The Forgotten Emperor

Chapter 1

Paris, France

"This is so nice, thanks for inviting me, sis." Sara said; she and Daphne were sat on the beautiful French balcony of a hotel in the centre of Paris.

"I'm glad you came, Sara." Daphne smiled.

The gang had decided to take a vacation to Paris; the gang agreed that it was a good idea to let Sara come along with them, seeing as she and Daphne still had some bonding to do (and because Shaggy liked her so much).

It was the middle of the afternoon, they'd arrived in Paris only a few hours ago. Fred was taking a nap and the others were still unpacking; Shaggy and Scooby were probably down at the snack bar by now.

Daphne looked at the Eiffel Tower, which stood grandly in the distance, then she sighed, "Sara, what did Andrei Vladivich mean the other night?" Daphne asked, Sara looked at her. "When he said that he knows you, and he knows people who know who you are?" Daphne asked.

"Listen, sis." Sara said, gently taking Daphne's hand, "I've done things that I'm not proud of; things that I probably shouldn't mention." She sighed, "But if you really want to know...I'll tell you when we get home."

"Ok." Daphne said, Sara smiled.

Fred stepped out onto the balcony, he yawned. "Hey, have a nice sleep?" Daphne asked, she stood up and attempted to tidy his scruffy hair, planting a quick kiss on his lips. "That bed is so comfortable." He smiled.

"So, what are we going to do today?" Sara asked. "I'm sure Velma wants to see the museums." Fred joked. "I'm cool with anything." Sara said. "So am I." Daphne said.

There was a knock at the door, "I'll get it." Fred said, turning back into the bedroom, he returned with Velma, Shaggy and Scooby. Shaggy was holding a bag of cheetos, "You know, Cheetos are the best, they're available in Europe too!"

"Guys!" Velma exclaimed holding a leaflet, "We're only a five minute walk from Paris' History Museum!" She was pointing to a small map on the back of the leaflet.

"I'm cool with the museum." Sara said. "Like, let's go!" Shaggy exclaimed, Velma rolled her eyes, knowing Shaggy only wanted to go because Sara was ok with it.

They left the hotel and headed to the museum. Velma led the way, following the map on the leaflet, Scooby walking by her side. Daphne and Fred followed, his arm wrapped around her shoulder, and hers around his waist, both laughing about something. Shaggy and Sara behind them. Shaggy nervously started talking about how nice Cheetos were, until Sara agreed that they might be the "best thing in the world", and they both got into a deep discussion about the different flavours of Cheetos.

They arrived at the museum, a sign on the door read NO DOGS ALLOWED WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ASSISTANT DOGS

Shaggy usually carried a lead with him, just in case.

The museum had marble floors and walls; beautiful paintings were hung on the walls, Daphne's favorite was the Mona Lisa, since she'd read about the Mona Lisa heist (Velma was surprised that she'd actually read it in less than a week).

As they walked around the museum, Velma acted as the gang's tour guide; after all, she was the only one who could speak French.

They stepped into a beautiful room, with the same marble floors and walls, but portraits hung on the walls, and underneath them were display cabinets with certain items. In the middle of the room there was a statue of a French Emperor.

The sun shone through a huge skylight, lighting up the room and shining on the marble floor.

"This is the Crown of Cesar, the greatest Emperor France has ever had." Velma said, staring in awe at the crown inside a glass display case. It was a gold crown with blue jewels, "It could be worth millions, but the French Royal family, after Emperor Cesar died, decided to have it on display to honor Cesar's reign." Velma said.

"It's beautiful." Sara said, admiring the crown. "Like, it sure is." Shaggy agreed, glancing at Sara. Velma rolled her eyes, annoyed he wasn't paying attention to what she had to say about the crown.

"Is that Cesar?" Fred asked, pointing to a painting on the wall which hung above the display cabinet. "Yes it is." Velma said, "He died in 1815 of typhoid, his son Valentin became Emperor after he died. A crown was made specially for him."

The gang stared up at the portrait, Emperor Cesar was tall, slightly chubby and he wore long red trousers, a short blue blazer and a red sash, which Velma described as "classic attire".

After the museum, the gang went to get some dinner. They found a beautiful restaurant, it looked expensive, but they were surprised that it was actually quite cheap.

They were tired when they returned to their hotel, so they went straight to their rooms and to bed. Daphne and Fred shared a room, Scooby and Shaggy shared and Velma and Sara had their own rooms.

Late in the night, Daphne and Fred were lying in bed, both sound asleep, when they were suddenly awoken by a frantic knocking on their door. "Freddie." Daphne groaned, rolling on her side so her back was facing the door. Fred slid out of bed and answered the door.

Velma ran into the bedroom and jumped on to the bed, Daphne jolted up. "Velma what the hell!" Velma grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. "What is it Velma?" Fred asked tiredly, running a hand through his messy hair.

"I couldn't sleep so I put the TV on!" She exclaimed. Fred rolled his eyes, "I find that it's nice to read when I can't sleep." He said. "No, listen!" Velma said, "Here it is!"

She'd found the news channel, Fred and Daphne stared at the screen, everything was in French; Dernières nouvelles

Fred and Daphne stared at Velma, waiting for her to translate. "There was a break in at the history museum." She said, "The Crown of Cesar was stolen."

"What?" Fred asked. "And that's not all." Velma said. "What the hell." Daphne gasped, the three stared at the screen, "That's the security footage the police got from the museum's cameras." Velma said.

Daphne and Fred couldn't believe it when they saw Emperor Cesar smashing the glass display box and stealing his own crown.