"What're we going to do with Mia when you go back to work?" Jamie asked. Eddie's maternity leave was almost over in less than a month and they still hadn't arranged who would look after Mia. "Or did you want to stay home with her longer? It's your choice."

"As much as I love my baby, I'm ready to go back. I haven't really put much thought into it. What do you think?"

Jamie tensed up a bit before he answered. He had been thinking about daycare but Eddie had seen so many horror stories while she was pregnant about children being mistreated that he was for sure that she'd be dead against it. Unless they hired a nanny, they didn't have very many options at this point.

"I'm not sure either. We could always put her in daycare."

"Yeah, that's not going to happen."

"Eddie, we just have to find the right one. There's a lot of good ones that I heard about. Some that are right down the street from the precinct. Just give it a chance."

She relented. "Fine."

"If you don't like them, just say the word and we are out of there. We honestly don't have many options, babe."

"I know. If I could work and keep her with me, I'd do it. I know I need to start trusting others with her."

After having Mia, she had a hard time with letting others take care of her. She had to be practically forced out on a date night because everyone could tell she was at her wits end with taking care of the baby. Slowly but surely, she started letting go and accepting help.

"I'll set up a couple of visits so we can go. We'll find something, I promise."

"What did you do when you went back to work after having Nicky?" Eddie asked Erin. It was after family dinner and they were picked to wash dishes.

"What do you mean?" Erin replied.

"Like who took care of her. Jamie and I are looking into some options because I'm going back to work next month."

"Oh. Well, my mom took care of her. I was going to put her in daycare but my mom offered to care for her full time so I left Nicky with her."

Eddie sighed. "I wish we had that. My mom lives too far away and as much as she loves Mia, I don't think she could stand taking care of her full time."

"Why don't you hire a nanny? When Nicky turned one, she became a little too much for my mom to handle so I hired a nanny. It was honestly one of the best decisions I ever made. Her name is Adeline Johnson. She still keeps in touch and comes into town every couple of months to see Nicky and all the other kids she took care of over the years."

"That's amazing" Eddie replied. "I never thought about hiring a nanny. I felt that it would be too expensive."

"It is pricey but worth it. Adeline taught Nicky more things than I could've. She taught me things as well. I give her a lot of credit on how Nicky turned out."

Eddie smiled. "I'll definitely have to talk to Jamie about it. We went to visit some daycares this past week. They were nice but I just didn't see us leaving Mia at them. A lot of them have so many kids to deal with and I want to be sure that Mia is getting the attention she needs."

"That's why I think a nanny would be the better option for you guys. The agency I went through is called Tiny Treasures. I called and they had us put with Adeline by the next week."

"I'll definitely look into that. Thanks Erin."

"And if all else fails, Anthony and I wouldn't mind having an extra little helper around the office. We don't charge much." Erin winked at Eddie.

"I'll take you guys into consideration" she laughed.

"Eddie, you almost ready? We have to go soon. Ms. Bea is waiting." He walked into the baby's room to find Eddie rocking the baby in the rocking chair. The family of three had woken up extra early on Eddie's first day back. They were not looking forward to leaving the little girl but fortunately they had found a wonderful nanny to care for her.

Beatrice Dorsey, or Ms. Bea as she prefered to be called, was the perfect fit for their family. The day after Jamie and Eddie had visited the agency, they got a called that paired them with Ms. Bea and they never looked back. She was absolutely wonderful with the baby and cared for her like she was her own. She got along well with Jamie and Eddie and managed to charm the family as well.

"Almost" Eddie replied. "Just give me a few more minutes with her."

"Alright. She's gonna be just fine, babe. Ms. Bea promised to call us and send pictures."

"I know. It just hard." He smiled sadly and kissed the side of her head and Mia's. "I'll go and make your coffee."

"Ah, Buttons" she said smiling down at the baby. "I hope you know how much I'm gonna miss you." Mia smiled and cooed up at her mom.

"You make it really hard to want to leave you when you do things like that. I know Ms. Bea will take good care of you. I wish I could promise you that I'll come home every night but you never know with this world we live in. Mama and Daddy can promise that we will try our hardest make it home to you no matter what. That's one that I know we won't break." Eddie kissed the baby's cheek and stood up to take her into the living room where she heard Ms. Bea and Jamie talking.

"Alright" Eddie said trying to hold back her tears. "She's all yours."

"Give her to dad to say goodbye and you come here" she said to Eddie. She handed off the baby to Jamie and Ms. Bea wrapped her arms around Eddie.

"Your girl is gonna be just fine with me." Eddie started shaking with sobs. "Don't worry about her. I'll protect her with every fiber in me."

"It's just hard, Ms. Bea. I just feel guilty."

"I know but there's nothing to feel guilty about. That baby is gonna love you no matter what you do. Now go and have a great first day back, I'll hold down everything here." She squeezed Eddie one more time and let her go.

"I was planning on losing it when I got out the door" Eddie said wiping away her tears. "Not right now." Everyone chuckled.

"Alright" Bea said. "Get your kisses in and hand her to me. You two don't want to be late."

They kissed the baby's cheeks and handed her off to Bea. "Have a great day you two. We'll be here when you get back."

"Thanks Bea." They smiled and walked out the door.

Jamie put his arm around Eddie's shoulders as they walked down the hallway. "You gonna be okay?" he asked kissing the side of her head.

"Yeah" she looked at him with a teary smile. "It's gonna take some getting use to but overall I know we're gonna be just fine."

If you have any other ideas, send them my way. It can be with any members of the family and Mia. Hope you enjoyed!