
Chapter 1

Even though their careers were doing extremely well, putting the numerous scandals of Ren aside, it had been the most miserable six months of their lives. They were avoiding each other. Ren thought that Kyoko hated him and never wanted to speak to him again for his behavior before Sho had left. He'd never really had the opportunity to clear it up, thanks to that scheming bitch Kana. Kyoko was avoiding him because she truly thought that Kana was his girlfriend and didn't want to get in the way, regardless of what her heart was telling her. She'd been wrong before and didn't want to force Ren into a situation that he didn't want to be a part of. Not to mention the horrible reaction she'd had. Well, it was to be expected and it wasn't like she didn't congratulate him, although she had to acknowledge she was a little saccharine and sarcastic about it when she did, but she wasn't going to freely admit something like that to anyone but herself.

Now, this situation was affecting more than those who were directly involved. Lory had no idea how to staunch the never-ending flow of rumors coming from that woman's camp. Yashiro had to deal with two very moody, sulky, and morose charges, of whom he'd promised both not to get involved in their personal affairs. Kanae spent her entire three months in America with daily calls of "Fake" Kyoko trying to sound happy, and then the three after that, actually witnessing it firsthand. Poor Chiori got the full brunt of it in the LoveME room every single day for the past 180 days, for several hours a day and it was driving her insane. Poor Maria wanted to hunt down Kana and lock her in her grandfather's Egyptian Sarcophagus, then lock Ren and Kyoko in a very small closet until they worked things out, but they were never in the same place at the same time, so that was out of the question. Kuu and Juli's hands were tied and the hopes of having Kyoko in their family were steadily slipping away. Then came the call.

Lory was so ecstatic he could barely contain himself and he wondered why he'd never come up with the idea himself. For once, someone had outdone him in the area of matchmaking and he would forever worship her as a goddess. The smooth-talking woman had already worked out all of the kinks with one of the "victim's" relatives, with good and convincing arguments, he could add. All he had to do is bring the other "victim's" relatives on board, and he honestly thought they would heartily jump on it. He would forever be in that woman's debt if this worked out. Although, he could only wonder how the woman knew Victim #2's parents.

She was most certainly not a foolish or naive woman. She knew from the moment she had spoken to her that something had gone horribly wrong between the girl and her ungrateful son. She also knew long before they left for Tokyo that her own son would never be what the girl needed in her life. Well, perhaps as a sibling, but nothing more than that... ever. She was glad they made the right decision when Lory had called to get their consent for the sweet girl to work for him. They would never regret it and hoped that she wouldn't hate them for taking the measures they had back then, at that point.

When she and her husband went to Tokyo to visit in May, she knew for certain something was very wrong. Their precious gem was in love, but was convinced that the person she was in love with didn't love her in return. How ridiculous! Preposterous! Who in their right mind would not love such a perfect girl? Well, she knew her own son was an idiot, but that was neither here nor there, and she seriously doubted that a bigger idiot than her own son existed. A plan began to form when she learned about "daughter's" senpai and then had the pleasure of meeting a like-minded individual, such as her daughter's boss, Lory Takarada. Words, emails, and personal phone numbers were exchanged. Soon the perfect plan would solidify between the two. After all, what better way to rid oneself of all of the horrible rumors, and cement the image of the perfect Japanese example than to follow tradition? They would both be setting a good example for the youth of their time to follow, and they would be ridding themselves of any horrible rumors and scandals that were being tossed in their paths.

"I will not go through with your absurd plan! Why would you set up and Omiai?" Kuon ranted as he paced back and forth like a caged lion, in Lory's office.

Lory sat back and toked on his cigar. "You have no choice. The girl's parents and your parents have already made the arrangements. It's not like you have to marry her. All I'm saying is meet them and go from there. It would set a good example for your fans and eliminate several of the latest rumors that Kana's camp has been circulating." Lory smirked. "If you are in an arrangement, she can't very well claim you're spending your evenings with her or are engaged to her. Now can she? Kuon... You will finally have witnesses."

Kuon flopped gracelessly on the sofa. "I don't like it. I makes me feel like I'll be using whomever I'm being set up to meet."

Lory rubbed his temple. "Look, if you decide you don't wish for things to go any further, make it clear at the beginning. I know she will understand, and I know for certain that if you don't do this... You will regret it." Lory warned.

Kuon narrowed his eyes at his godfather. "What aren't you telling me?" He grumbled.

Lory shrugged. "All I'm saying is, do not waste this opportunity."

Kuon sighed out deeply. "Fine... How does this work?"

Lory smirked. "Your parents have already met with hers. I will notify Ten of the dinner with the girl's parents and her, and Kuu and Julie, with you. She'll have your wardrobe and do your hair for the occasion." He looked up at him in thought, brushing off the panicked look that Kuon was giving him. "Don't worry boy. They've known Kuu for years. Although, you will have to go as yourself." He glanced at Kuon. "You will not be able to go as Ren for the first meeting."

Kuon groaned and rolled his eyes. "When exactly does this travesty begin?"

Lory chuckled. "The dinner with everyone, will be Saturday at 4pm at the Meadow. I've reserved the Imperial Room for the meeting. What you two do after that, is entirely up to you. And by you, I mean you and your prospective bride to be." Lory winked at him and shooed him out.

Lory had two calls to make. The first was to a best friend that was more than happy to help him along, as long as the leech that was attaching itself to his son would be taken care of. The second call was made to his kindred spirit and surprising ally in this little venture.

"He agreed to meet with you and her... Yes, I made reservations at the Meadow for Saturday at 4pm. Will you be able to make it?... Yes... Yes... I've made sure that the scheduling is clear. There will be no excuses. No, no you shouldn't feel guilty for doing this. It's for her own good and I have it on good authority, through candid admissions, that you will be very pleased with the match. Trust me, this will not be a forced situation, and if it is... They can certainly work the issues out themselves. Either way, they both need this for the sake of their reputations, their personal lives, and what better way to do it?" He chuckled. "I'm sure she will be pleasantly surprised when she meets him. You really have nothing to worry about."