Chapter 1: Stranger in a Strange Land

He's a stranger in a strange land from a world far away

Like a savior in the wasteland with a high price to pay

He's a stranger in a strange land

And he can't find his way home

No matter how hard he tried, Kiran couldn't think of a single good reason for suddenly seeing a flash of light and suddenly feeling completely weightless. Oh, he could think of plenty of bad reasons; getting hit by a speeding car or taking far too large a dose of an illicit drug came to mind. But he was fairly sure that the mundane act of turning the knob to his front door didn't warrant his current predicament.

Fortunately, his dilemma didn't last long enough to justify much thought, as the blinding flash and floating sensation quickly gave way to the dull gray and familiar discomfort of stone. Well, his apartment porch had stone floor; maybe he'd just gotten heatstroke or something from the scorching summer sun.

"Oooh! You're here? Then the ritual actually worked?"

Or maybe not.

Blearily dragging his head up from its place on the now worryingly well detailed ground, Kiran tried to make out the figure who'd addressed him. As his eyes adjusted to the sudden lack of searing white, he slowly began to make out their features: red hair tied up in a ponytail, an ivory tunic and miniskirt, thigh high boots, and… a pistol and battleaxe? His eyes, which just moments ago had been inquisitively squinting, now widened in horror as he recalled her earlier mention of a ritual.

Oh God no I'm helpless on the floor in front of some maniac with an axe and a gun who's ranting about a ritual I can't die here not like this someonehelpmeplease-

"Oh Great Hero from another world! Thou hast come so far to fulfill your role in our legend!"

-wait what? Great Hero? Kiran's panicked trainwreck of thought abruptly stopped as he took in the strange scarlet woman's words, spoken with dramatic flair and very obvious recital. She was making no move towards him, with the firearm apathetically pointing at the ground and her intricately designed axe laying casually against her leg, the grip from her left hand the only thing keeping it from toppling to the ground.

Wearing a beaming smile, she continued her nonsensical speech, "For our kingdom now stands on the very brink of ruin, and thou…" It seemed she finally took notice of her guest's condition, her broad smile gradually falling to an uncertain frown. Clearly, Kiran's bewildered expression and graceless sprawling on the floor weren't living up to whatever she had expected.

"Hold on. Are you really our Great Hero? You don't look like the thee-and-thou type." She finally abandoned her earlier pomp and ceremony, her voice now sounding natural and far more skeptical than it had seconds earlier.

Realizing she wasn't preparing to say any more, Kiran finally set about getting some answers. "Well excuse me for not meeting your standards. Maybe you'd like to tell me just who exactly you are and where in the hell I am!?" If she minded his scathing, indignant response, she didn't show it. If anything, she guiltily winced before addressing his outburst. "Alright, that's fair. Rather rude not to give you some context before I started with the ceremony. Well in any case, you're in-"


Kiran and the redhead both turned to see what had cut her off and found themselves gazing at a man covered in scale armor and a face obscuring helmet wielding a far less elaborate and far more practical looking axe than the woman's. In contrast to her lackadaisical posture, this newcomer was tightly gripping his weapon's hilt, lethal end very deliberately pointed at Kiran and his acquaintance.

Ah, he thought, I knew there was no good reason to see white and be knocked off your feet.

Anna didn't honestly expect anything to happen when she used the Breidablik. Alfonse, walking library that he was, had brought up some mostly forgotten legend that spoke of a hero from another world saving Askr in its darkest hour. After much wasted time in the archives, they'd finally pulled out a practically rotting tome that elaborated on how they could locate and use some divine instrument to bring them forth. Even after they'd found the "sacred weapon" in the appropriate ruins, it just looked to her like the kind of nonsensical trash a blacksmith makes after too many drinks – no edge, no hilt, no string, no magic runes, nothing. Even Sharena's face fell when she realized its bizarre description hadn't just been poetic fluff.

Still, Askr's position in the war with Embla was too dire for them to dismiss any possible advantage, no matter how absurd it may be. So, while the royal siblings worked to fend off Embala's latest incursion, she was to try and bring forth the "Great Hero" the legend spoke of.

For all her earlier doubt, she was instantly giddy with anticipation when pointing the misshapen relic at the sky and squeezing its curved metal strip actually did something. A brilliant beam of light erupted a few feet in front of her, and Anna found her mind racing at what kind of champion would emerge before her. Would they be a towering warrior of unparalleled strength, or perhaps a dignified scholar with knowledge of long-lost arcane secrets?

Needless to say, she was more than a little let down when all she saw was some poor fool face first in the altar's masonry. Nevertheless, Anna wasn't one to shirk her duties, and so she began faithfully reciting the introduction she'd been writing in her head. When all he did was lay on the floor and gape at her like she'd grown a second head, she couldn't keep silent about her growing doubts.

"Well excuse me for not meeting your standards. Maybe you'd like to tell me just who exactly you are and where in the hell I am!?"

Ah. She supposed that was a rather appropriate reaction, all things considered. Gods knew if she'd suddenly appeared in a foreign land with someone raving about fulfilling ancient legends, she'd be baffled into inaction too. In hindsight, breaking basic etiquette by failing to start with her name and a bow was a pretty stupid blunder. Well, at least it was easy enough to fix; just apologize and tell him what he wanted to know.


For the love of -! Anna wanted to curse every deity she knew. Of course there was Emblian at the shrine, why wouldn't there be? Why would anything in this wretched war be simple or easy?!

Lacking the time to work through the known pantheon, she settled for cursing the sudden intruder instead, "Damn him! How did they even learn about this place?" She quickly dropped the Breidablik, she'd need both hands to wield Nóatún, and nearly made to engage before she remembered her guest. "You stay back! I'll deal with him!"

The "Hero" finally seemed to get his bearings and pull himself up to a standing position just as Anna leapt from the dais, her hands gripped taut around the handle of her personal axe. The Emblian seemed unprepared for her brazen advance and sloppily brought up his own weapon to block her overhead swing. Through some combination of underestimating her strength and the inferior quality of his iron axe, the enemy's right knee crumbled under the force of her strike. His stance broken, it only took another blow to fully shatter his grip, the axe slamming into the floor with a metallic clang.

Now defenseless, Anna imagined his face must have contorted in terror behind his helm as she brought Nóatún into his unarmored throat, a sudden gush of blood signaling the end of his life. Glancing down, Anna gave a disappointed sigh when she saw her once meticulous tunic now had an ugly red blotch at the bottom. Drat. Bloodstains are expensive to get washed out!

The immediate threat disposed of, she turned around to continue attending to her guest…only to find him numbly staring at the fresh Emblian corpse, his earlier indignation replaced with shock. The adrenaline from battle now worn off, Anna realized he was likely still reeling from his summoning; the disturbing sight of her burying her axe in someone's neck was no doubt making everything worse.

Damn it, the royals are the ones trained in diplomacy, not me! Now I've got to keep him from bolting straight into an Emblian patrol!

This is a nightmare. That flimsy explanation was the only thing keeping Kiran from breaking down as he watched the fresh corpse slump into its growing pool of blood. It wasn't so much the act of murder – the man had obviously had hostile intentions – as it was the method. What kind of deranged lunatic drops their gun just so they can personally wedge an axe in their opponent's throat?!

He was pulled from his horrified stupor when the psychotic redhead began to address him, "Okay, I know this looks bad, but-"

"I don't know who he was or who you are, and I don't care." Kiran hoped his voice was a lot more stable and confident than he felt. "Just let me walk away, and neither of us have to see each other ever again." His only saving grace was that she had the decency to understand his distress and kept her distance at the foot of the dais.

"That would not be wise. If he made it here," she gestured at the body with a tilt of her head, "then I'd bet a couple bullions he's got friends in the area. I realize you're confused and upset, but there's really no time to explain. We need to get out here and-"


Kiran's already racing heart sank into his stomach at the sight of yet more men in scale armor burst into the altar. Two wielded the familiar axe of their fallen comrade, but the third tightly gripped a longbow, a full quiver lightly bouncing on his back.

The woman, who had spun around at the sound of further intruders, now turned her head back to him. Her once peachy face was now ashen with apprehension and fear – it seemed they both understood how much poorer her odds were this time around. "Just stay back! I'll deal with them…" Her voice tight with worry, she repeated her earlier instructions, though the implicit promise of safety now rang hollow in his ears.

Sharing in his circumstantial ally's trepidation, and with the first foe's axe safe behind enemy lines, Kiran desperately cast his eyes around the altar in hopes of seeing something – anything – that could help even the odds. When he finally saw it, he wanted to kick himself for forgetting it was there for so long: the handgun the woman had been holding!

Kiran seized the weapon from its resting spot, though as he clutched it he realized it was unlike any firearm he'd ever seen. What idiot covers the trigger to make the whole thing look like a square? Taking a glance at the opposing warriors, he could tell they were finalizing their formation: the two axemen in front with the archer hanging back. Kiran was hardly a trained marksman, but at this distance, he wasn't liable to miss.

With one last check to make sure the redhead wasn't standing in his line of fire, he pointed the misshapen gun at the archer, aimed down the top of the barrel, and pulled the trigger… only to be met not with the bang of a gunshot, but a bright burst of light and high pitched ringing sound, as if he'd detonated a flashbang. GAH! What the fuck?! He wasn't the only bewildered one; even if he was too blind to see her, Kiran could still hear his associate's disbelief.

"What's that?! That bright light, coming from…"

It wasn't long before the ringing left his ears and Kiran's white vision was replaced with slate blue as he saw a man standing where he'd fired his weapon, a bow and quiver of his own resting on his back and a broad smile adorning his face. The stranger barely needed a moment to gather his bearings before he began addressing Kiran. "Fear not my imperiled supplicant! I, the archest of archers Virion, am delighted to help you dispose of the brigands who have put thy life in jeopardy!"

Kiran found his fear now completely overwhelmed by dumbfounded confusion. "You're who? Where did you even come from?! WHAT'S HAPPENING?!"

Before Virion could offer an answer, the woman spoke up. "I don't believe it... you actually summoned a Hero. You really are the Great Hero spoken of in legend!" Unlike Kiran's panicked stupefaction, her incredulity was more akin to the giddy shock of a child opening an unexpected present.

Laying his eyes on her, Virion let loose another pompous declaration, "Ah, what fortune that I find myself allied with such a fair flower." His smile fell as he caught sight of the baffled squad he was now pitted against. "To think these ruffians would be so bold as to beset a lovely maiden and her defenseless companion. Do not request mercy of me, for you shall receive none!" With that, Virion brought his bow sliding from his shoulder to his hand with practiced ease, his right hand reaching back to pull an arrow. Finally recognizing the newcomer as a threat, the enemy combatants once again readied their own weapons.

Kiran didn't know who, what, where, why, or how, but he did know two things: this Virion character was on his side and attacking without some kind of protection was asking to get shot. Since Virion seemed to think he was fine completely exposed, Kiran set about getting him into a more advantageous position. "Don't shoot them out in the open you idiot! Get behind some cover!" A cursory sweep of their position revealed exactly what he was looking for. "Get up on that collapsed wall to your left! The height of the rubble and the pillar in front should give you defilade on all three of them." Virion took a moment to confirm the veracity of the instructions, his grin returning when he saw the indicated area.

"Most auspicious advice my shrewd summoner. Your crass method of address aside, it warms my heart to see I'm in hands that care about my wellbeing."

Not wanting to get shot either, Kiran followed Virion to the collapsed wall. Safely behind the thick stone pillar, he addressed the root of his problems, who looked about ready to make a suicidal charge into the fray. "Hey ponytail!" She paused and turned to look at him. "Don't engage them until he can thin out their ranks a little. Hang back as long as that archer's around and keep the axe guys from getting too close to us." She seemed surprised to see him command her so bluntly, but still gave Kiran a determined nod.

"Got it!"

She pulled back to the raised dais as an arrow struck the spot at the base of the stairs she'd been standing at a moment earlier. The two axe bearing warriors began to make their way to the redhead as the archer notched another arrow. As he took aim, Virion proved he was as good as his word; an arrow suddenly lodged itself in the rival archer's unarmored thigh, the pain causing him to slacken his taut grip and drop to one knee. He craned his neck to look up at the spot Virion fired from, unwittingly sealing his fate by giving the bluenette clear aim at his unarmored throat. With the slightest loosening of his fingers, Virion evened the odds between the two factions.

At the base of the collapsed wall, the woman demonstrated her own prowess. Using the object of her defense to limit her opponents' approach options, she had no trouble keeping them at bay. It seemed the greatest source of her earlier dread had been the archer; with him gone, she was effortlessly keeping both axe fighters in sight, using her weapon's lighter frame to deflect whatever swings came her way. Though she was unable to land a decisive blow, Virion was already lining up his next shot. A few seconds later, an iron tip anchored itself in the foremost warrior's shoulder, forcing him to drop his axe. Taking advantage of the opening, she swung her blade into her defenseless foe's sternum. With a scarlet splash, his body went limp, and a single heave drew her axe from its sanguine scabbard.

The final aggressor realized how poorly the tides had turned but had no time to flee before the woman was upon him. Virion held his fire for this one; both observers could tell she would need no assistance in a one-on-one match. Despite his best efforts, she was clearly the superior warrior, and it only took a few bouts before his guard was broken and he joined is comrades in a bloody heap on the ground. What had once been a hopeless encounter had now become a rout, and with the coast clear Kiran and Virion rejoined the redhead at the level ground of the dais.

Now that the threat had passed, Kiran suddenly felt incredibly drained as the adrenaline left his system. All he could think to say were a few words to convey his relief, "Oh thank God that's over."

Virion, with his usual dramatic flair, was the first to respond, "Come now friend! Was it not dazzling to bear witness to such a masterful display of grace and skill?"

For his part, Kiran didn't look particularly enthused as he replied, "I wouldn't call butchering people with an axe a 'dazzling display'. Especially" – he turned to the third member of their group – "when I still know nothing about the butcher in question!"

The redhead's triumphant grin immediately dropped to a solemn frown, and she guiltily met his gaze. "Words fail to describe how sorry I am for everything that's happened so far. You more than deserve answers to every question you have, and I swear I'll supply them all. Starting with my name: I'm Anna." To accompany her introduction, Anna spun her right leg behind her left, placed her right hand upon her chest, and deeply bowed. Rising, she saw Kiran's icy stare soften ever so slightly, and after a tense moment he reached out his right arm to offer a handshake.

"I'm Kiran. It's nice to finally have something to call you, but I hope you realize my confusion extends further than your identity."

Eagerly, she reached out to grasp his hand, firmly shaking it as she addressed his concerns, "Yes, of course. It's an honor to meet you Kiran. Again, I'll tell you everything, but not here. This area has been compromised and we need to meet with my allies to the northeast. It's a bit of a trek, so I can fill you in on the way. I know I've done little to earn it, but please trust me." Kiran's eyes narrowed as he mulled over her words, his grip on her hand likewise constricting. It wasn't long before he gave his reluctant assent.

"…Fine. I guess if nothing else you've shown you don't want me dead. But if you try to weasel your way out of explaining anything, the deal's off and I'll take my chances on my own." Finally letting go of her palm, he attended to the last of the present company, "You said your name was Virion, right? What are you going to do?"

"I should think the course of action I intend to take is obvious: the villains we just disposed of were no doubt but a small part of a larger whole, and I would have to be a craven cur to abandon you while in such a perilous situation." Virion's attitude suddenly sifted from his usual pomp, becoming sincere and earnest. "For at least as long as it takes to deliver you to hospitable hands, I will ensure your safety." Then, almost as quickly as it passed, he was back to his old self. "Ah, but we are wasting time, no? If Lady Anna's forewarnings ring true, we had best depart as quickly as possible."

With the consensus of every member, the party of three made their way out of the ruined shrine, Anna leading the way as the only native. Eager to abate his ignorance, and being on far less strained terms with the bluenette, Kiran inquired with Virion, "So how exactly did you arrive here? From where I was standing, you appeared in a flash of light after I pulled the trigger on this thing." He made a gesture to the obtrusive gun he was still clutching in his left hand.

Happy to shed light on Kiran's confusion, Virion began weaving his tale, "I was relaxing in my villa to wind down from my afternoon marksmanship practice when I heard a voice call out. With desperation clear in its tone, it implored that someone, anyone, lend their strength to help it strike down the evil that had it at its mercy. I would dishonor my noble bloodline if I turned down such an earnest plea for help, and so offered my aid with every fabric of my being. I saw an intense light and felt a rather peculiar sense of floating, and after but a moment found myself standing before you."

Shifting his eyes to meet Kiran's, he finished his recollection, "Having heard you speak so much in the short time I've been here, I can be absolutely certain that the voice I heard was your own, Kiran." In contrast to Virion's heartfelt proclamation, Kiran was wearing a deadpan stare.

No wonder he's so over the top; he's a schizophrenic who hears voices in his head!

"I know that weightless feeling all too well, but the disembodied voice is new." Disbelief etched on his face, Kiran sought clarification from Anna, "I hope you can shed some light on our shared experience."

"Of course! Though, I think it best to start from the beginning. To begin, this world you've been brought to is Zenith. The kingdom you're in, which I serve, is known as Askr; those soldiers who attacked us were from the neighboring realm of Embla. I should think it's apparent that the two of us are currently at war."

"A war which Askr is obviously losing if Emblian soldiers can run so freely within your borders," interjected Kiran, increasingly despondent at the picture being painted.

"Yes, well, despite His Majesty's best efforts, Embla have retained the upper hand." Anna's face fell as she elaborated on Askr's situation. "Through what seems to be a mass conscription, Embla has amassed an army larger than any in recorded history. I have no doubt the Royal Knights are the finest soldiers in the land, but they are stretched too thin. Slowly but surely, Askr has been forced to cede territory. So, with everything looking so dire… we were getting a little desperate. The heir to the throne, Prince Alfonse, suggested we try to fulfill some forgotten legend that tells of a Great Hero who will deliver Askr out of its greatest crisis."

At that, Kiran abruptly became alert. "'Great Hero'? Isn't that what you've called me a couple times now?" His eyes apprehensively narrowed in understanding. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you've got the wrong guy. Whatever prophecy you're trying to fulfill, I have no part in it."

"But – Kiran you don't understand! You used the Breidablik to summon Virion! The legend explicitly says that only the Great Hero is capable of using the sacred relic at the shrine to call forth distant heroes!"

"I used the what? Wait, you mean this thing?" Kiran brought the 'Breidablik' up to get a better look at it. "I was just trying to shoot the archer, not call up some schmuck to do it for me! No offence Virion." Kiran apologetically glanced at the man in question.

"None taken friend; we often let slip unintentional insults when under duress."

Regaining control of his derailed train of thought, Kian let out a sigh. "Besides, if this really does summon people from other worlds, didn't you use it to summon me? I don't remember seeing anything else back there you could have used."

"I had to set up an elaborate ritual that consumed some very rare, very expensive magical reagents to bring you here. You, on the other hand, just pointed the Breidablik and summoned Virion with no preparation at all. The fact Virion heard your voice calling him whereas you didn't hear mine is just more evidence that you're the chosen summoner!"

Kiran pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut. "Alright, let's assume, for the sake of argument, that I believe even a single word of what you're saying. Does that legend of yours mention any way to send the 'Great Hero' back?"

At that, Anna sheepishly averted her eyes. "Um, well, you see, the legend is written in this awful flowery language and Alfonse is the real scholarly type so he's the only one who really read it and he just told the rest of us what it meant and we weren't all that concerned with the parts after how to get you here so he didn't bother to look at them too carefully and–"

Kiran's hands shot up in a placating gesture. "Anna, stop, I get it! You don't know, but since I doubt you threw it away, I can just go to where you're keeping the scroll or book or whatever and get my answer there."

Realizing he wasn't going to use this as a pretense to leave, Anna perked back up to her normal self. "Right! I'm certain Alfonse will be happy to interpret every last detail for you."

'Interpret for me'? I'm not some illiterate 11th century Catholic! Kiran distastefully glowered at Anna. "Thanks, but I think I'll decide for myself what the scripture says."

Unexpectedly, Anna seemed astonished by Kiran's declaration. "Hold a moment, you can read and write?"

Now it was Kiran's turn to be nonplussed. "Uh, yeah? I've been reading books since I was like four or five years old. What, can you not read?"

"No, I can, it's just that, well…" For some reason, Anna now seemed more embarrassed than ever, her cheeks as red as her hair. Luckily, Virion interjected on her behalf.

"I believe our lady is trying to explain that literacy is a privilege reserved only for the elite few in the upper echelons of society, excepting the scarce mages one finds in lower stratums. Her sheepishness is no doubt the result of realizing the lack of decorum she has shown you, now that it has become clear you are of noble birth."

Kiran noted Virion had reached a completely wrong conclusion, but he was far more worried about the details he had just gleamed about this new world. "Wait, you're saying the majority of people in Askr can't read? And what was that about 'mages'?"

Oh, damn it, why didn't I put the pieces together sooner? They use axes and bows to fight, the head of state is a monarch, most of the population is illiterate; it's not so much where I am as when I am. Askr, and almost certainly all of Zenith, is a Dark Ages era medieval civilization! What's worse, the interdimensional travel and talk of magic means it's more of a fantasy world than anything I'd see in actual history…

Kiran was brought from his horrified cogitation by Anna's voice. "I agree with Virion's proposal." Had he missed Virion saying something else? "My thoughtless faux pas aside, Alfonse will be glad to have another savant around. Though, Sharena will probably roll her eyes and lament all the enjoyment lost with your nose buried in books."

"I'm sorry, 'Sharena'? Who is Share–"

"Commander Anna!"

The three all drew their attention to the new voice calling from up ahead. The speaker in question was a young woman with gleaming blonde hair that bounced to and fro as she hurried towards them. Her chest was guarded by scale armor similar to that of the earlier Emblians, but the white sleeves and thigh high boots identified her as serving the same side as Anna. Wrapped around her left hand was a golden kite shield with an elaborate emblem carved into the front, and clutched in her right was an alabaster lance, the tip as intricately designed as the head of Anna's axe.

As she drew to a stop in front of them, panting for breath, Kiran could see her forehead was glistening with sweat and her cheeks were flushed, indicating she'd kept that pace for a good while. Anna was quick to answer the stranger's call, "Sharena, what are you doing out here?" Ah, so this was Sharena. "You're supposed to be helping Alfonse repel Embla's offensive on the castle!"

"Sorry ma'am…but it…it wasn't a real attack." Sharena took a few seconds to catch her breath before continuing. "Alfonse figured it out–he realized they had too little troops to hold the territory even if they drove us off. We knew their forces in the area were larger than what we were seeing, and since the only other real target around was you Commander, he figured they must have diverted men to take you out!"

"I'll have to commend Alfonse on his perception. His analysis was correct, and I found myself caught off guard and hopelessly outnumbered. Luckily for me," – Anna cracked a smirk – "Alfonse was also correct about that little-known legend."

Sharena's exhausted gasp of breath caught in her throat, her eyes slowly widening as if she couldn't believe what she'd just heard. "Wait, so…i-it worked? The Great Hero is actually here?" At last, she took notice of Anna's companions. "By the Gods, I-I hoped beyond hope it was true, but everything had gone so wrong for so long…" Her lips curved into an effervescent smile as her flushed cheeks began to glisten with fresh tears. "I never should have doubted, even for a second!" She ran up and clasped Virion's hand. "I swear to you, as princess of Askr, we will never forget the debt we owe you for your service!"

To his credit, Virion looked rather uncomfortable with her misplaced devotion. "Uh, flattered as I am to have a lovely lady pledge an oath to me, I'm afraid I am an unapt recipient. I am but a humble archer, summoned here by our good man Kiran using that strange relic in his hand."

"Huh? Strange relic?" She finally registered Kiran's presence, her face falling in mortification when she recognized the Breidablik in his grasp. "Oh my goodness, I-I'm so sorry my lord! Your name is Kiran, yes?" At his silent nod, she continued, bowing deep enough to bend her back ninety degrees. "Lord Kiran, please forgive my egregious offence! In my haste, I arrogantly presumed the appearance of the Great Hero. I beg you excuse my slight!"

Kiran didn't want the poor girl kicking herself over mistaking an identity that wasn't his in the first place, and quickly set about calming her down. "It's Sharena, right? I'm not mad, so don't beat yourself up over this. In any case, I sincerely doubt I'm even the guy you're looking for anyway. Oh, and please drop that 'lord' bit."

"You're not upset? Truly? Oh, how marvelous! Goodness, I've yet to properly introduce myself. My manners really have flown right out the window, haven't they?" Sharena cleared her throat and did a dainty curtsy. "I am Sharena, daughter of His Majesty King Gustav, princess of the Kingdom of Askr and darling little sister to Prince Alfonse." Rising back to a normal stance, she immediately perked up. "I can barely contain myself! I'm so excited to actually meet the Great Hero in person! I'm certain you and I will become the best of friends, Lord Kiran!"

"I thought I just said–"

"Hey, how does the Breidablik work anyway? I know the legend says it's the divine weapon you'll use to save Askr, but it sure doesn't look like any weapon I've ever seen."

Anna cut in, though Kiran doubted it was on his behalf. "You won't believe this Sharena: it somehow shoots Heroes right out of it! That archer, Virion, suddenly appeared in a flash of light after Kiran used it. What's more, the Breidablik isn't the only way Kiran will save Askr; it turns out he's a gifted tactician as well."

Upon hearing Anna's absurd claim, Kiran went on full alert. "Excuse me? What the hell do you think you're talking about?"

"You know, back at the shrine. Despite being outnumbered, we routed the Emblan scouts that found us thanks to you taking charge and guiding Virion and I."

Sharena somehow got even more excited at that. "Even though you couldn't have been here more than a few minutes, you successfully commanded two strangers against unfavorable odds? That's incredible Lord Kiran!"

"It's bullshit! All I did was tell Virion to hide behind a rock and Anna not to take on three guys at once. That's not tactical genius, it's just common sense! And I already told you, don't call me 'lord'!"

"If I may?" Virion thankfully interjected before the situation could escalate further. "While I agree that Kiran's strategic display was not particularly astounding, it was certainly noteworthy to issue commands so quickly and efficiently when as confused and stressed as he was. You must admit, Kiran, most people cannot keep a clear head when accosted by a common mugger in their own village, let alone when facing trained soldiers in a foreign land. I believe that, if nothing else, you've shown natural leadership abilities."

Begrudgingly, Kiran conceded that Virion had a point. "Alright, so I don't crack under pressure, whatever. That still doesn't prove anything about me being Askr's Great Hero, and you" – he pointed an accusatory finger at Anna – "need to stop singing my praises and acting like I'm your chosen one to every person we meet!"

"What are you talking about Lo– Kiran?" Sharena tentatively asked, still reeling from Kiran's outburst, "Didn't Anna bring you here with the ritual? And didn't you use the Breidablik to summon Sir Virion? Who else could you possibly be if not the Great Hero?"

"Since you and Anna apparently only got the footnotes from your brother, I'm not inclined to believe anything you have to say about this legend until I read it firsthand. Speaking of, isn't he, you know, still fighting off an attack? Now that you've confirmed Anna isn't dead, shouldn't you go back to help him out?"

"Kiran's right. We have to regroup with Alfonse and ensure Embla doesn't capture any more territory in this region." 'Commander' Anna decided to finally live up to her title and take charge. "With any luck he'll have already dealt with them, but we need to be prepared for battle just in case. Regarding the legend, it's being kept in the same castle Alfonse is protecting, so you'll have a chance to read it soon."

With no time to waste, the now four strong party set out to their final destination, though Sharena's exhaustion slowed their pace considerably. Anna began filling her in on the details, leaving Kiran and Virion in comfortable quiet. With little else to do, Kiran recounted all that had happened thus far and recalled a detail he'd missed. "Hey Virion, right before Sharena showed up, Anna said you'd suggested something. I was kind of lost in thought at the moment and didn't catch what it was. Do you mind repeating yourself?"

"Earlier…ah, yes, I recall now. Well, given your incredulous reaction to the literacy rate, I thought it prudent to have you tell us of your world. I can plainly see Askr is very different from what you're used to."

"Oh, that sounds like fun!" Sharena chimed in, apparently done catching up with Anna. "I'd love to hear all about the kingdom you hail from. It'll be a great way to get to know each other. What a splendid idea!"

It was an awful idea, though Kiran wasn't sure how to explain that. Sharena was royalty and Virion at least was clearly a member of the aristocracy; telling them his nation was founded on ideals antithetical to a monarchy wasn't liable to go over well. Enlightening them with modern science was probably a bad move too, given how Galileo got treated for claiming the Earth wasn't the center of the universe. There was no telling what these people thought about the way things worked or how they justified it. No, he couldn't tell them anything without some time to word it all in a way that wouldn't upset them.

So, he kicked the can further down the road.

"Oh, sure, but, you know, not now. We've got pressing matters to attend to and I wouldn't want to have to repeat myself for Alfonse." Of course, if everything went well, he'd be on his way home in a several hours, not giving them a lecture on world history.

Thankfully, Sharena bought it without any fuss. "Well obviously not now. But over dinner we're doing a cultural exchange!" Suddenly, her demeanor became much more reserved. "In the meantime, Anna told me about how you arrived here." That put Kiran on guard; Anna had proven she was prone to embellishing their time together.

"Oh? Just what did she tell you?"

"Don't worry, she kept in mind what you said earlier. I guess I just wanted to apologize for putting you through all that. Even if you aren't the Great Hero, that's no way to welcome an unwilling guest. To make amends, I hope to show you the best Askr has to offer!"

Man, I can't be mad at her. "I already told you once: don't beat yourself up over this. Anna's the one who did the ritual and it was all Alfonse's idea to begin with, so as far as I'm concerned you carry none of the blame. Oh and, uh, sorry for snapping at you earlier, you didn't deserve that. Let's just let bygones be bygones, okay?"

"You're too kind. You should take your own advice though; I know this is all very stressful and confusing, so I don't fault you for losing your temper."

Their strained relationship now at least slightly mended, the group settled into a comfortable silence. The three combatants took the chance to go over their equipment: Virion ensured his bowstring was aptly taut, Sharena checked for grime on her shield and Anna tried in vain to clean some of the bloodstain on her tunic.

Since he had nothing better to do with his time, Kiran brought up the Breidablik for inspection. He'd never held a real gun before, but he was familiar with the basic structure: ammunition was fed into a container that was then loaded into the firearm, usually from the underside. But the "sacred weapon" didn't have an opening for any kind of clip or magazine. Come to think of it…how did it fire back at the shrine? What kind of ammunition did this distorted mess even take? Anna had mentioned magical reagents earlier – maybe they left some kind of residue the Breidablik absorbed to shoot? Bemused and ultimately clueless, Kiran lightly shook his head.

If there is an explanation, it's probably in the legend. It all comes back to that damn thing one way or another. If only these two had bothered to read it themselves instead of relying on this Alfonse guy.

"Commander Anna, Sharena!"

Everyone's attention was pulled to the voice ahead, its origin a young man with cobalt blue hair garbed in an outfit near identical to Sharena's, though he traded her stockings for a full pair of pants. Sheathed at his hip was sophisticated short sword with a blue jewel embedded in its hilt, and in his left hand sat a small heater shield bearing the same emblem as Sharena's kite shield. Given his similar form of dress and apparent familiarity with the girls, Kiran was pretty sure this was Alfonse.

Speak of the devil…

"Brother, you're safe!" Sharena didn't take long to confirm his suspicions, running ahead to embrace her sibling. "We were worried you might've been in need of our help."

Alfonse gave her a comforting pat on the back. "Don't worry, I'm fine. It didn't take long for us to rout those scoundrels after you left. I'm just glad you and Anna are unharmed…and apparently travelling with unfamiliar company?" He cast a curious glance at Kiran and Virion.

"These strangers are the only reason I'm still in one piece." Anna was quick to begin introductions. "The ritual brought Kiran," she grasped his shoulder, "here, and then he summoned Virion with the Breidablik. With their help, I was able to dispatch the Emblan patrol that had been sent to take me out."

In contrast to Sharena's earlier emotional display, Alfonse just stared at Kiran in stunned awe. "Incredible…even after bringing it up, I'd had my doubts about the legend's veracity. To think that the Great Hero stands before me…"

Kiran's brow furrowed at his reverent words; he'd gotten just about sick of being treated as Askr's messiah by every person he met. Fortunately, Anna picked up on his vexation and made to clarify for Alfonse. "Actually, we're not one hundred percent sure Kiran is the Great Hero. He'd like to read the legend for himself to see how closely he fits the details and find if there's a way for him to return home."

It was Alfonse's turn to be doubtful. "If he summoned a hero with the Breidablik at the shrine, then by all accounts he should be the Great Hero. Still…I suppose some skepticism is not without merit. We were so caught up in trying to bring the Hero here that I definitely wasn't as thorough with the legend as I should have been." He lightly shook his head, a warm smile replacing his frown. "Regardless, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance Lord Kiran. I am Alfonse, firstborn son to His Majesty King Gustav, heir to the throne and prince of the Kingdom of Askr." He finished his introduction with a courtly bow.

"It's nice to meet you too, but please stop with the formalities; I'm just Kiran, no "Lord" or anything." As he did for Anna (and would've done for Sharena had she given him the chance), Kiran extended his right hand towards Alfonse.

The prince quickly grasped Kiran's offered hand with his own. "If that's what you wish Kiran."

Their greeting ended, Kiran got back to business. "I know I'm a broken record about this, but I really do need to read that legend. The sun is nearly ready to set, and I'd like to get answers before dark."

"You're a what now?" Alfonse didn't grasp his strange metaphor, but he understood Kiran's sense of urgency. "If it's the legend you want, you need not look further; just over that hill is the castle it's being kept in. Another fifteen minutes or so and you'll–"

"HA! Told you lot the little princeling wouldn't go back to the castle without his whore sister!"

The quintet immediately turned their attention to the newcomer, a man perched atop a horse that strutted out from behind several partially collapsed stone walls at the other end of the field. His burgundy uniform was adorned with a scale-armor chest plate and upon his head sat a helmet emblazoned with the same insignia Kiran had seen on the soldiers at the shrine. Like them, he made his hostile intentions clear by brandishing a weapon; in his case, an iron longsword. As his earlier declaration implied, he wasn't alone – a trio of diverse soldiers emerged behind him: another axe fighter and archer on his left and a lancer on his right.

"When we drag these two into the dungeons, their dear old dad will jump at the chance to trade his life for theirs. Then Her Highness will be able to rule over every realm imaginable!"

Anna was the first to react to this awful turn of events. "More Emblians?!"

Sharena followed second, addressing her sibling specifically. "I thought you said you routed the enemy in this area!"

Alfonse was just as confused as his fellow Askrans and hastily drew his sword. "We did! These men must have feigned retreat so they could wait for the troops to return to the barracks!"

Virion narrowed his eyes and returned his bow to his hand. "It is most fortunate that I did not abandon you after our first bout with these blackguards, eh Kiran?"

Kiran said nothing, his breath growing frantic and shallow and his mind racing at a million miles a minute. Oh fuck, not again! Calm down, calm down! It's going to be okay, just play it out in your head! Sharena will probably take on horse rider, lances historically beat cavalry, right? Virion will hang back with me to get a shot off on him while he's distracted. Then…then Anna will get in close with the lance guy because lances get cumbersome in close quarters. And Alfonse will flank the archer using the rubble to block shots and then beat the axe man easily like Anna did earlier. Yeah, that-that would work.

He was brought from his frantic planning by Anna's voice. "We're not letting some ragtag stragglers take us down! Sharena, you stay back and keep Kiran safe." Huh?! "Alfonse, show that cavalier what true swordsmanship is like. Virion, you and I are going for a repeat of the shrine against the three in the back." The four of them all nodded their ascent and nearly made to move out before Kiran couldn't help but voice his concerns.

"Wait, what?!"

Alfonse shot him an impatient look. "Is there a problem?"

"Well, I – it's just – shouldn't Sharena be the one to attack the horseman? Because, you know, if he's on a horse he's got better reach and attack angles and she's got a broader shield and a lance to keep her distance. And if you send Virion up to the rubble he's just going to get flanked and killed! Wouldn't he be better back here with full view of the entire field?"

The three Askrans quickly shared a glance before Anna addressed Kiran. "Alright, then what should Alfonse and I do?"

"Uh, well, you should engage the lance guy as close as possible since lances get really unwieldy at short distances, right? And then Alfonse can use the walls as cover to outflank the archer and take out the axe man one on one."

As Kiran finished, Sharena wore a confident grin. "Sounds like a plan to me! Let's show these creeps what happens when they mess with our country!"

They were fortunate that despite the Emblian's boast, they seemed to be well aware of the Askrans' combat prowess and were reluctant to engage; only the rider had begun to cross the field, and at a light trot rather than full gallop. That gave Askr the initiative, and thus the advantage.

The natives made their move, Sharena heading the charge to tie up the cavalier before he could intercept Anna and Alfonse on their way to the rubble. A thrust of her lance forced him to clumsily deflect and pull back the reigns, giving the duo the opening they needed. Mercifully, the Emblians were too inflexible in their current arrangement, the two partitions staying in their own part of the ruins. That left Anna and Alfonse free to employ Kiran's strategy with little difficult. Alfonse took point, drawing the archer's focus to allow Anna safe passage to the lancer. Using a crumbled pillar, he took shelter as the first shot fired, and began to plot the course he could take the minimize risk while still keeping the bowman's attention on him.

The plan now fully in motion, Kiran began nervously chewing his lip as he watched the battle. He stopped upon hearing a humored chuckle from Virion. "You find something funny about this?"

"Oh, nothing. 'Just common sense' indeed."

It didn't take long for Kiran to realize what Virion was referring to, and he gave him an unamused scowl in return. "Keep that to yourself, would you? Just get ready to shoot the one on horseback."

"You need not even ask, my illustrious tactician." He nocked an arrow into his bowstring and began to take aim.

Sharena was successfully keeping her foe at bay, though she hadn't fully recovered from her earlier strain and was unable to land a decisive blow. Every swipe of her lance was just a little to weak or clumsy to break through the cavalier's guard and he adeptly deflected any attempts to pierce his steed, but he was likewise unable to land a strike anywhere but the flat of her shield. Nor was he able to get any distance to prepare for a charge, as doing so would require exposing his relatively unguarded back.

Locked in his stalemate with the princess, he was caught completely flat-footed when his horse suddenly collapsed out from underneath him. In his shock he dropped his blade and could only lie helpless as Sharena drove the tip of her lance into his heart. Bereft of its rider, the mount struggled to its hooves, taking care to put little weight on the right hind leg that was bleeding profusely from an embedded arrowhead.

"Damn, that was a good shot. I'd have thought you'd aim for the soldier, not his horse, but I'm definitely not complaining." The field clear, Kiran and Virion came up to Sharena, who was taking a moment to gather her bearings.

"Kiran's right Sir Virion, that was fantastic archery at work. Thank you very much for the assistance."

"Think nothing of it friends. Are our other comrades in need of aid?"

The trio looked to the ruins to gauge the situation. Anna had closed the gap against the lancer who now had his back to the wall. Whereas Anna's short battleaxe had enabled her to use the shrine's rubble to limit her enemies' approach and control the flow of battle, the Emblian's lance frequently caught on the walls around them. His weapon now good as little more than an impromptu shield against Anna's onslaught, it wasn't long before it was thrown from his hands and he was at Anna's mercy. A moment later, she made her third kill of the day.

That was two thirds of their group safely victorious, but Alfonse has arguably the most difficult engagement and was still unaccounted for. Both he and his opponents had disappeared behind the leftmost part of the ruins. The archer had likely fled into the ravaged edifice in an attempt to keep the prince at bay, though his axe wielding ally could have joined him or attempted to fight Alfonse directly. Sharena prepared to move in and help her brother before they heard a short-lived cry of fear.

The horrified voice clearly wasn't Alfonse, and a few seconds passed before they saw the lone axe fighter stumbling from behind the wrecked structure. His axe and the arm that bore it hung limply at his side, his off hand futilely attempting to stop the crimson tide pouring from his lacerated biceps. Askr's prince emerged shortly thereafter, his pearly blade soaked scarlet. In a second, he closed the distance between the two and made good on his word to rid the area of Emblian presence.

"Including the archer I dispatched earlier, I believe that's all of them. I must commend you on your excellent stratagem Kiran. Everything went as you predicted." Alfonse wiped his blade off on his fallen opponent's clothing before sheathing it and rejoining the rest of them.

"Yeah! Why'd you get so mad when Anna said you were a gifted tactician? You were fantastic!" Sharena was clearly happy to cast doubt on his earlier claims of incompetence.

"Because I'm not! I've just got this bad habit of overthinking everything and when Anna's plan didn't match up with what I'd simulated in my head, I couldn't help but speak up. Okay?" Since it was obvious no one was buying that, he went for another route. "Look, if they'd had a commander who knew what he was doing, they could have regrouped or something and then I would have had no idea what to do. I've never studied strategy or commanded troops, and that would really show against someone who has."

It was Anna who responded first, "That may be true, but you're really selling yourself short. Seriously Kiran, it's not normal to be able to look at a battlefield and formulate a plan that quickly. It might be unrefined, but I'd say you definitely have natural talent."

"Great Hero or not, you're the best thing to happen to Askr in a long time! I can't remember the last time we won a battle that smoothly." Sharena wasn't shy about heaping on praise. To be fair, his instructions had won the day, and since no one had been abducted or hurt, why not have a moment of celebration?

Wait a second…why were they trying to abduct the royals instead of just killing them? Something about 'ruling all realms'…?

"Hey, what was horse guy talking about earlier? He said your father would trade his life for yours if they captured you, and that'd give Embla control over worlds or something?"

Alfonse looked surprised at the question. "Why do you need to ask? If you know the name Embla, I imagine Anna must have informed you of our situation at some point."

"All I know is that Askr is losing a war with Embla. I'm still ignorant on why you're fighting in the first place."

"That's quite a tale to tell, and given we're so near the castle, why don't I inform you on the way in? Then you can read the legend with all the proper context of why we referenced it to begin with."

Sharena rolled her eyes at his proposition "Great going Kiran. Now that you've got him started, he'll spend the next hour talking our heads off. Of course, I'm all for showing off the castle to you, so it isn't all bad!"

Their plan of action decided, they got back on the road. Like at the shrine, it seemed the dead Emblians would be left to rot in the sun. Given they were the aggressors in the conflict and had put his life at risk numerous times, Kiran found it hard to spare them any sympathy.

Alfonse quickly got started on his exposition. "First of all, you need to understand from where our countries derive their names. 'Askr' and 'Embla' were the dragon gods who created this world."

Oh joy, a creation myth.

"Askr was the dragon of light and Embla the dragon of darkness. Through this dichotomy do all things in creation arise: life and death, heat and cold, love and hate, and so forth. We humans are the greatest embodiment of this idea, for we are capable of choosing our path in life. While all else is rigid or forcibly made to change its alignment, we decide for ourselves what to be, whether that's cruel or compassionate, peaceful or bellicose, you get the idea."

"The dragons wished to leave behind a concrete remnant of their respective paradigms, and so each gifted a nation to man. Thus, we've the Kingdom of Askr and the Emblian Empire. You can see this reflection most basically in our uniforms: Askrans wear white clothing and Emblians wear dark. To ensure these countries stayed true to their origins, each dragon gifted their essence to a single bloodline who would use the authority and wisdom vested in them to lead. Líf received Askr's gift, and Thrasir received Embla's. As Líf's descendants, Sharena and I both carry a piece of the light dragon within us, as Embla's royal family carries the dark dragon."

Kiran was having trouble believing Alfonse's story. "So are you two it? You're telling me there are no other civilizations in this world but Askr and Embla?"

"No, there are two others. Askr and Embla were lovers and bore two children: Nifl, the ice dragon, and Múspell, the fire dragon. They obviously embody a dichotomy of their own, though one less fundamental than that of Askr and Embla. As children are wont to do, Nifl and Múspell emulated their parents and created kingdoms in their respective images. Both lie on a separate landmass northwest of our own. Nifl rests in the frigid north behind treacherous mountain ranges, and Múspell sits in the largely volcanic west."

This whole thing was getting more and more ridiculous. There was no way in hell these two had been around since this world's Bronze Age, and one would think there'd be evidence of their predecessors. Of course, that wasn't the only stupid thing about this. "You know, call me crazy, but it sounds like two kingdoms with diametrically opposed value systems would have a propensity to hate and war with each other. You can't seriously tell me this is the first time something like this has happened."

"You'd be surprised. For most of history, we kept in mind the deep bond Askr and Embla shared and reminded ourselves that it is our combined differences that creates harmony in the world. It was only around the time of my father's rule that relations with Embla began to sour. They traded less frequently, were more closed off in diplomatic meetings, behavior like that. No matter how much my father sought explanations, Emperor Ansilo refused to offer any."

As his tale progressed, Alfonse began to grow grimmer. "Well, two years ago Emperor Ansilo died of unknown causes. To our surprise, Princess Veronica assumed the throne and her elder brother Prince Bruno mysteriously vanished. Given that he was seventeen and Veronica twelve, it was unusual to say the least. Under Veronica's regency, Embla closed itself off completely. Any and all contact with Askr was forbidden."

"In hindsight, we should have seen what came next. Ten months ago, Embla invaded, using an army apparently composed of conscripted commoners. As you've seen, they're not much of a threat when faced with comparable numbers, but the sheer size of the entire army made it impossible to contain. Bit by bit, Askr has ceded territory to the invading force."

This was starting to cover familiar ground, and Alfonse had yet to address Kiran's original inquiry. "I've heard this part before, and I'm getting the feeling the answer to 'why did this happen' is 'I don't know'."

The prince's grim look began to turn bitter. "We didn't understand at first. About a month into the war, when their initial push had slowed down, we managed to capture and interrogate several Emblan officers. It didn't take much for them to reveal the root cause: the Emblians have a long-forgotten legend, written by a crazed madman no doubt, that says the purest disjunction Askr and Embla created was that between access and control. Born of Askr, access is a liberating idea – it implies freedom, openness and cooperation. By contrast, Embla's control is a constricting idea – it implies oppression, suspicion and fear. The legend claims that since these two are the purest manifestation of Askr and Embla's wills, they must run strongest in the bloods of the respective royal families. It insists that through sacrifice of eldest Askran royal, the youngest Emblian royal will gain total dominion over both concepts."

This had to be the inanest reason to start a war Kiran had ever heard. "So she kills your dad on an altar and get's the power of 'access'? What the hell does that even mean?! And why would she even remotely care about getting it in the first place?"

"Believe me, I could hardly believe this frothing insanity when I first heard it myself. The legend holds that this dominion will manifest itself in the form of portals to other worlds. Using the Askran 'access', Veronica will be able to open a gateway leading to a world of legend. Then, using the Emblian 'control', she'll be able to exert her will over everything in that world, putting it completely under the Empire's dominion. Those earlier Emblians planned to ransom Sharena and I's lives in exchange for my father's in order to achieve this goal."

Alfonse finally finished, but Kiran still wasn't fully satisfied. "Alright, I've got a few questions. One: what makes your legend about a 'Great Hero' any less far-fetched than theirs about 'access and control'?"

"Truth be told, I only looked into Askran legends because that's what motivated Embla. This was roughly two weeks ago, and the war had developed so poorly that I figured there was no harm in dusting off some rotting scriptures as a last-ditch effort. Considering the ritual it described brought you here, there's at least a small grain of truth to it."

Alfonse was trying to be optimistic, but Kiran saw the damning implications of Anna's success. "I think we'd all have been better off if nothing had happened. In the worst case scenario, I really am the Great Hero and your legend is totally correct. Sounds great, except that if Askr's hokey legends are true, that implies Embla's legends are almost certainly true as well. That means their zany scheme to rule the multiverse or whatever will actually pay off if they win."

The Askran trio came to a stunned halt, mortified by Kiran's words. Alfonse was the first to recover, still shaken by Kiran's conclusion. "I…I'd not thought of it like that. Gods, just the thought of that sadistic warmonger putting more innocents under her thumb is too much to bear!"

Sharena actually got determined after the shock wore off. "This just means we'll have to fight even harder to stop them! It isn't just for Askr – we're in this on behalf of everyone everywhere!"

That formed the perfect segue into Kiran's other question. "Yeah, about that, what exactly do you mean by 'everywhere'? What's the qualification to be a 'world of legend'?" He was pretty sure some multiverse theory said there were an infinite number of slightly different copies of the universe in existence, so if Veronica got everything, she was going to have a hell of a time combing through all of them.

Alfonse, now a bit more composed, continued lecturing. "That part's simple. It's common knowledge Zenith lies at the center of the nexus of worlds. I take it you've heard of lands such as Jugdral, Elibe and Tellius?"

Just like that, Kiran was back to being totally lost. "Uh, no? Should I have?"

Alfonse looked confounded at the mere thought that Kiran was genuinely ignorant about this. "Come now, surely you jest? Every child grows up hearing tales of gallant champions such as the Hero King who saved Archanea from the shadow dragon Medeus."

"Oh, and I suppose you've heard about how Luke Skywalker redeemed Darth Vader and defeated Emperor Palpatine? Because every kid back home knows that one. We're from different worlds Alfonse, why would you think I know your mythology?"

Surprisingly, it was Virion who answered him. "I know nothing of this Luke character, but in the land I hail from, all know stories of men such as the Radiant Hero Ike or the Heir of Light Seliph. What's more, Hero King Marth's feats are no mere myth – they are well recorded history."

Sharena, who thus far showed little interest in mythology and legend, perked up. "If Marth is a historical figure in your world, does that mean you're from Ylisse?"

Virion gave a little chuckle. "I'm afraid that while I did serve extensively with Ylisse's military in the Plegia campaign, my true home is Rosanne, a duchy in Valm."

Kiran could tell they were getting a little off track. "Okay, Virion's from one of your worlds of legend, cool. We're losing sight of the original question. Can you give me a quick explanation of just how numerous this 'nexus' is?"

"I suppose in brief summary, it is the collection of all worlds connected to Zenith, and Veronica would gain dominion over every world in this collection."

That sent Kiran's train of thought to another disturbing conclusion. If it's every world with some kind of link to Zenith, then that would mean…

"Oh shit!" Kiran grasped his head in his hands, horrified at this latest revelation.

"What's the matter Kiran?" Ever the empathetic one, Sharena put a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"You short sighted idiots! If this nexus has every world with a relation to Zenith, then by bringing me here you've ensured my world is part of that nexus too!"

Anna, having been the recipient of Kiran's ire several times now, tried to remedy the situation. "Calm down Kiran. Ylisse would always have been at risk because of its link to Zenith, not because you've summoned Virion. It's the same with your world; I wouldn't have been able to call you here unless there was some kind of pre-existing connection between our worlds."

Kiran wasn't very abated by that little factoid. "Well in that case I guess I was worrying over nothing." He sarcastically drawled. "I feel so much better knowing you winners were always last thing between some ill-tempered warlord and the nuclear launch codes."

That was a step too far, and the Askrans went from placative to irate. "How do you think we feel?" Alfonse accusingly demanded, "You've known about this for all of five minutes, while we've been grappling with the death of our nation for nearly a year now! You're not the only one who stands to lose everything Kiran!"

Kiran guiltily averted his eyes. "You're right… I crossed a line and said some things I shouldn't have. I'm sorry I lost my temper like that." Really, he should've been trying to be more like Virion, who still kept his composure in the face of such grim knowledge. Suddenly feeling drained without the passion his outrage brought, Kiran let out a defeated sigh. "…I guess at this point it really would be best if I was the Great Hero. Whether I like it or not, I've got a stake in this war too and Askr isn't going to turn this around without outside help."

Kiran's apology somewhat cooled Alfonse's temper, and he was merely curt in his response. "I suppose we'll know for sure in a few moments. As you can see, we've arrived."

"Huh?" Kiran blinked in surprise when he realized they were standing only a couple feet away from a set of large iron gates. His eyes widened at the sight of the massive stone structure they were attached to, its walls several stories high. The masonry took on a husky orange hue thanks to the dimming light of eventide. He'd been so absorbed in his discourse with Alfonse he hadn't taken notice of the change in scenery.

As they approached, the guards snapped to attention. "It's good to see you safe and sound Your Highness. We began to worry something had happened to you and the princess when the sun started to set."

"I'm afraid your fears were well founded. A small dispatch of Emblians had stayed behind to ambush us just beyond the southern hills. The resulting skirmish is the reason for our delay."

Both guards disgustedly sneered. "Cowardly dastards! It's no wonder they'd resort to trickery in their wicked campaign! Hm?" They took notice of Kiran and Virion. "Who're these two Your Majesty? Sellswords come to make some coin?"

"Their freely offered aid today is the only reason Sharena, Anna and I yet breathe. Spread the word that they are to be treated as honored guests and given full liberties within the castle grounds."

"Right away my lord!" He turned towards the giant doors and raised his voice to a shout. "Oi! What do you slugs think you're doing, keeping the gate closed for the prince and princess? Open up and get me a messenger boy!"

The multi ton iron slabs slowly swung open, the passage they blocked leading into a well gardened courtyard. Proud oak trees lined the walkway, flanked by bushels of exotic flowers. In the center lay an extravagant fountain sculpted into the same shape seen on Alfonse and Sharena's shields. From this central point the path they walked formed a square loop with itself and extended in a direction from each side of the parallelogram.

Overwhelmed by the display of genuine medieval splendor, Kiran couldn't help but speak up. "It's beautiful…"

Sharena giggled and proudly grinned in response. "If you think this is nice, you should see the castle in the capital where father and mother are. Compared to that, this place isn't much more than bunch of mossy stones stacked on top of each other. Of course, we've got plenty to offer here!"

She stepped forward, cleared her throat and began to gesture down each path. "On your left you'll find our training facilities. Practice dummies, archery ranges, a dueling field, even a magically enchanted chamber that conjures foes – you name it, we've got it!"

"Straight forward are the living quarters. The dining hall, housing wings and bathing areas are kept here. This castle was originally built to house foreign nobility for diplomatic conferences, so there's no need to worry about ill comfort or running out of space."

She intentionally adopted an attitude of despair and boredom for the final path. "Finally, you have the place fun goes to die: the archives, where dour eggheads like Alfonse think you can last a minute without falling asleep. I'm pretty sure your blood starts turning into ink if you stay in there too long."

Alfonse pointedly ignored Sharena and turned to Kiran. "That's where the legend is being kept. I'll go and retrieve it for you. In the meantime, you should all head to the dining hall. We've had a long day, and it'll do us good to get something in our stomachs."

With that, Alfonse started down the right path while Kiran and the other went straight ahead. Sharena led them to a wide-open room with long tables lined up in columns up and down the chamber. Sconces were already lit along the wall in preparation for the coming darkness, making light a non-issue. Leaving them to take a seat near the entrance, she made for the kitchens to get something prepared by the chefs. A few moments passed before she rejoined them, a tense silence forming over the group. It wouldn't be long before Kiran finally found the answers he had sought all day, and his growing apprehension was infectious.

It felt like an eternity passed before Alfonse passed through the wooden doors, a time-worn tome tucked in his hand. "Here it is. I've marked the relevant passage for you. It isn't that long, but the writing has become rather faded and it may take some time to make out what it says, let alone properly interpret its meaning."

He handed it off to Kiran who, mouth dry in anticipation, opened the prescribed page and began to read.

Sharena had always been an upbeat optimist by nature. Gods knew someone had to be with how stressed Alfonse always was by the weight of their father's expectations. Yet, as of late, she had found it hard to maintain a positive outlook. No amount of cheerful disposition could change the fact that her nation was being pushed to the brink of ruin. Every messenger from the front only bode worse and worse news, and none of Askr's increasingly limited options ever did any good to change that.

Well, for the first time in a long while, she finally had a thread of hope to grasp onto. Okay, Kiran might have been a little rude and morose, and maybe his temper was a tad short, but from where she stood, he fit every description Alfonse had gave of the Great Hero. He came from a distant, unknown land, he'd displayed a sharp intellect, and, most importantly, he'd effortlessly summoned a Hero with the Breidablik. It didn't matter how much he tried to deny it, that was irrefutable proof in her eyes.

Looking at him now, his eyes squinted in concentration as he perused the ancient text, she couldn't help but think of how contradictory a person he was. He could be indignant one moment and sheepishly apologetic the next. His literacy alone made him far too well educated to be a commoner, yet his casual manner of speaking and disavowal of any honorifics seemingly excluded him from any noble lineage. Perhaps he was raised as a member of the aristocracy, and his family had lost their prestige somehow.

They all swung their heads at the sounds of the kitchen doors opening, a butler emerging with a plate of pastries and jams balanced atop his hand. With a servile bow, he deposited the meal and returned from whence he came. Sharena immediately reached for a cinnamon roll, her mouth watering as she realized just how famished she was. The others in their group likewise nabbed whatever tarts suited their taste.

Except for Kiran, who just absentmindedly pawed at the plate until his hand grabbed something, all his attention focused on the scripture in front of him. As he was about to bring it to his mouth, he suddenly stopped, fixing the lemon tart he held with a mistrustful glare. Sharena rolled her eyes – surely he didn't think they were going to poison him after working so hard to get him here? Whatever absurd reservations he had about enjoying a freshly baked sweet, it seemed he couldn't justify them, and he dejectedly slumped his shoulders before taking a bite. His eyes widened and he give a low hum of contentment and lightly bobbed his head, as if acknowledging that the treat was actually pretty good.

No longer distracted by the doubtless horrific ramifications of indulging in Askr's hospitality, he returned to his study. They all silently watched him work, not wanting to disturb him in a task that necessitated concentration. Over the next few minutes, she watched his expressions change like a series of portraits: an eyebrow raised in curiosity, his head tilted in perplexity, eyes widening in shock. She wondered if Alfonse had gone through similar motions the first time he read the legend, before reciting its meaning to her and Anna.

Finally, she saw him suddenly stop, his eyes frantically darting back and forth. He swept his head to the previous page and began rapidly scanning through the page before coming to the same place he'd ended before. His breath grew shallow and he defeatedly set the book upon the table before blankly staring at the ground. She and Alfonse shared a nervous glance, anxious about what could've possibly caused Kiran to react like that. Sharena wasn't sure how long it was before, with a thin, tired voice, he finally spoke up.

"…Guess that's it then."

Sharena was the first one brave enough to seek clarification. "What do you mean Kiran?" she timidly asked, "What did the legend say?"

"It describes when Askr will need the Great Hero, how to bring them here, and how they'll save Askr. It makes no mention of anything after that."

In that case, Sharena wasn't sure what the problem was. Didn't that tell them all they needed to know? Anna and Alfonse seemed just as confused as she was. Virion was the only one who understood Kiran's plight. "What you mean to say is that it specifies no method of returning us home."

Oh. That had been his biggest concern, hadn't it?

Sharena saw his head sink a little further at Virion's words, all but confirming them. "Don't you worry about a thing Virion. Apparently, the Great Hero can return whomever they summon to their world of origin. I'm the only one who's stuck here." He gave a quiet sigh before rising to meet them once more. His eyes, once alight with inquisition, were now dull and weary.

"There is good news for you three." He addressed Sharena and her fellow Askrans. "As far as I can tell, I fit every description this gives for the Great Hero. We'll have to do a test at the shrine to be sure…but I'd say your ritual worked as advertised."

That should have been cause for celebration, but Kiran's despondent state made any kind of revelry unthinkable. He gave a mirthless chuckle before speaking again, though it seemed he was talking to himself more than anyone. "I did say this was for the best, didn't I? Suppose it's better to die here trying to stop Embla than wait back home for them to march in."

That got Alfonse perked up, his usual determination returning at Kiran's pessimistic outlook. "You're not going to die Kiran. I won't allow that to pass. I know you didn't have a choice coming to Askr, but I will do all in my power to ensure your safety. Of that, you have my word."

Her brother's words inspired Sharena to likewise offer some comfort. "Yeah! Things might look bad now, but you've already shown you can have us running circles around those Emblians. Trust me, working together we'll have a real shot at winning this war!"

Anna was next to try her hand at improving his mood. "Don't worry Kiran. Every merchant knows you've got to sink some cost before you can turn a profit. With how bleak the situation is, things can only start improving!" That got a reaction out of him, even if it was bewilderment at her colorful analogy.

Lastly, Virion gave his own assurances. "Fear not friend, I said I would accompany you until you could be delivered to safe hands. Surely, one cannot consider Askr completely safe until these Emblian reprobates have been driven out. You need not be the only stranger in this strange land."

It was small, but the faintest beginnings of a smile began to tug at Kiran's lips. "Thanks for trying to lift my spirits guys." His focus returned to the legend still sitting on the table. "A lot of what this describes is vague and poorly defined. It's going to take a lot of trial and error and experimentation to fully understand how it all works. The most important subject being summoning." He brought up the Breidablik to rest on alongside the tome. "I've got the general idea down, but I'll need some firsthand data to grasp the finer details. So, first thing tomorrow, we should return to the shrine for a summoning session."

Hearing him not only accept his new role, but already start making plans had Sharena nearly leap for joy. Alfonse and Anna were in similarly high spirits, optimistic smiles on their faces. "Of course. I'll have soldiers sent out to secure the path to prevent a repeat of your earlier mishaps," Alfonse confidently assured him. "In the meantime, I believe we're all rather exhausted from the day's events. Now that we've had something to eat, we should retire for the evening. I'll lead you two to your chambers."

As she watched the three men depart, Sharena felt that for the first time in recent memory, she could truly say that everything was going to be okay. There was just one thing…

He still hasn't told me anything about his world!

Alfonse took them down the fountain's middle path this time. Virion was given a room in one of the western halls, while Kiran was provided a suite in a tower midway between all of the halls. Apparently, since these were going to house the heroes he summoned, Alfonse wanted him at the center of it all for easy access.

It was certainly exquisite, with a high ceiling, plush bed and beautifully hand carved furniture. Of special note was a sturdy desk by the window with a cushy looking chair sitting behind it. The prince pointed out which parts of the dressers contained what articles of clothing before informing Kiran that a chambermaid would be sent to wake him in the morning. With that final piece of information, he departed, leaving Kiran alone for the first time since he'd arrived in Askr.

In his solitude, Kiran's thoughts wandered over all that he learned as he swapped his cotton shirt and denim jeans for the coarse medieval sleepwear of Askr. In truth, he was dreading the days to come. Askr really was in the jaws of defeat, and even a hundred men of Virion's quality wouldn't make much of a difference. His only military knowledge came from the occasional war movie or documentary and what he'd learned in school, and none of that reached back much farther than the Revolutionary War. Even what little he knew was rusty – he'd chosen a STEM major in college and thus hadn't touched a history book since maybe his freshman year.

With any luck, making tactical maneuvers could be abstracted the same way a math problem could, though he seriously doubted it. His best bet was to make trips to the castle library and study whatever books on strategy they had available. He just hoped he didn't die of dysentery or something from eating that pastry before he got the chance. The middle ages were supposed to be really unsanitary, right?

Laying under the luscious blankets, his head resting on the cloud-like pillow, Kiran considered that the stress of the day might keep him up all night and leave him in no shape to work tomorrow. Yet, Alfonse's words about exhaustion proved true, and within a few minutes he was in a deep slumber.

He's a stranger in a strange land from a world far away

Like a savior in the wasteland with a high price to pay

He's a stranger in a strange land

And he can't find his way home

Author Notes:

That took way longer to write than it should have. I did like the entire second half in one week, even though the first half took me about a month.

This is my first fanfiction ever, and my motivation was largely getting fed up with Sturgeon's Law and saying "I bet I can do better than some of these people". If you've made it this far, I hope I've done what I set out to do and you enjoyed what I've written. I intend to take this pretty far, and I have a lot of ideas for events very far in the future.

As for the name: "Journey Through Pressure" is a song by Swedish Alternative Metal band Katatonia. It's about a man being pushed to suicide by the weight of life's problems, which hopefully won't happen to poor Kiran. I chose it because that's what his whole endeavor is. It's a journey through all the stresses of commanding an army, saving a country and facing off against genocidal tyrants. "Stranger in a Strange Land" is by American Progressive Rock band Spock's Beard, and its chorus opens and closes the chapter. I should think its use here is obvious.

Now to address the elephant in the room: why change the lore? The biggest reason is that the portal thing would make no sense with the kind of story I'm trying to tell. There's no good reason for those ungrateful assholes NOT to join you after you free them from Embla's control, and this Kiran would be very vocal about that. Obviously, if the worlds join Askr that easily, Kiran has no purpose as a summoner. Also, it's kind of stupid that we're supposed to believe Embla never tried this whole "don't close gates and enslave populace" thing before. At least my version has their motivation be something largely forgotten by history. Also, why does Askr even open the gates in the first place? Do they just pay Marth a visit every now and then for shits and giggles? Side note: If you can think of a better word for what I'm trying to convey than "access", please for the love of God tell me. I know how awkward it sounds.

So, since they aren't invading worlds, Embla's 100% going for Askr, which raises the stakes and gives them actual goals beyond the reactive "Embla's stirring up shit in Crimea, let's go stop them." The next chapter will show what I mean and also put Kiran's foreign knowledge to use, further justifying why they keep him around as anything but a summon jockey.

Speaking of, I wanted to write Kiran realistically. If you really got summoned to a medieval land out of nowhere, you'd freak out and want nothing to do with them. He only agrees to help because a) he's stuck there, and b) Earth will be conquered if Askr loses. In battle, Kiran only really knew what to do with Virion, since Virion fights at range and is thus the closest thing to a modern soldier there. He's largely making educated guesses with the others because medieval tactics are an enigma to him. He's got a good head on his shoulders and can logically think things through, but he's clearly out of his depth. That, among other reasons, is why I describe him as a nondescript "STEM major". If I give him a specific major (like, say, physics), it becomes too obvious he's just a self insert and you'd find it harder to relate to him. That's also why he has no description beyond "male" (and he's male for a reason, I assure you). If I describe myself or someone I know in too much detail, the character you're supposed to project onto becomes too unrelatable. At least, that's how I see it. Let me know if that's not actually a problem and I'm just being neurotic over nothing.

On that note, a final message: please leave comments. Good or bad, nothing will help me get better than criticism. Tell me if my changes to the story or how I depict the characters work, or if I'm making a complete mockery of it all. Also tell me what you think of my writing in general. Does it flow well, am I descriptive enough, that sort of stuff.

Thank you very much for reading, and I hope you look forward to more.