After the meeting ended, Ozai sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Come here, I need to talk to you, Zuko." The generals filed out of the war room — all but the one who Zuko had interrupted. "You can't talk over my senior officers. Remember, you're here to observe and to learn. After all, one day, that'll be yours." He pointed towards the throne.

"And before you speak out of turn again," said the disgruntled general, "yes — it is not ideal to send our troops on a suicide mission, but sometimes, we're forced to make sacrifices to ensure our victory for the greater good."

"But I still don't think that it's fair," Zuko protested.

Ozai put a hand on his son's shoulder to comfort him. "I understand, but if we don't do this, it may cost us the whole war. And what about all of our soldiers who have already died? If we lose the war, then all of their lives would have been taken for nothing. Do you understand why this is necessary?"

"Yeah, I guess it makes sense," he admitted, still a bit indignant.

"I want you to apologize," Ozai prompted.

"Sorry," Zuko said, pressing his fist into his open hand and bowing to the general.

"You are forgiven. But make sure it doesn't happen again," he muttered, and Zuko followed it up with a quick "yes sir."

"You are dismissed, General," Ozai said. "Zuko, we still need to talk."

"Are you gonna burn my face off and banish me?" asked the prince.

"What? No. That would be a complete overreaction. Well, it would be either that or a poorly veiled excuse to get rid of you. And I don't want to get rid of you because you're my son and I care about you."

Zuko smiled, so happy to have a father who loved him. "Thanks Dad."

"But I'll still have to punish you," Ozai said firmly. "I've decided to take your Xbox away, son."

"What!?" Zuko burst out, passing through the five stages of grief within mere seconds. He crossed his arms and asked, "When am I getting it back?"

Ozai laughed jovially. He put an arm around Zuko's shoulders and steered him out the war room. "Oh, I don't know, after you capture the avatar for me?" he joked, ruffling Zuko's hair, which was hard to do thanks to the prince's unstylish ponytail.

Zuko grew serious, his gaze hardening. "If that's what it takes, then I'll do it."

The next morning, Ozai was overseeing the departure of the ships he'd authorized to leave in yesterday's war meeting — but he spotted something unexpected.

"Zuko? What are you doing?" he asked upon seeing the prince loading up a dinky little ship that looked totally out of place beside the naval fleet.

"I'm going to capture the avatar and restore my Xbox privileges," Zuko decreed. Shortly thereafter, the plank lifted, and Ozai could only stare in disbelief as the ship pulled away from the dock.

"Goodbye, Father!" Zuko shouted, waving at him from the deck of the ship as he grew smaller and smaller — further away with every passing second.

This was what finally pulled Ozai out of his shocked inaction. He rushed towards the end of the dock, suddenly imbued with a frantic worry. What if Zuko couldn't take care of himself? He was only twelve! What if he did something reckless and got hurt? Ozai would never be able to forgive himself if something happened to his darling son.

"Wait! It was just a joke! I'll give you your Xbox back! Please! Come home, son!" he yelled from the shore. "Please…"

A single tear slid down his cheek. If only he hadn't been so cruel.