First days

"Wait, you know Casey." Edwin said in shock as he looked at Paul with a confused look on his face, Paul nodded his head yes then silently sat at the desk in front of the room. "Well you better get to writing Edwin" Paul said. While Edwin was happy his step sister helped him out he wishes she could of told him ahead of time so he could thank her properly. Unlike Derek, Edwin actually cared for others and respected them but just put up an act around Derek. But what confused everyone more is how Derek got into Queens University.

"okay class. Welcome to the first day as Freshman, this is nothing like what you did in middle school your grades here will affect your future." Said the young looking teacher that the front of the class. The whiteboard said her name was Mrs. Gomez. Mrs. Gomez, has long black hair and lightly tan skin. "This is Freshman Honors English please make sure you're in the right class, and my name is listed as your teacher if not please let me know." Lizzie was nervous she knew her stuff but she missed seeing Edwin, who was supposed to be in class with her, while he was a class clown he is a very intelligent guy, but she knew he wouldn't miss out on much as she shared several classes with him.

"Lizzie McDonald" said Mrs. Gomez. "yes that's me." Lizzie said. "You wouldn't be related to Casey McDonald would you" asked Mrs. Gomez. "Oh I am indeed, in fact she's my sister, and Derek is my step brother." Lizzie answered. "Oh sorry you have to deal with that boy, this Edwin boy wouldn't be as bad as that Derek would he, I see he's supposed to be joining this class too." Mrs. Gomez stated, in a concerning tone. "Oh know he's really good, he's smart but likes to be the class clown at times but not as bad as Derek who didn't care about if he was ruining things" Lizzie answered.

"Derek, we're going to be late hurry up." Casey said loudly outside the bathroom door of the gas station. "Well feel free to come in and make me" Derek said with a chuckle. Derek has grown closer to Casey since the vacation, he doesn't see Casey as a sister much, nor does Casey see him in that way. They have hid their feelings for so long from their parents. They convinced their parents it would be fine sharing a place together, they seemed suspicious at first but finally dropped the matter. "I don't feel like going into these gross bathrooms Derek! You know how I am about being neat. I'll give you a surprise when we get to our new home. Now hurry up or you get nothing" Casey said as she walked away from the door.

"oh gosh that feels good." Derek moaned "But I have to go you heard her she has a surprise for me when her and I get home." Derek said stepping away from the wall as he pulled up his pants and zipped them. "I've only read about these things and have never used one you have a good mouth. But thanks and bye." Derek said as he walked to the sink to wash his hands. Then proceeded to walk out the bathroom door feeling refreshed and ready to get to the new home to see what Casey has in store for him.

"Finally, what took you so long!" Casey said in a whiney upset tone. "Well I had to release some stuff." Derek said with a smirk on his face but made sure Casey didn't see it. Derek looked out the window checking out the hot blonde that had just walked out of the woman's restroom, he knew if Casey knew what happened she would be pissed that he did that with a stranger.

It was slightly after ten in the morning when they finally arrived on campus. "Look it looks so beautiful" Casey said to Derek who naturally wasn't paying attention to what exactly she was talking about but answer anyways. "Oh yeah it is check out all these woman, I wonder how many I can get with" Derek answered while getting a look of disgust from Casey who clearly was upset, but she rubbed on Derek's thigh. "Oh yeah that's awesome too" she said as she grabbed his crotch hard "or you can study and do good like you're supposed to. Now quit checking out other woman" Casey said angrily. "Oh, is Casey getting jealous she doesn't get hit on" Derek teased. Derek suddenly felt a huge sting on his face from Casey's hand as she slapped him across the face for the rude comment he made. "Hey I was joking" responded Derek. "And I was just playing when I smacked your face Derek. Don't get mad I'm playing" Casey said with a fake pout on her face.

A/N: I see people have started to read this fanfic I hope you enjoy I will branch out on subjects later. And may change rating later but for now it's T and I won't be going into details on adult themes but will hint at them. Any suggestions or comments let me know and don't forget to review thanks.