers calls? Against the minor alien incursions? The Chitauri scout groups from the battle of Wakanda? The leftovers as many call them." I ask concerned and already knowing the answer.

"He faced them alone," Karen says,

"No," I say shocked, but I thought that would be the answer.

"Currently the world thinks that the Avengers have a full roster of protectors, but the only regular member is Spiderman," Karen says,

"Why didn't he ask for help?" Okoye asks,

"Because he didn't know who he could ask," Karen replies,

"Does anyone live with him?" I ask,

"No. His last family relative died today. As of this moment, he is alone and is the final Avenger." Karen says and it breaks me, the hero who just saved me was all alone.

"What about the family of Tony Stark?" I ask,

"Currently Happy is looking after Pepper and Morgan at their place in the country. They are currently unreachable." Says Karen.

"How old is Spiderman?" Okoye asks,

"I can't divulge any information about the person who Spiderman is," Karen responds then I hear it, the screams. Screams of someone in immense pain.

"What is happening to him?" I ask frantically, scared to think he is in any more pain.

"The Auto Regeneration Cradle. It is regenerating his cells without an assistant and it hurts a lot. But when it's done, he will be perfectly fine, just a little bruising." Karen responds.

"The view is amazing, but their technology is so poor," I say collapsing to my knees.

"Would you like a drink, this building is hundred percent safe, currently the Iron Legion is ready as soon as a threat approaches the building," Karen asks,

"Dora Milaje. Please recover and rest." I say struggling to stand up and walk over to the bench.

"What can I get you, Princess?" Karen asks as I take a seat,

"Just water please," I mumble out slumping down onto the bench.

"What's up Shuri?" Okoye asks,

"I don't know. I am tired and I am kind of worried for Spiderman." I respond not even lifting my head.

"Spiderman fought against Thanos, we should trust him." She responds taking a seat next to me just as a glass of water slides in front of my eyes. So, I drink up, I didn't realize I was so thirsty.

Then the screaming stops, for a minute we are all silent and then I hear movement. My body is still, I can hear Spiderman.

"What is the status of the Tower?" Spiderman's voice asks as he finishes a teen around the same age as I step out, dressed nothing but black shorts. The teen has white skin and has no prominent facial features other than his messy brown hair which seems to be resting to one side. But as I look down, I see he is almost as ripped as T'Challa, with a six pack and super defined arms. He looks good for a white boy; I feel my cheeks grow slightly hot looking at him, but I can't not look. "Oh shoot. Sorry, princess! I forgot you guys where here!" he yells alarmed by our presence his face growing as red as a tomato. Before he turns away running back down the hallway.

My face still burning I turn to look at Okoye who is looking at me with a massive grin on her face, the same grin she uses on T'Challa when she teases him. "Not a word of this to my brother," I say before turning away from her to try and hide the heat on my cheeks.

"He's pretty cute for a white boy." Says Okoye in her teasing voice. Making my cheeks grow even hotter than before.

"Stop!" I yell at her, but I still that massive grin on her face, that face I love seeing when my brother is around but then it stops it grows extremely sad.

[So, hey guys, I have had this written for a while now. I wasn't sure if I was going to continue writing it, but I decided I would post it anyway. I watched Far From home the other night and decided I might as well post this. So please tell me if you want me to post more, I have more if you guys want me to post more. So just let me know.]