Disclaimer: I do not own or take credit for anything other than my OC's.

Author's Note: So, so, so sorry for the delay! THIS FIC IS NOT ABANDONED!

Long story (kinda) short, I became homeless at the end of January. I had lost my job months prior, and between my mother stealing my identity and putting me $30k in debt – thus also destroying my credit – and unemployment not coming through soon enough and having no other source of income, I could no longer pay my rent and had to move out of my apartment. My only choice at that point was to live out of my car with my 120 pound Cane Corso, Karma, and I was fully prepared to do so.

Fortunately, but also unfortunately, an old acquaintance from high school reached out to me the week before I was due to move out telling me he had lived in his car for over a year and did not want to see me do the same, so he offered to take me, Karma, and my Savannah Monitor, Drama, in. Things were good for the first two weeks. He was nice, a perfect gentleman, and we began a relationship. Moving day came and went and he pulled such a quick 180 on me that it gave me whiplash and made my head spin. As it turns out, he is a highly toxic, misogynistic, self-centered, narcissistic, short-tempered, entitled, rude and disrespectful piece of subhuman trash. We began fighting almost every day, and because he was a "nice guy" and refused to let me help with rent and utilities, anytime I stood up for myself when he'd scream at me and verbally assault me, he'd tell me to "watch how I fucking talk to him in HIS house" and remind me that I would be fucked without him and to mind my P's and Q's lest he kicks me out. Things got worse and worse – I couldn't even shower without him barging in on me. I had no privacy, my boundaries were constantly crossed and disrespected by him and his 4-year-old daughter, and he treated me like a disobedient dog and a house wench. He'd start fights with me over nothing, gaslight me, verbally and emotionally abuse me, then turn everything around on me and blame me and threaten to kick me out. Apparently, I was obligated to let him see me naked whenever he wanted, I was obligated to do whatever he said, and if I was uncomfortable with anything or got upset about anything, especially when he'd trigger my PTSD, he would laugh at me and tell me I was stupid and berate and chastise me. So, that wasn't going to work for me anymore.

The straw that broke the camel's back was when his daughter was exposed to the Corona Virus and came home sick with a fever, sore throat, earache, etc and I got upset because I am immunocompromised which he is well aware of. I was crying and terrified because he refused, despite her doctor's orders, to get her tested and take her to the hospital, and he laughed at me and told me "that sounds like a YOU problem" when I calmly explained I was terrified of being exposed to the Virus because I could die. Well, I went into the shower after that and while I was in there, he began packing all my belongings and took my key to the apartment building away. He kicked me out.

So, with that said, this is my 11th day and 12th night living in my car with my dog and honestly, we're fine. We're doing just fine and I'm happy as hell to be away from that psychopath. My cousin lets me sleep in my car in his driveway so I am safe at night (I cannot go in the house or have any contact with him, his fiancee, or their four children because one is a 5-month-old baby, one is 3, and the others are teenagers and I was exposed to a child who was exposed to someone who tested positive for the virus), I have friends that let me shower at their houses, laundromats are still open so I can wash my clothes and bedding, and I have settled into a routine of waking up, getting dressed, and going to a very clean rest stop nearby to brush my teeth, wash my face, etc. Sure, it isn't easy living in a car especially while the nights are still cold and my 120-pound dog steals my bedding and crushes me while we sleep, but I am free. I have no $1600 overhead of rent, utilities, and grocery costs stressing me out anymore and I am not stuck living with anyone that abuses me, and honestly, it's nice to have my personal space back and some peace and quiet.

In conclusion, the whole reason for this explanation is that all of this was the cause of me not being able to write, let alone upload another chapter. However, I am working diligently today to try and finish this chapter. It has been haunting me for months – with all the stress I was enduring and how badly my mental health suffered, I have had a nasty case of writer's block and my inspiration was dead in the water. Now that I am doing alright and I'm away from that asshole, I am feeling inspired and ready to write again. Oh, and as far as my exposure to the virus goes, I was technically exposed about a week ago and I am not showing or experiencing any symptoms – just my usual coughing and hacking due to being a smoker and suffering a stuffy, runny nose and sneezing due to my seasonal allergies

So here we go! Chapter 39 coming to you straight from the driver's seat of my car while I enjoy a beer and some vending machine snacks. Thank you all for your patience and understanding! I love and appreciate you all and hope that all of you are staying safe and healthy. xoxo

Gotham City – Barbara Gordon's Apartment Building:

Dick Grayson was worried.

Really worried.

He had tried repeatedly to call Barbara with no answer. Something in his gut was screaming at him that something was wrong. After suiting up and racing from Blüdhaven to Gotham, he stood inside of her ransacked apartment with her discarded phone in hand, seething with rage at the scene before him. Her entire computer system was gone along with all of her other belongings and there were clear signs of a struggle in her bedroom. He had looked inside of her closet, pulling the false backing away to reveal her suit and arsenal intact and left behind.

Something was very wrong.

He knew Joker, Johnny Frost, Floyd Lawton, and Tommy Soldati were locked up in Blackgate which left only one person he could think of that would do something as bold as kidnapping Barbara Gordon.

Raven Ali, better known as Jester and the Clown Prince of Crime's other half.

But why take Barbara?

Dick called Tim Drake, hoping the new Robin may have some answers or insight for him.

"Dick, I'm glad you called. Something's wrong. I can't get a hold of Bruce and Barbara hasn't been answering me either."

"If that's true, things are way worse than I imagined. I'm at Barbara's apartment and it's completely ransacked. She's missing, so is her computer and a majority of her belongings, and her suit and weapons were left behind. Someone has taken her – if Bruce isn't answering, this doesn't bode well for any of us."

Dick inhaled sharply and ran his free hand through his hair, a chill running down his spine at the thought of what the crazed female clown might be up to and the torture he was sure she was inflicting upon Barbara.

"I'm suiting up now. I'll fill Alfred in. Meet me in the Batcave."

"I'll be there in 20," Dick ended the call and took one last glance around Barbara's disheveled apartment, trying to keep his rage in check as he stormed out of the building and got on his motorcycle.

Joker's Funhouse:

Commissioner Gordon carefully stepped off of the rickety, decrepit roller-coaster ride and blinked as his eyes tried to adjust to the sudden brightness of the early morning sky outside. He shook his head, trying to get his wits about him and ignoring the dull, painful ache in the back of his skull before taking in his surroundings. He realized he must be on the other side of the park – a dilapidated looking haunted house with a large, blinking sign reading "HA-HA-HACIENDA" stood menacingly before him flanked by several abandoned Halloween and circus-themed game booths and other similarly themed rides. The Commissioner noticed a set of neon green spray-painted arrows lining the street he stood on that all led directly to the front door of the Ha-Ha-Hacienda that gave off almost as creepy a vibe as Arkham Asylum.

The grounds were empty and as silent as the grave, adding to the already eerie and demonic atmosphere. Commissioner Gordon felt a chill run down his spine and the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as he slowly turned and examined his surroundings, listening and watching for any signs of his daughter, Jester, or any of the goons he knew were sure to be lurking nearby. Hearing and seeing nothing, he set his jaw and straightened his spine as he walked along the path the arrows set for him towards the foreboding house. He stood in front of the door to the house and wished, for a moment, that he still had his gun on him. The moment he grabbed the door handle he felt a wave of anxiety, fear, and dread wash over him and it took him a second to get his bearings before slowly pulling on it and entering the pitch-black darkness of the house.

Once again he had to wait for his eyes to adjust and stood with his back to the wall, bracing himself for any blitz attacks or nasty surprises that may be awaiting him in the quiet house.

None came. There wasn't a single soul in the dilapidated, dark house.

Commissioner Gordon slowly made his way through the first floor of the house, taking in the old furniture and lack of dust and grime despite the decayed state of the house. It was clear that someone, or something, had been living here. He was sure this must be another one of Joker's many hideouts, either used solely by him or his more loyal henchmen. There were empty coffee mugs, used ashtrays, blankets, pillows, half-empty liquor bottles and empty to-go food containers littered about the living room and a small TV set up on the floor in a dark corner. As he made his way around the room, examining the contents of it and the graffiti all over the walls and floor, the screen on the small TV in the corner flickered to life.

At first, the screen was snowy, flickering on and off until an image slowly began to bleed onto it. He slowly and carefully made his way over, making sure to step lightly on the old floorboards so they wouldn't creak under his weight. As he got closer and crouched down to better see the small screen, his blood ran cold at the image before him. It was Barbara, battered and bloody and curled up in a ball in a dark, dank room in a puddle of her own blood. She was trembling and weeping, cowering from whoever was in the room with her. He was blinded by his rage for a moment as he realized both her legs had been broken and she was bleeding from lacerations all over her face and body. She was almost unrecognizable through the blood, bruises, welts, and cuts marring her face and he grit his teeth as Jester's smooth voice rang out over the sounds of his daughter's anguish.

"Looks like you made it to the Ha-Ha-Hacienda," Jester crooned, grabbing the camera and giggling madly as she brought it closer to her face.

Commissioner Gordon watched with narrowed eyes as Jester grinned like the madwoman she truly was at the lens. She shifted the camera once more, zooming the lens in on Barbara's broken form in the corner and he growled as he watched her kick Barbara so hard in the ribs that he heard the sounds of the bones snapping over Barbara's pained screams.

"I gotta give it to ya, Jimmy boy," Jester chuckled, nudging Barbara with her foot to cause her more pain. "It took a lot to break your precious little angel. She's got quite a mouth on her, you know. Called me every name under the sun and hurled insults and threats at me that would make even Mister J blush!"

Commissioner Gordon grabbed the small TV in his rage, ready to smash it to the ground. He grit his teeth and inhaled sharply, reining in his temper and setting the TV back down to see what would become of his daughter. He examined the room Barbara was in, hoping he could pick up any clues as to where she may be, but found nothing useful. He tried to ignore Jester's voice as she laughed and taunted Barbara, cackling deliriously as Barbara threatened her with the wrath of the GCPD and the Bat-Family.

The video went quiet for a moment and he focused his attention back on his daughter, hoping that Jester was done torturing her and finally ready to tell him whatever he had to do or wherever he had to go to get her.

Jester focused the camera back on herself and the look on her face made him shiver. Her eyes were dark, almost black, and her burgundy lips were stretched in a thin line. She had a cold, murderous look on her face with only the smallest glint of amusement in her dark eyes and he knew without a shadow of a doubt that things would only get worse from here.

"I'm feeling generous tonight, so I decided to let you see your precious little girl. If you can make it from the Ha-Ha-Hacienda to the Hall of Mirrors, you'll find a set of clues to lead you right here. Isn't that right, Babs?"

Commissioner Gordon roared with rage as he watched Jester stomp on Barbara's broken ribs, forcing a scream from his daughter that sounded like something a wounded wild animal might make.

"Dad, don't! It's a trap! Find a way out and find Batman! Don't come here alone!"

"SHUT UP!" Jester hissed the words at Barbara and kicked her once more in punishment for her outburst, ripping another blood-curdling scream from his daughter. Jester looked back at the camera and smiled eerily at him, cocking her he*ad to the side as she examined the lens. "You're running out of time, Jimbo. I suggest you hurry up if you want to see Babs over here alive before noon."

The TV shut off, leaving the Commissioner alone in the eerie, silent room. He took a moment to calm himself down and get his thoughts together, his main focus finding his daughter no matter what it took and who he may have to face to get to her. He steeled himself as he pulled the door open and stepped out of the dilapidated house, looking for any clues that would lead him to the House of Mirrors and keeping himself alert and aware of his surroundings in case of another surprise attack or ambush. He moved along the empty grounds swiftly and quietly, well aware of his lack of weapons and the fact that he was grievously outnumbered here.

"I'm coming," he muttered, making another random turn that he hoped would lead him to the House of Mirrors. "I'll find you, Barbara, and I'll make them pay. I'll make them all pay."

The Mansion Safehouse:


Karma and Hades perked up at the sound of Tommy's voice booming throughout the house and they ran out of the nursery, thundering down the grand staircase towards him and circling him, sniffing him and wagging their docked tails excitedly.


Tommy absentmindedly pat both dogs on the head, moving around them and ignoring them as they followed him through the house. He was beginning to worry, still not knowing why Jester sent him home and not hearing any kind of response from Selina.

"Tommy, glad to see you back and in one piece," Doctor Davis smiled politely at him as she turned in her seat at the kitchen table to face him. "Selina and Doctor Mills are training outside at the moment," she supplied, pointing to the slider doors. "They were in the workout room earlier, but Selina decided they'd be better off outside where there's more room to move around."

"Training?" Tommy quirked an eyebrow at the kind doctor and tilted his head. "Training for what?"

"Selina offered to teach Doctor Mills martial arts so he could overcome his issues," Doctor Davis explained. "He's pretty shell shocked after his ordeal at the Funhouse." She gave Tommy a pointed look and he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.

"Thanks for reminding me that my cousin is probably going to shoot me," Tommy muttered, not wasting any more time as he made his way to the slider doors and outside on the back deck.

He watched as Selina coached Doctor Mills through some basic beginner's moves, admiring her grace as she demonstrated them flawlessly and easily for the highly confused looking doctor. He gave her a few more minutes to show off, smirking as Doctor Mills fumbled through some of the motions. He was happy to see Selina well and seemingly happy, thankful that nothing was wrong with her and she wasn't in any kind of distress or trouble. He wondered again why his cousin, despite her anger towards him, had sent him home to Selina – if nothing was wrong, why would she send him away?

He was ripped out of his thoughts when Selina finally noticed him, running towards him and leaping into his arms. He caught her, wrapping his arms tight around her as she wrapped her legs around his waist and planted a smacking kiss to his lips. "What are you doing here?" She asked, pulling back just far enough to give him a skeptical look.

"You tell me," Tommy countered, grinning wolfishly at her and stroking her skin with his thumbs. "Jester sent me home and put Zsasz in my place, she said it was important for me to be here and once I was, I'd understand why she sent me away."

Catwoman laughed and gracefully set her feet back down on the ground. Her eyes glittered with mischief and excitement as she stared up at him, a smirk playing on her black-painted lips. "Oh, I love that girl," she mused, resting her hands on Tommy's shoulders.

Both of them were too focused on each other to notice the shocked and slightly fearful look on Doctor Mills' face as he finally noticed Tommy, his face paling just a little. He quickly ripped his gaze from the two of them, figuring Catwoman was about to break the news about her pregnancy to him and practiced the basic moves she had just shown him to keep himself busy and occupied.

"What's going on, Selina?" Tommy furrowed his eyebrows at her and gripped her by the waist, holding her in place as he regarded her. "Are you alright? Is something wrong?"

"I'm fine," she assured him with a smile, "but you might not be after hearing what I have to say." Before Tommy could flip his lid at the insinuation, she pressed her finger to his lips and shushed him, looking him right in the eye as she spoke her next words. "I'm pregnant, Tommy. We're having a baby."

Tommy blinked, simply staring at her for a moment. It took him a few long moments to process the information and react, but once he did, he was ecstatic.

"You're... you're pregnant?!" He gripped her by her elbows and leaned down so he was eye to eye with her, making sure she was serious and this wasn't some kind of sick joke.

"I'm pregnant," Selina confirmed, grinning at him like the Cheshire Cat. "I decided to wait to hear the heartbeat until you came home."

"Holy shit," Tommy breathed, pulling Catwoman into his arms and squeezing her gently. He kissed the top of her head, keeping her close to him as a wide grin stretched across his handsome face. "I'm gonna be a dad!"

"You're gonna be a dad," Catwoman mumbled into his chest, her laughter muffled.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" Tommy shouted, releasing her and doing a victory dance right there on the back deck, not giving a damn who might see. "I'm gonna be a dad! We're having a baby! You've got a baby in here!" He rested his hand on Catwoman's lower belly and smiled at her, tears welling up in his eyes. "Jester knows? This is why she sent me home?"

Catwoman was laughing, resting both of her hands on top of his and nodding at him. "They all know. I wasn't ready to tell anyone yet, but you know how your cousin is – she's a fucking bloodhound. She dragged it out of me the other morning and that's why the breakout is happening today instead of in a couple of weeks like we had originally planned."

"All of this..." Tommy's face fell and he looked ashamed, "is for me? To bring me home to you? Because you're pregnant?"

"Looks like you owe her one hell of an apology," Catwoman teased, winking at him, "and your soul, no doubt."

"Shit," Tommy muttered, raking a hand through his hair. "She's too good, man. She's too good. Even when she's mad, she's still got my back and she's still taking care of me. Johnny and Joker were right."

"What did they say?" Catwoman raised an eyebrow at him and put her hands on her hips, waiting patiently for Tommy to answer her.

"Well, J said he had a feeling the breakout being bumped up to today had something to do with me, and Johnny followed that up by saying that being angry at all of us doesn't mean Jester doesn't love us or care about us anymore. I mean, I know that much about her, but I didn't think the breakout being bumped up had anything to do with me."

Catwoman chuckled and shook her head at him. "You know her, Tommy. You've known her all her life, she'll hold a grudge until the day she dies, but she'll do anything for her loved ones. She can hate and love you at the same time, and she'd do anything for you. You better come up with one hell of an apology for her once they're all back home and have gotten some rest."

"So this is why you weren't there," Tommy observed, lovingly caressing Catwoman's lower belly. "I didn't see you even once or hear you on the radio, no one even mentioned you. I figured you were just pissed off at me and laying low, but you weren't with Harley, Copperhead, Ivy, and Jester. It all makes sense now."

Catwoman nodded. "Jester wasn't going to force me to stay behind since she refused to do the same for the Arkham breakout, but I decided it'd be better to stay here... safer for the baby, you know?"

"I'm glad you did," Tommy sighed. "I can't stand the thought of you in that shit hole, pregnant and fighting. I won't keep you under lock and key like J did to Jester, but I sure as shit don't want you putting yourself in unnecessary danger."

"I'll be training this guy," Catwoman jabbed a thumb in Doctor Mills' direction and smirked, "so it looks like I won't be in any dangerous situations anytime soon. He needs a lot of work."

"I was a much better student." Tommy waggled his eyebrows at her and scooped her up into his arms, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Of course you were," Catwoman purred, stroking his cheek with her slender fingers. "The best, actually."

Tommy preened at that, pressing his lips to hers in a tender kiss. "I missed you, beautiful," he murmured, resting his forehead against hers.

"I missed you too," Catwoman whispered, kissing him once more. "We both did." She grinned down at her abdomen and Tommy smiled.

"I'm the happiest, luckiest man alive," he declared, keeping a tight hold on Catwoman. "I love you so much, baby."

"I love you," Catwoman giggled as Tommy showered her face with kisses, swinging her around carefully in his arms. They were both in their own happy little world, oblivious to everything and everyone else.

Outskirts of Gotham City – The Batcave:

Nightwing and Robin watched the news on the enormous computer in the Batcave, neither of them surprised as Joker's face splashed across the screen with his usual malicious grin stretching from ear to ear. Nightwing felt a chill run down his spine as Joker's metal grills glinted in the dim lighting he stood under; a constant reminder of Batman knocking his teeth out for the savage and horrific torture and murder of Jason Todd.

"Good morning, Gotham," he purred, "Uncle J here, broadcasting to you live from Blackgate Penitentiary! My pals and I have taken over the prison, you see, and decided that we'd let all of the inmates out to play. If I were you, I'd lock your doors and stay off the streets – these guys are pretty depraved if I say so myself. They've done some very, very bad things..."

His wicked laughter set both men on edge and Robin scowled. "This is prerecorded," he observed, watching the footage very carefully and noticing how quiet and calm the background of the video was.

"I wouldn't be surprised," Nightwing agreed, keeping his eyes glued to the screen as Joker's laughter ceased and his voice lowered to his usual growl. Joker's face was void of any traces of amusement now, a stony and murderous look bleeding into his expression.

"This is your invitation to our little party, Bats," Joker's eyes flashed with what looked like rage for a moment, "We want you and all of your little brats to come and join us. It wouldn't be a party without my favorite dark knight in attendance, after all! So, Batsy buddy, round up all the kiddies and meet us here – we've got tons of fun in store for all of you!" The camera shook violently as Joker picked it up, whistling Tiny Tim's 'Tip Toe Thru the Tulips with Me' in the background as he moved through what looked like the control room of the prison. Moments later, the camera was plummeting towards the stone floor. They heard Riddler shouting at Joker in the background but could only pick up the words "mindless, camera, freak," and "dammit!" The video went black and cut out as the camera crashed into the floor, clearly broken.

"And there you have it, folks," Vicki Vale's grim expression replaced Joker's face as she stood stoically in front of the GCPD. "Will Batman and the Bat-Family subdue these criminals and save the day, or is this the end of Gotham City as we know it? Stay tuned!"

"Blackgate, huh?" Robin stroked his chin in thought, still staring up at the screen as he mulled the situation over.

"Blackgate," Nightwing echoed, glancing down at Robin. "If they're expecting all of us, they're watching and waiting for us to show up. We can't just go in blind, we need a plan. There's no way we're getting over that bridge without being ambushed, and honestly, this is way too dangerous for you."

"With Barbara and Bruce missing, I'm all you've got," Robin argued coolly, moving towards the large table in the middle of the platform they stood on. He examined the digital map of Gotham City and moved around the table until he was standing over the digital version of the Blackgate Penitentiary. He studied every point of entry from the bridge to the roof to the Gotham River surrounding it. "I've got an idea, Dick, but you're not gonna like it."

"Why does that not surprise me?" Nightwing sighed, coming over to join Robin at the table, "I hate to admit it, kid, but I don't have many options. Tell me what you're thinking, Tim."

Robin groaned and shook his head in disbelief at what he was about to propose. He hated the plan as much as he knew Nightwing would, but they didn't have any other choice. It was this, or risking ambushes they wouldn't be properly prepared for without Batman and Batgirl. Come Hell or high water, Robin was going to that prison and helping to save his guardian and his friend. He was done with being forced to stay behind when it came to Joker and the other more dangerous, murderous Rogues in Batman's gallery and knew this would be the perfect opportunity to prove to Bruce that he could handle himself in the field with or without him.

Blackgate Isle – Blackgate Penitentiary Control Room:

Riddler scowled and threw his bowler hat to the floor in his fury as he watched Robin and Nightwing crawl into the basement through what looked to be the sewer. "Clever little brats," he sneered, picking up his radio and watching with narrowed eyes as the two vigilantes tried to navigate the large, dark room in search of the door leading to the upper floors of the prison.

"Houston, we have a problem!" His tone was laced with his ire as he announced the arrival of Robin and Nightwing to the others, furious that they had gotten past all of the inmates, guards, and henchmen stationed all around the prison to ambush them. "We have a bird infestation in the basement. The dirty little pests came in through the sewers, so I advise you all to keep a safe distance if you don't particularly enjoy the stench of the waste of Gotham's degenerate, brainless citizens."

He set the radio back down and went to work locking the basement down to trap both men inside while the others scrambled to find them and capture them. He giggled to himself as every door in the basement locked and every vent closed, relishing in his success.

"How silly of them to think it would ever be that easy," he mused to himself, tapping away on the keyboard to keep the doors and vents locked uptight. "Vigilantes," he scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Such arrogant little monkeys."

Blackgate Isle – Blackgate Penitentiary – Random Corridor:

Joker and Scarecrow both stopped as Riddler's voice came through the radio, alerting everyone to the arrival of the junior vigilantes.

"No Batgirl?" Joker cocked an eyebrow as he stared at his radio, the wheels in his mind turning as he tried to imagine where she must be.

"Apparently not," Scarecrow said, scanning the corridor they were in and ignoring the rioting inmates and brawls breaking out all around them.

"It's about time the wonder boy showed up," Joker grinned maliciously and Scarecrow chuckled. "I think I'll take a detour."

"Perhaps I should return to the Morgue," Scarecrow turned to face Joker and his burning orange gaze bore into Joker's. "I'm sure Riddler has contained them for the moment."

They both perked up at the sound of Jester's voice crackling through the static on their radios.

"Everyone get to your stations," she commanded, "Copperhead, Harley and I are splitting up. Scarecrow, Joker, Bane, and Two-Face – we will be luring them to you guys accordingly. Keep them busy in the meantime, Riddler."

"As you wish, my liege," Riddler's sarcasm wasn't lost on the two men and Joker rolled his eyes.

"One of those brats has an antidote for Batsy," Joker growled into his radio, watching in amusement as three inmates pummeled each other just a few feet away. "My money is on the littlest one."

"Bring the Batman to me," Bane's voice boomed through the radio and Scarecrow scowled at the jarring noise.

"Zsasz, I want you to find Johnny and Hammer. Bring the Bat to Two-Face and his boys and put him in time-out. I don't want that antidote reaching him before then."

"Consider it done, boss," Joker growled at the sound of Victor Zsasz's voice, wondering just how the hell the deranged man was alive and in one piece.

Noticing the slightly puzzled look on Joker's face, Scarecrow laughed. He ignored the way some of the inmates in the corridor stopped what they were doing and cast fearful glances in his direction as the growling undertone of his voice echoed down the corridor. "Hugo Strange," Scarecrow supplied, amused by Joker's look of mild surprise.

"That guy's still flying under the radar? I assumed he was dead, he's been a little too quiet since he was exposed for his little experiments."

"I'm sure Jester will fill you in later once we have returned home," Scarecrow assured Joker before turning away to head back towards the Morgue. "Right now, there isn't any time."

"Going back to your playpen?" Joker taunted, smirking at Scarecrow.

"Indeed," Scarecrow said coolly. "With the Batman incapacitated, Jester is safe for the moment." He said nothing else as he took his leave, leaving smoldering footprints on the stone floor as he made his way down the corridor towards the stairway.

Joker pushed aside his musings about Dr. Hugo Strange's abilities and moved through the corridor, amused at the way the inmates, guards, and numerous henchmen from different crews scrambled to get out of his way in fear of being slaughtered.

Joker mimicked tipping a hat as he passed by, cackling loudly and walking with a spring in his step. Today, he'd kill another Robin and chip away at the tattered remains of Batman's sanity. The idea made him deliriously giddy and he cackled even louder, nearly skipping his way down the stairs towards the basement of the prison. He knew he'd cross paths with Jester again soon – after all, she had agreed to bring Robin to him.

Blackgate Isle – Blackgate Penitentiary – The Jungle:

Hammer watched as Poison Ivy concentrated, manipulating the vines in the basement to snatch up the two vigilantes and hold them until her fellow Rogues could subdue and capture them.

"How do you do that?" Hammer asked, watching in amazement as vines grew and snapped around the redhead.

"I speak to them," Poison Ivy said nonchalantly, opening her eyes for a moment to regard him. She gave him a dazzling smile before closing her eyes once more, focusing on the plants in the basement and manipulating them to become large venus flytraps like the one she was currently perched in. She grinned and her eyes snapped open as her plants swallowed the two vigilantes, keeping a vice grip on them as they fought like hell to escape.

"Silly men," Poison Ivy chided smugly, "they're no match for my babies."

Hammer barked a laugh and rose to his feet, preparing to take his leave once Victor Zsasz came to collect him with Johnny Frost.

"I know I don't have to ask, but I'm gonna anyway," he began tentatively, giving Poison Ivy his best no-nonsense look. "You gonna be okay without me here?"

Poison Ivy laughed, the melodic, soft sound echoing in the concrete Jungle. "Of course, dear," she said kindly, her eyes glittering with amusement. "I usually prefer to work alone anyway."

Hammer nodded, reaching for her hand and stopping at the last minute, rethinking what would've been a very bad idea.

"I appreciate the thought," Poison Ivy cooed, winking at him. "Now run along, Hammer. We all have work to do."

Hammer grinned at her and bowed slightly before her, making her chuckle, and then began making his way towards the entrance of the Jungle where he waited patiently for Zsasz and Johnny.

Blackgate Isle – Blackgate Penitentiary – Death Row:

Victor Zsasz, Johnny Frost, and Hammer dragged an extremely disoriented and terrified Batman through the corridor, all of them grinning like the Cheshire Cat as they dropped him in front of Two-Face and his men.

Two-Face laughed gleefully, kicking the caped crusader as hard as he could in the ribs and delighting in the grunt of pain that came out of the vigilante. "Look at this, boys! Got ourselves a caped criminal!"

Two-Face's henchmen laughed humorlessly, too afraid of the deranged man and his split personalities to do anything but appease him.

"Lock him up," Two-Face barked, motioning to an empty cell across from the guard post they had commandeered, "and disarm him, for fuck's sake."

Two-Face's men worked quickly and diligently as they stripped Batman of his utility belt and all of his gadgets, gratefully accepting Hammer's help as they destroyed the hi-tech computer built into the forearm of his suit.

"No phone privileges in Death Row," Two-Face taunted, grinning madly as Batman groaned and murmured gibberish under his breath in his weak, distraught state.

The floor shook as Bane made his way out of Solitary and down the Death Row corridor towards them, his masked face showing no emotion as he stopped just before the cell that Two-Face's men, Zsasz, Johnny, and Hammer were tossing Batman into.

"Special delivery," Zsasz sing-songed, shooting Bane a smug look.

"Today is the day I break him," Bane growled, looking through the bars and watching as Batman curled into a ball on the cold stone floor, weeping and apologizing to whoever he was seeing in his current state. "Today, I defeat the Batman."

"Yeah, yeah, that's great," Two-Face snapped, shooing his henchmen away and coming to stand beside Bane as they watched Batman struggle. "I'm invoking my right to knock him senseless before you get those meat hooks of yours on him."

Bane glared down at Two-Face, a scowl forming on his mouth. "If you must," Bane growled, narrowing his eyes at the half-burnt ex DA. "But I will be the one to finish him."

"What a shame I won't be able to stick around to enjoy the show," Victor Zsasz lamented, a frown marring his face. "I'd pay to see that."

"You'll see it," Johnny cut in, giving Zsasz a coy look. "Riddler's gonna broadcast it to all of Gotham City."

Victor Zsasz's face lit up at that and he clapped his hands excitedly. "How wonderful," he chirped, "it's like Christmas come early!"

Hammer watched Victor Zsasz with a curious expression on his face, raising an eyebrow as he watched the man saunter arrogantly down the corridor towards the staircase.

"That's our cue," Johnny said, nodding at Two-Face and Bane as he turned to take his leave. "Let's go, Hammer."

Hammer said nothing as he followed Johnny towards the same door Victor Zsasz had just disappeared through.

"How disappointing that we don't have time for a proper trial," Two-Face growled, fingering his coin in his pocket. "I always loved a compelling case, and this jagoff's got an impressive criminal tab racked up."

Bane shook his head in annoyance and waved Two-Face off as he made his way back to Solitary. "Make sure he doesn't die in there, Toasty," Bane called over his shoulder, not bothering to spare a glance at his fellow Rogue. "I want him coherent and alive. It would be dishonorable to fight him in this condition."

Two-Face rolled his eyes and huffed, glaring daggers into the large luchador's back. "Sure thing, freak," he spat, slipping back into the guard post and settling himself back in his seat at the table. "Let's up the buy-in," he growled, grinning at his henchmen. "Let's say $200."

He ignored the scathing looks his henchmen shot him as they begrudgingly obeyed, stacking up their money in the center of the table and all of them glaring at the overflowing pot.

Joker's Funhouse – House of Mirrors:

Ruiz watched the cameras from the hidden backroom, smirking as he watched Commissioner Gordon try to navigate his way through the park and obediently following the green spray-painted arrows he had created. "Come on," he muttered, drumming his fingers on the armrests of the office chair he was sitting in, "just a little closer, pendejo."

Ruiz was becoming impatient, itching to put an end to the Commissioner's life and ultimately, his reign in Gotham. Today was the day that the Rogues took over Gotham City and destroyed the Bat-Family, the Commissioner, and the citizens' confidence in Batman and their sense of safety and security. Batman had been terrorizing the villains, Rogues, and criminals of Gotham City for long enough – it was time for a change.

He grinned as the smell of kerosene wafted into the room and reached into his pocket to fetch his pack of matches and a zippo lighter. He frowned for a moment, a little disheartened at the idea of torching the House of Mirrors, but quickly forced the slight notion of regret out of his mind.

"I don't need to remind you of your task," Ruiz cast a glance at one of his underlings in the tiny room with him and fixed him with a warning look, "do I?"

"No, Ruiz," the man assured him, giving him a nod in acknowledgment. "I know what I must do."

"Bueno," Ruiz grinned mischievously as he turned back towards the cameras. The Commissioner was getting closer and closer, but he was still moving too slow for Ruiz.

"This cop," he spat in disgust, "he likes to take his time."

"Si," his underling agreed. "Could be his old age," he mused, a small smile stretching across his mouth.

Ruiz laughed, lighting himself up a smoke as he kept a hawk-eye on Commissioner Gordon. "You know, Vasquez, I think you're right."

Vasquez folded his hands behind his back and gave his superior a lopsided grin.

"I think we should grab him," came a voice from the other corner.

Ruiz slammed his hands down on the desk and whipped around to glare at his other underling. "No!" His icy tone made the man flinch. "You will do as you are told and nothing else, entiendes?"

"Si, Ruiz. Lo siento." The man put his hands up in a show of surrender, backing further into his corner. He knew that cross look on Ruiz's face very well – if he continued to vex his superior, his throat would be slit in a heartbeat and his drained corpse would be shoved into the sewer for Killer Croc to devour.

Vasquez shot his fellow underling a scolding look and clicked his tongue as he shook his head in disappointment. "Joder tonto," he chided quietly, keeping his eyes locked on the other man's.

The other man flicked his wrist in dismissal at Vasquez, turning his head to the side and ignoring the dirty looks he was receiving from both men in favor of watching the cameras.