To Remember You


My soul knew something that my body and my mind didn't know yet. It knew that our hands were meant to hold each other fearlessly and forever, which is why it's never really felt like I've been getting to know you it's always felt like I was remembering you from something as if in every lifetime you and I have ever lived we have chosen to come back and find each other and fall in love all over again over and over for all eternity.


Chapter 1

"And I'd choose you; in a hundred lifetimes, in a hundred worlds, in any version of reality

I'd find you and I'd choose you"... the Chaos of Stars

It is a reacquiring dream Blaine has had for as long as he can remember always the same boy, different hair styles, and different style of clothes, but always the same boy. As Blaine got older, instead of the dreams decreasing they were actually increasing but also as he grew older the cadence changed the dream shifted, changed. He usually had a dream if not every night every other night. The boy looked to be about 17 slightly pale skin, but not albino by any means. Brown hair and eyes a person could get lost in, a beautiful blue.

There were times when he would wake up and feel such an ache in his chest and a feeling that he had to find this person even though he knows this person only exist in his dreams. This morning was one of those mornings. He woke up with tears in his eyes. It wasn't a bad dream at all nothing bad happened; it was actually a really good dream. He had been staring into those eyes feeling so much love, he had leaned in to kiss the softest looking lips he had ever seen, and that was when his alarm went off. Ugg


Kurt woke up with tears in his eyes, his heart pounding out a tempo of its own making, his stupid alarm went off just as him and dreamboy were about to kiss. Not that someone that looked like dreamboy would ever be interested in Kurt. He hates that after all the dreams through the years he has dreamed about him, he still doesn't know his name. He is and forever more will be his dreamboy.

He always looked the same, those same hazel/amber eyes that made Kurt week in the knees same curly black hair that sometimes was cut short, sometimes a little longer and sometimes slicked back like a dapper gentleman from the 20's or 30's bowtie and all.

Kurt gets out of bed and starts getting ready for school. It has been a fun year so far, if you like locker checks, slushie facials, and insults from rude ignorant homophobic jocks. But he did love glee club, even if they can't convince Mr Shue to stop doing journey. He had even been sent to the office last year for voicing his opinion of Britney Spears.

He made it to glee practice with only 3 locker checks this time, now that was progress.

"Hey porcelain, coach Sylvester was looking for you, something about Cheerleading Nationals again this year" Santana told him.

"Thanks I ran into her in the hall a few minutes ago, I told her I would think about it, but with glee and everything else I might not have time"

Mr. Shue comes in clapping his hands, holding a piece of paper, ok guys I hold in my hands, the names of who we will be going up against for sectionals next week, the hipsters a geriatric group, and Dalton Academy Warblers from Westerville, they are an all boys private school. Everyone starts laughing about going against the gay school. Kurt is offended but learned a long time ago not to voice this. They were his friends but sometimes didn't stop to think how hurtful their words were.

At lunch all the glee kids always sat together, a safety in numbers kind of thing. "Hey princess, why don't you go spy on those Garglers and see what kind of competition they are gonna be for us" Puck asks him the next day.

Kurt just looked at him and shook his head. "No Puck I am not going to spy on the "WARBLERS" it isn't happening.

"Come on princess, take one for the team" Puck said raising and lowering his eyebrows in a suggestive manner not wanting to accept a no.

"Wanky" says Santana

Kurt just looks at them and walks away, heading to his next class.


Blaine had a really good day at school; he ate lunch with all the Warblers and ended the day with Warbler practice. He loved performing with these guys, even though Wes sometimes became crazy with his gavel it was always fun. Yes Blaine might go a little crazy sometimes too; he might have jumped on the occasional piece of furniture once or twice, but who's counting.

He is extra bouncy today; he has a date tomorrow for coffee with Jeremiah a guy that works at the gap, as assistant manager. They had met last Sunday while he, Jeff, Nick, Wes and David were at the Westerville mall. They had wanted to just walk around and get off of campus and Blaine had needed a few pairs of jeans. He had caught Jeremiah checking him out when he had stepped out of the dressing room to see how the jeans looked in the full length mirror. They had talked for about 20 minutes, exchanged telephone numbers and he had asked Blaine out for coffee.

Blaine looked forward to it, he had gone out on dates before, but didn't have a boyfriend. He still hasn't found Mr Right yet, but he is still young, just a senior so there was no hurry. He hadn't really expected to meet anyone in high school. He figured he would be in college before that would happen.

There were a few gay guys at Dalton that he had gone out with a few times but didn't feel a connection; he had never felt the urge to kiss them. Jeremiah had excited him; he was looking forward to their date. Who knows, maybe it will turn into something.

He heads up to his dorm room. He had decided to board this year, because his parents were doing a lot of traveling with their business and that way he wasn't alone as much, and since every other Warbler boarded, they would be able to practice more often, and with sectionals coming up that would be a big plus.

Blaine knocked on Jeff and Nick's door and waited for one of them to answer. He had made the mistake of just walking in one day and saw more than he ever wanted to, so even though they bounced into his room whenever they wanted to, Blaine now waits for them to answer, lesson learned.

Jeff answers the door after a few minutes with a goofy look on his face, letting Blaine know that he did good waiting. Loves them both but…. "Hey guys, since its Friday do you want to get everyone together and have a movie night, we can do some popcorn, and maybe order a pizza. I'm too antsy to sit in my room right now".

They both looked at him and laughed. They love it when Blaine has a date, he is just precious. They both plan on being there when he is getting ready to help him dress, because sometimes he just seems clueless or he dresses like his grandfather would, in button downs and bowties. If they can convince him to leave his gavel, Wes may be invited and David of course.

During the movie marathon Jeremiah texted him a few times, once to remind him of their date, another time to remind him where and when. This made Blaine smile, it was nice that Jeremiah was as excited as he was.

They ended up watching 3 movies before everyone got too tired to continue so one by one they headed to bed. Blaine went in to his dorm and changed into a pair of lounge pants he usually sleeps in. He crawls under the covers and is asleep within minutes.


Blaine was lying on top of his sweet blue eyed boy bracing himself on his forearms on either side of his head, sharing kisses deep and hungry tongues sharing the same dance they had shared to many times to be counted. Making sweet, gentle love, hips slowly thrusting in and out, feeling the sweat rolling off his naked back, the sheet having dropped down to cover just his hips in no hurry to reach climax, they had all night... He cried out "Blaine"

"I have you Kurt, I have you sweetheart let go for me, I am right here, I will always be right here l love you",

"Blaine I love you too" he felt Kurt stiffen and then relax as he was able to reach his sweet release, Blaine followed soon after, leaning down to share sweet kisses not ready to let go of his sweet boy yet.

And then Blaine woke up with his heart beating fast, erratic, trying to catch his breath, his erection hard and hurting, but he couldn't bring himself to touch it. He wanted to cry, he didn't know why but he felt like he had just lost the love of his life, but in the process, he had finally gotten a name for his sweet blue eyed boy, Kurt and in that instant he felt so much love, and he fell so hard and he knows that he will never be the same, he was losing his mind.

Looking at the clock on his phone he sees it is only 5am, too soon to get up. The lunch room didn't start breakfast on the weekends until 6:30. He turned on his bedside lamp, rolled onto his stomach, pulled out the book he was currently reading "The faceless" and he was immediately immersed in the story once again.


Kurt had gone to bed early, he wasn't really tired, he was just really bored; he didn't know what was wrong with him. For some reason he didn't feel comfortable in his own skin, he can't remember the last time he felt like this. He had drunk warm milk like his mom had made for him, which usually works like a charm, nothing. He got up and took a really hot shower, he laid down feeling relaxed, but after 30 minutes he still wasn't asleep he finally broke down and took an Ambien. Something he only did when he just couldn't sleep any other way, he slowly drifted off to sleep.

Kurt was lying on his back, his dreamboy on top of him, kissing him like only he could, sweet, loving, and just a little desperate, and tongues chasing each other. He was braced above Kurt, slowly thrusting into him, this wasn't just sex, this was love, sharing and making love, a physical connection slow, gentle, in no hurry, enjoying each other, in perfect rhythm like always.

Kurt starts to feel himself heading towards his climax, he cries out "Blaine"

Blaine looks down with such love and tenderness in his eyes, "I have you Kurt", "I have you sweetheart let go for me, I am right here, I will always be right here l love you" He said in the softest, sweetest voice Kurt had ever heard.

"Blaine I love you too" Kurt said and he felt Blaine follow him into climax kissing him through it.

Kurt woke up crying like he had lost the love of his life, it hurt his heart and he felt devastated. This was the most intense dream he had ever experienced. He now knows the name of his Dreamboy, it is Blaine. He then cries for other reasons. He is in love, and the person isn't even real, he is losing his mind.

Kurt looks at his clock its 5am and knows there was no going back to sleep, he had been dreaming of the same boy for years. When he was young it had always been just them staring at each other, the same face looking at him, beautiful eyes the color of which he can't even describe.

As he grew older the dreams came more frequent, and then they started to change, more intense almost. Up until last night the most they had shared had been kisses, sweet and gentle or hard and passionate. But no matter what was going on there was always this overwhelming feeling of love for that beautiful boy. Kurt smiled and cried at the same time. Why couldn't he find someone like that in real life? Someone that would look at him with such love, and make him feel like he was literally the only person in the world. Kurt sighs and rolls over on his stomach and pulls out the book he was currently reading "The Faceless" by Jonathan Maxwell. He at times felt like it was written just for him.