Chapter one ~ saving you but not ours

7 months ago

It had been happening for almost a year and Raven couldn't ignore it anymore. Her father had been sending messages to her throughout the months, warning her what would happen if she didn't come back home, to him.

On ten occasions its had almost cost her teammates lives, she couldn't bare the thought of losing them, losing him, her father was gaining to much power.

Their latest mission had gone successfully, with a few major interactions from her father, the Titans still didn't know that the crystal had broke, and that Damian and her were in a way dating or at least the closest it would be for the two birds. It was on this mission that she realized that time was running out and she would rather die than live while her friends went through hell.

It had been an hour since they came back to the tower, she had made up her mind and she was going to say goodbye. Raven walked into the titan's common room and went immediately to Damian, pulling him into a tight hug and then passionately kissing him. Once she let go of him the room was silent, Damian trying to figure why this sudden urge to show emotion, Garfield shocked at the bombshell just released, Kori smiling knowingly, and Jaime and Donna Swapping 20 dollar notes. Damian was about to question Raven when Gar cut in, "When did this happen?!" we both turned to Gar's shocked face and Damian quietly replied in his usual monotone voice, "a year or two" Damian and Raven just shrugged it off, Gar, however, was still reeling "you mean for two years I have been flirting with someone else's girlfriend?!" he waited for their reply, we just nodded "wait on a minute that means your the one who owes me 20 bucks" Jaime and Donna were having their own little fight whilst Gar was sitting on the couch, the video game forgotten, feeling horrible. "I too owe Dick 20 bucks, I should tell him, right now" Kori got up to head to her phone but was stopped by Damian, "no, no, I will not hear the end of it" Kori looked deflated but agreed, "alright, to tell you the truth I do not wish to lose 20, bucks as you say" just then her phone called, it was from Dick, "what a coincidence" "Oh, My, Gosh" you could hear the motorbike starting and the garage door opening "ha, I told you, put on speaker could you Kori?" she did as he asked and started going on a rant "my, my little bro, didn't know you had the guts, I mean of course I knew, I know everything" Damian groaned, obviously agitated "Dick shut up!" "now, now Dami that is no way to speak in front of your girlfriend, who by the way could kick your but any time she wanted" "Dick, I swear if don't shut your mouth and turn around I am going to-" he was cut off by Dick "BRUCE, BRUCE I'VE GOT SOME VERY EXCITING NEWS" "Dick don't you dare" "oh hey Jason, guess what?!" What Dickhead?" "DaMiaN'S Got A GirLfRieND!" Jason burst out laughing "ha no way that little devil would kill anyone who tried to get with him, ha, that's precious, ooooh blackmail material" "where's bruce and Alfred?" "in the cave along with babs and Timmy tonga" "Awesome! hehe" you could hear him pouncing around trying to get to the cave, obviously, everyone else was extremely confused at why Dick was in someone named bruce's house, Damian turned to face Raven, "I am so sorry" he sounded sincere which shocked the rest of the room, "Brucie, BaBS, Al, TImmY TonGA, GuESS WhAAt?!" "What is it now Dick?" It was obviously Bruce, to those that knew him of course, "Dami's GOt A GirLFriEnD!" Bruce was unfazed, Babs and Tim were snickering and Alfred was chuckling, "are you serious, someone wants to date that little monster" Damian rolled his eyes at this remark "Babs I can hear you, you all actually" "This is priceless, who's the girl, if you are listening I am so sorry that you have to deal with him" you could feel the glares Tim was getting from Alfred and Bruce, "oh, oh can I say, can I say" the common room turned to Raven, she just shrugged, they turned their attention back to the phone, "um yeah I guess" "omg gosh is that her Dick?" "yeah, Babs you know the dark one that only really ever talks to Damian or otherwise stays away from everyone, no offence Raven" "none taken" "oooh, that is so cute it's like their meant for each other" "Babs, shut up your making me puke" "aah, grow up Tim, your what 26 and still don't have a girlfriend, whilst your 19-year-old brother has an actual girlfriend" "okay, well your input is not counted-" before they could finish their argument Kori hung up, "well. that was. interesting" everyone had gotten over the news and went back to their usual activities, Damian was not so convinced "what's wrong" he caressed her faced pulling it up towards his eyes, she looked at the floor for a few more seconds before looking him in the eye, "Something bad is going to happen. I can feel it" he just gazed into her eyes like he saw something others could never see "nothing will happen to you or us, not while I'm here" she did the best smile she could for the circumstances, and embraced him one more time, she whispered into his eye one last message "I love you" "awwwwww, their so cute, oww" Donna was 'lightly' whacked over the head by Jaime, who at the moment knew what they were going through as he had a long term girlfriend. Raven let go of Damian and headed to the hall, a few steps away she whispered to everyone in the room "goodbye", Gar could hear this but at the time thought nothing of it and continued to play 'call of duty'.

Raven sat in her room, a tear falling down her face, she was rooted to the spot, what if this was a mistake, what if he didn't keep his promises, what if he killed Damian. Raven had chosen for the good of everyone, she placed the letters on his bed and summoned her father, the room instantly felt heavier and lighter, she felt the slightest amount of emotion from her father; happiness and a tinge of worry. Her back still facing him she said "I'm ready" before she turned and got up from her crouched position she reminded him of her terms, turning her head the slightest "and you promise you won't hurt any of them" she got up and fully faced him to see a sly grin painted on his face "I promise" he stretched out his hand and she hers hovered above it before grasping his hand and walking with him through a portal to her old home.

The day after Raven and Trigon left Damian walked into her, they had a mission, a series of attacks from demons alike were occurring all over the world, the room had a weird aurora and not it's usual one, he should know they spent many nights together in here, he scanned the room for clues, that's when he noticed the letters on her bed, he walked over to it hesitating but continuing when he noticed it was Raven's handwriting. When he finished reading, the expression on his face changing the slightest, (but inside he was worried, scared, what had caused her to leave), he ran out to the kitchen where the others were and told them the news he hoped was a prank, but Garfield knew otherwise, she spoken as if this would be the last time she spoke to them, as if it was their goodbyes.


Raven and Damian are the same age in this and have been dating for over a year and a half.