The King's line goes on

All of Monarch was curious about the egg. It didn't look like an insect egg, or like the one Mothra came out off, but it wasn't that much reptilian either. It was strangely bird like… Probably due to Godzilla's prehistoric dinosaurian ancestry… They wished they could study it, examine it, inside and outside, to be sure of how it worked.

But apparently that wasn't the only egg Monarch had to care about. Another one had appeared, quite far from the "Royal Island". In Isla de Mara.

Madison was quite shocked to discover that, while Mothra and Godzilla entered their courting and their mating and laid their egg, another unexpected couple had decided to do the same. Rodan and Ghidorah.

This caused even more of a stir than the Royal mating, after all, last time they checked, both titans were males. But quickly with a bit of observation and some sneaky scans, Monarch soon discovered that Rodan's body had changed, to that of a female. At least this Mark and Emma could understand very well. They quickly talked about how, in an ambient with an unbalance of sexes, some animals could naturally change their sex in order to reproduce and continue their species.

Madison was sure this was something explained on the movie Jurassic Park, but it had been a long time since she last watched it.

This worried Monarch a bit more than Godzilla and Mothra's egg. Ghidorah was naturally Godzilla's enemy, beside the fact that he was an alien; what could ever come out of an egg of his? And what problems it could cause due to the natural way the world moved, once two alphas tried dominating an area? But if Ghidorah's offspring was a problem or not for Godzilla, the king didn't seem to care about it.

Godzilla was much more interested on his own egg. Whenever he left the island and returned, the first thing he did was check on the Queen and the egg, sniffing it delicately and pushing it slightly. It was normal for him to spend weeks with the egg, while Mothra returned to her flying routine, as if she needed to stretch her wings after spending so long stuck to the ground.

But from time to time, they left the egg alone for a few hours. Godzilla left and returned to the ocean. Mothra rested with her egg for a moment, before flying off with a trill, leaving the cave empty. They seemed to do so at least one time each week, and after Monarch was sure they would do it again, they took that as their moment to act.

Monarch worked fast, not wanting to be there when the Queen or the King returned – they knew Mothra would come back soon. They entered the cave and examined the egg carefully and with interest; they took some samples of the shell and quickly scanned it.

Madison went with them that day and she watched as they studied it. It was gigantic, it would probably be able to contain thousands of humans inside. She pressed her hand underneath it, feeling the harsh surface of the shell. And, once again, she really wished there was something in there, waiting to be born.

And what was everyone's shock when they checked the scanners and they saw that, just like the time they had seen that the Queen was actually carrying an egg inside herself, this egg wasn't empty at all, but filled with the evolving form of a little titan.

They quickly studied it in the safe laboratories of Monarch, they could have a basic idea of what was inside the egg. It was curled around itself and it seemed big, probably with a tail, much like Godzilla's, and probably claws! And from their sound recording, they could pinpoint the beating of a heart.

They did it. They've surpassed everyone's expectations; they did what biology said was impossibe. And they did basically alienate Mark and all the biologists that worked for Monarch.

The King and the Queen were going to have a youngling.


It was the middle of the day when it happened.

Madison and her group were testing out the new TIVOT prototype – also more known as TIVOT 1.0 –, using the old recording sounds of the titans, when they were suddenly called on the control room. Madison quickly packed her creation without thinking twice and ran over to the other room.

The old recording test would have to wait, they could test it with something else, something happening live.

"Did you bring it?" Sam asked.

"Got it!" Madison quickly connected Monarch's new project to one of the computers. "I was going to run another test earlier, but I think this could work even better…"

"Are you sure it wouldn't be best to wait?" Sam asked.

"No. This is the best opportunity to make it work." She said, sitting in front of the screen and putting on her headphones, her mother and Michaels stood on each side of her.

"We'll put the TIVOT screen next to the images." Sam said and it was done so.

Mothra was the first one to noticed there was something going on with the egg, since she was laying on top of it once again. She jumped and poked Godzilla with her long legs till he finally raised from his laying position, letting out a soft growl.

Apparently Mothra would be more talkative – as it normally was – so Madison quickly worked on trying to find her waves. It was easy, they were very strong and present, and shined a beautiful green.

The egg shook to the sides, small, barely visible cracks appearing on the surface. Godzilla and Mothra watched intently, just as frozen in place as Monarch's crew. The egg cracked even more as the hatchling tried to free itself.

The queen stayed away, as if giving it space, and trilled softly.

And then words appeared on the bigger screen. They jumped and changed for a few moments, before it finally stopped, writing a few lines:

- Come on

- Little one

- You can do it

There was silence in the room and people didn't know if they looked at the words or at the images on the screens.

After a little bit more of struggle, the egg's shell broke into pieces, falling all over the altar and revealing the little one to the word. There was a barely audible gasp and hushed whispers as the hatchling blinked it's eyes, it's big, blue, pupil less eyes. A little lizard, brown in color, with no dorsal plates, and with Moth like eyes.

How that was possible was still beyond them, but they weren't thinking deeply about it at the moment. The focus now was the small family, now complete with a youngling, and the dark screen of the TIVOT, still showing the lines of before, expecting something else.

Mothra trilled. The letters danced again:

- Hello

- Little one

"It works… It works!" Madison cried out, hugging her mother who was right beside her.

"But how do you know if it's-" Rick's words were cut off when the hatchling squeaked.

It tried moving, standing on it's four legs and then tried to balance on the hind legs, probably trying to imitate the father who watched it from afar. It soon found out it couldn't move thanks to the rest of the egg's amniotic sack still stuck to it's legs and tail – which everyone noticed seemed to be longer than Godzilla's. A few "awws" washed over the control room as the little one squeaked again, apparently annoyed.

Mothra chirped and all eyes turned to TIVOT once again:

- Here

- I'll help you

Mothra came closer, pulling the membrane from the little one and licking it's head to clean it. The hatchling squeaked, a sound that seemed almost identical to the moth's lower trills and the lizard's most high-pitched growls.

- Hello

- I am your mom

Madison almost felt tears on her eyes when reading those words. She didn't know if it was because of the vision or because of the fact that her project worked. Hands patted her back and her colleages', congratulating them with no words. It was as if words could disturb the new "little" family, so everyone stayed quiet, allowing the titans to have the speaking role.

They watched as the king's child started moving again, trying to balance, before falling down thanks to the eggshells scattered on the rock underneath. It looked just like a human baby, it was almost scary. Godzilla was there to catch it before it reached the ground.

Madison changed the translator to Godzilla's waves as fast as she could, and right on time. As the king leaned down, licking the hatchling till it was quiet again, the words appeared on the screen:

- Hello

- Princess

Madison chuckled.

"We have a princess…"


Mothra and Godzilla didn't leave their youngling side for the rest of the day and night. She eventually got to balance herself on her back legs, moving around with a soft wobble, with her long tail swashing back and forth.

The parents watched as she explored the cave she was born at. Mothra let out a soft and strangely broken trill while the little one walked around the ruins of what once was a temple. She squeaked back, as if saying she was alright. Apparently, the queen had become a bit unsure about letting her youngling explore the place alone after she practically fell face first from the altar.

Mothra rushed to her side, noticing a red hash on her snout. But the little one seemed to not care about it, as human kids do when too agitated, and she quickly tried to squirm away from Mothra's soft licks.

Still, by her posture alone, it was easy to see she was pleased. And so was Godzilla, resting behind his mate, standing still with only his eyes moving as he watched their young little lizard walk around the cave.

Madison had everything connected, headphones on, the images of the cave playing on her computer's screen, while TIVOT was connected on the side. She was already collecting data after data of titan conversation, just so much.

Monarch was now talking about studying the little one, even though they knew it was going to be hard. Their youngling was born, so of course both the King and the Queen were going to be very, very protective of her. Still, they wanted to understand her, to know what exactly she was.

A little hybrid, half moth, half atomic lizard… How could it even be possible?

Godzilla huffed when it was late at night and closed his eyes, leaning his head against his mate for a second. Mothra pressed against him as well, still watching their little one. And once Godzilla seemed to be already asleep, Mothra trilled softly.

- Come here

Her little princess obediently did as told, struggling to climb on the altar, getting the help from her mother's long legs. She pressed her little form against her mother – if it could be called little, she was apparently 20 meters tall – and curled her long tail around herself.

Mothra licked her head softly, before starting to trill. Madison focused harder, ignoring the sleep that was falling over her, as she recognized those sounds. Mothra was singing again.

The letters danced on TIVOT's screen. Could it do it?

- Hush

- Sleep easily

- Goodnight

- Hush

- I hope you grow to be a kind one

- Thank you

- Gods

- For my angel

- Hush

- Rest easily on mama's breast

Madison wasn't even sure if TIVOT was transcribing it as it should be, she didn't know if she should trust her own creation on the simple fact that Mothra seemed to be singing a lullaby for her little one. But she didn't try reconnecting it, she just listened.

- Hush

- Sleep easily

- Goodnight

- I hope you grow to be lucky one

- Thank you

- Gods

- For this encounter

- Hush

- Rest easily on mama's breast

Soon enough, the little one stopped squirming, as Mothra continued chirping the soft song, her wings wrapped around her youngling. And once she noticed she was asleep, Mothra went silent.

And the King, the Queen and their little Princess slept soundly.

And here is the last chapter. It's smaller than the others, but just as sweet. I hope you liked this little story.

The lullaby Mothra is singing is actually a translated version of Yoko Takahashi's "Sleeping Forest". A beautiful song, listen to it. I just imagined Mothra singing it and I was like... Omgs yes!

This story is directly connected to "Hatchling - Mothzilla" e "Hatchling Rodorah" (Both fanfics are on my profile already), and can be read as a prologue to it.