The Final Avenger: Webclaws

Chapter 2: The Funeral

"He doesn't look any older than you, did you see the scar on his back?" She asks, her eyes filled with sadness. As if she had just watched someone die.

"No," I say flatly now her sadness infecting me like some sought of disease. "I did notice the sadness in his eyes though."

"That scar is one a warrior should only have not kids your age," Okoye says staring back into the hallway. "I saw something in his eyes. I saw pain and he was staring at you for a bit." With that, I punch Okoye in the arm which does nothing to her, but I need her to stop otherwise this heat won't leave my cheeks.

Then I hear running as the boy enters the room his hair slightly messier than before and he is wearing a shirt which says "I only make horrible science puns but only PERIODICALLY." Which makes me giggle a bit when reading it, my cheeks having the heat return to them.

"I apologize for not having clothes on before. Nor having very nice clothes with me, I kind of forgot I was hosting royalty." He says clearly embarrassed and stuttering ever so often.

"It's ok. Princess Shuri liked it." Says Okoye winking at the boy making him glow red.

"Okoye!" I yell also embarrassed, "Please ignore my guard. My name is Shuri. Please drop the princess. I don't really care about it." I say walking forward extending my hand for a handshake and a proper introduction.

I see him step forward his hand slightly shaking, "I am Peter Parker also known as Spiderman." He responds taking the handshake finally. "It's a pleasure to meet you Shuri. I am a big fan of your work."

"Really I didn't know I had any fans," I say rather taken aback by him knowing of me and my work.

"Yeah, you're an inspiration, so young and developed so much breakthrough technology. Also, I like the way you fight with your Gauntlets." He responds with a genuine smile,

"When have you seen me fight?" I ask a little confused on how he knows,

"I may have watched you a little when we where all fighting Thanos. I had to stop one of the bigger ones for running you down, but I don't think you saw me do it." He responds,

"Saved my life twice, Peter. Thank you very much." I say releasing my grip from the handshake.

"Umm Mr Parker," Okoye asks now stepping forward into my line of sight. "How old are you?" she asks,

"I am 16 but I will be 17 next month on the 10th. That's biologically but I am actually 21 without the snap." He responds his eyes having a little pain in them now.

"Oh my god," Okoye says taken aback.

"Don't worry. I have been spider man for about a year and a half now. I am quite alright." He says with a small forced smile. But I see the pain beneath it. "Anyway, enough about me. Has Karen made you feel welcome?" he asks sounding a little happier.

"Yes, sir," Okoye says giving him a small smile and a nod.

"Great. I think Karen has ordered some Pizza for tonight. It wouldn't be a proper trip to New York without trying some of our famous pizza." He says with a smile and as if on cue the elevator opens and a pile of five pizzas are sitting there.

"I wonder if he got your favourite?" Okoye asks nudging me as Peter walks over to collect the boxes of pizzas.

"Shut up," I say nudging back and walking over to join the rest of the Dora Miljae. As he opens, I smell the fresh smell of Pizza and my eyes grow wide as I see it. Hawaiian pizza. "He actually got my favourite."

"Karen didn't know what to get so she orders the five most popular please enjoy." He says stepping back letting the Dora Miljae start to grab pizza slices. So, I decide to grab two slices of my favourite and start eating, taking a seat at the bench while the rest of the Dora Miljae take a seat on the lounge.

As I eat, I watch Peter as he pulls out a wrist brace and a small set of tools from a draw. He gets to work fiddling with some sought of release mechanism. "What is that?" I ask my curiosity now peaked.

"It's my original web-shooters. The ones I made before Mr Stark gave me a new one and a new suit." He responds continuing to work on them.

"That's amazing. You made these?" I ask, amazed that a white boy came up with this.

"Yeah, and the web fluid is all my design." He responds and my jaw drops,

"That's amazing Peter. The Tensile strength is through the roof. I can't believe you made these." I say amazed.

"This one is completely broken. I don't know why I keep trying to fix it, I don't even use it anymore." He responds as he stares down at his web-shooters.

"Doesn't matter, are you going to eat?" I ask,

"Oh. Umm." He mumbles,

"Come on Peter, pull up a set next to me and you can show me your web-shooters," I say forcing his hand, to which he nods grabbing a piece of Hawaiian pizza.

"Do you like Hawaiian too?" he asks as he notices the pizza in my hand,

"Yeah, I love it!" I say giving him a wink which makes him go a little red. "Also, nice shirt. It's pretty funny." I say as I take another bite of pizza.

"Thanks." He mumbles as he begins to eat.

"So how does this work?" I say grabbing the web-shooters and start fiddling around with the mechanism. I find it interesting the activation pad and then I notice a disconnected wire, I quickly reconnect it and smile. "I think I got it working," I say smiling as I connect the web shooter to my wrist.

"Be careful," Peter says, but before he can continue, I have shot a web at his face covering him and what was left of his pizza.

"Omg! Peter!" I yell and laugh at him as I struggle to move his face which is covered with the web.

"It's alright." He says and with one big tear he can rip off the webbing off his face. "How did you fix it?" he asks, curious,

"Well, I noticed one of the firing mechanism wires was disconnected, only slightly," I say pointing to the wire with my other hand as he leans in closer to look. Suddenly out of nowhere a spear appears at his neck and he freezes.

"That's close enough." Says a Dora Miljae spear remaining at his neck.

"Seriously?" I ask raising an eyebrow at her, "I was showing him how I fixed his web-shooters. Also, why?" I ask but then I hear laughter from the one and only Okoye.

"That was brilliant!" she yells, continuing to laugh at us, "You should have seen his face," she laughs but suddenly stops as we make eye contact.

"Peter I am sorry," I say firing web at Okoye. Covering her in it. "Okoye!" I yell innocently, "I miss fired." I lie, giving her the evillest smile, I can.

"What is this stuff!" she yells, struggling to move,

"Web fluid. Spiderman's stuff." I say with a wink and turning back to Peter who looks like he is about to burst out laughing.

"Umm. I have spare rooms for the five of you down the hall also one for Shuri as well. They are the rooms with no name on them." Peter says getting up and walking over to Okoye, as he reaches her one of the other Dora Miljae has cut some of the web fluid off with her spear.

I smile at Okoye, as I jump up and grab Peter, "I am feeling kinda tired. Can you show me to my room?" I ask Peter,

"Yes of course," he stutters out at the sudden physical contact.

"Let's go," I say dragging him towards the hallway. As we walk down the hallway, we pass many rooms, I see the names of many of the Avengers, Hawkeye, Bruce Banner, Wanda, Vision. Then we get to Peter Parker's room and the room next to his. Tony Stark's. We almost stop but I notice Peter purposely walk on to the room beside Tony's which is blank.

"This will be your room; I am two doors down if you need anything." He says opening the door for me.

"Thank you, Peter," I say as I enter the room. When I enter, I am greeted by a nice room, it has a bed in one corner and a desk at the other, a door at the other end which I assume leads to a bathroom. So, I start undressing for bed and I sigh, "He is rather cute for a white guy."

Peter POV:

As I leave Shuri I head back to my own room, as I enter, I head to my desk and pull out a box. A Box Aunt May use to keep in the lounge room, a box full of memories. Not much is running through my head right now I just wait for the movement of the bald ladies to finish before I exit.

I move silently into the elevator and onto the roof. As I go and sit down on the edge of the roof, I look out seeing the lights from across the city all dancing. All at peace. Then my phone starts buzzing.

"Hello. Is this Mr Parker?" asks a man as I put the phone to my ear,

"Yes. I am Peter Parker."

"Yes, I am just here to let you know that the funeral for your Aunt will be tomorrow at 3 pm at Green-Wood Cemetery next to her brother and her husband."

"Thank you. I will be there," I say, as the phone call ends, and I place it back into my pocket not even a second later I lose it. I can't hold it back and I start crying. Streams of tears tear down my face as if it was rapids in a river. "Oh god, I am all alone!" I cry out. My body feels cold as if someone had shoved it into an icy river.

I just sit there staring at the photos in the box, wondering why all this shit had to happen to me, first my hero and mentor. Now my Aunt as well as all the Avengers.

Shuri POV:

I wake up suddenly not even an hour after I have gone down. I shoot upright, I don't know why but I feel like I had to go find Peter. So, I stand up still slightly tired and get dressed again, slowly I make my way out of my room and over to Peters room silently. I knock on the door that has Peter on it.

I wait a few seconds and I get no response, so I knock again, and I get no response. So, confused I walk back out into the main living space. Looking to see if he was out there but as I enter, I am greeted only by the amazing view of the city skyline. The lights are all dancing like those firefly bugs back home or during the anniversary celebration when we release all the lanterns with our partner.

"Maybe this year I will have a partner for the celebration," I say to myself continuing to look out at the captivating lights. For a good few minutes I just sit there staring, I still prefer Wakanda, but this is almost as beautiful. Then I remember I want to find Peter as I snap myself out of this trance the lights put me under. "Karen where is Peter?" I ask,

"He is on the roof." She replies,

"Thank you," I say as I head towards the elevator and press the button for the roof. It takes only a few seconds for the elevator doors to open and I am greeted by a sad sight. I wasn't sure what I expected when I came up here, I wasn't sure what I was going to say to him when I got up here. But I wasn't expecting to find him crying his heart out. "Peter?" I ask running up to him causing him to jump slightly at the sound of my voice.

"Oh, Princess." He says wiping away the tears from his face. "Are you ok?" he asks, his eyes puffy and I can see the hurt inside them.

"Yes. But what's wrong?" I ask wrapping my arm around him at least trying to comfort him,

"Nothing. You don't need to worry," he says clearly lying,

"No, I think I have to worry," I respond pulling myself closer, so we are touching.

"Ok." He says as he turns to face me fully, his eyes starting to water again and his face is all red matching his puffy eyes. "My Aunt died today. My last family member. No one else even knows. No one else will be there tomorrow. Tomorrow will be the first day I will be all alone." He cries out letting a few teardrops fall.

"Oh, Peter," I say bringing him a little closer, I don't even know him that well, but I know I just want to help him. I need to hold him for a little bit. "You won't go alone. I don't know your Aunt. But if she raised you to be the man you are now. She must have been a great woman. So, I wish to pay my respects to your Aunt as well." I say,

"Thank you Shuri," Peter says almost crying but a little less than before,

"Now let's get you to sleep. I have a phone call to make." I say helping him up and looking at the box of pictures he is holding. "Tomorrow after the funeral can you show me some of the photos?" I ask as the elevator returns us to the main living space. He nods as I help him back to his room in silence. His room is similar to my one but I notice two Spiderman suits hanging up as well as a large number of designs and papers on his desk.

"Thank you, Shuri." He says as I give him a small smile just as the door closes. I know what I must do now, so I wander down the hall to look for Okoye.

"Princess Shuri?" asks Okoye as I go to knock on one of the unlabelled doors to look for her.

"Oh, good just the person I was looking for," I say turning to see her holding her spear.

"What are you doing?" she asks,

"I was helping Peter. He was on the roof. He was so hurt. You didn't see him." I respond looking at the door that leads to Peter's room.

"I thought so. He must be in immense pain. Losing a loved one and having to pretend like it didn't happen must hurt a lot." Okoye says sighing,

"Also, I need to make a call. I need to call T'Challa." I say pointing to her Kimoyo beads on her wrist.

"What happened to yours?" she asks as she hands them over with a raised eye clearly suspicious of my need for the beads.

"I forgot them," I say as I walk past her and into the main living space. As I sit down on the couch I start to fiddle with the beads, and I start a call. Then almost instantly my call is answered, and a blue image of my brother is standing before me. "Hey Brother," I say slouching back into the couch,

"I have been looking for you everywhere! Okoye didn't tell me. I was about to fly over myself." He yells clearly agitated,

"Well. I am in Avengers tower; I am completely safe." I say calmly,

"Oh good, how are the Avengers?" he asks his facing calming and a smile returning to his face.

"You mean Avenger," I say hotly back at him,

"What do you mean Avenger?" he asks confused; he had no idea I realize.

"So, you had no idea the only current Avenger is Spiderman? The 16-year-old boy is the only one currently on the roster." I ask sceptically.

"No. That's impossible. There have been two calls for the Avengers. Both alien incursions." He says taking a seat on his throne clearly taken aback. "Spiderman. Why didn't he contact me?"

"I don't think he knows how. He doesn't know who he can ask from help. The world's greatest defenders are a sixteen-year-old boy in a spider suit. He saved me from being crushed and faced ten men. As well as a super-soldier just to save me. Plus, some crazy hunter. He never asked for help, he stood defiantly in front of impossible odds and stayed standing." I say to him,

"He is a brave man." He responds, "I will be having words with Peter when I go to America next."

"I want to talk to you about that. I want you to come immediately for tomorrow." I say, completely serious.


"Peter, hours before he came to save me lost his Aunt. The last of his family, I found him crying on the roof because he is all alone. No Avengers, no family and his friends have all moved away now. If you don't do it for him. Do it for me."

"No, I will do it for Peter. We both fought with him during the battle with Thanos. It's the least I can do for him saving your life twice. Once today and once during the battle against Thanos."

"Good well that's not all I want you to do." At that my brother raises an eyebrow.

"I want you to contact Hawkeye and the Starks well the remaining ones. I want Peter to have other people at this funeral."

"Easy, but when is this funeral?" he asks,

"Karen when is the funeral?" I ask,

"3 pm tomorrow at Green-Wood Cemetery," Karen responds,

"Alright. I will prepare a ship immediately and leave now." He says as the call disconnects,

Peter's POV: The Morning after

When I awake, I feel tired, I feel heavy? I feel like the world was weighing me down, trying to push me back into bed. But I know today is the day, the day I say goodbye to my final family member. The last member of my family and the last link to my parents. I don't even know what they look like, Aunt May never kept any photos.

As I sit up, I look around my room and it is the same as always, lightly lit and with everything in order. "Right today is going to be a long day," I say sighing and rolling out of bed. As my feet hit the ground I start to move towards the bathroom. My steam shower activates, and I feel a slight weight release from my body, I feel slightly better under the steam. "Karen do I have a suit somewhere in the tower?" I ask, "The one I wore to Mr Stark's funeral."

"Yes, it is being delivered to your room as we speak." Karen responds, "Also the Wakandan Princess is waiting for you in the main living space."

"Thank you, Karen," I say as I turn off the steam shower and wander back into my room where my suit is laid out ironed and clean on my bed. I slide on a pair of web-shooters onto my wrists first and then start getting changed into my suit. It's basic, black and white with a tie, it was a present from Mr Stark back before the Infinity War.

As I comb my hair, so it looks a little neat I walk out into the hallway and with a quick sigh, I walk down it towards the main living space. I didn't expect what I was seeing. Shuri was standing there in a turtleneck black long dress fitting her slim figure. Her hair braided and into two buns just like yesterday, but she has beads in her hair, black panther heads alternated by red spiders. To me, she looks like an angel.

"I think you broke him." says one of the bald ladies snapping me out of staring at the princess in absolute awe.

"Shhh. Okoye." Shuri says to the bald lady, "Come on Peter. It's time for us to get a move on." She says holding out her hand. I don't know what came over me, but I just took it and walked with her.

"What happened to your other guards?" I ask noticing only one of the bald ladies had remained here,

"The others left on the Wakandan ship that arrived. Okoye will remain with us until we get to the funeral. Now come and show me these photos you had yesterday." Shuri says sitting as close as she did yesterday on the roof holding the box of photos.

I open it and I start showing her. We go through hundreds of photo's, my birthdays, the day she took me to the Stark Expo, me dressed as Ironman, winning Science fairs, my first day at high school, the day she first got me, even when she found out when I was Spiderman. We just sit like this for hours as I explain the stories of my life with Aunt May. All the up's and downs.

"Peter. It's time to leave, the car is here to take you to the funeral." Karen says breaking the silence, I sit stunned for a second until someone pulls me up.

"Let's go, Peter," Shuri says as we walked together hand in hand towards the elevator. As we enter Okoye taps her armour, it turns from red and gold to black and white matching my suit. "You won't be alone today," Shuri says under her breath making me almost miss it.

As we exit the tower and into the black car, I feel like I am going to lose it. So, I start taking slower breaths, "You ok?" says a familiar voice, I look up to see none other than Happy sitting with his sunglasses on with his normal emotionless face.

"Happy, how did you?" I stutter out a little confused about why he was here and why he is driving me. I couldn't contact him, did Karen.

"You can thank the Princess over there. And I didn't want you to be alone today." He responds with a weak but genuine smile towards me.

"Thank you, Princess," I say turning to her, to which the only response I get is a quick wink. Suddenly the car starts moving and we are racing through the streets of New York. As we do, I notice I feel myself getting closer every second as we approach the funeral, I feel my body get colder. I feel my body starting to turn to ice. But I notice something else, I notice that there is a source of heat on my hand. As I look, I see Shuri's hand squeeze my hand ever so tighter.

With that, I feel a little better and then the car stops. As I take a few last deep breaths I close my eyes and step out. I am taken aback by what I see, I see right next to me Hawkeye standing right next to my door in an extremely similar suit to my own.

"Hey, kid. I am so sorry for your loss. I am also sorry for leaving you by yourself to be the only Avenger. I thought Falcon and Bucky were going to help. If I knew that I would have come and helped you. But Tony would be so proud of the hero you have become." He says sincerely and with regret lathered into each of his words.

"It's ok Hawkeye," I say,

"Call me Clint." He says before I can continue,

"Thanks, Clint," I say holding out my free hand to shake his, which he responds in kind with a smile. As he steps back, I see him join an older woman who I assume who is his wife, a girl who looks a little younger than me and two boys. All of which give me a nod as they notice me looking and a quick smile.

As I turn my head, I see another familiar face. A lady I know all too well with orange hair tied back in a bun. She stands there dressed in a long black dress holding the hand of a tiny girl with long brown hair no older than five, Morgan Stark.

"Hey, kid," Pepper says drawing my attention back to her and her soft smile shining at me.

"Hey, Mrs Stark," I say with a quick smile back,

"I am so sorry for your loss. Morgan go give big brother Peter a hug." She says letting go of the little girl as she does, she races towards me. I let go of Shuri's hand to scope up Morgan and pick her up properly.

"Daddy kept a photo of you. He told me about you all the time. He said you where amazing. As being a superhero and being my big brother who was lost." She says cuteness emanating from every cell of her body.

"Thanks, Morgan," I say squeezing her a little tighter and then putting her down, with her running back to Mrs Stark. In one quick motion, I feel my hand be taken again and a quick squeeze is given. I turn to see Shuri giving me a small smile and I feel a little warmer with her.

As we continue to walk in, I see a tall man. A man dressed in black and purple a darker skin tone to that of Shuri. I notice five bald ladies standing around him all dressed in a similar outfit to that of Okoye is wearing all holding spears. Then I notice the lady next to them Similar skin tone to the man with short black hair. She is wearing a black and blue outfit with a clear African style. Then I notice the teeth around the man's neck ones like the Black Panther's suit.

"Hello, Peter. I am very sorry for your loss. I am T'Challa king of Wakanda. I am very impressed with your work as a hero. You truly are a hero." He says holding out his hand for a handshake,

"Thank you, Your Highness," I say taking the handshake,

"Not a word brother." I hear Shuri beside me say,

"Nothing from me don't worry. Anyway, I have something I want to speak to you about later." As I go to move on, he stops me placing his hand on my shoulder, "If you ever need help. Wakanda will come to your aid." He says releasing me.

As we move, I see seats all lined up enough for everyone to have a seat all in one row in front of a coffin in front of a grave. I just freeze at the sight of it, the coffin isn't even open, but I can feel the cold grip of death reaching towards me.

"It's ok," Shuri whispers into my ear as she guides me to sit at the centre of the chairs right in front of the coffin. As I sit everyone starts to join us myself sitting next to Happy with Shuri on my other side.

As we wait a priest comes out dressed in white, his hair long and matching the colour of his clothes steps out in front of us all and walks slowly to next to the coffin. "Today we are here to say goodbye to a remarkable woman, to a woman who raised her own Nephew by herself for years. To a woman who was dedicated, nice and independent. She is the type of person we should all aim to be. She may not save the world like the Avengers, but she saved the world of her Nephew. We should all aim to do that for one person. Mr Parker will you say a few words." The priest says making me freeze for a second, then my legs start moving on their own, releasing Shuri's grip at the last possible second, I can.

I stand there next to the coffin; I feel tears flowing down my cheek not fast but slowly carrying their way down. I stand there watching everyone who came to say goodbye most not even knowing or even meeting my Aunt. "My Aunt was." I start before, I just stop trying to think of the right words to say, "Was the most amazing woman ever. She supported me. She helped me. She is probably the biggest reason I am the person I am today." I say stopping finding something caught in my throat, I somehow manage it out, "Thank you, everyone, for coming, I know most of you never met her, but she would be happy to know you came today." I say placing my hand on the coffin and I let the sadness come out, I feel the tears start to flow constantly. I feel my heart become a tonne of bricks.

I somehow manage to sit down next to Shuri once again, my face in my hands, tears streaming down my face. I can't stop them this time. I feel an arm wrap around my back, and I feel safe again I feel a little better.

"It is time to say your final goodbyes." The priest says walking forward, at that I know it is really time to say goodbye. It is time to say goodbye to the final family I have. Everyone walks forward leaving myself and Shuri at the end to say the final goodbye, I don't hear Pepper's or Morgans as they place a rose on top of the coffin.

"Thank you for raising a hero. Thank you for raising someone I am proud to say is my friend and comrade." Hawkeye says placing his rose on the coffin then nodding towards the coffin and starts moving away.

"Thank you, your boy is an inspiration to us all. As such you are an inspiration for raising such an amazing boy." T'Challa starts before finishing in Wakandan so I don't understand. With a bow, he moves off followed by the lady in the blue.

"I will take care of him for you. I will do my best to make sure he succeeds." Happy says placing his rose down on the coffin and moving off towards everyone else. Then it just remains me and Shuri, the priest hands us both a rose and we step forward together.

"Thank you for raising such an incredible, brave and selfless boy. Thank you for being the reason Peter is who is today. I know I never met you, but I hope you are proud of the boy Peter has become." Shuri says placing the rose down on the coffin, then moving on towards the others. Leaving me,

"Thank you, Aunt May. I am going to miss you so much, I love you. Tell Mr Stark hi from me. Goodbye May." I say placing the rose on the coffin down. As I walk off one final tear rolls down my face, before they finally stop.

Before I reach them Shuri has already raced to me and is hugging me. I the warmth is comforting and, I feel safe again. So, I hug her back. I feel like we stay like this for a while, then we separate, and I see everyone is waiting for us.

"So, is there a wake?" Hawkeye asks getting a punch in the shoulder from his wife.

"I didn't plan any of this I am." I start but then T'Challa is holding up a finger for me to stop so I do.

"At Avengers Tower we currently have a Wake planned. Food and drinks at least. I didn't have a lot to work with sorry." T'Challa says smiling,

"Thank you, Your Highness," I say smiling at him, to which I get a smile back. We move silently as a group towards the cars and we all silently get in and start our way towards the tower. As we drive, I notice that Shuri has retaken my hand without me even noticing. "Thank you, Shuri. I couldn't have gotten through that without you." I say smiling at her,

"Don't thank me. I said I won't let you be alone today. Today isn't over yet." She says smiling and squeezing my hand a little tighter. With that, the car stops and we are back at the tower, the next few minutes are a blur as we head up the elevator to the main living area.

As the doors open, I see the benches have been covered in a white cloth with a collection of foods, then I see a cake, with Aunt May's face on it with the date

"September 19th 1983 to July 20th 2023."

I am in awe, I stand there staring at the cake with her smiling face on it, it is exactly how I remember it every day when I came home from school. Or when we went to that café, we both liked in Queens, sitting at the same booth ordering the same thing every time.

"Go in, let's celebrate her life," T'Challa says guiding us inside the living space, as we do everyone starts to separate. Happy with the Starks head to the couch, Okoye and the blue dressed lady start talking over near the food table. Morgan is running around the room followed by Hawkeye's kids.

"You alright Peter?" Shuri asks again, squeezing my hand which causes me to look at her. I notice she has been crying, her makeup has started to run down her face.

"Yeah. Thank you again, Shuri for everything." I say squeezing back, as I go to say something a hand slides around my shoulder,

"Sorry, Princess but can I borrow Peter. your brother and I need to speak to him for a bit." Hawkeye says giving Shuri a wink I guess he thought I wouldn't see. She smiles releasing my hand and walks over to the lady in the blue dress. As this happens, I start to be dragged towards T'Challa.

"How are you holding up?" T'Challa asks,

"A little better. She was the last of my family. Parents are dead, grandparents are dead and now my Aunt. Honestly, I know she would want me to bounce back, crying isn't what she wants me to do anymore." I say smiling at the king,

"Well, that's good." Hawkeye says slapping my back, "Anyway, you won't be the only Avenger. I will come back; it will be a good training experience for Lila and Cooper who are both excellent marksmen. We are going to track down Falcon and Bucky across Europe. Plus, we need to recruit a bunch of new people for Shield. Fury has decided it's time to put the fortress back in the sky. He asked me to be one of the recruiters. So, two birds with one stone." Hawkeye explains while T'Challa nods.

"So, do you want me here in New York then or did you want me to come with you?" I ask a little confused on where this is going,

"No. New York will be safe. Shield will be taking over control and answering any Avenger's calls while we are busy. That leads me onto T'Challa." Hawkeye says taking a step back and grabbing a glass of whatever was closest to us, so I lay my gaze on the king.

"So. I know it's not the happiest time for you. So don't take this the wrong way." T'Challa starts awkward fumbling with his hands a little. "Shuri when she called me last night was worried and upset about you. But I saw something I haven't seen in a while. I saw something under her pain and sadness. She has never had any friends her age, my father and mother made sure of that. Only teachers since the age of 3. Of course, she had me and the internet but other than that no one. I want her to be happy, and I want to see if you can do that." He says completely serious. "I also want to train you a bit, your super strength and speed are incredible. But you're fighting style needs some work but I want to help with that."

"Are you sure that's ok like the city will need me," I say looking at Hawkeye,

"It will be fine. Plus, I need to hunt down some of the other Avenger's. You're only a kid still. A mature one but let us adults do a few things for you. Plus, I think she likes you." Hawkeye says with a nudge and a wink to me,

"I think it's time for you to come to Wakanda," T'Challa says,

Shuri POV:

As I leave Peter, I wander over to Nakia, dressed in blue and black like my brother but blue instead of purple. Her hair is the usual and she has an evil grin across her face almost as big as the one on Okoye next to her.

"Greetings, soon to be sister in law," Nakia says with a wink at me which makes me smile,

"Hey Nakia," I respond,

"You look a mess," Okoye says smiling while pulling out of thin air a makeup box,

"Thanks," I say taking it and starting to work on my face which looks like a troll with all the running mascara.

"So, you are rather close with that white boy," Nakia says taking a seat and starting to pick at the food just in front of us,

"Umm," I say a little taken aback and confused by the statement,

"Oh yes, yesterday was quite interesting for me to watch, you should have seen those two working on those web-shooters, they were practically kissing." Okoye starts which makes me start to turn a little pinker in the cheeks,

"It was not that close!" I yell a little loud which gets a giggle from both the women,

"It's ok. I have read the file on him. From what I can see he is quite a good guy. For a white guy at least." Nakia says,

"I don't know. He is just so cool. Like with his powers and all that. But there is something about him that makes me want to run over and hold him to make sure he is going to be ok, so he can feel safe." I say trying to explain what I feel,

"I think it's the start of love. At the very least a strong friendship." Okoye states,

"I don't know," I say flatly as I finish fixing up my makeup.

"It's ok. We have all been there before. Just see what happens." Nakia says,

"I won't see him after we leave today for a while," I state a little sad,

"He didn't tell you?" Nakia asks confused,

"Who tell me what?" I ask,

"Well, T'Challa, tell you that he wants to train Peter in Wakanda to better utilize his powers and fighting style," Nakia states looking at me if I was some sort of madmen,

With that, I feel my cheeks burn and a smile appear. I feel my heart ready to leap out of my chest and right onto the floor. "Yeah I sent over his file to T'Challa while he was flying over, he reviewed it and told me to pack his things for him," Okoye says,

"Really?" I ask,

"Yeah well from his old apartment at 3 am. Which was fun." Okoye jokes rolling her eyes.

"Now enjoy the rest of the wake," Nakia says,

With that hours pass until it starts to become darker, and it's time for us to leave to head home. As I look around the room, I see Morgan with Peter. While Hawkeye stands over the top of them,

"Alright, next time I will make you something Morgan." Peter says ruffling her hair a bit, "Clint, your rooms should be available, not sure what's in it since we had to move back. But Karen can find you anything and make you most things in the lab. I think the armoury has been restocked with all your old equipment." He says shaking the Avenger's hand.

"Have a good time kid. Can't wait to work together again." He responds before turning and re-joining his own family.

Next Happy comes up to Peter, "Let me know when your back kid. I hope we can do lunch sometime. I always wanted to try that place in queens you and your Aunt spoke about." He says shaking Peter's hand,

"Absolutely Happy." He responds,

"Alright. Clint, you have my contact, just give me a call when we are needed. If you're in Africa give me a call, you can come and visit. I have a couple of arrows you may want to look at." My brother says slapping the Avenger on the back and walks into the circular Wakandan ship of my own design.

"What about my stuff?" Peter asks,

"Already packed," T'Challa says,

"Wait I need one more thing." He says before running off towards his room and I just stare in confusion. A minute later I watch him return, holding a red metallic diamond about the size of a backpack and a single blueprint rolled up. "Sorry. I needed to grab my suit." He says holding the diamond, "suit duffle bag," he states, and the diamond starts to move like liquid and forms a duffle bag in Peter's free hand. Impressive but could be significantly improved.

"Alright." I say wrapping my hand around his waist making him jump slightly, "We need to get going." I say pretty much pushing him onto the ship. Which is extremely similar to the one I came in on, set out in a similar way to a normal plane, just it is all in one room, storage on the side. With two rows of two seats running up and down the plane.

Peter places his bag down and stares in amazement, "This is amazing. Most of this is vibranium isn't it?" he asks looking around pure joy all across his face. He looks like a boy who just woke up for Christmas in all those American movies.

"Come on Peter, I will explain how all of it works later. Just sit down." I say pointing to a pair of chairs, as we sit it was almost instant, I see Peter yawn and fall asleep leaning on the side of the ship. Then I feel sleep overcome me, and I lay down onto something soft,