Welcome to my newest story of love, darkness and robots. This little masterpiece was inspired by "The Transformers Mage" by YugiohFreak54. It was an incredible story and left me wanting for more. I was disappointed when it ended just when it was starting to get good. So I decided to write my own story where Harry gets Dark Energon.I will publish two versions of this fic. This is the first. I'll try to update as fast as I can.That's it for now. Let's get on with the story.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Transformers. But it would be awesome if I did.

A young, skinny, raven haired boy with eyes of the richest green, hidden behind a pair of glasses that looked like they had seen better days and a lightning bolt shaped scar on his forehead was cursing everything- his life, his fellow humans, the world at large but most importantly his so called 'family'.

They were the ones who made his life a living hell. Their names were Vernon, Petunia and Dudley Dursley and they were as normal as anyone could be, thank you very much.

Vernon was a fat obese man, who believed that the sun rose and shined out of his ass. He was a loathsome, loud mouthed whale of a man who thought that everyone else was beneath him.

As for Petunia, she was as thin as humanly possible with way too much neck (which in his opinion made her look like a horse. ) She had a bad habit of spying on the neighbors, looking for the latest piece of gossip to share with the other housewives on their annual tea parties.

Dudley was just like his father, both in size and mannerisms. He was like a cross between a whale, a pig and a beachball. He spent most of his time bullying other children with his goon sqad.

They were the reason for his misery. Whenever his uncle lost a business deal or whenever he felt like his nephew stepped out of line (which in his opinion was everytime he did something as simple as breathing) he beat him mercilessly, with no consideration to his well being.

It didnt matter how much he cried or how much he got hurt, his uncle kept beating him until he was satisfied. Then he would dump him into the cupboard to lick his wounds.

Oh yeah, that's right. He lived in a small, dusty cupboard under the stairs. There were spiders, a shabby mattress he called a bed and a single lightbulb.

His Aunt was just as bad. She made him do all the chores in the house -cooking, cleaning and washing after the other three. "To earn his keep" was what she said.

Right before she yelled at him to stop asking questions.

If he did something wrong or if she felt like he was being an ungrateful prat, she would take a frying pan and beat him over the head with it. Sometimes she hit him just because there was no juicy gossip or because, according to her "he was being a freak."

He thought that once he went to school, things would be better. Learning that his name wasn't 'freak' or 'boy' but... Harry, Harry Potter, helped to boost that naive thought.

He was wrong.

The Dursleys made sure that his school life would be just as bad as his home life.

They spread false rumors about him, saying that he was a delinquent, a liar and a cheat. And like idiots everyone believed them.

Thanks to Dudley's gang and the way that the baby whale turned on the crocodile tears so often, he could fill the Grand Canyon, Harry became a real outcast at school. Even his best work was tossed aside and accused of cheating while, whenever news reached the Dursleys of Dudley doing wrong, they insisted that it was Harry's fault.

As far as Vernon and Petunia were concerned, their precious Diddykins could never do any wrong.

As for the other kids, they avoided Harry like the plague since Dudley made it clear that anyone who befriended the freak would get hurt. So, he never had any friends.

Dudley and his merry little troop of morons had even devised their own little game. They called it Harry Hunting where he and his rabid dogs would hunt Harry down like an animal and then proceed to beat the ever living shit out of him for nothing more than him being there.

To the Dursleys, Harry's entire existence was a nightmare and they hated him for reasons he did not know.

He did have a suspicion that it had something to do with all the strange things that happened around him, like when he was six he had turned his teachers wig blue or when he had been running from Dudley and his friends and had somehow ended up on the school's roof.

Why, just today when he was at the zoo with his caretakers (He stopped calling them his family a long time ago) in the reptile house, he was talking to a snake, a Brazilian Boa and it freaking understood him!

His conversation with the Boa, however, had been rudely interrupted when Dudley's friend, Piers had called his uncle and cousin over. Dudley, in his rush to see what the snake was doing at Pier's excited shout, had pushed Harry off the rail and looked at the Boa with glee on his face while the Boa was shocked at the interruption. Harry, now on the ground, was angry... no, scratch that, he was furious!

A sudden scream got his attention. He looked up and his eyes widened in shock and a gleeful expression made its way on to his face.

Where Dudley had been previously pressing his fat piggy nose against the glass, there was nothing but thin air. His cousin had only a moment to scream in terror, before he toppled over, his enormous weight pulling him down into the aquarium of the Boa just as the snake slithered out and gave Harry a wink before quickly slithering away, snapping at anyone who got too close.

Unfortunately, his uncle had witnessed the entire thing and looked at Harry with a 'You're dead' look on his face. Harry caught the stare and gulped as Dudley tried to get out of the cage only to find the glass back in place and his Aunt panicking over her 'precious Diddykins' being trapped like that.


Which led to now; he was in the back seat of his Uncle's car along with Petunia in the front with her husband, Piers and Dudley in the back with him with his Uncle looking furious and muttering something unintelligible. Harry knew that he was in trouble judging by the way his uncles' face was turning to the shade of ruby red and puce with spittle flying from his lips as he muttered. Petunia tried to talk to him but he snapped something that made Harry's blood turn ice cold.

"No, Pet! No more! I will not have that freak of nature any longer in my house! I do not care what the old fool said in his freak letter! We will be rid of that monster once and for all!" Vernon said in a semi-quiet tone which was loud enough for everyone to hear.

Harry sneaked a peek at Dudley to see him looking like Christmas had come early alongside Piers. They got a kick out of seeing Harry in trouble.

Harry shuddered as his uncle turned onto another road…a road that DID NOT lead back to number Four. Harry's mind wondered what was going to happen but the gut feeling he had was warning him that it was not good.

He had no idea.


Vernon stopped the car in a secluded forest; he had been driving for at least three hours to a place where he had once camped with his grandfather many years ago. He grinned madly as he thought of what he was about to do. The little freak had used…his freakishness…on his own son and friend. To hell with him being related to him…he was going to put the freak back in hell where he belonged along with his freak set of parents!

His family and Piers were out of the car looking around in sheer wonderment including the freak. He cast a glance at his Wife, Petunia, who nodded stiffly; she had agreed with the scheme he had cooked up and also agreed that her son was going to be infected with her so called nephew's unnaturalness. He looked at his son and called out in a fake jovial tone.

"Dudley! Go find us a nice Rock or Stick will you Son? I want to teach you three boys something." He said with a fake smile.

Dudley shocked that his father was going to show the freak something, just nodded dumbly and waddled off to find what he was looking for.

Little did the family realize that what Dudley will choose… was going to change everything.


Dudley was confused; why was his father going to show his freak of a cousin, Harry, something? It didn't make much sense to him. He looked for a rock or a stick, but he didn't find any and it was a forest for pete's sake! There suppose to be rocks and sticks around!

Dudley, unhappy that his freak of a cousin was a part of somethingagain, kicked a tree and howled with pain as he stubbed his big toe. He leapt around wildly trying and failing to get the pain to stop. He was hopping around so much that he missed the small ledge that he was near and tumbled down it. It was, unluckily, very shallow so Dudley didn't hurt himself too badly much to the boy's disappointment; he was hoping to use the pain of a bump to get something more out of his parents.

But the disappointment quickly turned to excitement as he saw something on the ground; it was long and narrow with a point at the end and a jagged edge on the other end. It looked like a stick…but when did sticks glow an eerie purple? Ah, what did it matter to Dudley? The sooner he showed this to his father, the sooner he could get home and play on his computer.

He quickly grabbed it, not noticing the glowing stick's glow became a shade brighter as he tottered off back to his parents and the freak.

If he had looked around some more, he would have noticed a cave and if he had wandered into the cave he would have found a gigantic robot, covered from head to toe in burns and dents, looking as if he had fallen from the heavens since time immemorial.

The body was a slate gray with purple lining the neck and elbow areas with the top part of the body being that of a gladiator and its fingers as sharp as knives with a strange looking cannon on its left arm.

The eyes of the giant were black indicating that it was possibly dead and its mouth was set into a permanent sneer. A face-like symbol that was sharper and more pointed was emblazoned upon the dead giant's chest; it even had horns and seemed to look more like a helmet of some medieval knight. In the centre of its forehead was a spiked image that seemed to resemble a crown. It just seemed to scream Evil to any that viewed it.

It's a pity that Dudley didn't see this... for if he had he would've noticed several more glowing rocks around it.


When Dudley returned with the strange looking stick…no, it was a crystal. Even better. Vernon grinned again as his son handed him the crystal and stood by Piers.

"Alright…here what I want to show you boys." Vernon said in a drawl that was bad.

The three boys looked eager…well, the two did while the freak did not look excited at all. He would have to change that.

"Come now Harry!" Vernon said, shuddering as he used the freak's name. "You want to pay attention to this! Since it involves you."

This made the boy perk up a bit and nearly made Vernon go right there and then. He looked as the boy stepped forward and look at Vernon with bright eyes.

"What is it that I need to do Uncle?" Harry asked.

Vernon smile became nasty which made Harry's senses go off. Quicker than his weight belied Vernon's hand that was wrapped around the strange crystal shot forward and went through Harry's body. It easily went through his frail body after being years of starved.

Harry gave a strangled gasp as the crystal pierced his heart and he felt blood well up in his mouth. He fell to the ground on his back staring up at the blue sky as Dudley and Piers gave out a cry of shock while his Aunt gave a short cry herself. Vernon entered his line of blurring vision and spoke in a tone that showed only malice.

"Showing my son how to deal with Freaks of nature like yourself." Vernon said before he barked at his wife, son and his son's friend to get in the car and promising Dudley and Piers ice cream if they kept mum about what they had seen.

Harry heard the car's tires squeal away leaving him alone on the forest floor. He had tears in his eyes as he continued to stare up at the sky but he had a smile on his face.

"I'm coming…mum…dad…" He whispered just as blackness descended onto him.

But Fate had other plans.

Done! This was really fun. Parts of the chapter were taken from YugiohFreak54's story with a few changes here and there. Stay tuned for more. Goodbye.

That's it. Goodnight.