Hello lovely people, thanks for reading this far! Appreciate all the lovely comments so much, what do people think of this chapter? Finally some smut, in a very subtle way!

Chapter 11

"How was the coffee?" Harry casually asked, having focused very hard for a solid five minutes on his economic notes, deciding he now deserved a well-earned break.

"Oh what? Coffee with Ron?" Hermione asked, trying to keep her voice level headed, pretending she hadn't been silently begging Harry to ask since the minute she stepped into his room. She knew he wasn't dumb, and must have figured out the real reason why she was stood outside his room at 6 pm, asking whether he wanted to study together. Yet it had been precisely 34 minutes and he was merely bringing up the subject now, making her question whether Ron had said something already, or whether he just wanted to build up suspense.

"Didn't realise you had coffee dates lined up Mione, who else would I be asking about?" his words were laced with sarcasm, something Hermione didn't appreciate for such an important topic. Despite spending the majority of her time around males, she really didn't understand them very well and wanted someone to explain to her exactly what each word and body movement meant.

"A date? Do you think it was a date?" it certainly hadn't felt like a date, despite looking forward to it all day.

"Um I'm not sure, honestly I have no idea what goes through that boy's head," he said, swivelling back in his chair to return to his computer screen. The topic clearly made him feel uncomfortable, and she understood how he wouldn't want to come in the middle of them both, but she needed to unpick his brain for her sanity.

"Sorry Harry, I've just never done any of this before."

"I know I know, I just don't want to give the wrong advice or get in between you both. I think it's best that you two communicate with each other and not through me. I'm not exactly a guru when it comes to females myself."

It was annoying how logical his statement was, and she knew he was right.

"I don't understand how you've already got so much Chemistry work, do they work you like dogs?"

Hermione had at least a dozen notes spread out around her but had only managed to get through half a page, her mind in a thousand other places.

"I've printed off every essay I could find online submitted by Draco Malfoy, and I'm going to see how he scores such high marks."

"Draco Malfoy? The one that you chatted to at Lacross trials? The one Ron said was a complete bellend?"

Well yes him, the one I also had in my bed, and kissed, the one who completely mortified me and mocked me in front of a room of people. The one who was very good looking but also very very annoying and rude.

"That's the one."

"Why don't you just ask him?"

"Because Harry, as you so adequately put it, he's a complete bellend. I don't want to give him the satisfaction," plus she didn't think he'd be particularly interested in helping anyway.

His 'speech' had been an absolute joke, with his words offering advice, yet his expression threatening anyone who dared ask him for help. His 'words of wisdom' lasted an incredible 10 minutes tops, and had completely ruined the jittery and excited mood her planned coffee with Ron had placed her in. She blamed him entirely for her bad mood as she sulked out the room, meeting Ron outside the cafe.

"Hey Mione, you okay?"

No, she wasn't okay, she was seething, and agitated, and annoyed, and wanted Malfoy's head to naturally combust. But instead, she plastered a smile on her mouth and chatted away as they waited in the coffee queue.

He didn't offer to buy her drink, not that she expected him to, but it would of at least been a hint towards whether it was a date or not. He didn't lean up close or take her hand within his, but he did steal some of her carrot cake, which seemed a little flirty?

"This was nice," she said when they finally got back to her room, him walking her to her door.

Do I invite him in? Does he want to come on? Is he going to kiss me?

He leaned in and pecked her cheek, causing a ripple of butterflies to ascend down her throat and flutter around her stomach.

He said they should do it again soon, then went to say hi to Harry before he left. She had waited a few hours before her feet practically carried her to Harry's door, and found herself knocking asking to study together.

"Fair play," Harry said in response to her Malfoy comment, picking up one his the essays she had printed out.

"The biological mutation of the virus Crucio, what on earth?" Harry read, scanning the rest of the page with a confused expression on his face.

"I know its bizarre. He's focused a lot on the chemical composition of drugs that fight viruses and infections I've never heard of," Hermione responded, frowning at the page in her hand. Something was off about these studies, she just needed to work out what. But that was for another day.

"Can we just watch a film instead? I'm bored."

Under the duvet was hot and sweaty, and Hermione turned once again in an attempt to get comfortable.

I can't believe I'm doing this, she thought to herself as she toyed with the waistband of her shorts. She was on edge, not quite knowing whether she wanted to get herself worked up at 2 am with lectures the next day, yet also knowing the release would send her straight to sleep. I'm frustrated, it'll be good for me.

She slipped a hand underneath the material whilst shifting into a comfortable position, keeping her legs slightly ajar. Closing her eyes, she tried to think of anything that would be arousing, getting into the mood before she'd touch herself underneath her pants.

She pictured Ron, sitting on the bed beside her, leaning in to press his lips against hers. His fingers would caress the back of her head to pull her closer until they'd move down to her waist, gently brushing against the bare skin between her top and shorts.

The scenario was too vanilla, and she tried shifting her thoughts to something slightly sexier.

Instead, he'd be on top of her, his lips sucking on the curve of her neck with a hand thrust up her skirt. 'Ron, please' she'd moan, as his fingers rubbed from side to side on top of her panties, feeling the wetness soak through.

'Please what?' he'd ask, causing her to squirm at the thought of saying the words out loud.

'Ask for it nicely Hermione, and maybe I'll do it.'

'Please...touch me.'

She pulled back her pants and placed two fingers against the wetness, all whilst imagining it was Ron who was pulling the material back and placing his fingers against her. She started with slow and lazy motions, then increased the speed when she started feeling twitches of arousal.

But something about the fantasy felt off, hindering the imagery of Ron to keep flowing in her mind and act as material to touch herself to. She couldn't imagine Ron saying any of the dirty things she was picturing, let alone kiss her in all the spots that made her body hum in pleasure.

Yet the sexual frustration was in full swing, and she would picture any scenario just to bring the release out the body. Without thinking too much into it, she pictured herself pressed up against a bookshelf, swallowed by the darkness cast over the library. A hand would be over her mouth, muffling the moans escaping her lips in an otherwise silent room. Malfoy would be behind, his lips against her ear to whisper profanities whilst his fingers were pumping her in quick but deep movements. Now and again his two fingers would curl, causing her hips to jerk forward and her thighs to contract with pleasure.

'You like that, don't you Granger.'

He pulled his fingers out, only to help him pull his trousers and boxers halfway down his thighs. Hermione's breath hitched, and Malfoy pulled up her skirt to align their bodies together.

She was so close. So close.

He placed the tip over the wetness, dragging it across the clit to tease before he'd fill her.

'Granger, I don't think you'll be able to take it.'

A ripple of pure pleasure shot through her, causing her hip to spasm and legs to clench. Her toes curled, her breathing fastened, and her eyes rolled open.

Oh shit. Had she really just masturbated to Draco Malfoy?