
A/N: alright, so a friend of mine and I were talking about stories and we began talking about one that we had the same idea for, just with some differences, and this story was born.

Now, I know I should be working on the Allies sequel and I am! But I've had this one bouncing around in my head almost just as long as the first part of that series!

So I don't own Jurassic Park series, the Isle, or Young Justice.

"Vic is dead," one of the InGen personnel informed as the helicopter flew away.

Dr. Henry Wu sighed, it shouldn't have been surprising, that man was a fool, always charging in believing he could control a situation. Vic Hoskins was very excited and had given the authorization he needed to start the Asset X Program they began after receiving some charitable donations from their benefactor; his death would be a setback.

A setback, but it would not stop the program.

It had been difficult creating the hybrids, but he managed to prefect it for the day he knew Masrani would want something "cooler" for some point after the new park's planned opening. He had to perfect hybridization before creating the X Assets, and it had taken many long years before he created his prized A1 from some DNA samples their partner managed to procure for him. He didn't even want to count the failures he had before his success.

And he'd be damned to hell if Hoskins' death resulted in Asset X discovery. "Head for Isla Sorna."

"Sorry sir, we have orders to take you to headquarters," the pilot replied.

"I need to get something from Isla Sorna," the scientist growled.

"Sorry sir, but orders were to take you to the compound and to abandon Isla Sorna. Everyone's already been evacuated and the assets inside the facility are in transport, however there was a report that one of the X Assets escaped."

"Damn it!" Wu cursed, odds were that A1 was the one who got out of containment. It wouldn't be the first time. The others X Assets were more compliant, but A1 had always been decidedly more hostile than the others, not as bad as A2 but at least A2 was cooperative and understood her place. There were only a few select people A1 would listen to, and unless one of them were present A1 fought with everything he had to escape, going as far as to even critically injure several of his guards. Though that shouldn't really have been a surprise given his parents. However, it could just be the raptor genes, his predecessors—those failures—had been unnaturally bloodthirsty as well.

"If it's so important sir we can ask headquarters to send a team to retrieve it."

"Do it," he said. At least his other assets were already in transit to a safe location for proper training.


On the island of Isla Sorna a eleven-year-old boy ran through the familiar forests. His white clothes were torn and stained in several places from blood and dirt. The clothing rubbed up against his scale-patches, making them itch.

Hearing snapping behind him he leapt up into a tree and dug his dark claws into the bark, climbing up to the nearest branch he looked down to see several of the guards the doctor had left to watch him when he wasn't around.

"A1, where'd you go?" one said as he came out. "Now's not the time for hide-and-seek." Looking up he smiled as he saw the human-velociraptor hybrid in the tree. "There you are, come on down. I promise we won't hurt you."

The boy hissed, his pupils narrowing into thin slits, and baring his fangs, his tail swinging back and forth in anger. The man was lying, he could smell it, a person's scent always changed when they lied.

He didn't like these guards, they were always cruel. They demeaned, dehumanized, and hurt him despite his requests for them to stay away and they always retaliated viciously when he defended himself. They were the ones who ordered the muzzle and chains.

The only nice humans he knew were the Doctor, Master, and Caretaker.

The Doctor taught him reading, writing, math, science, history; saying something that only fools were uneducated. But even then, the Doctor hurt him, running numerous tests on him to see what he was capable of, and "modifying" him when he saw fit.

Master was what the man who had been teaching him to fight demanded to be called. He always liked the weeks Master came in, sparring was the man was like roughhousing with the pack. While Master could be rough and firm, he did occasionally show a softer side and let him out of training early if he did well. He'd also been the one to give him his human name "Onyx."

Caretaker was the one who raised him when he couldn't be with his mother in the pack. She read him stories and gave him tasty treats, and she was always there to tend to his injuries after the guards and was the only human he could trust.

These guards were not Caretaker.

"Help! Mama! Help!"

The guard took a step back as the terrifyingly familiar distress call of a raptor tore its way out of the boy's throat and was answered with the bushes shaking. A red dappled grey raptor leapt out of the bushes with a shriek as she got between him and the hybrid.

"Shit," the guard cursed, it was Titania the alpha female who claimed the boy as a member of the pack when they watched Wu introduce them in captivity when he was one. She had also been the one to raise him whenever Dr. Wu or that man placed him in the pack to test something; or he escaped and managed to make his way back. Needless to say she was never happy when he was taken away from the pack, the raptors had killed several of their men when they were trying to take him back to containment.

And one thing was clear with Titania, you never messed with her babies. "Kill him!" The rest of the pack came out and he started running through the forest, as the raptors chased after. "Are you hurt, Nightmare?" she asked licking her adopted child's cheek and nudging his skinny frame under her.

"I'm fine," Onyx answered nuzzling her snout, as the other raptors tore the man who hurt their hatchling apart.