Chapter 1


"Man heading to class is the worst." Stated Nagumo Hajime, a young man with smooth black hair and green eyes wearing a school uniform.

"You're not wrong, I barely got any sleep last night." Xerxes Ryu stated, Hajime's only friend. The young man had spiky black hair and sky blue eyes.

"It is your fault for that." Hajime stated looking at Ryu.

"What do you mean my fault?"

"It is because you wanted to finish that new game that we barely got any sleep." Hajime replied.

"You wanted to finish it just as much as I did." Ryu rebuked.

"Morning Nagumo-kun, Ryu-kun!" Shirasaki Kaori announced looking at the two boys.

"Morning Shirasaki." Both boys greeted bringing a smile to the girl's face while everyone in the class glared at them.

"Kaori! You're still wasting time on these two." Stated a voice behind the boys causing the two to sigh as they turned around.

"Morning Nagumo-kun, Ryu-kun." Greeted Yaegashi Shizuka, one of the only other people nice to the two.

"You're too nice Kaori." Stated Amanogawa Kouki.

"There is no point in giving a pep talk to people too lazy to begin with." Stated Sakagami Ryuutarou.

Ryu rolled his eyes at them before Kouki stepped forward, "You know it is wrong to take advantage of Kaori's kindness, she can't look after you all the time."

"If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything." Ryu replied causing Kouki to narrow his eyes at him.

"But I'm talking to them because I want to." Kaori stated causing most of the class to glare at them causing Ryu to roll his eyes before a magic circle appeared under the whole class.

"What's going on!" Kouki shouted before they all disappeared.

In a flash of light the class appeared in what seemed to be a cathedral standing on top of a pedestal.

Looking around Ryu saw at least 20 people on their knees giving prayer towards them before an old man in a flashy robe walked to stand in front of the class.

"We've been waiting your arrival, I am Ishtar Langbard, Pope of the holy church." The man stated.

"Where are we?" One of the students questioned.

"We've prepared refreshments for you so follow me and I will explain everything." The pope stated.

Following the man the class found themselves sitting at a table as beautiful maids entered the room pushing in carts and started handing them refreshments.

Ryu could help but stare at a beautiful blonde haired maid with ocean blue eyes handing him a drink with a smile on her face before he noticed something wrong.

He noticed that her eyes seemed to radiate fear as she took a quick glance at the pope before she quickly left the room.

"Now I will explain, this realm is known as Tortus and it distinctly different from the world where you resided. In this world there are three major races, humans, devils, and demi-humans. The humans rule the northern region, the devils the southern, and the demi-humans live in the wilderness to the east."

"Our god lord Ehit brought you here. Know that your world exists on a higher plane than ours and therefore you heroes possess a far greater power than humans here." Stated the pope.

"That is what the divine knowledge revealed to me by our lord Ehit. For several centuries we have battled demons living in the southern region. Though the last few years there have been events that have nearly wiped out humankind. That is why our mighty lord Ehit has called you heroes here, to save us from this crisis, with your powers we will overthrow the devils and save the human race." The pope announced.

Ryu ignored his sensei's rant as he thought, 'so we have really been sent to another world. Though do they have the power to send us back and what caused that maid to be so scared of this old man?'

Looking up he saw that they were following the pope before feeling a tap on his shoulder as he looked at Hajime.

"Do think we have actually been pulled into another world?" Hajime asked.

Ryu nodded, "Yeah, I mean we had just been in the classroom and suddenly here. So yeah I believe the old man."

After Ryu finished talking they found themselves outside with landscape that looked nothing like their world.

"Can I ask something? If you could summon us, couldn't you do the reverse and send us back home?" Hajime asked with the whole class agreeing with him.

"I am sorry but that is beyond me, it was lord Ehit that summoned you here and I have not the power to return you. Whether you return or not is on the whim of lord Ehit." The pope answered causing the class to freak out and the teacher to start yelling at him.

"Aiko-sensei, we want to fight, this world's people need our help. I think we were destined to be brought here." Kouki stated causing Ryu to roll his eyes as he watched Kaori and her friends to agree with him.

"Thank you for the support heroes, I am the captain of Heiligh Kingdom's knights, Meld Loggins." Stated a man walking towards them in a set of armor before giving them each a blank card.

"What are these?" Ryu asked looking at the card.

"What I gave you are status plates and as the name suggests it reflects your basic parameters in numbers. They are also used as a form of ID so it would do good not to lose it." The captain answered.

"Now each of you prick your fingers and let your blood drop onto the plates and it will mark you as the owner and give you your job and skills. These jobs basically express your inborn talent." The captain stated as everyone dropped blood onto their plate.

As everyone started looking at their stats he started to explain, "These stats are not permanent, they can be raised by training, magic, or through the use of a magic tool, though your stats aren't raised if you level up." Meld stated.

Ryu looked at his plate and saw that his job was Demon Hunter before he listened to the captain, "Now an average human here in Tortus starts out at 10."

Looking at his plate Ryu saw that all his stats were at 300 before he looked at his skills, 'Black lightning manipulation, Hell-fire manipulation, Disaster manipulation, and Illusion manipulation.' He read.

"So what did you get Hajime?" Ryu asked looking at his friend's card before frowning looking at his friend's stats.

"Well it doesn't matter I'm going to help you get stronger." Ryu stated getting a smile from Hajime as he looked at Ryu's card and his eyes went wide.

"All right everyone, let's hear what is on everyone's plates!" The captain announced.

"Depending on what I hear, I'm going to lie about my stats. I don't want to be the center of attention." Ryu told Hajime who nodded.

"I'm Amanogawa Kouki. My job is hero and my stats are all 100! I also got a bunch of skills." This caused most of the class to look at him in awe.

"You're a hero alright! I've never seen stats start off that high." The captain stated looking at the card.

"Let's see what you got Nagumo." One of the students said looking at Hajime's card.

"Oh, you are basically dead weight! Hey Meld-san what is a synergist?" Asked the student.

"I guess you could call them a blacksmith. They are skilled craftsmen but useless in combat." Meld answered.

"You better whip us up awesome weapons loser!" Shouted the student.

"I'll pass, any weapon Nagumo makes is going to suck." Another student announced.

Ryu stepped up to the students with lightning in his eyes, "Say it again and see what happens." Ryu threatened as sparks of black lightning started emitting from his body shutting the boys up.

"It's fine Ryu." Hajime stated.

"Don't worry Nagumo-kun, I'm not a combat class either and my stats are awful as well." Aiko stated showing her card to him.

"You're a farmer! I have only heard legends of them! Send word to the church, she could lead a worldwide agricultural revolution!" Meld shouted which did nothing to help Nagumo.

As people started giving out their jobs and stats, Ryu lied that his stats were low and made up a job before they were each given a room to sleep in for the night.

Ryu was sitting on the roof of the church and looking at his hand as black lightning arc off his fingertips.

"A new world with abilities that are like they are from a comic book. I wonder what the future holds." Ryu stated as he went back to his room.


It had been two weeks since they were summoned by the god Ehit to supposedly save this world from demons.

At the moment the class could be seen training so they could see have strong they were in the great labyrinth.

Ryu at the moment could be seen in a meditative form on the ground with his eyes closed as sparks black lightning emitted from his body and all the rocks around him started to shake. Since Ryu had lied about his stats and job he decided to train away from the class.

Opening his eyes Ryu held out his hand as a black chain emitting sparks started emerging before it disappeared as he closed his hand.

Standing up he felt something wrong before he looked to where the class was training and didn't see Hajime.

Leaving the training ground Ryu found Hajime surround by four of their classmates before seeing one start to conjure a fireball.

Ryu growled as he walked over the boys and grabbed the one that was about throw a fireball at his friend by the throat.

"What do you think you are doing." Ryu growled with narrowed eyes.

Hiyama gulped, "We were just helping Nagumo practice. So why don't you let my friend go."

"It looked to me he was about to throw a fireball at him." Ryu stated looking at his classmate he had by the throat.

"Nagumo-kun!" Shouted a voice that Ryu knew to be Kaori as she ran over to Hajime.

"Let him go Ryu." Kouki stated looking at him.

"Why should I, he should learn there are consequences to bullying someone." Ryu replied as inwardly smirked as the student in his hand wet himself.

Dropping his classmate to the ground he watched as Hiyama and the others left before he found Kouki glaring at him.

"There was no reason to do that." Kouki said.

"Sure there was, I put enough fear into him so that he won't try and bully Hajime again. Something you don't see." Ryu replied walking away knowing Kaori would take care of him.

"Then Nagumo should get stronger, being weak doesn't excise him from getting stronger. I heard that he's been heading to the library after practice. I would be using that time to get stronger, and you should be taking this seriously Nagumo. I think Hiyama and his friends were trying to correct your non-serious attitude." Kouki stated causing Ryu to stop.

"I'm sorry Ryu, Hajime. Kouki didn't mean any harm." Shizuku said bowing her head to them.

"Someone needs to knock some sense into him." Ryu replied.

"Its fine Ryu." Hajime stated looking at his friend causing Ryu to sigh causing Kaori to giggle.

"Only Nagumo-kun is able to stop Ryu from doing something crazy." Kaori laughed as they all started walking back to the training facility.

Walking in they saw Meld making an announcement, "Tomorrow as training, we will be going into the Orcus labyrinth. Remember that monsters outside the capitol are different from the ones used for training. Now be ready for tomorrow. Dismissed."

As the class left Ryu wasn't surprised when he saw his friend heading towards the library while he stayed behind.

Seeing that no one was in the area but himself Ryu started training as he started shooting lightning bullets at the standing targets made for the ones who could use magic to train accuracy.

Each bullet had gone through their respective targets before he had lightning surrounding his legs and started moving around the facility at high speeds.

'I know I can go faster but it takes to much energy.' Ryu thought as he stopped and stared at the targets again.

Ryu took a deep breath as blue flames were emitted from his hands and shot them towards they standing targets as they disintegrated on contact.

Creating a chain made of hell fire Ryu grinned as it reminded him of ghost rider. As he swung the chain Ryu watched as it turned to the sand it touched into glass in an instant.

"Alright that is two out of four, I need another person to use illusions and I wouldn't want to accidently cause a category 5 earthquake while practicing." Ryu said to himself as he decided to call it a night and left.

As he walked to the room Ryu couldn't help but stare at the beautiful maids he passed as they greeted him with a smile and went back to work.

Though looking at the maids reminded him of the blonde maid that he saw when they were first summoned before he made it to his room and walked in not noticing someone hiding behind a corner glaring at his door.

Author's Note

I made this after reading the manga Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou and I thought it was so good I started reading the light novel as well and I just recently saw that it was made into an anime, so I had to let this idea out.

I hate having to put this but if your just going to be rude and hateful in the reviews I will block you.

Tell me what you think in the reviews or pm if you have a question.