Pain consumed my body but I knew I had to keep moving, against the pain, against the death that called to me just around a corner. If there was one thing I had to do it was this, no matter the consequences. If I should fall dead or live after this is of no matter to me, nothing was more important than to do what I have been trained for. Abuse, neglect, loneliness, and pain. I suffered everything so that I could unknowingly be forged in the fires of it all, to be used against this man. My one goal in life, the only thing that mattered. Maybe I can find peace after this but at the same time I didn't know if I could honestly handle living like that.

"Avada Kedavra!"


The beams clashed and the great hall filled with a bright light. I couldn't see anything from any direction. I was sure that something should have happened, it had been a bit now but the light seemed to stay. A second seemed like an eternity to me but everything stayed the same.

"Hello child." A voice reached me. Neither male or female but just there.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I have watched you grow and change. I have watched you fight, live and die for what you believe in. I have been with you longer than you have known about me. I have protected you and you have done the same for me. I am Hogwarts."

I really shouldn't be surprised after all that I had seen since entering the magical world seven years ago but I still am. Hogwarts, my home, was talking to me. But there is a battle and Hogwarts has been damaged, it is saying I have protected it. The thought hurts me to the point of a physical pain in my chest.

"I have failed protecting you. You are damaged because the war wasn't over faster. Still isn't for as long as Voldemort is alive. I have failed you." I reply.

"He is my child. You have defeated him. The wand he held -The Elder wand- is yours. The wand would not hurt you and the curse was shot back at him. He is dead. You did good my child."

My breath caught. He was dead, finally, forever, dead. On top of that my home, the place I love and have finally belonged said I did good. My eyes prickle with the pain and pride of finally feeling like I did something good in my life.

"I want you to be happy my child. Something you will unfortunately never experience here. So I will do this one thing to reward you. It is all I can do for you but I do it out of love. I have always been your home and I always will be. You are one of my most precious children."

"What do you mean? This one thing?" I ask with confusion.

"Something that I have only ever done once. Although it might not seem good at first and you will blame me I know that you will be happiest. Don't look for a way to change it back. Focus on yourself this once. Live your life for yourself my child. It is time to rest now. Sleep."

"What do you mean I might blame you? What do you mean don't look for a way back?" I asked confused.

"This is all I can give you but with this you will be able to make a new life. You will be able to live and put it all behind you. You will have happiness and peace. I can not do more than this but I hope you can understand in time why I did it." The voice said.

A feeling of a loving embrace like a mother would give a child surrounded me. It was something I had never felt yet felt so familiar. It was the last thing it said before I fell asleep with the light still surrounding me.

The only thing I was aware of was a bone deep exhaustion that felt like it had me trapped and pain everywhere in my body but none more prominent then my head. I opened my eyes and seen a light so painful it brought tears to my eyes. A blurry figure coming towards me, fussing about something. The person made me think of Madam Pomfrey and by the tone in their voice. I vaguely had the idea of what they were saying, telling me I needed to sleep and relax. My eyes closed on their own accord despite me trying to stay awake. Before I could think anymore I was back in sleeps embrace.


The next time I wake up I know I am still exhausted and in pain but its not as bad. Then I feel cold and something moving across my body that is wet. I use all my strength to open my eyes and once again the light is so bright its blinding and painful. A figure has something in their hand that is moving against my chest to remove the layers of dirt I have not been able to rid myself of for months on the run. I open my mouth to try to ask them what they are doing but I can barely move my mouth and make a croaking sound. The figure looks up at me and moves to get something. Before I know anything a cup is against my mouth and there is cold liquid is in it. I drink it down with greed before its removed and the person says something that I can't understand. Something glass is pressed against my lips and I drink that too before I realize its to make me sleep more. I fight it for a bit before my eyes slowly close against my will again.

The next time I open my eyes its dark with just the moonlight shining through the window. I look around and notice that I am once again in the hospital wing and wonder where everyone else in the battle was. I slowly sit up noticing my body is still full of pain but my head doesn't feel as badly. I reach up to the scar on my forehead and notice it has changed but can't figure out what it is now. I am in hospital clothes that feel difference then anything I have ever felt but the old wool blanket in my closet was the closest comparison I could make. A figure came out of a door and I give a weak smile over at it.

"How long was I out think time?" I asked. The figure came over to me and with surprise I see its not Pomfrey. A series of what sounded like questions came out of her mouth but I couldn't understand anything that she was saying. I look at her confused before she pulled out her wand. I can't help the jolt my body gave when she pointed it at me or jumping out of the way when she tried to cast a spell on me. I try to reach for my wand before I realize I don't have it on me. The thought doesn't settle me, I can't remember the end of the battle and I am around a stranger that is trying to cast something on me and have no wand. She tried to tell me something else but I couldn't understand her still. She walked to go where I am and I turned and ran.

Running wasn't something I did all that often but when the situation called for it I had more than my fair share of practice. I bolted from the room not even closing the door behind me. I ran down the halls towards the front entrance. My body was already sore and tired but I pushed myself more. I was use to ignoring my body at this point. Pain was nothing new, tiredness was an almost constant in my life, even more the past year. I got to the doors and opened them. I stop at the sight, even though my sight is blurry I notice everything looks different. The whomping willow is gone, the tree by black lake Ron, Hermionie and I always sat at and even more noticeably is the fact that there was no stone or dirt path from the castle.

I felt a wand on my back and even without the wand I knew I wouldn't be able to move. I continued looking at the landscape and all the differences and can't think of anything else. Not the talking that sounds like random sounds behind me, not the running I can faintly hear in the distance of shoes on stone. More voiced join the talking behind me and I finally snap out of it. I can hear four voices behind me. I feel a spell hit my back and I jolt.

"Can you understand up now dear?" I hear from a honey sweet voice behind me. I nod slightly.

"What are you going to do to me now?" I ask in a harsh whisper. It's the cold reality of my like, I know that these people may just want to know something before they kill me.

"We can't understand you dear. Try thinking about the language we are talking. You can get it." The same voice said.

They must have cast a translation charm on me. I thinking about her words until I am sure I can get it.

"What are you going to do to me?" I ask again with resignation. I knew this time I must have said it right because I hear a gasp and my shoulders tighten more.

"Oh no. We just wanted to help you. Sal get your wand away from him now." The same voice said. I feel the wand that was pressing on my back leave and slowly turn around. They are all in the dark so I can't see more than their outlines. "I am sorry about that, when I tried casting the spell on you, you ran for it. I needed help to catch you. You should really be sleeping still." She told me.

"Why do you want to help me? You don't know me." I asked them. The lady looked over at someone else.

"Well you appeared here and you were really hurt. You almost died, we had to help you. We couldn't just leave you to die." A rough mans voice this time. I narrow my eyes at them.

"Who are you?" I ask them.

"I am Godric Gryffindor, This is Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin." The man said. I blink at them for a few seconds before scoffing at them.

"That's impossible. Who are you really?" I demand.

"Why exactly would that be impossible?" Another man asked. I look at him sharply.

"Because they have been dead for over 900 years." I say like its the stupidest question ever. The four look shocked at me. One of them with her mouth open and eyes wide, one of them with only his eyes wide and the other two with narrowed eyes.

"Do you know where you are?" The last female asks me. I start to feel a little unsure of what is happening around me but see no reason to not answer her.

"Hogwarts." I reply. The two that were already shocked gasp in surprise.

"A time traveler then." The second man says. "The year is 993."

I look at them in shock and something telling me to believe them. My breath starts coming faster and I feel like I can't get enough air. Black dots start to swarm into my vision.