Chapter 1: Black diamond and her pearl

They loved their life, Marissa had lost a few grandmothers in there sleep but generally her life was happy though, she did hate the jerks who teased her on the bus. Like now. She was sitting next to her best friend and the boys were calling her miss perfect and her friend something along the lines of mindless followers this happens quite regularly.

They both were 21 and just about to graduate and they were on the bus quite often it wasn't odd because neither wished to drive until they both felt more comfortable in a car.

It was getting on her nerves through. she wished she was in a nice tv show like what she really liked. What they liked.

Steven universe she loved it the imperfect people the imperfect friends. And other things marissa loved the realism in it. And the songs and fusions it must have felt amazing to be together whenever you wanted. Like a diamond in the ruff. But suddenly there's phones glowed brightly they disappeared in that very moment. An im that moment there lives were gonna change forever.

-Dethavana diamonds territory-

Darkness all she could feel was cold and darkness. Until a mirror appeared seemingly asking her what she'd like to look like. Her body felt like light.

She had long black straight hair two small braids were tied into a small ponytail the rest of her hair went to her waist. a part of her hair covered her one of her eyes, her skin was a lighter grayish. her diamond was just as black as her hair much like a raven's feathers. Her eyes had diamond shaped pupils and were also gray. She had two bracelets on her arms. Her wrist bracelets were a part of her see through gray cape which was attached to her sleeveless dark gray tops neckline. A dark gray mini skirt with a black v shaped belt and black high heeled boots that went up to her knees. Her lips was lightly gray.

She appeared before the three diamonds as a new beginning. A new pink a new life. Her existence was a way to fill the void that disappeared long ago.

"Welcome to our world," said the white being.

If she still had a heart it would have stopped dead in its tracks. She was new to them a new being a new gem yet she know she was Marissa but she couldn't not anymore if for a second saw her she would be in trouble so she would be black diamond.

"Are you sure about this?" A blue woman asked sadly. "This feels too soon."

"It's been quite long enough, Blue," said a yellow woman. "Besides, white made the decision."

Blue sighed sadly before walking up to the new arrival. "Hello, Black Diamond. I am Blue Diamond. And she is Yellow Diamond. The first one is White Diamond."

"Hello, Blue. It's a pleasure to meet you all. I look forward to helping out in any way possible." She gave a short bow she tried to keep her neutral expression not wanting to show anything to sounded right.

"I have a gift for you, sparkle," said White.

She looked to a smaller girl with a white pearl in her eye. The woman nodded and brought in another young lady with short black hair wearing a sleeveless midriff, a bikini bottom with a see through skirt, and black open toe stockings. On her belly was a black pearl.

"Thank you, White. You honor me." Black diamond she mently prepared herself to being treated like a diamond by this Pearl.

"This pearl is yours to do what you wish," said Yellow. "We'll introduce you to the rest of your court. For now, I think you should see your home. And take your pearl."

"Of course." She looked to her pearl she walked with her wondering what she should do. She probably end up making a colony like Yellow and Blue but still other than that she wasn't sure what use she was.

"It's good to see you here," said the pearl in a familiar voice. "I was worried I'd be alone forever."

She seemed to realize who it was but…. "They might think you're defective if you talk like that. They'll want to shatter you."

"Relax, my diamond," said the pearl. "My purpose is to please you. I will do just that."

"Are my cheeks blushing? Because I feel like I am." Black Diamond asked she took a deep breath hoping she wasn't.

"A little. But don't worry. It's just you and me here," said the Pearl as they entered the room.

"Black Pearl and a Black Diamond. What are the odds?" Black Diamond took another deep sigh.

"At least we have each other," Black Pearl said.

"One misstep and that could easily be stripped away." The diamond took another step forward walking towards an area she saw several black gems and some weren't but a black sapphire caught her eye she looked like she was gonna be shattered for being off color. She intervened she went out into the area and ran over to there In front of the jasper. The jasper looked up at her. "I want this sapphire."

"This one? Really?" The jasper asked in confusion, pointing at the sapphire on the ground looking terrified. "She's kinda….. Off color."

"She's my color she's my court if you find any other black gems bring them into my court if they aren't and off colored you may shatter them I don't care. I only want black ones." Black Diamond said she hoped this wouldn't hurt her in the long run it might just be viewed as her favouring black.

The jasper glared a little and then looked at the sapphire. "You heard the new diamond. Go with her!"

The sapphire trembled and then got up and ran over to her new diamond. The two walked away together.

"Tell me something useful about yourself so I don't regret saving you." She tried her best to act like yellow for a moment.

The sapphire looked away for a moment and said, "My future vision has been wrong at times. I… I once foresaw a colony succeeding….. But it failed… we lost many gems."

"That's not useful. Can you see paths and you just told them one of those."

The sapphire gulped and said, "I did. I was too afraid to tell them the other possibilities."

"Fine then you will tell me then and I will tell them next time you are not to leave my side. If you do you may be shattered understood." Black asked her in a gentle tone.

"I understand, my diamond," said the sapphire. "I do have another ability. One that I don't advertise. I can also see into the past."

"I see not very useful. Interesting but no useful." She looked at the black haired ovel browed gem it was no wonder yellow wanted to have her shattered she looked nothing like the other sapphire and her ability was like garnet after she and ruby met she meant.

The sapphire looked around and said, "One more thing. This is….. Kinda frowned upon for my type of gem but….. Your reaction might very….."

The sapphire put her hands on her belly gem. The gem glowed and she brought out several kunai knives. She grabbed them and got into a battle stance. She threw one at a wall and hit a star directly in the center.

Black diamond smiled. "You just made yourself very useful you will be my secret protector along with pearl."

"Almost all of my visions had you approving of my fighting ability," said sapphire, smiling. "You wouldn't believe the reactions I would get from other sapphires."

"Pearl will train you. You will not leave my side unless ordered by the other diamonds…. And you will be careful." Black Diamond put a finger on the little gems head.

"Yes, my diamond," said Sapphire, smiling confidently.

Black diamond thought of something. "Pearl I'd like to know if there's any Lapis' that have recently returned to homeworld. Please go check."

"It will be done, my diamond," Black Pearl said with a bow before turning to leave the room.

"No need. I can tell you," said Black Sapphire. "I can see into the past."

-two days later Prisons near yellows territories-

Black diamond teleported into diamonds territory she went into her area through she know she wouldn't see yellow right away. Her pearl was a different story. She had to act perfect she had to be what they wanted but also be at least somewhat like herself.

"I wish to see imprisoned lapis' and I have come to ask yellow diamond for permission to do so."

"Yes, Black Diamond," said the peridot in charge of the facility. And then she typed in a code and Yellow Diamond's pearl appeared on screen.

"This is the yellow diamond control room," said pearl, who looked annoyed. "State your identification and purpose."

"Peridot 5gl cut 430," said the peridot. "I have Black Diamond requesting a moment of Yellow Diamond's time."

"Oh! A diamond calling another diamond!" Yellow Pearl said in delight. "I'll have her in a minute."

"I'm right here, Pearl. I've got it," said Yellow Diamond before turning the screen to her. "Black, how can I help you?"

"I wish to see the lapis that has returned from the failed colony pink diamond made it correct." Why did she feel like she was pushing it.

Yellows eyes widened for a moment before she maintained her composure once again.

"Black, why would you want that one?" Yellow asked looking in the eye of the newer gem. "She just disappeared one day. Besides, she's from Blue Diamond's court."

"I figure it is best for me to learn as much as I can about this failed colony and she must know. I may be even to gain something." Black said in a calm tone it sounded as perfect as she could muster.

"Very well peridot 5gl cut 430 go with her if she shatters that one I'd like the information she has gathered." Said yellow through there was an inch of hurt at the mention of pink. 'pinks replacement she is not much like pink for someone just made.'

"Of course my diamond." The peridot said as the transmission ended black looked at her Black Sapphire as she walked to the holding area.

But black kept thinking about pink and what she was to the other diamonds. They had cared for her and she was a kinda replacement for her. She felt a little pressured to be just like her.

"The lapis lazuli you requested," said the peridot once they were standing in front of the cell.

The lapis looked at the new diamond and became scared. "Please! I just wanted to come home! I'm not a deserter!"

The black diamond walked forward her black pearl stood behind her. "I may be able to save you if you answer all my questions. If you fail to you may be shattered. Sapphire, you know what I wish to ask right."

"Yes, my diamond," said Black Sapphire. "My diamond wishes to know what to expect on earth."

"Oh. That?" Lapis replied surprised. "It's….. Full of life. Organic life to be exact."

"Is there any danger that could harm my diamond or the crew going to earth?" Black Sapphire asked with a simple tone.

"Well, there is something there," said Lapis, hesitating a little. "There's a group that protects the planet. The group may see gems as aggressive."

"I see and what of the human named Steven?" She asked knowing what black diamond was gonna ask.

Lapis was shocked. "You know about him?!"

"Yes answer the question." Black Sapphire said in a neutral tone. Holding her hands together simply.

"Steven…" Lapis began, purely afraid to answer. She didn't want to put him in danger. Unfortunately, this was a diamond. She had no choice but to talk about him. "He's a good person. He healed my gem. He defended me when others wanted to attack me."

"That's enough, I think I will ask the diamonds if I may accompany you and Jasper to the failed colony." Black diamond said looking towered peridot. Surprising all of the gems including sapphire.

"Now hold on," said the peridot. "Uh, with all do respect, great diamond, one of my fellow peridots is already going there to check on the cluster."

"Then I will go with them if the others will let me." She picked up Lapis spooking the gem. "And I'm sure we can use you to navigate any problems that come." She asked with a terrifying smile. She hoped this act scared her enough to shut the conversation down.

"Okay," said the peridot. "You can inform my diamond immediately."

-With blue, yellow, and white a month later-

"No! No, we can't let her go! This will be Pink all over!" Blue said in tears she had gotten so close and black had made the colony they had built for her own in a way but she wanted to go to a failed colony.

"She was going to get her own colony eventually," said Yellow. "Besides, she won't be alone. Members of both our courts will be with her."

"We'll give her own cloney when she returns and what better way for her to learn then send her to a place that will be destroyed by the cluster our weapon." White smiled a black chair was being built. "This will be nothing like Pink?"

"Is this what she would want?" Blue sadly asked. "It was her planet after all."

"This is whats needs to be done. We don't need anymore reminders. But if it makes it any better we can ask black to bring some humans back and maybe she can take over the petting zoo." Yellow said trying to reassure her.

"I'm still worried," Blue said. "She's so new."

Ship pads

black had lapis in hand knowing she had sent a message by now. Her eyes were cold lapis felt a tear being wiped away while the jasper and peridot weren't looking.

"My diamond?" Lapis questioned.

"You feel like you're betraying them. You might be causing their demise. It must hurt." Black diamond said in barely a whisper but it was enough for her to hear it by lapis.

Her sapphire and pearl stood by there diamond as they walked aboard the ship.

"It does," said Lapis, sighing sadly.

"I may be able to convince them to lighten the charges and put them into my care." Black told her with a gentle smile. "I make no guarantees but I can try."

"My diamond," said the peridot, currently wearing limb enhancers. "We'll be taking off shortly.

"Uh yes please do inform me of the status upon entering earth's atmosphere and you're the jasper from earth's kindergarten, am I right?" Black asked in a calm tone she elegantly lowered herself to look at the jasper.

"Yes," said Jasper. She clenched her fist. "I was made for my diamond there."

"Hum maybe if all goes as planned I can ask for you to be mine. You are perfect to me after all." Black sais in a sweet tone she patted jaspers head. Surprising everyone.

"You must be joking she's a brute she wouldn't fit your tastes at all…" peridot was cut off by a frown from black she had accidentally spoken off to black. "My apologies." it was a scared one.

"It wouldn't upset me to see that planet go," Jasper said angrily. "That's where my diamond was shattered!"

"I see then once the missions complete I she'll ask for you to be ransferred to me." Jasper looked almost happy about that it may have been because black reminded her of pink or because she called her something complementary but it didn't really matter. And black ignored Peridot's comment.

"My diamond," Black Pearl said upon entering. "Several black gems were discovered on homeworld. They're not quite like other gems. Anyway, they were brought to your home as requested, and they're awaiting your call."

"Alright bring it over so I may communicate to them." Black diamond said to her pearl she then thought of something. "When we get to earth contact blue or yellow diamond I'd like to confirm our progress."

"Of course," said Pearl before turning on the communication channel.

Several different gems on screen. They all looked very beautiful, and quite powerful. There were what appeared to be rubies, quartz, and some that were hard to identify. Black Diamond guessed that they must be onyxes. They looked in awe at their diamond.

"Everyone, the amazing Black Diamond," her pearl introduced.

"So lovely. I look forward to my return so I can see each of you there I also look forward to making a colony of my own." Was her elegant and calm tone she folded her hands as she looked to Pearl. she walked away. sapphire looked up at her dimond.

"If there are any questions, please ask them," said Sapphire. "I myself have one for you. What sort of gems are you. I've never seen anything like you."

"Us?" Asked a new gem. A girl with long hair in a ponytail that had the look of a female ninja, her gem was located on her left shoulder. "Oh. We don't have a name. Our diamond can give us one."


The other gems looked at each other. They smiled and nodded to each other. "We are Onyx!"

She made a nod she wondered if she should ask their purpose. It didn't matter to her through.

"Will all of us serve in your court too?" A ruby asked. "I mean, we all just came out the wrong colors. But, other than that, were just as good at being soldiers as them."

"Of course. I'm sure I can just convince them your uniqueness is just as useful." Black said in a gentle tone.

"Thank you, my diamond!" The ruby said with a smile on her face. Her fiery tone was kinda amusing it made black wanna laugh but she did her best to maintain her composure.

"You're very merciful for a diamond." Voice said it was jasper she wondered how long she had been standing there.

"My diamond wants to find a place for any gem she can," said Pearl with a smile.

Black Diamond turned off the screen. "Plus I do enjoy black if it was because they were completely useless I'd understand but shattering them just because of their color seems wasteful. But tell me jasper if you had to shatter a gem would you? For me I mean?"

Jasper gave a gem salute and said, "Yes, my diamond. For you, anything."

Black smiled a gentle. "Good to know I hope to see more of you, my jasper." She looked at the jasper to her surprise the proud gem was blushing.

"Yes, my diamond!" Jasper said before going back to work.

-Few hours with peridot and jasper-

"Of all of the gems in home world why you why on homeworld would she want a clod like you." Peridot angrily said as she navigated.

"The same could be asked about you," Jasper said in annoyance.

Peridot looked at jasper for a moment. "She didn't want me last time I cheekd. Wait did she say something?"

"I was just wondering why Yellow Diamond puts up with how annoying you are, pipsqueak," said Jasper before walking away.

"I am not annoying, you clod!" Peridot shouted angrily before they got a decent massage. "Well we're entering earth now."

"Let's inform Black Diamond," said Jasper. And then she left the room.

-ships decent on earth-

The ship was still coming in Opal open fired. the arrow was sent at the ship separating into several arrows, doing nothing at all. "This is bad. It had no effect."

The gems were preparing to attack again just as the ship began to land towards it opel unfused when Steven appeared and then the hand stopped and laid its palm straight onto the sand. Sending a dust storm at them as it slowly cleared a ball formed in the middle rolling into the tip before opening revealing jasper peridot black sapphire black pearl and none other then black diamond.

"I will give you a chance here and now crystal gems surrender and I will talk to the other diamonds on your behalf." Black diamond said in a gentle tone it must've been odd to see a diamond there a new one most of all.

"Do you really expect us to trust the word of a diamond?" Garnet asked in a cool calm tone holding her battle stance. "Especially one none of us recognize. Who are you?"

"She is Black Diamond created to take the place of Pink Diamond. And shes amazing and beautiful and-" her pearl begin black held up her hand. "Oh. Of course. My apologies, my diamond."

"Tell me, my lovely sapphire, do you see any timelines this will end peacefully."

The black sapphire focused for a moment. And then she told her diamond, "I see a couple where we try. Unfortunately, the crystal gems distrust in us and rash decisions by our crew complicate things. However, we will be able to get them."

"I see then this is unfortunate. I was hoping to resolve this peacefully." Tears were shed from her eyes causing a glowing flower that looked like the galaxy above. "Thank you, Sapphire. Go ahead and deal with them. You as well my Jasper. Do not shatter any of them."

"Of course not, my diamond. Not unless you wish it," said Jasper before leaping into action with Sapphire.

Amethyst then started laughing. "A sapphire?! Is she serious?! They're seers! They can't fight!"

Black Sapphire glared before touching her gem and bringing out her knives. She grabbed them and got battle ready.

"I may be a seer, but I am also a warrior," she said. She went against Amethyst well jasper went against Garnet. Black diamonds Pearl went after Pearl.

The crystal gem Pearl fought with her spear while the black one fought with her moon blades.

"Your diamond can't have this planet!" Pearl declared while blocking a blow. "Rose trusted us to keep it safe!"

"Maybe you should've thought of that before shattering a diamond!" Black Pearl shouted while striking.

Meanwhile Amethyst tried striking the small sapphire. "How can you fight for someone who wants to destroy this place?! My home! She's making you a joke!"

"You know nothing of my diamond!" Black Sapphire shouted before throwing her knives in midair. "She gave me purpose where others would've shattered me!"

Amethyst stared at her in disbelief. "She'll just shatter you once your broken!" The knives were about to come down when black pulled a knifed fan from her gem and held it at her. "I would never shatter those I find beauty in. something others don't see like you your unique in your own way..." She reacted giving sapphire a gesture to finish it. Amethyst was popped quickly to the point black sapphire made a bubble around her to put her in a cell.

"You all will pay!" Jasper shouted while fighting Garnet. was dodging the blades the best she could black diamond looked towards Steven.

"Leave them alone!" Steven yelled.

"That's him!" Black Sapphire shouted. "The human, Steven! You asked Lapus about him!"

"Lapis?!" He asked sadly, looking at said gem that was brought by black diamond.

"Steven, please believe me, I never meant for this to happen," she pleaded.

"I'm not sure I do," said Garnet, who was glaring at her from under her shades. She was holding her ground with Jasper.

Black diamond glared at the fusion almost insulted. "How insulting. Such hatred for a fellow gem. What she wanted was to help and you insult her."

She walked over to Steven with lapis in hand in special shackles Jasper insisted on.

"I'm not letting you take my friends!" He declared while moving his hand to his belly. "I'll fight you, um, giant woman!"

"I don't wish to harm you. I hope you thank me later, hybrid." She felt a great anger form in her chest as she cried out the echo created a dark way causing the gems ears to hurt before each seemed to lose their senses and become unmoving. The fusion unfused Steven did not seem to do the same his ears just rang. And then, everything went black.

Peridot surveyed the seen. "Well, that wasn't pretty."

"Bring them on the ship. We're leaving right after you check the cluster." Black diamond told them in a serious tone. Walking back over to the ship about to return inside.

Hasper and Black Sapphire picked up the gems that fell. Right when Jasper went to grab Steven, she saw a pink color under his shirt. Curious, she lifted it up and her eyes went wide with rage.

"My diamond, we may need to consider putting the clyster on hold," said Jasper. "Look at this."

Black Diamond walked over to Steven and looked. Now she could see why Jasper was so angry. Right where Steven's belly button should be was a rose quartz gem.

"He is not Rose. He is a hybrid." She gestured towards black sapphire. "My sapphire only needed a little information to look into his past and she gave up her form to make him. He is not her but if it makes you feel better we may talk about it...but we can not harm him for the sins of Rose...unless you wish to blame another for the true accused."

Jasper took a deep breath. As angry as she was, she knew that what her diamond said was true. This child, this hybrid, was only half of Rose Quartz. He did nothing to her first diamond.

"I understand, my diamond. I won't hurt him," said Jasper while picking up Steven.

"Now the others are traitors and will be dealt with and the earth will be destroyed so we can put the past behind for the hybrid I'm sure the zoo will keep him safe." Black said giving her Jasper a gentle smile.

"I've been there. He'll fit right in," said Jasper while walking back to the ship.

"I shall check on each when they awake please have sapphire check on me within the hour I wish to chat with the hybrid a civilly as possible." She walked off into the ship jasper close behind.

-Hours later-

Black Pearl and Black Sapphire waited at the prison entrance with their diamond. Waiting for Steven to awake. Finally, he was starting to stir.

"Garnet? Amethyst? Pearl?" Steven tiredly asked. He looked up and saw what he thought looked like a friend. "Pearl! You're okay!"

"Um, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but you've got the wrong Pearl," the figure said.

Once Steven's vision returned, he could better make out who he was talking to. She was a pearl, but not his pearl. In fact, he remembered her from the fight.

"You're that bad Pearl!" Steven said while pointing an accusing finger.

"Bad is relative. She did what she must to survive as did Black. Disobedience can shattering being a different color can mean the same. My word saved many gems from such a fate! Do you understand what I am what I have to be because of your mother who I'm compared to!" She began to cry for a moment in front of sapphire oh God she has to stop. She made a gesture for sapphire and pearl to sing for her.

So they began to sing.

Dont you see its simple.

Dont you see its not all black and white.

This isn't something I can fight

if I wish to protect them I must do my best

I have to be here this isn't option I was born into this place I must be her there is no better solution

I wish to save those who would be shattered for just being off colored

I am a dimond its my role its my place. to be disgrace means dustruction

To those who I have saved.

I was made to be her replacement. made to be who she was

I don't get a choice if I wish to protect them so I hope you'll come to understand.

I must be pink I must be more

Its not black and white….

And I must endure…...

As she sang, Steven understood better. He now wished he had not called her bad.

"I'm so sorry," he said.

Black diamond sighed. "Sometimes there are two sides to a story. The moment pink was shattered was when they were shaken to their core. It hurt them and I was made to replace her. I must be able to prove myself so I can keep those I have saved safe call it unfair if you must but I must do this." Black diamond told him sadly.

"Black Diamond, you shouldn't try to be Pink Diamond. You should be yourself," Steven said in kindness. And then he heard singing. "What's that?"

"The former fusions sapphire most likely. We should go. I have business to take care off." Black said walking off leaving Steven with Sapphire

"Fusion? What fusion?" Steven asked. And then there was a bang.

"And that would be the ruby," said Black Sapphire. "She's right next to you."

Steven looked at the shield for a moment putting his hand through it causing a yellowish energy pulsed through him as he pushed through to sapphires surprise.

"How?" She asked in fear. And then she remembered something important. "You're a hybrid! rugh- ugh."

She fell onto her butt when Steven rushed over to the the closer cell much to black sapphires surprise. "Please if you do this it will be very bad. Like shattering bad."

"Sorry. But I need to find my friends," said Steven before going to the cell next to him. Black Sapphire was gonna go after him but she saw several paths where he just poofed her by accident or someone else got him and one she really hoped didn't happen so she ran to black diamond.

"Let's go find our friends together!" Steven said while holding the exit open for Ruby. The ruby ran off hearing the singing.

"That must be sapphire. Wait where is the black one? Did she follow you!" The ruby asked well Steven ran to catch up with her.

"No! She ran away when I went to free you!" Steven answered.

Ruby looked concern about this she doubted that sapphire was running more likely getting black. "She's probably getting black if that diamond screams again it won't matter if we get our friends."

"How are we supposed to find her?" Steven asked. They had to quickly hide when they heard Peridot and Jasper arguing.

"All I was saying is that black diamond was different from the others. I wasn't insulting her, clod!" Peridot shouted angrily. "I bet her fusion would be something better than the Sapphire and Ruby."

"How dare you say such a disgusting thing."

"I meant it in a complementary way," said Peridot. "It happened for a ruby and sapphire, why not her and another gem? She might find the right one."

Jasper looked a little annoyed by peridot. "Fusion is just a cheap trick used to make weak gems stronger."

"I bet if she asked you'd willingly fuse with her, clod." Peridot mocked.

Jasper blushed while picturing herself and her diamond dancing together. And then she imagined them both glowing and their lights becoming one before forming a single being. Before she could get an image, Jasper shook her head and away.

Peridot left as well allowing Steven with Ruby to get into the area. He ran where ruby ran up to and there before them was sapphire. Sapphire was in her cell singing again.

"Sapphire!" Ruby called.

"Ruby!" Sapphire called back. "Steven? How did you get out?"

"I did it!" Steven said while over to Sapphire. He used his arm to make an exit for her.

"Of course. You're half human," Sapphire said in realization. And then she walked out and ran to Ruby.

The two gems embraced each other lovingly. They pulled apart for a moment to make sure they were both okay. After assuring each other. that each other was fine, the two gems laughed and twirled around together. Suddenly, the two gems began to glow. Their lights fused together into one. Steven's eyes widened in awe when he saw, right in front of him, the physical form of….. Garnet.

She laughed and looked at him in the face as she said, "Steven! Thank you!"

"Garnet?! You're a fusion?!" Steven asked in shock..

"Oh yeah." She scrunched down to him. "We didn't want you to find out until we revealed it on your birthday."

"Well we can pretend I didn't see." Steven said then he remembered something. "Garnet I don't think black is evil!"

"Ruby heard everything," said Garnet. "She's not entirely sure what to believe really."

"You can believe that I find this form gorgeous!" a girl voice gushed. The two turned around and saw Black Pearl looking at them with a big smile on her face. "A beautiful act of love!"

Steven started looking a little nervous now. "Uh Garnet should we run?"

"She's not hostile," said Garnet. "But her friend is."

Right next to them Jasper stood looking fairly irritated.

"Steven, you go free the others I'll deal with these two." Garnet shouted.

"But I don't know where they are," Steven argued.

Garnet kissed his forehead. He saw a vision of hallways going in different directions. The vision ended with a shot of Pearl and Amethyst in cells. After having their location, Steven ran off to find the other two gems, leaving Garnet with Black Pearl and Jasper.

"Should I go after him?" Black Pearl asked.

"No I will. You deal with this fusion." Jasper said in a cold tone running past her quickly as Garnet was about to stop her two moon blades stopped her gauntlets.

"You think you can take me?" Garnet asked in a cocky way.

"I have to for the one I love." Black Pearl said.

"Even if Jasper had been here, it wouldn't have made a difference," said Garnet. And then she started to sing, well, more like rap.

This is Garnet

Back together

And I'm never going down at the hands of the likes of you

Cause I'm so much better

And every part of me is saying go get 'er
The two of us ain't gonna follow your rules
Come at me without any of your fancy tools
Let's go, just me and you
Let's go, just one on two!

The two gems got out their weapons and charged to attack each. They clash weapons while Garnet sang and rapped.

Go ahead and try and hit me if you're able!
Can't you see that my relationship is stable?
I can see you hate the way we intermingle
But I think you're just mad cause you're single

Black Pearl glared at her for that comment and charged with ferocity. Garnet continued her song while blocking her blows.

And you're not gonna stop what we made together
We are gonna stay like this forever
If you break us apart we'll just come back newer
And we'll always be twice the gem that you are

I am made oh-oh-oh-oh-of
Lo-oh-oh-oh-ove, oh-oh-oh-oh-ove
Lo-oh-oh-oh-ove, lo-oh-oh-oh-ove, lo-oh-oh-oh-ove

Elsewhere, Steven had found Pearl and Amethyst and freed them. Afterwards, they got ready to make a run for the control room. Unfortunately, Jasper finally caught up to them. Amethyst got out her whip to fight her.

"I got this one! You two head for the control room!" Amethyst shouted.

Steven and Pearl made a run for the control room immediately. Jasper tried to chase, only to be tripped by Amethyst lassoing her leg.

Black Diamond was in the control room when Pearl and Steven appeared. Steven summon his shield. "I see. I understand now she really did love the human, didn't she?"

Pearl ran to the control once she knocked Peridot down Black Diamond pulled her fan out sending it at steven shield which fell to the ground before coming back. "It seems my fate is sealed."

"My diamond! We must evacuate!" Peridot screamed..

"Escape with Jasper. I will be well enough." Black diamond said holding her ground black sapphire frowned when she came in and the ship was being controlled by pearl.

Steven could see Garnet still fighting.

This is who we are
This is who I am
And if you think you can stop me
Then you need to think again
Cause I am a feeling
And I will never end
And I won't let you hurt my planet
And I won't let you hurt my friends

Garnet and Black Pearl crashed through the floor and continued their battle on the next level.

Go ahead and try and hit me if you're able!
Can't you see that my relationship is stable?
I know you think I'm not something you're afraid of
Cause you think that you've seen what I'm made of
Well I am even more than the two of them!
Everything they care about is what I am!
I am their fury, I am their patience
I am a conversation!
I am made oh-oh-oh-oh-of
Lo-oh-oh-oh-ove, oh-oh-oh-oh-ove

Garnet knocked Black Pearl into what looked like the engine and made a run for it. She looked back to shoot her a look as she ran.

And it's stronger than you
Lo-oh-oh-oh-ove, lo-oh-oh-oh-ove, lo-oh-oh-oh-ove

Black felt the ship falling apart breaking off in the engine roof just as Peridot tripped Jasper into an escape pod and shot it off, did Black Diamond cover Steven when the piece fell down crashing into her gem.

"My diamond!" Black Sapphire screamed in concern while rushing to her side.

That was when Garnet came in and told them the ship was going down. Her eyes then landed on the diamond.

"Please, Garnet, we can't leave her," Steven begged with teary eyes.

"Please. Help my diamond," Black sapphire begged.

Garnet was reluctant at first, mostly because of her history with Blue Diamond. However, seeing how much this sapphire cared for her diamond, she could not abandon them.

"Alright. We'll help her," said Garnet.

-Ground zero-

The ship crashed into the side of the mountain. Amazingly the crystal gems and the two other gems were safe. "I still can't believe she protected steven."

Amethyst was the one in disbelief. Though she had never met a diamond before the stories she had heard wasn't exactly flattering towards diamonds. Pearl was equally, if not more, shocked by this. This diamond was truly different from many of the diamonds she remembered, except maybe one. Garnet could hardly believe her eyes that a diamond would actually care about other creatures.

"Guys, she's hurt! We have to help her!" Steven said in alert while looking Black Diamond over.

"Steven it's pretty hard to hurt a normal gem much less a diamond. I'm sure she's fine." Pearl said in a gentle tone. Though a normal gem being hit on their gem would have shattered it into bits a diamond was a different story.

"What if her gem is cracked?! She might end up like Amethyst that one time!" Steven cried out.

Amethyst frowned. "It only happened once."

"Even if that's true, we can always use your healing ability to fix it. But I highly doubt it's cracked." Said Pearl.

"In my visions I saw her being shattered and then the diamonds sending every warship here to destroy you personally." Black sapphire said getting all of their attention.

"We won't shatter her!" Steven shouted angrily. "I'm gonna protect her like she protected me! By the way, her gem looks fine."

"I wasn't saying you shattered her. The ship did a huge part of the ship crashed into her. Saving you was unexpected." The black sapphire said trying to clarify herself.

"You're not the first sapphire to have her vision not come true," said Garnet while looking at the hand where her sapphire gem was located. "But you are the first sapphire I've seen to fight so fiercely."

"I wish to protect my diamond. She saved me from being shattered as did she for many other black off colored gems." Black Sapphire looked down at her diamond a small smile formed on her lips.

"She showed mercy towards off color gems?" Pearl asked, clearly surprised.

"Yes she is very merciful. She couldn't save all of the off colored ones but I'm happy to be here." Sapphire said holding her hands together. Blacks eyes opened her sapphire looked afraid for talking out of turn. "I'm sorry, my diamond. I did not mean to-"

"It's fine sapphire. I'm not angry." Black said in a gentle tone rising from her spot.

"Are you okay, Black Diamond?" Steven asked.

"I'm well enough, hybrid. Are you alright?" The black diamond asked.

"I'm okay," said Steven. "You can call me Steven."

"Alright, Steven, I'm pleased you're unharmed." Black diamond stood up looking around the scattered parts of the ship and the area that was destroyed.

"Sorry about your ship," said Steven. And then he remembered something. "Lapis! The other pearl! Where are they?!"

"Oh this is very problematic knowing black pearl she is gonna be quite angry." Black diamond said a bit worried.

As if on cue, the gems saw movement in the rubble. The rubble broke apart and out came a very angry Black Pearl. She glared at the gems.

"You!" She shouted in rage. "You almost doomed us all! I'll destroy you!"

Black was about to speak up only for black pearl to see lapis as she emerged and grab her hand as she tried to take off. "Fuse with me."

"Lapis, don't!" Steven shouted.

"Black Pearl! You have to calm down!" Sapphire cried out.

"This is their fault. They kept you imprisoned. If we fuse we can teach them a lesson! We'll be stronger tougher we can do so much!" Black Pearl said in anger and hope she wanted to prove so much.

"Black Pearl, you don't have to do this!" Sapphire called.

"Lapis, don't listen to her!" Steven shouted.

Lapis looked at Steven and then the gems. She could not deny that she still harbored some resentment towards the crystal gems for being trapped inside that mirror. At the same time, Steven did free her and Black Diamond showed her compassion. Keeping both in mind, Lapis made her choice. She took the pearl's hand.

The two gems danced gracefully together. During their dance their gems began to glow. Black Pearl grinned at this.

'I'll prove myself to you, my diamond,' Black Pearl thought while doing a pirouette. 'I swear. I'll make you proud of me.'

The two begin to fuse into two. There form smoothly taking shape but the shape was very disturbing. The creature before them had dark purple hair its body had four legs. A pearl in between of its two mouths. A part of its dress had a yellow diamond and what looked like a belt.

The creature let out an evil laugh as she loomed over them. "Feast your eyes, gems! We are now Charoite!"

Charoite laughed maniacally as she lifted up her hand to strike everyone down. Suddenly, she felt something grab her wrist. Charoite turned her head around and was shocked to see a shackle made of water holding her.

"What are you doing?!" the Black Pearl side asked.

"I was a prisoner for over a thousand years," the Lapis side answered coldly. She shackled her other wrist. "Now you're my prisoner!"

"You can't do this to me! I just want to protect her! My friend!" The Black Pearl side shouted while her legs were shackled.

"Sorry. But you're too dangerous. You might do more harm than good," said the Lapis side as she dragged Charoite into the ocean.

"No! Stop! Don't do this! Help me, my diamond!" Black Pearl screamed as she was pulled under water. She was able to give one last pleading look filled with tears and say, "Mari. Please don't leave me."

Before anyone could say or do anything, Charoite was gone. Sunken under the ocean.

Black just fell to her knees. Tears fell down her cheeks and onto the ground more galaxy like flowers bloom with each tear and she cried for her friend. She didn't know why she didn't try to stop her maybe she knows her friend was stubborn. Maybe she knows even if she tried, it might have ended the same either way each tear bloomed something lovely from her pain.

Garnet put her hand on the diamond's leg. "I'm sorry about your pearl. She must've meant a lot to you."

"She was my best friend the only one i could act normal with." Her tears kept flowing around her.

"These are really pretty." Amethyst absentmindedly said. Well looking at the flowers growing in the sand.

Then Stevens phone rang.